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Transformation Into A Bennu Bird


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[From the Papyrus of Nu (British Museum No. 10,477, sheet 10).]

[The Chapter of making the transformation into a Bennu bird.] The chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, saith:

“I came52 into being from unformed matter. I came into existence like the god Khepera, I have germinated like the things which germinate (i.e., plants), and I have dressed myself like the Tortoise.53 I am [of] the germs of every god. I am Yesterday of the four [quarters of the world] and of those seven Uræi which came into existence in Amentet, that is to say, [Horus, who emitteth light from his divine body. He is] the god [who] fought against Suti, but the god Thoth cometh between them through the judgment of him that dwelleth in Sekhem, and of the Souls who are in Annu, and there is a stream between them. I have come by day, and I have risen in the footsteps of the gods. I am the god Khensu, who driveth back all that oppose him.”

[if] this chapter [be known by the deceased] he shall come forth pure by day after his death, and he shall perform whatsoever transformations his heart desireth. he shall be in the following of un-nefer, and he shall be satisfied with the food of osiris and with sepulchral meals. [he] shall see the disk, [he] shall be in good case upon earth before ra, and he shall be triumphant before osiris, and no evil thing whatsoever shall have dominion over him forever and ever.

Egyptian Literature

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