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The beginning


In the beginning of 2011year,18 years old Stella asks what she will do after finish the high school. Wandering she doesn’t hurry to think about it. Think to wait and see how things will happen. At that time she has a boyfriend Liam, a tall, black-haired, young man, studying finance at University in Belgrade. Fascinated by him blue eyes and a sense of humor Stella is so in love that she even thinks how they will live together in future and maybe they will get married someday. The time fly and everything evolves so quickly that at some time the prom is gone. She successfully completed the school year and doesn’t know what to does. The classmates talk about how they will specialize in different spheres but she still not have decision what will makes. A few days before the end of the application dates for universities, she decides to will try. She submits papers to different places with a desire for various specialties and after a month she understands that was accepted in the 3 of places the same specialty. Decides to follows this sign and enrolls in specialty for developers. Beginning at a new place and acquaint with new people, her opinion changes. The teachers are different, students too. Walking into the real world, is surrounded by better and worse people, by the more crude and the more loving. Stella sees that in the world of the big everything is different. After the first weeks at the university she met a awesome boy who is a year older than her. A young man with a good body, a muscular, wag. Man who telling about his many of entertaining experiences including parachute jumping, rafting, paraplaning and many others. A man enjoying a hundred percent of his life, slightly irresponsible but with many dreams and willing to risk to achieve the desired. In the mind of young Stella appears new wishes for traveling, entertainment, new emotions. The restrained Liam is not such a person. He would be rather shocked by the changes and the extreme experiences. Liam make appraisal for everything diligent calculates situations, effects of actions, fears of the new and look with distrust to everything in his life. Despite his kind character and the maintenance of the good mood when is in the company he not dive in unknown waters. A young woman who already is uncertain in her relationship decides it’s time to challenge her boyfriend. Тo diversify the situation between them, on the first Saturday of October Stella organizes a picnic with friends in the “Obedska bara” reserve near Belgrade. The company is not of many people they are only 6 but enough for a party. They going in the morning and by lunch are in the reserve.They searching a place a lot of time but circling gives them a good result. Nico one of the boys and a former classmate of Stella finds the perfect picnic spot. On the 5—6 meters of the river very suny place so that they can pleasure to last sun rays of autumn and delighte at the colorful of deciduous forest in right. Which in this time of the year have the colors to rainbow. The colour flowing of orange and brown leaves in the far turning into golden shades sheens of the backdrop of dark red and green leaves. The beauty is covered this fabulous place and the company enjoying to this magic spreading the blankets and arranges the baskets with food. Of course before the fun begins is need campfire. The boys go to look for twigs and fallen branches to fire flame. At this time the girls take pictures and prepare the plastic cups and plates. After about an hour at their humble little table have fruits, salads, meatballs, steaks and the hungry company quickly decides to try the food:

– It’s very tasty. – Liam.

– I don‘t think so. – Stella laughs.

– Then will have more for us. – Liam.

– Do’t talk. If you are not hungry give it to me – Adds their friend Anton.

– Let’s sing. Do you bring your guitar Niko? – Anton’s girlfriend, Claris.

– Yes. She’s always in my trunk. You never know. – Nico smiles and puts his plate on the blanket. After a few seconds he returns and all of them starting laughs. Anton didn’t restrain:

– Is that your guitar? – Company loudly laughter. – Whether that’s a gift from the teacher of the kindergarten?

– No! It’s my pocket guitar. -Response Niko with smiley face. – Ukulele.

– What? Kukle? – Claris looking at him with surprise while laughing.

– Ukulele. My brother gave her a few months ago. I carry her in the car for special moments. – Adds Niko.

– It’s perfect for now. – Stella smiles. – What will you sing?

– By order. Who pays more? – Niko.

– After a few jokes he decide it’s time for something wild and Niko playing a few fast songs while Claris quietly singing. She worry to would not get the right tones. Claris likes to sing but often her friends say to her to stop singing because don’t think her for good singer. Stella doesn’t think so about the girl which known more of than 10 years. According to Stella for each person there is right music, style and song, and the fact that one person can’t sing one song doesn’t mean that he can’t sing a different style for which his voice is better suited. Eating delicious food which they prepared on the flame and drinking beer enjoying to various rock and pop hits. Stella thinks that it’s a good time to share with Liam some of her childhood dreams:

– Liam what do you think of flying with a balloon?

