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How the Emperour by the coūseyll of ye grete prynces ⁊ lordes of his Empyre wedded an other wyfe.


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The prynces and grete lordes of the Empyre in the meane tyme came to the Emperour ⁊ sayd, My lorde ye haue only but one sone, it is possyble yt he myght happen to dye. And therfore it were profytable that ye sholde wedde an other wyfe to engendre and make mo chyldren to thentente that the Empyre of Rome be not lefte without heyre. Also ye are so myghty that yf it sholde happen you to gete many chyldren ye may promote ⁊ auaunce them all to grete dygnytees and lordshyppes. Therupon answerde themperour, It is your counseyll that I shall take an other wyfe, than seke me one yt is gracyous / pure vyrgyne fayre and gentyll borne, ⁊ than shall I folowe your counseyll and aduyse. They went ⁊ sought and serched many kyngdomes and londes ⁊ at the laste they founde the kynges doughter of Castyle that ryght fayre was ⁊ beateuouse, ⁊ her they gaue the Emperour to wyf. She behad her so well that anone in her loue he was taken so sore that he forgate and put in oblyuyon all the heuynesse ⁊ sorowe of his herte that he had taken for ye deth of his fyrste wyfe. And they lyued longe togyder wtout chyldren. And as Thempresse sawe yt she myght not cõceyue for she herde yt themperour had a sone wt seuen wyse maysters to lerne ⁊ nourysshe to ye behouffe [and] p[ro]fyte of Thempyre, she thought in herself ⁊ wysshed his deth. And from yt houre forth she ymagyned how she myght conspyre his deth. It hapned on a nyght as ye Emperour lay in his bed, he sayd to thempresse, My [most dear and best beloved wife, I shall now open to you the secrets of my heart, for under the sun there is no creature that I love so well as you and therefore trust in my love.

[Then said the fair Empress: if it be so as you say, I require of you, a little boon or petition. Desire what you will, said the Emperor and all that to me is possible, I shall fulfil, and give it to you. Then said the Empress, my dear Lord, you know I have no child yet by you conceived for which I am sore pensive and heave; but Fame that never conceals it self long to true joy, hath delivered this happy truth to me; that ye have one Son only the which is sent to the seven Wise Masters to be taught and governed, and him I hold and require for my own son: wherefore I beseech ye send for him that I may see him and have consolation of his presence, as though he were mine own. Hereupon answered the Emperor it is sixteen years past since I saw him, your will shall be fulfilled. Incontinent the Emperor sent unto the seven wise Masters a Letter sealed with his secret Sign, that upon pain of death they should bring his son in the feast of Penticost following.

The History of the Seven Wise Masters of Rome

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