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In the time


Back in the spring of 1985 in Odessa, Ukraine. The 17 years old Alice with light haired dressed in a long blue dress to the ground, come out with her girlfriends from a school on a festive concert organized on the occasion of spring. On the event attend many people from the city and guests from other cities. The hall is full and the good mood reached to the crowd. After the conclusion of the concert the young lady and her girlfriends decide to go out last to not jostle with the other people at the door. To the door have two beautiful young men of no more than 20 years. The last out is Alice and befor her is Magda who is stumbling on threshold of the door and staggering to the one of men. At this moment Alice looking in the other man and meets charming brown eyes of Peter. Stephan lifts Magda and asks:

– Are you okay?

– Yes. Thank you! – Replies Magda and get up slowly. She smiles lightly but can’t erase the worry from her face. She pulls standing next to her Alice and says:

– Come on. We ‘il be late. -Alice quickly move her gaze from the charming man and bows her head slightly. Get going with Magda toward the exit. The two men look to the hurrying girls one of them with a rapture but the other with a mockery:

– Did you see how clumsy it is? – While laughing Stephan but from Peter’s there is no answer for more than 15 seconds. Stephan puzzling whats happen:

– Are you OK? – He asks with a worried voice.

– What? – Peter.

– Are you OK? What’s happen with you? – Stefan.

– I’m not sure. – Looking to the exit from where womens go out less than a minute ago. Stephen patted him on the shoulder:

– Are you fall in love? – Ask him while loud laughing.

– If it is possible at first glance-Yes! – He said with a low voice in which feel perturbation.

– Let’s take something for drink and go home. Work wait for us tomorrow. – Stefan.

After this conversation the two men leave. Then a long night spent in thinking on the next day Peter is decided to find the girl with blond hair and shining blue eyes. He interrogates his acquaintances for her and after a few days he understands who is the beauty woman which fascinated his mind. They meet and Peter suggest to marriage. The feelings from night following the concert is so strange and unreal for Alice. She can’t believe what happen and don’t understand her feelings. But she knows they are strong enough to say Yes, to Peter’s proposal. In less than two weeks they married. The wedding is in a close circle. Only familiar relatives and friends. This amazing marriage give them two wonderful kids in the coming years. The first borned Elena and two years later Jack.

At the same time more than 1,000 kilometers from there in Belgrade, Serbia, two families settle marriage between their children. The parents think the young people exceed their marriage age and will soon miss the time for wedding if they don’t do it now. The families of Goran and Sofia press them to marry. According to them parents the 25 years old Sofia should be married because most women of the same years are married already and have children. The 31 years old Goran is considered an old celibatarian by his colleagues and neighbors. Pressed by time and conditions Sofia and Goran consent to marry to calm their familys. The decision is not easy but considering marriages in the centuries and the millions of agreed weddings, they consenting. Sofia and Goran marry in the summer of 1988. Their wedding is splendid with many guests, friends, relatives and friends of them friends. At the beginning of 1989 borning their son Martin and three years later their daughter Stella. Despite the understanding between the two young people and their loyalty to one of another something is missing in their relationship. With the growing of children every year the tension between them increas and in 2005 year they divorce. Goran remarry for his divorced colleague from university where he teaches mathematics. Sofia stay alone in their apartment in Belgrade with Martin and Stella.

In this time in Odessa the young Jack is 17 years old and wonders whether to study at a university. Most of his classmates are decided to learning finance or technical science but it does’t pull him. Growing up in Peter’s and Alice’s loving family, he is not understood by his parents. Despite the love who they give to him, they don’t share his passion- the music. For the accountant Alice and policeman Peter the music is not a means to development. In their view only serious work can offer a good future and an opportunity for development. At the beginning of May the young man goes to a karaoke bar with his friends. Despite banning visiting bars for young people under 18 years old. His friends find ID cards from their acquaintances who have 18 years. When checking them in the entrance they stay unnoticed because are tall and with such hairstyles which misleads the security guards. After the first hour already drinked a first drink they decide to join to the party and to sing something. Jack loves pop music but the other part of the company is fascinated only by rock rhythms. After the implementation of his friends he decided to sing “Hero”. A tough but well-known song. During the performance Jack is impeccable and easily performs high and low tones. The way he recreates this hit amaze all visitors in the club. At the end of the song everyone geting up and starting to applaud him. He stood on the scene surprised front of more than 30 people who was fascinated of his voice. After leaving the microphone Jack go slowly to the table where are his friends. In this moment a tall, bearded man approached to him:

– Hello! -The strange man gave him a hand.

– Hello! – Jack looking surprise and gives a hand.

– It was unique. You have a wonderful timbre.

– Thank you! – Jack.

– Where did you learn to sing? – The stranger.

– I didn’t study to singing. – Jack.

– The implementation was like a professional. Do you sing in a band?

– No. I don’t sing in a band. – Jack.

– You have talent. I‘m an agent. I present many singers and I think may be we can work together. If you are interested. – Tells to him the stranger while giving a business card.

– Thanks!

– Think about it. That who you own is not see often. -The man nods with head and leaves.

Stunned Jack doesn’t know what’s happen in this moment. Not realizes the situation. This is his desire but at the same time what is this fortuity. His friends congratulate him and the evening goes with other enthusiasts deciding to show their voice capabilities. He spends remainder of the time in the bar sitting alone in the one of end of the table, trying to understand situation. In the next day Jack tells abouth this situation to him mother’s. Surprisingly she reacts well:

– I know you have a great voice. I did’t want to admit it to you because I think I will lose you that’s the truth. I know I should not stop you, but if you become famous and you really make people happy with your voice, you will probably work a lot and we will not be able to see often each other. I know I must let you go, but for me you still my little boy. – Alice’s eyes start to wet after these words.

– Don’t talk like that. I will not abandon you. You can’t lose me because I love you. -These words so deeply feeling Alice and the tears start to flow slowly down at her face. At that moment the boy hugs his mother and whispers:

– I want to be happy. Music is the only thing that makes me really happy.

– For me is very difficult now but despite myself I will say that’s who I think is right. Try it. Call to this man. – Responded Alice while crying and pull of his little boy who was already a man.

– Thank you for your support, mom. – Jack’s look at her with hope.-I don’t know how tell to Dad for this.

– Leave it to me. You know what he is. Let me I tell to him. But now calling to the man. – Wiping his tears and smiled wide. On Alice face seen happiness and her eyes are gleam.

Jack calls the agent and the difficult part begins. Every beginning is difficult especially for a young man who don’t has financial opportunity to sponsor his desire. But Sergey is one of the best agents in Moscow where he works mostly and quickly finds sponsors for Jack. Producers, songwriters and composers to work with young talent. After three months Jack has two songs and one video clip. While working on the songs he understands for his big luck to getting meet Sergey. He told to him the story of how he went to talk with his girlfriend, who leaved him with phone call. After a relationship for more of two years he wanting to know why she leaved him and try to fix them relation. Tells how he came to Odessa to talk with her but she wasn’t at home. How he decided to drink something in the bar opposite her home while waiting her to come back. How while drinking beer he hear Jack’s talent and remaining dazzle. After this night he not saw his ex-girlfriend just a week later he known that the woman is in Dubai with another man. But despite Sergey’s sad story of that night this is a moment he will not forget because now his entry to that bar helps him to develop his career. At the same time that night changeing the life of the young man with a big dream. Jack starts to believe in himself and geting confidence in his abilities.

In 2006 year Sofia left her job as a chef and decide it’s time to open her own restaurant. Growing on children is difficult because her ex-husband is seen with them seldom and doesn’t help for them growth. Sofia decides to register Stella in a profesional school for the study of computers sciences. The lonely mother thinks that will help for a good start to her daughter’s future. In this time Elena studied for lawyer in Moscow and Martin was the last year in high school.

The name of love

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