– With a balloon? – He laughs at her. – How did you come up with that?

– Does it look interesting to you? – Stella asks.

– No! – Look startled and astonished at Stella. – It’s dangerous and old-fashioned.

– This is one of my dreams. To fly with a balloon.

– I don’t want to offend you but you need of more interesting dreams. – Liam

– What? – Stella inquired.

– For example, to graduate a university, to have a stable job, to have children.

– These are not dreams. This is a life. – Stella answers looking humbly to Liam.

– No! Those are dreams of life. Have you thought that if you get on a balloon and he’s set on fire there is no where to run and you will burn in the air or you will jump from above and will fracture all bones. You can fly safely only in a plane. You get in put your belt and go down after a few hours. It is nice inside, no wind blowing, have a place to sit, there is a toilet, a food and it is the safest transport according to statistics. -Liam responds seriosly.

– I know that but it’s one of my dreams. To fly with a balloon a light breeze to blow my hair and enjoying the view on the small buildings, the moving points on meters beneath the balloon. – She shared with rapture and shine gaze.

– Cheers! – Anton say. Stella moving away her gaze from Liam and stops with the description of her desire.

– Cheers! -Stella lifted her glass by beer.

– Who’s wants to telling a joke now? – Niko asks but everyone silent. -Come on. Why are you silent?

– Because everyone knows who wants. – Claris.

– I’ll can tell one about the rabbit and the fox. Do you know it? – Liam.

– It depends whether it’s that one abouth I think or not. – Nico.

– I can telling and you’ll understand it’s or not. – Liam. Nico nods his head, drinking his CCola and everyone looks at Liam to hear the joke.

After the lovely few hours in the reserve the company gathers its stuff and returns to the capital. When Stella arrives at home she has already decided her future and it doesn’t include Liam. The little test which the girl organizes for her friend not pass successfully for him. Despite Liam’s rational thinking and kind character she realizes that he doesn’t understand her and not share her dreams and views. The decision is not only about this situation but this who happened at the picnic gives her the opportunity to think more deeply about her desires. No have matter how difficult it is to split with your first boyfriend. After a few days she ends them relationship.

In the end of October in Odessa, Jack is already enjoying significant success and preparing his second album. One of the songs in it is with the famous Russian singer AnnA. 25 years old blond-haired woman, beauty with a gorgeous bust. Despite the obvious silicone in this area that’s necessary. There are plenty of talents and to stand out the artists take different actions. Some of them cosmetics other stylistics. Working together AnnA and Jack are getting closer and becoming friends. Working in night abouth them overall song and going together to participations and interviews for different radios finding a common goal, desire for success and development, love to music. AnnA has been singing from 6 years old. She participating in singing competitions of 15 age and working hard to achieve the desired results. She also sings pop music. In this style both fast and slow variables rhythms. On 10 November is Sergey’s birthday who is the reason to they met a few months earlier. Invited with at least fifty other people go to the party. There are so many people that the Sergey is lost in the crowd. Will be lucky for those who can see him and congrats it. From a glass to a glass and a lot conversations with different people some acquaintances others not Jack decided to sit in one corner of the room. In a few minutes AnnA approach to him. With a confident gait and smile on face shifts her hair to right sides:

– How is it? – AnnА

– All right! – Jack replied quietly.

– Why are you alone? – AnnА.

– I wanted a little rest. I tired of talking to strangers.-Jack smiled slightly.

– You know some of the guests.

– Yes, but not more ten people, but here have fifty-seventy people. I don’t know how many are they. – Then Jack starts laughing.

– I couldn’t find Sergey. – AnnA looked him indignantly.

– And I couldn’t. Maybe he lost around of the guests. But he may fear of getting old and run away. – Again Jack laughs with a wide smile.

– Or he is decided to buy a time machine and go back in time to make self younger.-AnnA is also entertaining and thats see in her wide open eyes and the strange mimics that appear on her face when she talk about Sergey.

– Will there be a cake? – Jack asks.

– There was a cake already.

– How so?

