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Howe thempresse ladde Dioclesyan themperours sone with her
in her chamber for to make good chere wt hym the whiche he withstode.


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Thempresse lad hym wt her in to her chamber ⁊ commaunded all other to auoyde ⁊ set hym by her afore her bedde, ⁊ sayd, O my best beloued dyoclesyan, I haue moche of your persone ⁊ beaute herde, but now I am glad yt I may se you wt myn eyen that my herte coueyteth ⁊ loueth, for I haue caused your fader to sende for you / that I haue solace ⁊ joy of your persone. Wherfore I wtout faute gyue you knowledge that I for your loue vnto this daye haue kepte my vyrgynyte. Speke to me ⁊ lete vs goo bed togyder. But he gaue her no worde to answer. She seynge that sayd to hym, O good dyoclesyan haue the half of my soule wherfore speke ye not to me / or at ye leest shewe me some token of loue / what shall I do, speke to me. I am redy to fulfyll and perfourme your wyll. ⁊ whan she had thus sayd she embraced hym ⁊ wold haue kyssed hys mouth ⁊ he torned his vysage from her, ⁊ in no wyse wolde cōsent. Tho sayd she ayen to hym, O sone wherfore do ye thus wt me: beholde there is none yt may se vs lete vs togyder slepe / ⁊ than shall ye well perceyue yt for your loue I haue kept my vyrgynyte, and he torned his vysage frome her. She seynge yt he was of her ashamed shewed vnto hym her naked body and brestes and sayde, beholde my sone what body I haue att your wylle, gyue me youre consent or elles it shall be herde for me to passe with my ryght mȳde. He neyther wt sygne ne wt countenaūce of vysage shewed her ony maner of loue, but as much as he coude withdrewe hym from her, whā she sawe yt she sayd, O my moste swete sone yf it please you not to cōsent to me ne yet speke, haply for some resonable cause, Lo here is paper pen ⁊ ynke yf ye wyl not speke wt your mouth than wryte your wyl yt I ony tyme herafter may trust in your loue or not. The chylde wrote as hereafter folowed, O lady god forbede yt I sholde defoule my faders orcheyerde, yf I shulde defoul it: I wote not what fruyte I shold haue of it. I knowe wel one thȳge yt I sholde syn̄ in ye syghte of god ⁊ I sholde ren in ye maledictyon of my fader, ⁊ therfore from hensforth prouoke or styre me no more therto / Whan she had yt cedule seen ⁊ red she brake it wt her teth: ⁊ tare or rent her clothes wt her nayles to her nauyll. ⁊ her vysage al to scratched, it was al blody, ⁊ cast from her al ye ornamētes of her hede ⁊ cryed wt a loude voyce: come hither my lords ⁊ help me afore yt ths rude ⁊ euyll body shame ⁊ rauyssh me.

The History of the Seven Wise Masters of Rome

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