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¶ Here begynneth thystorye of ye vii. Wyse Maysters of rome conteynynge ryghe (sic) fayre ⁊ ryght ioyous narracōns, ⁊ to ye reder ryght delectable.


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Somtyme in ye Cyte of Rome was an Emperour named Poncianus a man of grete wysdome. He toke to his wyfe a kynges doughter that fayre ⁊ goodly was, and to all people gracyous ⁊ to her husbonde ryght dere, and cōceyued of hym and bare hym a sone named Dyoclesian. The chylde grewe ⁊ of all people was beloued. And whan he was of the aege of seuen yeres, his moder thempresse fyll sore seke / felynge herselfe that she myghte not lyue: sent after her lorde themperour a messenger that he sholde come without taryenge yf euer he wolde see her on lyue. And whan he was comen she sayd vnto hym, O my lorde of this īfyrmyte may I not escape. Wherfore I humbly requyre you of a lytell petycyon before my deth. He answered, Desyre what ye wyll, for I shall nothynge denye you. Then sayd she, After my deth ye shall take an other wyfe as it behoueth. I aske ⁊ pray you yt she upon my son̄ haue no gouernaūor power, but yt he be kepte and nourysshed fer from her, ⁊ yt he may gete to hym connynge and wysdome. The Emperour sayd, My moste dere wyfe, your petycyon in all thynges shall be fulfylled ⁊ perfourmed. This sayd she torned her towardes the wall and yaue vp the goost ⁊ dyed. Many dayés after ye Emperour bewáyled ⁊ morned her deth, ⁊ longe tyme after her buryenge he shewed his heuynes ⁊ sorowe, ⁊ wold ī no wyse mary or be ioyful.

The History of the Seven Wise Masters of Rome

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