– Well, twenty-thirty minutes ago I ate a cake. – AnnA responds seriously.

– What is it and where? I want a cake. – He says with a shining face looking at AnnA.

– Cake with blueberries. Did you want to take you?

– No. I was thinked of something with chocolate or cream. I’m not eat blueberries.

– That’s was joke. – AnnA laughs. -The cake is chocolate with strawberries.

– Take me straight away! – He looks up at her and AnnA makes an officer’s greeting with her hand while answering.

– Yes, sir! Let’s go. – AnnA shows the table with cake to Jack and takes a piece of it.

– Hey. Why you taking? You eaten. – Indignant he says.

– Yes, but no one except you know. – AnnA whispering quietly with a smile.

– Leave the piece! You will fat.

– You seriously? – She looking bad to him. – I’m on a birthday tonight. – She pulls out of the table then looking at Jack takes little piece of the cake with her fork and tenderly puts it in her mouth.

After a series of jokes, alcohol and cake they wake up together in the morning. Beginning with a friendship their relationship rapidly developing and they are together all of time. Together they go to the cinema, walk, work, meetings with friends. Things are great to moment in which AnnA get offer for film in Italy. For the singer it is surprising that’s another her dream who come true. So far she has a lot of songs and albums and the rivalry is big. With the years competition grown and success get increasingly difficult. The cinema is something new and may be a good alternative if she feeling difficulty in music. She decides quickly that her career is more important of all and would not waste her chances of grow in career. They separated at the end of December. Before the holidays Jack stays alone and afflict of separation he closes at home. He decides that it is time to change something and move in a new direction. He go to Moscow to see her sister Elena. Thinking that far from the place where been with the beautiful AnnA would forgot her but it doesn’t happen. His plan fails. Despite the horrible week spends in Odessa this time brings him a wonderful gift. He wrote his first solo song “Next to you”. In Moscow Elena is so busy with her job that she doesn’t pay attention to him. He tour the city and purchases unnecessary things to reassure. He decides to see an old classmate who working here of several years like barman. They settle a meet at the “Secret” Club where Oleg working. Jack comes slightly before opening the club to talk without noise and fuss. Since they not seen themselves long and need of time to talk for everything.

– Hello! Is Oleg here? -Jack asks the security guard in front of the club.

– Yes! Are you singing tonight? – Surprisingly and with interest, the guard look at him.

– No, I come to a old friend. – Jack responds.

– I apologize! Oleg must be at the bar.

– Thank you! – Jack nods with head and walks into the club.

– Shumakov! – Jack scream.

– That’s not true. – Oleg stand up from under bar.-I thought you would not come.

– We agreed. I promised you if I am in Moscow call to you. – Jack.

– Oleg closer and hugs Jack with the words:

– Sokolov, are you? – Oleg asks with a voice full of joy.-I can’t believe. You are here. Sit down, now I will give you one drink.

– Go! – Jack agrees. While Oleg pours Vodka asks:

– How are you? How is on the stage?

– Normally. – Jack saddened.

– What happen? -Oleg asks with interest.

– My girlfriend leaved me soon. – He said with head bent.

– Cheers! – Oleg.

– Cheers! – They drink the shots and Jack makes a strange mimic. – What’s this?

– The secret of the barman. – Oleg approaching to Jack and winks. Then backs off and pouring a second drink admitting that he knew it. -I know. I saw the newspapers.

– Sometimes I think it’s terrible to be famous. Everyone is interested in your life and wants to know everything of you. – Jack.

– I guess.

– How are you? How is marriage? – Jack asks.

– Wonderful. Beginning a second year and now we will have a child. My wife is pregnant.

– Super! Congratulations. I’m happy for you.

– It’s good but the woman often make me to crazy. I love her but she is little crazy. – Oleg.

– You are very proud of her. Seem to love her. – Jack says softly while Oleg hands the second glass:

– For women, “It’s difficult with them, but without them even harder” – Oleg pick up the glass.

– Cheers! -Jack drank the shot and add. – Lucky! – Then smile.

– Now she’s pregnant. In all of time wants something. Constantly she not feel comfortable. – Oleg.

– If you’ll get pregnant and you will be same or maybe worse. – Jack begins to laugh.

