Читать книгу PRINCESS OF THE EAST - Вида Лагодина - Страница 15



The next two days I spent in bed, sometimes getting up to drink water or wash. I still can’t believe that all this is happening to me, but it seems that the time has come to accept my defeat. However, from the realization of my powerlessness in these circumstances, I want to howl, which I am doing right now. Hiding behind a blanket with my head, I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep, but the same question “what should I do?”

– Madam? – I flinched in surprise when I heard Samira’s voice. Pulling the blanket to the chin, I looked at her questioningly. “Mr. Ali wants to see you.”

– He needs, let him come to me himself. I will not leave this bed until they let me go home. – I turned my back to her and climbed back under the covers.

The room became quiet, and this meant that Samira came out. I began to fall asleep when suddenly someone pulled a blanket from me. Opening my eyes in horror, I met the prince’s evil gaze, whose only steam did not leave his ears. Fine! We will deal with everything without delay. I sat down slowly, taking on his mood.

– What do you think of yourself? I said I want to see you!

– Well, and I said that I did not want to see you. – Calmly, as if he did not understand the obvious things, I answered.

– You are in my house, therefore…

– I’m not at my own will in your house! You forcibly keep me here! – I unconsciously began to raise my voice. This man not only annoys me, he upsets my balance in every sense.

– Whether you want it or not, but you must obey, – he pointed a finger at me, towering above me.

I will never marry you! I’d rather die in this bed from exhaustion than at least once again look in your direction!

I don’t think that in all my life anyone ever spoke like that to a crown prince. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath while I tried to hide the treacherous tears. You can not show weakness in the eyes of this person.

– Put yourself in order and go down to the garden, I will be waiting for you there. he said more calmly, heading for the exit and turning around at the door itself. – If you don’t go down in fifteen minutes, I will send for you servants who will forcefully bring you to me, okay? – Do not force to use force.

He went out and the door slammed behind him. I fell into the lair of a monster, and all this happens to me thanks to my parents. Is there a greater thirst for wealth than feelings for your child? Is it really so easy to give up native blood, literally selling it?

I washed, threw on the first dress that caught my eye, and ballet shoes and left the room, without even looking at myself in the mirror. The worse I look, the better. You need to let the prince know what he bought. His Highness was waiting for me on the porch. I walked past, ignoring him, deep into the garden to the gazebo, sitting on the edge of the bench. The prince followed me and sat across from me. I looked at the swaying trees, trying to hold back the tears that had not stopped since the moment I learned the terrible truth.

– Why did you buy me? – I asked in a trembling voice, suppressing sobs. – Do you… do you have few of your girls? Why do you need a foreigner who does not know any traditions, customs, or even another religion? – I looked at him, unconsciously noticing that he looks tired.

– I did not buy you. – I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

– You and my father made this agreement, according to which my family received money for me, is this not a purchase?

– No, – he shook his head. – This is a good investment, – he looked into my eyes, his expression serious.

– That is, I am your property.

– Again this word! You are not property! You are a beautiful young girl who will marry me. – I jumped to my feet, preparing to defend myself. – You will marry me if you want everything to be in order with your loved ones.

I looked at him in surprise.

– You are threatening me?

– No, – he answered calmly, – I am just telling you everything as it is.

– I want to meet my father, – I returned to my place, burning my eyes through a hole in this vile person who considers me a thing.

– Not. Until I am sure that you will not do anything stupid, I cannot let you see your family. – My eyes were covered with a veil of rage and hatred. “But… you can make one phone call in my presence.” – He took the phone from the inside pocket of his white jacket, dialed the number and handed it to me. Father answered after the second beep.

– Your Highness? The sound of his voice made my throat tighten.

– No, – I replied in a hoarse voice. – It’s me, dad.

For a moment, silence hung in the telephone.

– Ira. I did not expect you to contact us so soon. – I closed my eyes, holding back the tears. You must not show weakness, otherwise the prince can use it against me.

– Why dad? Why did you do this to me?

My voice faltered, and a few tears rolled from my eyes.

