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Out of way


The day is October 5, 2012, the birthday of Monica one of Stella’s best friends. Stella’s morning begins in 4:00 am. Today is Stella’s physics exam and at 8:00 o’clock she must be at the university ready for her first exam in this semester. After the morning shower and coffee chooses diligently what to wear. But she doesn’t change her shoes in hurrying. Going down to the entrance she notices that she’s with slippers. She rushes up the stairs thinking how nice it would be to have a lift in the building but there is no elevator for a four-storey building. By the time she reached the third floor she was already breathless. Unlocks and quickly takes the first shoes to the door after which goes out again. Going to the bus stop she sees that the next bus for the university is marked on the signboard after twenty-five minutes. If she had not returned to the shoes she would have caught the bus but now there is no time to blame. Decides that a taxi will be able to get in time. In the torrential rain that is pouring at the moment is difficult to catch a taxi. All the passers-by have red lights. Walking down the street sees a taxi in the other lane and decides to try to caught him. She pulls hand and the taxi stops. Running through the street she quickly folds her umbrella and climbs into the car. The near-by the university falls into a traffic jam that doesn’t see the end. Stella decides to walk and hurry as much as possible. Exits the taxi and departs on the one-way small streets, for more direct. After ten minutes she almost got to the university. When she saw him she smiley looks at her watch and understands that there are another fifteen minutes before the exam begins. Being hurried to the target she doesn’t see the dangers of approaching cars. Suddenly a green jeep passes at high speed through a deep puddle in front of it and sprays her:

– Hey wretch! Where did you go? – Stella screamed. Furiously goes in the room for exam with wet jeans and a red leather jacket with brown spots. There are two boys standing by the door and talking. At the sight her oneof them burst into laughter:

– Is this the new fashion? -Continuing laughing.

– No, this is an incident.-Stella replied. After the exam she gets back and goes for a gift of Monica. The phone rings:

– Hello, Ina!

– Hello! I wanted to ask you something. Did you decide what you gift to Monica?

– Not yet. When I see him, I’ll know him.

– Super. I have no idea what to take for her. When will you shop? – Ina.

– I’m going to the mall now.

– Great. Can you wait me about 30 minutes? We can choose something together.

– All right,. I’ll wait you there. Call me when you come. – Stella.

– Great. I coming. – Ina.

After a few hours in the mall the girls drank coffee, lunch, discussed the daily problems, the themes for the university and work. Stella has told about working as a software test specialist which began last week. Praising how despite the university they took her at half a day. They went through many themes and shops, and the two girls still didn’t like a gift for Monica. Ina proposes to look elsewhere. On exit look a jewelry store:

– Stop! – Stella says and takes Ina’s hand.

– What happened? – Ina asks.

– Look. – Stella points to а gorgeous earrings with pink rocks. – They are wonderful.

– I like them. Do you want go in? – Ina.

– Yes! – Entering the shop they look at what’s have there and come back to their first choice, the pink earrings.

– How did you see them? – Ina.

– I don’t know. Randomly. I think they are. – Stella.

– I think so. I to not mention that Monica loves the pink. – Ina.

– So, we take them.

– Yes! – Ina smiles broadly.

Ended with the market they divided. Ina goes to see with her boyfriend Daniel and Stella gets back in home. The evening is approaching and Stella worries about what to choose for a home party in her girlfriend. Whether something elegant or something ordinary. It should not be too elegant because it is not as formal as only fifteen people are invited but it is not quite ordinary because it is a birthday. Stella chooses beige pants, black shoes with slim heel and a green elegant shirt of that almost sees the color of her bra. This untypical shirt for her is a gift from her mother for her last birthday and she doesn’t think it is suitable for wearing, but for a party like this one, why not hint slightly what have. Arriving in front of Monica’s home Stella ringing to her:

– Here I am Mon. – As Stella often named her sometimes.

– I coming. – As Monica goes down Stella looks around and notices that it’s a full moon after hearing a tap of female heels from inside and turning gaze from the moon. At this moment she notices a car similar to the one that has passed quickly to her and sprinkled it.

– Hello! – Monica.