– I am glad you are here. Now here will be a DJ and it will be cheerful. After 11:00 pm it’s full and it’s Friday night. – Oleg.

– Awesome! That’s what I need. A little fun. – Jack.

After many stories Jack goes to the dance floor where he look ridiculous after the few glass of drink. After many dance he stays near to a red-haired woman with big boobs. The woman reminds him of AnnA. Dancing too close to her he tries to speak with her. Suddenly the woman’s boyfriend approach to him. Strong and much taller than Jack. Angry of the drunken Jack he hit up him. Oleg goes to see what’s going on but besides his bloody nose Jack is fine. Oleg doesn’t let him go alone and makes him to call his sister. At that moment Elena is with a girlfriend and work abouth strategy for a new case where they work together. When Oleg calls Elena she worry and goes immediately. She is accustomed to protecting him from trouble and helping him when he needs her like in this case. Gloria also goes with Elena. The two women take Jack out of the club. In the morning he tries to justify his behavior to Elena but she is still angry and doesn’t allow a conversation between them. While he stands propped up on the kitchen counter with a painful face she looks for her keys.

– Where are you going? – Jack muttered.

– Don’t have matter. – Elena replied sharply.

– For last night I want … -He looks guilty toward her but she interrupts him.

– Don’t say anything. I don’t have a time. -Elena.

– I only … – Jack when again his sister stopped him:

– You are not a child anymore. There is no one to save you of problems. -Elena said and standing in front of him while watching him furiously. She turns and leaves the apartment. Jack wonders how to apologize to her but he decides it is better to sleep a little. Since his head will be bursting out of many drinks of the club last night. A few hours later he was awakened by the bell on door. He looks around and in seconds he realizes that someone is ringing at the door. He takes him wrapper and goes to see who is. Opens and surprised. He sees a low no more than 165 centimeters dark-haired woman with indignant face:

– Hello, Jack! – She says.

– Hello! – He said after a few seconds of silence. Not understanding what is happening and why this woman speaks as if they know each other.

– Your sister sends me. I’m here for two folders red and orange.

– Ok! – He replies and moving away from the door. Jack makes a gesture for invitation to the lady.

– Thanks, but I dont know where they are. Are you going to look for them? -She asks without moving from the threshold of the door.

– Get in! And I don’t know where they are. I must to call to Elena. -The dark-haired woman takes a few steps and stands by the door:

– I’ll wait then.

– Will not you sit down? – Jack.

– Not, I hurry.

– Do we know? – He asks. At this moment the woman looks at him cunningly and smiles.

– So you don’t remember anything?

– You and me … – Jack waving the index finger of his right hand between them and she bursts out laughing. After this lowers her head slightly and covering her smile with her hand. In next moment she looks to him seriously:

– No! Last night I was with Elena and we took you together. Then we met.

– That’s relieving. – He sighs heavily.

– Let me call to her. -She pulls her phone out of her bag and while looking for Elena’s name in the phonebook. – Jack asks her:

– Are you her friend? – But he doesn’t get answer right now because Elena picks up her phone. After a detailed explanation of where the folders are the conversation ends.

– I’m sorry. Did you ask me anything? I didn’t understand. -She looks surprised at him.

– Are you her friend? – When hearing question the woman smiles.

– Not only. I am her colleague. Gloria Volkova. -Putting your left hand to Jack. He gives his right hand and says:

– Jack Sokolov. Why are you giving your left hand?

My right hand is busy. – Gloria swung her phone with her right hand. -I really don’t have a time. I need of folders. Your sister said they were in her room. One on the bed and the other on the nightstand. – Jack do to take them and after more than a minute:

– Did you find them? – Gloria shouted.

– Yes. I’m coming. – Jack responds quietly. Getting out of the room to her sister, he asks Gloria:

– Why didn’t Elena come?

– Do you want to know the truth? – Gloria.

– Yes! – Jack.

– She is very angry for last night. She didn’t want to see you. But you know she will forget soon. I’m leaving. – Gloria says and makes two steps to the door. Jack stay to her and handing the folders:

– Do you want to drinking something tonight? – Hearing the question Gloria starts laughing.

