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In one a May day of 2013, Stella celebrates its successful completion of the second semester. Having received good grades and coping with the difficult exams, pleased with herself, prepares to celebrate with her colleagues. The evening will be interesting. The gathering is in a restaurant in the center where the kitchen is unique and the dishes are very delicious. The kinds are many grill, fish dishes, seafood, spaghetti, pizzas, savory dishes, beef, pork, chicken dishes. For a connoisseur of good food like her this place is great. Despite the affinity and the delicious it doesn‘t exceed the quantity. Most of her acquaintances are puzzled by her figure. Even doesn’t often sports her body is perfect. Her body is proportionally and look like a 18 years old although Stella is 23 years old now. Going to the restaurant she stands at the bus stop waiting for the bus. The weather is nice, warm and pleasant, but knowing that to the place will walks around 30 minutes she is not ready to do so with the high shoes who wears. Ashes pink sandals that show her bright red pedicure. She lights a cigarette and Liam, her former friend suddenly came to her:

– Hello! – He watched her with admiration.

– Hello! – She said in a low voice.

– Since when did you smoke? – Liam asks.

– I don’t think I should answer. – Stella

– Why are you acting like that?

– How do I behave? -Stella asks.

– Let’s meet. Do you have a time tomorrow? -He asks her staring at the green dress that is stunning. The narrow dress, shaping her bust and waist, crawling around her hips, reaching a few centimeters above her knees makes her charm.

– No! – Again she looks at the left and sees the bus. She goes to the trash bin at the stop and throws his cigarette then stops on the bus line.

– Maybe another day to see. When are you free? – Again, Liam asks.

– I don’t want to see you. I’m sorry I’m so rude, but my answer is no. -She answers and then gets on the bus. Liam looks at her with astonishment.

This woman was not the girl with whom he had a relationship years ago. The behavior and the confidentness she was beaming were different. Apparently she had changed. Arriving at the restaurant she sees at the table one of her colleagues with who are not in a good relationship. Then decide to sit on the opposite side of the table. The problem between the two is that Nora is jealous of Stella. Because of the many male attention she receives. However of the five women in the specialty only the two are not busy. But Stella is not so impressed. Nora is not a threat to her and her goal is not to conquer the hearts of her colleagues but to fit in and build friendly relationships. Reality however changes the situation because the men in the group don’t just think of friendship but much more. After dinner she goes to a bar with a part of the company but Stella leaves quickly to feel that one of his colleagues and friend Billy starts to get to talk too liberated with her. Ask her about her personal and intimate life. Getting home to the taxi, she thinks about the situation and decides to move away from the men. Tired of unsuccessful ties and wanting no more pain and confused in her life, she closes in herself and moves away from others. She’s getting less and less likely to see her friends. Ina and Monica are not happy with what’s happening and are worried about losing their girlfriend who making them selfishs and irritating to her. This gives on Stella a greater incentive to stay alone. Meetings with her mothers decrease. Visions with her father and his girlfriend also stop. In early June she found job as a sound technician specialist. Colleagues from new work go out often together. Organize different events. Bowling evenings, billiard evenings, club visits, but she did not attend them.Closed in herself she remains alone with her only friend the cigarette. Which become an integral part of her daily life. She smokes almost constantly. Even in the bed. On the morning, in the evening. While drinking coffee or eating. They are far from her only in their work. To not to appreciate others that she flirting with them is given to their tasks and doesn’t pay attention to them. Concentration helps her not to think otherwise and so don’t think about cigarettes. When she goes out she goes out alone. Sits in a cafe or restaurant, orders something, stays a little and leaves. Always stylish with gentle dresses but alone. Sometimes she even worried about the peculiar looks of others who wonder why this beautiful woman is alone. At work people thinks for she is a raw woman. Despite his youth he learns quickly and shows good results. Only a few months later towards the end of the summer it rises and gets a solid increase in its lighter. But money can’t warm her soul. Keeping her feelings becomes part of her. The grown-ups of her start to accept her as equal and even admire. Her successes are well received by her friends and family. The phone calls between them interrupt quickly.The justifications for their rare meets become more acceptable after Stella’s rise up in the workplace.

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The name of love

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