– Happy Birthday! – Stella enthusiastic completing many other wishes for success, luck, love. And after so many wishes, followed a hug.

– Get in! Why are you looking that? – Monica asks.

– Do you know on who is this car? – Stella asks, pointing to the car that seems familiar.

– I think he’s on Leonid, but I’m not sure. – Monica answers.

– Who is he?

– Go and see. – Monica says. Stella comes in and takes off her jacket. While hooks it on the hanger she asks Monica again:

– Who is Leonid?

– Now you’ll meet. A colleague of work. I don’t understand why you ask?

– Well, my car was familiar to me, but I think I’m wrong.

– What are you going to drink? – Monica smiles.

– Everything! – Stella laughed. -It was a strange day, but a glass of wine can fix it.

– Ok! I’ll bring you now. – Monica.

– Wait! -Stella takes out the earrings from her purse. Carefully packed in a yellow small box tied with a pink ribbon. When Monica opens the box and sees the earrings screaming:

– WOW! They are great! Unbelievable! Thank you! -She hugs Stella.

– It’s not just from me. – Stella leans slightly on the sides and points to Ina, who is right behind Monica. Mokika is blushing and hugging her too:

– I really like it. Now I’ll put them on. I am surprised. And I thought Ina had bought me nothing.

– That was part of the surprise. – Ina says laughing. After about an hour of conversation and dating between strangers invited to her birthday, Stella already talked with Leonid:

– So, are you study at the university? – Stella asks.

– Yes. I’m last year. – Leonid response. Stella is determined to find out if he has washed her with rainwater in the morning.

– I had a physics exam today.

– Realy? I had English examination.

– And how was? – Stella asks.

– All right. – Leonid shook his head slightly.

– Do you go to the university by your car? – Stella.

– Of course. Especially in days like this one. I can’t walking on this rain and I don’t like umbrellas. – Leonid returns.

– And I don’t like them. Do you know what else I don’t like?

– No! Share it. – Leonid added with interest.

– I don’t like miserlies who think they are great. – She pours her wine over him T-shirt and looks at the man with fury. Leonid stands with wide open eyes not understanding what’s going on:

– What was that? Why did you do this? – He asks as he tries to clean the red wine from his white T-shirt with a napkin. – Whit what did I insult you?

– With what? – Stella asks in a loud voice. Leonid answers:

– I don’t understand what I did.

– Or rather what you didn’t do. Do you want to tell you a story? It’s awesome. A one insolent wretch today didn’t decrease in front of at the university and for that a woman went to exam, cover of water, all in mud. – Stella.

– What? – Leonid.

– Idiot! -She goes to the other room. Leonid stops to clears his T-shirt and grabs her hand:

– I don’t remember that, but I want to apologize if it was I.

– Who else with your car? – Sterla pull her hand.

– At one moment I dropped the phone to my feet and leaned over to take it. Maybe then I went through the puddle.

– Are you crazy? That shabby excuse. – Stella.

– It’s true. – He answers looking at her with a serious look.

– I don’t need of your apologys. Go away! – She pulls her off and goes to Ina.

On the next day Leonid already learns which is the passionate and emotional woman who he met yesterday. About a month he tries to apologize her. He also gives flowers before lectures or when she is not at work. Stella is startled at the beginning but with time this lovely man’s attention is pleasant. In November they begin a relationship. In beginning everything is thrilling and their relationship is rapidly gaining momentum in less than a month he invites her to liveing together, but she pulls. Stella has recently lived alone and is not convinced did wants to live with another person now. Leonid is obsessing and constantly wants to be together. He calls to see where she is when she is not in lectures or at work. Questions don’t stop. He constantly interested of that with who is she and ask her several times to be sure. The evenings in which they are not together have long talks and even at some time she is almost asleep on the phone but it is uncomfortable to close him. Shortly before the New Year, she decided that his behavior was too pressing and didn’t want such a relationship. Two days before Christmas they meet and he starts talking again about his plans, where they will be at Christmas and what they will do on New Year’s. He has considered each of the holidays, every hour. At that moment Stella’s hesitation and the thought of waiting a little longer disappear and she ends their relationship. Stella is sadly of that he is not her soul mate, she decides to spend Christmas with her mother and brother. But when she meets the family, she begins to feel lonely by seeing their misunderstanding about her. Mother is disappointed that she has not continued her relationship with the kindly and caring Leonid. According to her, a construction engineer is a good choice for a husband. Her brother likes Lialm because they discussed soccer matches together and was a calm man. Stella’s plans for New Year are with Ina and Daniel but she decides to give up and spend the New Year at home alone.