– Are you seriously? Look in the mirror. You are drunk yet. – Gloria take the folders and open the door. Then she looks at Jack. – By the way, I don’t get out with brothers of my friends. – She goes quickly to the elevator. Her stylish gait like a model wich dressed in “Versace” dress attraction Jack’s eyes. He watching how Gloria moving tail which looks tight with the narrow pants who she wears. The suit gives her a refined and elegant vision like a true lawyer, but her movements are so feminine that they activate Jack’s senses. After entering in the elevator she turns his face to the buttons and with his right hand press the button parterre “P”. Then with left hand gently fixes her hair. The doors shut so fast that their eyes not meet again.

A few weeks later Jack decided to move to Moscow to have more development opportunities. but there is and else goal to be closer to the sweet black-haired lawyer. Shortly after him moving she agree to come out with him. After several meetings it turns out that these two opposites are fascinated to be together. They complement in many things. While one loves coffee the other loves tea. She likes fruits pastries he likes chocolate cakes. Jack’s style differs according to his days, his mood and his engagements. While his style is always strictly elegant and it is not only for the job. Jack is messy but Gloria is orderly. Five months later their relationship is on the brink. There are many scandals in their relationship. They can’t make compromises. Their strong characters are adamant and for them comes moment when they don’t endure. Gloria is tired of scattered and unorganized Jack. He is annoyed of fact that all of his things are displaced after her visits to him. Their work also is a problem. Gloria is very jealous and domineering woman who wants everything to happen as she says and when she decides. Jack is stifled by constant pressure and dozens of calls in the days when they are far from each other. At the end of July 2012 Jack went to obligation in the club “SantaBarbara’s” in Pieter. The obligation must be on Friday but he goes on Wednesday to prepare because there will be other performers and the organization will be more complicated. On Thursday a policemans comes to the club in the morning and closes the place because of problems with visitors. The club is closed to clarified the situation. An complaint has been filed against the сlub of admission to minors in. It turns out that the obligation is canceled and Jack decides to come back to Gloria and surprise her hoping to fix them relations and decides not to call. At the beginning of them relationship they exchanged they keys and Jack decides to take advantage of this time. There are no flights soon and he stays at the airport for a few hours. In the morning at 5:30 Jack is already at the Moscow airport. Tired of flying and not sleeping for more than 24 hours he still decides to fulfill the planned surprise. Takes a taxi and two streets before Gloria’s home stops the taxi. He goes to the flower shop that has just opened and chooses a posy of pink Lilies Gloria’s favorite flowers. Approaching the house and thinking how to open the door quietly and how to give her the flowers. To leave them confidential or directly to come with them to her. Going up the stairs Jack fix the collar of his T-shirt -type shirt. Which with its dark green color is in contrast with the pink flowers. Unlocks quietly and makes a few steps. Next to the shoe cabinet he sees men’s shoes least 43 shoes number black, patent leather with heel. His face froze and lightly places the flowers on the shoe cabinet. He doesn’t take off his shoes. Goes directly to Gloria’s room. He sees the door is litle open sighs heavily then quietly push the door with his right hand. Disappointed by that who he sees stays upright with a petrified look and in this moment Gloria rises up of bed with scattered hair. When she sees Jack her breath stops. She push fast naked man to her and he jumped from the bed. Jack turns proudly and walks slowly to the door. She follow him while the man dresses:

– Jack, stop. Please, stop. -He not turned around to not break out. Just says softly:

– Don’t! I don’t want explanations. Everything is clear.

– Please! – Gloria crying behind him.

– If I turn around it would not be good for anyone. I want to forget that who I saw. You not looking for me anymore. – He comes out and slamming the door, not turning back.

Pulling his suitcase down the stairs and breathing heavily, he felt that his mind would burst. Jack can’t understand how this so jealous and obsessive woman has cheated to him. He never expected it of her. After this obvious separation he doesn’t answer on her calls. It’s better for him to know nothing because he doesn’t want to hear more lies. Annoyed by the situation he decides that he needs some space and should not to related to another woman for the moment. He’s too hurt by happened to want to see other women now.

