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Of The Living Soul
Оглавление[From the Papyrus of Nu (British Museum No. 10,477, sheet 9).]
The Chapter of making the transformation into a living soul, and of not entering into the chamber of torture; whosoever knoweth [it] shall not see corruption. The chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, saith:
“I am the divine Soul of Rā proceeding from the god Nu; that divine soul which is God, [I am] the creator of the divine food, and that which is an abomination unto me is sin whereon I look not. I proclaim right and truth, and I live therein. I am the divine food, which is not corrupted in my name of Soul: I gave birth unto myself together with Nu in my name of Khepera in whom I come into being day by day. [pg 071] I am the lord of light, and that which is an abomination unto me is death; let me not go into the chamber of torture which is in the Tuat (underworld). I ascribe honor [unto] Osiris, and I make to be at peace the heart[s] of those beings who dwell among the divine things which [I] love. They cause the fear of me [to abound], and they create awe of me in those beings who dwell in their divine territories. Behold, I am exalted upon my standard, and upon my seat, and upon the throne which is adjudged [to me]. I am the god Nu, and the workers of iniquity shall not destroy me. I am the firstborn god of primeval matter, that is to say, the divine Soul, even the Souls of the gods of everlastingness, and my body is eternity. My Form is everlastingness, and is the lord of years and the prince of eternity. [I am] the creator of the darkness who maketh his habitation in the uttermost parts of the sky, [which] I love, and I arrive at the confines thereof. I advance upon my feet, I become master of my vine, I sail over the sky which formeth the division [betwixt heaven and earth], [I] destroy the hidden worms that travel nigh unto my footsteps which are toward the lord of the two hands and arms. My soul is the Souls of the souls of everlastingness, and my body is eternity. I am the divine exalted being who is the lord of the land of Tebu. ‘I am the Boy in the city and the Young man in the plain’ is my name; ‘he that never suffereth corruption’ is my name. I am the Soul, the creator of the god Nu who maketh his habitation in the underworld: my place of incubation is unseen and my egg is not cracked. I have done away with all my iniquity, and I shall see my divine Father, the lord of eventide, whose body dwelleth in Annu. I travel(?) to the god of night(?), who dwelleth with the god of light, by the western region of the Ibis (i.e., Thoth).”
[pg 072]