In this time Jack celebrates 6 months from the beginning of the relation with his girlfriend Lisa, figure skating contestant. She has not yet won a gold and silver medal but with four bronze. Their relationship goes well but their work breaks them apart and they are rarely seen. They can’t be together for long because have to many engagements. To spend more time with each other they start to live together in October but that doesn’t help. Their engagements are many again, in different cities, in different places. They often travel and his work is mostly evening, while her mostly during the day. For the holidays they take a break. They reserve a three-day trip to Dubrovnik, Croatia. At this time of the year, Dubrovnik is a good alternative, as temperatures are positive, sticking to 10 to 15 degrees, and is like a summer comparison with the harsh climate in Moscow. For Lisa this is the first New Year outside of Russia. She adheres to the traditions and has spent Christmas and New Year in Russia with her family. The 20 year old woman is worried about departure. She is weird and is not as happy as she should. A few hours before the flight, Jack called to see where Lisa arrived:

– Hello, Darling!

– Ooo that’s you? Hello! -She replies surprised.

– Yes! Did not you see who was ringing? – He asks.

– No! I just picked up. Why you call? – Lisa.

– I wanted to hear you and to know are you ready?

– Not, yet. I’m collecting my things at the moment.

– Don’t forget to get some comfortable shoes. – Jack.

– Why? – Lisa asks.

– There are plenty of places to visit. Sights such as Minceta tower, Savior’s Church, Spanzza Palace and others. – Jack adds.

– I don’t think this is break. I need a break from work and a real break. I want to go to the spa, to walk aimlessly, eat delicious food. I’m not sure I’ll be able to walk three days of sightseeing. – Lisa with bored voice.

– Not three days, but there are interesting places to see. At the spa we can go here too. Still, we don’t go to Dubrovnik every day. – Jack explains enthusiastically.

– We are talking well, but I will not be able to prepare my suitcases. I love you. Bye. -Lisa.

– I love you too. -Adds Jack, but she has already closed the phone and has not heard his words.

It doesn’t matter because they often say it. It has even become a habit. For good bye is an obligatory part of their conversation. At the airport she appeared with black wide trousers and a brown shirt, accompanied by a black leather jacket and black high-heeled shoes. So high that it even looks higher than Jack which is over 180 centimeters tall. He appears with a pink shirt with flowers, light jeans and brown boots with a denim jacket over his hand. Airplane is delayed by departure, but at 5:00 pm Moscow time departs to the expected destination. In the evening they are so tired that they go sleeped even without dinner. In the morning while Lisa is still asleep Jack goes out for flowers. His desire to delight a woman, abouth which have feelings, overcome fatigue and at 6:30 am he has already bought a bouquet of Dahlias, four orange and one white, arranged with blue paper and a orange ribbon. Before heading into the room at the 4-star Hotel “Compass’s” on the seafront, stop at the reception and order room service with fruit, waffles, orange juice and pancakes. Entering in the hotel room he sees that Lisa not awakened yet. He leaves the bouquet quietly on the bedside table next to the bed and leans over her, kisses her forehead and squats to the bed. She slightly opens her eyes and shuts them again:

– What? I want to sleep. -Lisa.

– It’s time for get up Lis. – Jack answers with smile.

– I don’t want. – She grumbles and turns her head. Jack goes to the window and pulls the curtains. The sun rays penetrate in the room.

– Come on, get up.-Jump with the clothes on the bed beside her while smiling. She pulls the blanket from her face and turns to the cabinet. She sees the flowers and her face shines.

– Jack, what’s that? – Lisa asks.

– A small gesture. – He says with a smile on his face.