At that time Stella has graduated the first year in the university and her relationship, started before new year with the blond-haird Nikola who loving a risk, is in full swing. Them relations addicted her to motorbikes and fast cars. Relationship with 21 years old boy is so exciting. Their Saturdays and Sundays meetings are related to mountain walks with his enduro motorcycle, fishing, jumping with bungee and a bunch of other extreme experiences. Their exhilarating relationship make her truly happy. Even she can’t imagine how the quiet and modest girl from a year ago is now a fan of adrenaline and even an instigator of crazy endeavors. At university Stella’s results are impressive which is completely contradictory for her relatives and friends who don’t like her relationship with Nikola. In addition to daily entertainment, he love a partys and they often visits bars and discos. Stella doesn’t like the fact that he doesn’t like to dance but for more than half a year she has resigned to that thought. Though she wants to have to self a someone to dance because one of her dreams is to be a dancer. Being able to perform unmistakably hip hop movements and latin steps. To move with grace and lightness on the dance floor. For now she do well but if there was a way to be better and to have someone with who to dance it would be wonderful. Stella knows she has nothing to expect from Nikola still she has not see an electrical engineer to dance until now. At the university and in her class there are many boys studying engineering specialties and most are stiff, disturbing, without sense of humor, quiet and don’t like the extreme endeavors. But Nikola is different there is something strange and illogical about him and that making him so attractive to Stella. At the beginning of August they decide to go on holiday for a while. Stella chooses sunny Greek beaches. They reserve a hotel in Zakynthos Island and arrive at this unique place on 10 August. A slight warm breeze caress their faces. Stella shifts her hair from your face and smiley. Nikola is tired of the travel and looks normal as if he had been there before. After check-in they decide to have breakfast. Sitting in the hotel restaurant and choosing from the menu:

– You are very quiet. Do you like it here? – Stella asks.

– Yes! – Nikola nodding a head.

– I like this place. Here the air is enchanting. The hotel is great, there is everything, restaurant, pool, bar, disco. People are very smiling and welcoming.

– Don’t be so impressed. It’s early. -Nicola replied restrainedly.

– What do you want to do after breakfast? – Stella asks.

– I want to dive. Here have many nice reefs. You know I like fishs. -He responded with a slight smile while removing the glasses from his face.

– Great, but I’m scared. I not swim well. – Stella.

– Don’t worry, you are with me.

– I can’t. When I step on deep into the sea as if my breath stops, my body refuses and I can’t move. – Looking at him with worry Stella

– I will show you how to dive and not to fear. – Despite the convincing words of the six days in Zakynthos, Nikola can’t breaks Stella’s fear.

After many pictures, sailing, yachting, water skiing, jet skiing and many kinds of water entertainment their vacation is great. In the last night there they decided to visit the disco at the hotel so they would not be far off and to have a time sleep shortly before leave this paradise with crystal water and interesting sea creatures. Dressed a short white dress with fringes like a latino wild Stella take his favorite red lipstick. Nikola thinks hawaiian blue pants and a flower shirt is a good choice for this hot and serene place. The club is on the seashore. Of there seen how the waves meet the shore and the wind caress a skin. The smell of salt water is everywhere. The music is a strong and varied pop, hip hop, rap, latino, dance which sounding chaotically one after another. In that Stella finds something very sweet and intriguing. The surprise of that of what style be the next song is exciting. They sit on knitted armchairs with soft cushions in the far end row near the water. Stella loves listening waves moving. There is more comfortable for dancing so the others will not push her while she’s moving and there’s more place for interesting moves. At the next table sit blonde man drinking clear vodka accompanied by grapes. Stella and Nikola notice the strange man:

– Do you see the man at the other table? – Asks Nikola.

– Yes! – Stella smiles lightly.

– How does he eat grapes while drinking Vodka? – Nicholas asks.

– There are diferent people. Probably it likes to him.

– Do you want another cocktail?

– No! One is enough for me. Now I want Whiskey. – Stella.

– You will drink whiskey! In this time? -Nicholas looks suspiciously.

– Yes! My favourite drink. Why not?

– It’s too hot for whiskey. – Nicholas.

– I’ll drink it with ice and I think that whiskey can always drink. -Stella smiles. – Will you bring me with lots of ice?

