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[How the Emperor rode to meet his son coming from study
with Joy, Solemnity and Triumph.]


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Whan themperour perceyued yt his sone was comynge upon ye waye, he rode with grete joye to mete hym. The maysters vnderstandyng the comynge of themperour sayd to the chylde, It is best that we departe, ⁊ in the meane whyle we maye prouyde how we may saue your lyfe. The chylde sayd it pleaseth me well that ye so doo, but haue mynde of me in tyme of my necessyte. As they that herde, they toke theyr leue and departed towardes ye Cyte. The chylde came after accompanyed ryght honourably. And as he and his fader themperour were mette, for joye ⁊ gladnesse he toke hym about the necke ⁊ kyssed hym and sayd, My dere sone how is it with you / is it (sic) longe sythen that I sawe you. He bowed downe his hede and answerd no thynge. The fader had grete wonder why that he spake not and thought in himselfe that his maysters had hym so enformed that he rydynge sholde not speke. And whan they were comen to the palays and were descended from theyr horses, The fader toke his sone by the honde ⁊ lad hym in to the hall and set hym next hym ⁊ behelde him and sayde, Say me how it is with your maysters, ⁊ how they haue enformed you, for now it is many yeres syth I saw you. He enclyned downe his hede ⁊ gaue none answere. The fader sayd, wherfore speke ye not to me. And whan thempresse herde that themperours sone was comen she was ryght joyous and glad, ⁊ sayd I wyl goo to se hym. She apparaylled her with ryche vesture ⁊ atyre, ⁊ toke with her two of her gentylwymen ⁊ went there as ye emperour was syttȳge wt his sone she sette her downe by ye chylde. ⁊ she sayd to themperour is this your sone yt hath ben nourysshed wt ye seuen wyse maysters. ⁊ he sayd / it is my sone / but he speketh not. She sayd, Delyuer to me your sone, ⁊ if euer he spake I shall do hym speke. Tho sayd themperour ryse ⁊ go wt her. The sone dyde reuerence to ye fader, as thoughe he sayd I am redy too accōplysshe your wyll, ⁊ went wt her.

The History of the Seven Wise Masters of Rome

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