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– Well, there must be at least one loophole! – I’ve been asking Samir for how many hours how I can leave this house, bypassing the guards.

– No, – she shook her head, – this never happened. The house is located a few dozen kilometers from the nearest village. Even if you go beyond the fence, which is impossible, you will not know where to go. Therefore, I advise you to abandon this idea.

With a groan, I covered my face with my hands, trying to figure out what to do.

– Your prince… – is the last word, I said through clenched teeth, – said that there is a rest room in the house, and I can watch TV there at any time.

– Yes. Oh! I didn’t even suggest you take a house tour.

– It is not necessary. Just take me to the rest room. I need at least a little distraction. – I took a deep breath. – No, not today. I want to go out into the garden, I need fresh air.

This place had a strange effect on me. I was tormented not only by headaches, but right after I eat, I feel like sleeping. Perhaps acclimatization or stress affects me in this way. In any case, fresh air will do me good.

– Do not be angry, – Samira began uncertainly, – but I would advise you to change your clothes. – Apparently, the puzzled expression on my face did not escape her, because she immediately rushed to explain her proposal to me. – Your body is too open, and because of this you … – she tried to find the words – confuse all the servants of this house.

I sat down on the bed and could not stop the hysterical laughter.

– God, why do I need all this? – Samira sat next to me and hesitantly put her hand on my shoulder.

– Irina, everything will be fine. I looked at her incredulously. Will it? – The main thing is to be patient.

Taking another deep breath, I got to my feet and went to the wardrobe to change into my long cotton sundress with bare shoulders and took sandals with me.

– I’m ready, we can go. – Samira looked me up and down, but said nothing.

She led me through the whole house and led me out into the garden, which from the balcony did not seem so big. Smooth lawn, hedge, which was located on the cuts of a stone path leading to all sides of the garden. I went to the fountain, from which I felt freshness and coolness, and sat on its edge to run my fingers through the water, revealing my face to the bright sun. Samira quietly disappeared somewhere, and now I am left alone with myself. It’s time to admit – I fell into slavery, otherwise it can not be called. Although… I do not feel danger from anyone. But what if… Exactly! I jumped to my feet, feeling excitement and fear. They want to sell me! I heard somewhere that this is still practiced here. I looked around and, finding no one, decided to act. I urgently need to get out of here.

I took a quick step along the path to the stairs leading to the gate, but there were at least ten guards along their perimeter. Then I decided to walk along the fence at a safe distance from them, but all to no avail. A deaf high stone fence surrounding the house. Nothing I could hold on to. I need to find out somehow whether there are neighbors behind the fence or at least something that can help me get out of here. Looking around, I did not find anything better than a tree standing about fifteen meters from the fence.

– I will find a way to get out of here – I lifted the hem of the dress, took off my shoes and quickly went to the tree. – Well, with God!

Throwing my foot on the lower branch, I climbed to the very top of this powerful tree. Having hooked my leg over the edge of the dress, I almost fell, managing to catch the next branch in time and maintain balance. Finally, having reached my goal, I turned to look beyond the fence, and could not contain a groan of disappointment. Not only was there a limitless plantation behind the fence that erased my already illusive plans for salvation, but now I realized that I could not get off this terrible tree.

I do not know how much time I spent in this position, but all my limbs were numb, and from fear of local insects I was on the verge of jumping to the ground. So what? One step and all my problems will be solved immediately. Not. This is not an option.

– Irina! Irin, where are you? Answer me. – It was Samira, I had no doubt about it. I saw her approaching a tree, bend over to pick up my shoes, and then look around. “Miss, where are you?” Irina!

– Samira, – she began to turn her head, trying to find me. – Samira, I’m here! – I said to her in a low voice. – Lift your head. She found me with a look and burst out with a loud, rolling laugh. – Not funny, Samira! – I continued to hiss.

– Sorry, miss, – she tried unsuccessfully to stifle laughter. – I’ll call someone for help now.

– Not! Samira, no need to call anyone. Can you bring me a ladder or a strong rope, only … – I looked at her expressively – please, don’t tell anyone where I am, okay?

She ran away, and I remained to wait for salvation. It was not enough that one of the inhabitants of the house saw me in this position.

– Where is she? Drive on. – I barely had time to grab the branch, so as not to fall from the tree in a panic, when Ali was approaching the tree. – Irina, you do not cease to amaze me.

I let the upstart prince pass my ears, evil eyes flashing in the direction of Samira, and I felt that I was blushing.

– Since you came, take me out of here. – I eagerly turned to him.

– This is what I’m going to do right now. – At that moment, two guards came up and put a ladder near the tree, making sure that it could stand two people, and then quickly left.

– Can you come down yourself? – Ali asked mockingly.

– Not! I shook my head. – I’m afraid of heights.

Taking a deep breath, he began to climb the stairs, and when he was on a par with me, he looked into my eyes, from which a slight tremor ran through my body.

– Why are you doing what are you afraid of? – I turned away, not knowing how to make excuses, while he held out his hand to me. – Will you allow me to help?

I looked at him and hesitantly put my palm in his hand. He took a step back, helped me cross the branch and step onto the stairs. At that moment, I felt one of the hard, dry branches glide over the open area of my skin on my back. With a start, I tried not to pretend that my body was pierced by unbearable pain. Almost without distinguishing what I see, with the help of the prince I began to descend the stairs. When I felt the ground under my feet, adrenaline slowly flowed through my veins. I looked at my savior and was not without difficulty able to squeeze out words of gratitude.

“Thank you for helping me get down,” I swallowed nervously, feeling aching pain. It looks like the branch left a mark on my back.

– Always happy to help.