– Thank you! – She turns and kisses him. Looking themselves for a few seconds with happy expressions when some one tapped on the door. Room service ordered by Jack arrives.

After delicious breakfast on the terrace from which can see the seaside and some of the beautiful old Dubrovnik buildings, they head to the old town full of sights. Jack is fascinated by the fortresses, architecture and kindness of people. Lisa is not impressed because it’s just buildings for her. They have beautiful ornaments and different architecture from the new ones but they are simple buildings. By 4:00 pm Lisa already wants to go back to the hotel. The evening, they spend at the “Mariano’s” restaurant in the center of the city. A refined place with yellow armchairs, white tables and purple interior. Cheerful colors combined with style appeal to Jack very much, but Lisa is not so impressed and looks thoughtfully. It behaves like her mind is not there, but somewhere else. They eat some specialties of the octopus and shellfish. After then they go to one of the bars recommended by the receptionist at the hotel. After the fun and the exciting day, the following morning at 11:00 am they are still in bed and receive a wake-up call from Jack’s mother:

– Hello! – Alice.

– Hello Mom! Why are you calling at this time? – Jack asks quietly.

– Jack currently is 12 o’clock. – Alice.

– What? To you is 12 am? – Jack.

– Yes. How is the vacation?

– That knows here is 11 o’clock. We are late. – Jack is worried.

– You are not. You are in vacation.

– Yes, but I had a plan for lunch in the Trasteno gardens. – Jack.

– Jack, you have a lot organized. You are weird. – Alice.

– Not so. – Jack.

– On the contrary. What is it?

– Lisa’s still sleeping. Come on, I’ll call you later.

– All right. Beware. Bye! – Alice.

– Bye, Mom. – After a few minutes Jack gets up and wakes Lisa.

The figuralist was tired before the trip she has a race in Italy, then returned to Moscow for a day and suddenly was already in Croatia. And after many places that have been around the day before, she doesn’t want to spend another day touring the city. Lisa decides to stay in the hotel and go to the spa. Jack agrees to leave his beloved, to pamper and go for a walk in the shops. Confident in himself and his desire to be with Lisa he decided to buy a ring. A great surprise would be an offer at New Year’s Eve. Thinking earlier about this, he had no time to choose a jewel to suit his beloved. Before he had been to Dubrovnik for a week was in Vladivostok and when seeing a man and a woman pushed a baby car in his mind been new thought, that it may be is time for him to have a family. After viewing the stores he selects the perfect ring for Lisa. Jack comes back to the hotel and hides the ring well in his suitcase. By 5:00 pm Lisa gets back from the spa and decides to choose clothes for the evening. Jack is in the bathroom and bathes. She chooses a pink dress covering her legs and puts the dress in the bedroom then starts choosing shoes. She took her two suitcases one with shoes and one with clothes, to serching her blue high-heeled shoes. She sat on the couch thinking whether she had taken them or forgot them when she remembered that the shoes were in Jack’s suitcase. Looks at the wardrobe but there are only his shirts and pants. She decided to open him suitcase. Lisa sees the transparent plastic bag with his shoes and takes them. Looking to the right of her shoes she sees a blue box with a ribbon. She stumbles and puts shoes on the ground. Decides to open the box. She take the ribbon and opens it. When she sees the huge white diamond on the platinum ring, she starts to cry. Quickly closes the box and putting back in the suitcase but senses that behind her standing Jack. He looks at her disappointed, because she should not have seen it yet.

– Dear I… I thought I hid it well. – With a guilty look and a low voice says Jack.

– No! I say no! -Lisa stands up and turns to him. – My answer is no. I’m not ready for that. -She turns away while crying.

– Lisa, what is it? I thought you wanted development in our relationship. – Jack.

– No! I am bored. I can’t go on like this. I don’t know exactly what I want, but I don’t think that you are. -When he hear those words sit down on the bed.

– I love you. I thought you were feeling the same. – He said with a dim expression and a low voice.

– I don’t know exactly what I’m feeling. I need of time. – And she sits on the bed beside him.

– I’ll give you time then. We will wait.

– I can’t deceive myself anymore. – Lisa.