– Ok. I’m going. – Nikola rises of the chair and goes to the bar. In this time playing one of Stella’s favorite spanish songs “Canción del Mar…” and she gets dance around the table. The man of other table watchings her and begins to laugh. She notices his gaze and her face stiff but continues dancing avoiding the green eyes of the man. The song is about to end when Nikola returns. He leaves the glasses and sits down. She asks him:

– Do you want to dance with me? -Knowing the answer but still obliged to ask. May be her desire to come true.

– No! – Nicholas said distinctly. – You know I don’t dancing. Why are you constantly asking me?

– Just asking. You may changed your view. -Added Stella.

After a few more songs and a little bit of alcohol her head is dizzy. She stagger to the table of a blond man, push him glass on the sand and him drink spill. After many excuses Stella brings to him a new glass of vodka. They get to know and it turns out that August is a DJ from Kazan, Russia. He moves on them table. They talk about Zakynthos’s beauty, about music, even Stella dancing at several songs with him. Nicholas is delighted with August’s stories, travels around the world and interesting places he has seen. But they understand that the near 40 years old man is not so glad by this:

– It’s amazing, but of many trips I don’t have a time for family. It can be said that I am almost always alone and due to the fact that I don’t stay long in one place I can’t tie up a link. Obviously it’s my fate. – He says and lower face.

– Are you not satisfied of your life? Did you not fun? – Stella asks.

– Have fun, but maybe it’s too much. – August.

– Do you love your job? – Stella.

– Yes! – August answers quickly without thinking.

– So that’s your way. Love will come. Maybe she will be late because it’s a thousand times better than your dream. – She says with hopeful voice.

– Thank you! I hope it is. – August nod head.

– Let’s get a toast for Love. – While take the glass with his ouzo Nicholas.

– Cheers! – Stella.

– For love! – August said lifting his half-empty glass of vodka. At the moment when listen sound of the touch of their glasses Stella drops her glass and it breaks at small pieces in table.

– I’m sorry! – Stella looked at the men. – Are you OK?

– Yes! Don’t worry. – Answers Nicholas.

– Broken give happiness. – August laughs. A waitress comes to clean the broken pieces after half people of the bar are heard the crash of breaking the glass. At the same time begin a funny pop song. So rhythmically that Stella gets out of the chair and asks August to danceing with her and in reply:

– Perfect! Let’s do this. – Dancing on the fun song August decides to share with Stella:

– I know this singer personally. Once we were together in a disco. I was a DJ there and he singing. He is very talented. – August.

– I hear this song for the first time but the rhythm is unique. I can dance all night at such music. – Without asking who is the singer or how is the song name, Stella turns around several times and continues to dance on the sand throwing the grit even on her dress.

Returning to the table after the song they continue with the talking and the fun. About 4:00 am the sun is just showing up and Stella’s dance partner is gone. She sits alone on the table and drink another whiskey. Nicholas has lost more than twenty minutes and she doesn’t see him anywhere. Stella decides to look for him. She walks around the bar and when doesn’t find him decides to tell the waitress. Sleta say that she goes to the room and if the man who were on her table returned to tell him that. Then the waitress responses:

– Your brother is in the lobby. – She smile contentedly. Stella goes to the lobby and after a few steps sees Nicholas sitting at one table with a red-haired woman. They cheers with strawberry daiquiri cocktails. Stella decides to stay in place. After less than a minute the waitress with which she spoke walks near to her:

– She’s a good girl. Don’t worry for your brother. – Waitress quickly passes with a full tray.

Stella is shocked doesn’t move looking back at Nicholas and the red-haired woman. In this moment sees him kissing her. She touches his forehead and turns around. She goes to the shore and sits with feet dipped into the water. The waves crash into her feet while she crys quietly and wraps her knees with hands. She thinks about the situation again and again, but the exit is one, no matter how long she will think. She will can’t forget this situation. Especially after looking for true love and infidelity even with a kiss doesn’t indicate of true love for her. After ten or fifteen minutes she stand up at the sand and shakes her white dress cover with sands. She goes to them room. Stella walks in and sees that Nicholas is not back yet. She laying on the couch without undressing and crying again but this time with a voice. Asks why, why is all this happening. Why in such a beautiful and wonderful moment, something so terrible happens. Something that hurts so much. After many crying she sleeping. Wakes up at 8:00 am of the alarm on her phone. She gets up a had and falls back on couch. After about a minute of ringing, she stands up, walks to the nightstand and stops the alarm. She sees that Nicholas is sprawled on the middle of the bed only in trousers without a shirt. Stella looks around and doesn’t see him shirt. Smiling slightly and pushing him:

– Nicholas! Nicholas!