– But you did not need to help me yourself, you could send me one of your subjects. – He grinned and shook his head, catching my gaze.

– Mandatory. This can only be done by me. I looked at him questioningly, waiting for an explanation. – Everything that concerns you, I can do only. he answered in a serious tone.

Such a statement discouraged me, and I did not immediately find what to answer.

– Speak as if I am your property.

– Well, why so rude? You are my guest, and that means a lot.

Samira looked at us with curiosity.

I moved to the house when suddenly His Highness grabbed me in my arms.

– What are you doing? Put me on my feet! – I screamed and tried to escape from his hands.

– Do you want to hurt your legs? – He asked in a calm tone.

I clung to his neck, afraid that he would drop me, but it seems that he is in control. Crazy! He brought me into the gazebo, which was under the windows of his office (I saw her from the balcony this morning). I got to my feet, straightening my dress, when I was horrified to find that the sleeve of the prince’s shirt was saturated with a small strip of blood, in the place where he had recently touched my back. Mr. Ali first looked at his shirt and then abruptly approached me and carefully followed me.

– Nothing… I began to defend myself.

– Samira, bring a first-aid kit immediately, – a stern voice pierced the silence of the street.

– Do not worry… I myself… in the room… can handle this, – I turned to face him, and from his gaze I began to get confused in words. In less than two minutes Samira returned to us and handed the first-aid kit to her master.

– Thank you, – I smiled at Samira, realizing that she could not wait for gratitude from her master. She answered me with a modest smile, peering anxiously behind my back at Ali.

– How did you manage to get hurt? – began my interrogation, my “doctor”, who treated his hands with some kind of liquid.

– A branch … – I swallowed nervously, feeling extremely awkward at that moment. I can’t imagine whether one can be disgraced more than I am now. The Prince sighed heavily and asked me to turn away from him so that he could clearly see the wound. – Why are you doing this? I can settle everything on my own or, in extreme cases, ask Samira.

He muttered something under his breath and began to heal my wound, which is why I frowned and bit my lower lip.

– So what did you do on the tree? – he decided to change the subject and distract me a little when he finished treating my wound. – Are you really looking for ways to escape? – I did not answer, and in the meantime he began to gently apply the ointment with his long warm fingers, which caused a slight trembling in my spine. – All is ready. – He barely audibly informed me, bending so close to my ear that I felt his hot breath with my neck.

– Th… thanks, – I said, stammering, and sat on a bench covered with soft pillows.

– Before going to bed, you will need to process it again. – I nodded, hiding my eyes from him. – So there with the tree. I’m right? – He added cheerfully, and I broke out, evil eyes flashing in his direction. – Wow! I’m really right. You are an amazing girl! Warlike, although at first glance this cannot be said.

I took a deep breath and dropped my shoulders wearily.

– My name means “peace”, but… my mother always said that I was the exact opposite of my name. – I don’t know why I decided to talk about it, but Mr. Ali listened carefully to me.

– I brought iced tea and a sweet cake, – Samira told us. I didn’t notice how she came. – Anything else you want? – She put in front of us a carafe, glasses and a plate with a cake, and taking a tray, she stood in front of her master, her head down.

– Not. You can pick up the first-aid kit and go to rest. And further. Miss will need to wash the wound before going to bed. Help her. For the rest, I’ll let you know when you need it.

– As you order. – She bowed and left quietly, and Mr. Ali himself began pouring tea into glasses.

– Thank you – I thanked, taking the glass from my hands.

– The third “thank you” for the day. This is progress.

– Are you intentionally trying to piss me off? – I asked, looking at him point-blank from bottom to top.

– Not. – He smiled and sat across from me. – Everything happens on its own. Samira said that you eat almost nothing, should I follow these?

– Do you feed me for slaughter?

– Do you question every word of your interlocutor and are looking for a trick, or does this only apply to me?

– I generally trust very few people, and… in most cases it turns out that this is not in vain.

– Well … – he hesitated, – that makes some sense, but …, – he caught my eye and looked at me with a serious expression on his face – you can trust me.

For an instant, an innocent smile lit up his face.

– I doubt. – I took a sip of refreshing tea, which I really needed. – True, you have nothing to do but get me?

– Am I getting you? – He raised an eyebrow in surprise, assuming an offended look.

– Yes. And I know, now you will say that this happens on its own.

– Horrible! I’m still so predictable. – For the first time in all the time spent here, I wanted to sincerely laugh, which I did, and the prince smiled back. – Laughter is as good for you as growl.

There was something in his gaze that confused me.

– I think there are enough walks for today. – I finished the tea in one gulp and got to my feet. – Thanks again.

He nodded and followed me.

– I will take you to your room; you are still barefoot.

I followed his gaze and realized that it was really still without shoes.

– Don’t try to pick me up again! – I looked at his bloodied shirt and felt uneasy. It’s always like this. You try to deliver as little inconvenience as possible, but it turns out exactly the opposite.

– And there was no thought. He assumed an insulted look and held out his hands in a defensive gesture. – After you. – Mr. Ali politely showed me the way out of the gazebo. – How do you like the house? Does everything suit you?

– To me? – I did not hide my surprise. We walked with him hand in hand.

– Yes, to you. Is the bed comfortable, is the room temperature comfortable?

– I think so, but… it would be better if I were now lying in my bed in my room.

He did not answer, but in the meantime we went to my room.

– See you at dinner. At seven. – I nodded my head, disappeared behind the door and, despite the aching pain, pressed my back to it.

It was a terrible day, and I urgently need to take a shower to wash off all the dirt from myself, and from my thoughts a nascent sympathy for the prince. We will not be friends until I find out what is happening here.


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