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Transformation Into Ptah
Оглавление[From the Papyrus of Nu (British Museum No. 10,477, sheets 9 and 10).]
The Chapter of making the transformation into Ptah, of eating cakes, and of drinking ale, and of unfettering the steps, and of becoming a living being in Annu (Heliopolis). The chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, saith:
“I fly like a hawk, I cackle like the smen goose, and I perch upon that abode of the underworld (aat) on the festival of the great Being. That which is an abomination unto me, that which is an abomination unto me, I have not eaten; filth is an abomination unto me and I have not eaten thereof, and that which is an abomination unto my ka hath not entered into my belly. Let me, then, live upon that which the gods and the Khus decree for me; let me live and let me have power over cakes; let me eat them before the gods and the Khus [who have a favor] unto me; let me have power over [these cakes] and let me eat of them under the [shade of the] leaves of the palm tree of the goddess Hathor, who is my divine Lady. Let the offering of the sacrifice, and the offering of cakes, and vessels of libations be made in Annu; let me clothe myself in the taau garment [which I shall receive] from the hand of the goddess Tait; let me stand up and let me sit down wheresoever I please. My head is like unto that of Rā, and [when my members are] gathered together [I am] like unto Tem; the four [sides of the domain] of Rā, and the width of the earth four times. I come forth. My tongue is like unto that of Ptah and my throne is like unto that of the goddess Hathor, and I make mention of the words of Tem, my father, with my mouth. He it is who constraineth the handmaid, the wife of Seb, and before him are bowed [all] heads, and there is fear of him. Hymns of praise are repeated for [me] by reason of [my] mighty acts, and I am decreed to be the divine Heir of Seb, the lord of the earth and to be the protector therein. The god Seb refresheth me, and he maketh his risings to be mine. Those who dwell in Annu bow down their heads unto me, for I am their lord and I am their bull. I am more powerful than the lord of time, and I shall enjoy the pleasures of love, and shall gain the mastery over millions of years.”
[pg 069]