– This is necessary, daughter. For us. For you. Everything will be fine, believe in fate. You are very lucky, daughter. Happier than your father. It has always been that way.

– It cost you nothing to sell your own daughter! – Is this, in your opinion, luck? I will never forgive you, hear? Never! Until the end of my days, I will hate you. I wish you happiness with your millions!

I threw the phone on the table and ran to my room, barely recognizing the road through tears.


The next day I told Samira that I wanted to see her master. On this my conversation with her ended. She tried several times to talk to me or apologize, but each time I interfered with her attempts. In any case, this will not change anything in my life. I sat on the balcony, wrapped in a coverlet, when the prince came to me after sunset.

– Irina? – I turned to the sound of my name, meeting his curious look directed at me. – Samira said you want to talk to me.

I nodded, wrapping myself tightly in the covers.

– I wanted to … – I nodded to the chair. “If you want, sit down.”

– Are you okay? – He looked at me appraisingly, dropping into the chair that I proposed, to which I answered him with an annoyed look. Who is he to worry about me?

“Don’t pretend you’re interested in my condition.”

He sighed wearily, running a hand through his hair.

– Good. Your truth. If you want to swear again, now is not the best time for this.

– Not. – I shook my head. – I wanted to say that I thought about everything that happened, and… it seems that I have no choice but to give up and obey the circumstances, – he sat and listened carefully to me. – I will marry you, – I said, barely audible.

He jumped to his feet, smiling broadly and just not bouncing with joy.

– Well! Tomorrow we will solve all paper issues and…

– I agree, but only on one condition – he raised his eyebrows inquiringly, and I got to my feet, feeling trembling all over my body. Do not be afraid. I should not be afraid of him. – This marriage will be fictitious.

I gathered my last strength into a fist and looked into his eyes, full of some strange feelings.

– And what is fictitious marriage in your understanding?

I turned away and went to the stone railing, pondering his question. Fictitious marriage? What does marriage mean to me? My parents lived together for many years, but I would not call them an ideal couple. Yes, they could always find a compromise, agree on most issues and absolutely did not know how to live together, but I did not see the love between them. Rather, a habit that only intensifies over time.

– This marriage will only be on paper. I do not know what you had in mind when concluding this crazy agreement, but… I am ready to give the impression that we are married, but you will not touch me with your finger without my consent. – I straightened the plaid that fell from my shoulders.

He came up to me and, putting his hands on the railing, looked at me over his shoulder.

– Good. But… I cannot touch you without your consent, and not a single person will be able to touch you, even if you agree, even if you yourself ask about it. You will accompany me on trips, receptions and dinners every evening. You will respect my father and our environment, as well as the people who live on our land, but at the same time not go beyond. As for family meetings…

– It’s not obligatory. – He looked at me in surprise, and then continued his speech.

– Before the wedding, you will need to sign a marriage contract. And immediately after our marriage is concluded, I will give you a bank account on which there will be more than enough funds so that you can allow yourself to enjoy life.

– And this is not necessary, – I said in a lifeless voice.

– You are not a prisoner, you are my future wife, the future queen of this country. – I looked at him anxiously.

– Won’t you let me go right after my father gives you the money back? – He grinned and shook his head.

– I doubt your father is going to get the money back. – He hesitated. – Do not be offended, but it creates the impression of a frivolous person.

I have to come up with something. I need to get out of here somehow.

– And more … – He pursed his lips. – You will have to renounce your citizenship.

– What will happen if I do not refuse? I looked defiantly at him as he headed for the exit.

– Think of your family, – he said clearly at the door. – And yet … – I turned around to see his face illuminated by the moonlight – you do not need to remind me and yourself about how exactly you got here at each of our meetings. I know everything perfectly and I hate myself for that. – At that moment, he looked so broken that I felt sorry for him, but remembering what he was going to do with my life, this feeling instantly evaporated. – And the last… you don’t have to change. Be yourself. – He sighed heavily and quickly went out, leaving me alone with his thoughts.


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