– What? – He muttered quietly.

– Nicholas must be up. After an hour we leave.

– No! I want a little more. – Stella goes hysterical.

– You want a little more with woman of last night? No problem you will stay here. I hope you be well together. -She responded with a sharp tone.

– No! What are you talking about? – Nicholas.

– We can ask the redhead? – She looks at hem with an offensive glance, her eyes wet. – Animal! – She screams. -I don’t want to see you anymore. Never again! A monster!

– Wait a minute. -Nicola says but Stella leaves the room and walks to the beach. Sits on the sand, stares into the waves and endless sea. Nichola comming to her:

– Honey, let’s talk.

– I see no sense. Everything is clear. – She responds while watching the water. Nicholas stands behind Stella and hands a hand to her right side. She looks up at him and stands up alone. – You didn’t touch me anymore!

– I can explain. – Nicholas. Stella returns to the hotel and he walks behind her. -You were dancing with that guy and I was furious. I wanted to hurt you but I was drunk a lot and things got out of control.

– I don’t want to hear you! -She screams.

– She seduced me. I not made anything. – Stella turned to him face and slapped him:

– Bastard! – Again, scream. She takes a deep breath and exhales with flashing, adds – After we get back to Belgrade I don’t want to see you anymore. You don’t exist for me.

Again she turns his back on Nicholas and goes to the room. Stella gathers his luggage without saying a word and at 9 o’clock they head to Belgrade. After landing Stella goes home alone and closes in her room. After several days of anguish and accusations against herself and then to Nicholas she decided that there was no need to blame. What happened it happened fate. She have to go ahead just need to be more careful and everything will be all right. Understood their friends and relatives about them separation shared their relief from this:

– Don’t worry, he was not for you. – Sofia.

– Mom, stop. I don’t want to talk about him. – Stella.

– That’s better, he was very irresponsible and didn’t think about the future.

– I don’t need a man who thinks about the future. I want of someone who loves me.

– There is no love, there is only amity and trust. It’s important to believe in the other. – Sofia.

– You talk nonsense. No more important than love. -Stella.

– Not so, love is created with time.

– No! Just she exists betwin people or not. You never understood me.

– I understand you Stella. – Adds Sofia and strokes her shoulder.

– You never understanding me. Now you don’t understand me again. But I know you’re not to blame yourself. Do you think I don‘t know about your marriage. My grandmother has told me everything abouth settle marriage. You have never loved. -Stella looks at her mother eyes.

– What are you talking about? – Sofia with a worried tone.

– Why did you split up?

– We were no longer in love and you and your brother were grown up.

– Here is the problem. Do you hear what you say? So you’ve been together for so many years just for your kids?

– Not so. – Continues to deny Sofia.

– Wrong. I’m leaving. -Stella.

– Calm down Stella. – Her mother says but Stella doesn’t hear her, for at that moment she closes the door.

Going out of the apartment she goes to loving place park “Savi Nasip”. Sits on a bench by the river and tries to forget what happened as thoughts about the rising semester. After about an hour of thoughting she goes to her girlfriends Ina and Monica who are waiting for her at “Cuba’s” coffee. A few days later Stella start lectures at the university and began to forget what had happened. Although this part of her life is painful she will have to swallow her to move forward with a clear mind. At the end of September, she moved to a new home in the southern part of Belgrade in the Resnik district. The apartment has a small room, a living room, a kitchen and a small bathroom but for the alone woman is perfect. The main thing is that she will have the opportunity to get to know herself better and move away from her mother’s constant muttering which makes her go crazy. Like every parents who see them child to leaving the nest Sofia disagrees, but is obliged to accepting the wish of her daughter. For Stella this new change is necessary and joyfully arranges the place to its own taste. Satisfied that there is no one who to moves her stuff and to wonders constantly where are her stuff.

The name of love

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