– How so? – Asks Jack trying to grab her hand, but she pulls away.

– I didn’t like yesterday’s tour. I just did it for you.

– I thought you were going to enjoy the beauty of this interesting place. – Jack.

– I rarely say what I want, because I don’t want to disappoint you. But maybe it failed our relationship. Our relation has tightened me a lot lately and I can’t go ahead. – Lisa.

– We’ll do quietly. – Jack.

– I think you don’t realize what I’m saying. – Lisa continues to speak, rubbing the tears from her face. – There is no more us. I was thinking to wait with this, but now I see the time has come. -Jack’s out of bed. He throws his robe and begins to dress.

– Where are you going now? -She asked him with an alarmed voice.

– I need of air. I’ll take another room. – Jack responds.

– That’s not necessary.

– It’s for me. – He say while he hooking his pants. – I’ll see you at the airport, my luggage will take the bellhop.

– You can stay here until it’s time to leave. – Lisa.

– It is not a good idea. – He already wearing a T-shirt and a brown leather jacket. – Bye!

– Jack! – Lisa shout him name and at that moment he closes the door.

Jack goes to the shore. Walking along the coastal street he thinks of all his dreams and remembers the good times with Lisa. They were together for several months but his feelings were real. For him it means a lot but obviously for she doesn’t. Jack feeling surrendered and sit in a seaside café. Looked at the sea he thinks what he will do now. At that moment his mother rang:

– Hello, Jack!

– Hello, Mom!

– What’s the matter? – Alice asked, feeling a tense in his voice.

– Why? – Jack.

– Your voice is different. Is anything wrong?

– Yes, but I’m not want to talk abouth this now.

– Are you ok with Lisa?

– Yes! We are physically well, otherwise we don’t.

– What do you mean? Jack tell me what’s wrong. -Alice is already worried about Jack and Lisa.

– Nothing! – Jack replies.

– Jack, when you talk about your problems, makes you lighter. – Alice.

– We broke up. It turned out she didn’t love me. -He tells his mother in despair, sensing his tone.

– I’m sorry. She seemed in love with you. What happened?

– You said it. It seemed. But it was not. – He’s saddened.

– Very sorry. Calm down Jack. -Alice said softly.

– Relax. Talk to you tomorrow. Now I want to stay with my thoughts. Excuse me. – Jack.

– OK, son. Stay calm. Things will get better. – Trying to give him a little courage, Alice.

– Bye! -Jack closes without even waiting for his mother to say goodbye to him.

In the evening Jack spent at the hotel’s restaurant where he intended to offer her. But the other people who are there distract him from what has happened. The next day he decided to look at the gardens “Trastena” himself. Walking around this beautiful place doesn’t see a way ahead. He senses that he has reached a point where he doesn’t know where to go. The world in which he lived until yesterday has collapsed.

Getting on the plane to Moscow with Lisa even one word doen’t say. After returning he refuses some of his commitments and decides that he needs a break. He needs to stop and think about what to do with his career and his life. Depressed he start to frequent use alcohol. Whiskey is a good friend for Jack’s injured feelings. He doesn’t understand why everything is confus. He can’t judge what he does wrong with women and why his relationships fail. Wounded by Lisa and her words, he thoughts on his life, him behavior. Nowhere does he see errors, but he blames self for what has happened. He goes through a crisis that shakes his whole world.

In this time Stella was still alone at the beginning of 2013. She left her job because she could not handle her job and the university. She wondering where to take over. In the middle of the second year he thinks that the idea of studying for a developer is not that good. Already the easy objects have passed, for her she starts the difficult. Saddened yet, from her relationship with Leonid, she felt in a hole. It’s like it’s at the bottom. There is no direction, she doesn’t know what to do. She lost confidence in herself. One January night goes a bar with his girlfriends. Drinking more Stella decided to smoke several cigarettes borrowed from Ina’s friend Daniel. The next day she buys an entire box. She has not smoked until now she sees that cigarettes resist her and help suppress her feelings. Confused by herself and saddened by the loneliness and the thought that she will never meet love, she indulge to this obsessive vice.

The name of love

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