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– Here, here… and here – it seemed, I put the hundredth signature on the documents, statements, agreements and marriage agreements. – Good. And the last one. – I run through my eyes on what is written on paper and feel nauseous. Just one signature connects me with my past life. I deliberately drag out time, but there is no way out, and I put the last signature. – Congratulations! From now on, you are officially a citizen of the UAE.

I nod slowly, trying to smile. I seem to have sold my homeland, but actually it was my parents who sold me. Of course, I can not agree with everything that Ali does to me (which still does not fit into my head), but then my family will suffer, and I love them, no matter what. I look at the ring on my finger and understand that no wealth in the world can fill the void in my heart and soften the pain of betrayal.

– If nothing else is required of me, then I will go. – I looked around everyone in the office.

– No-no. I will settle the rest myself. – Lawyer Ali, who deals with all issues related to my citizenship and stay in the UAE, spoke with an Arabic accent. I got to my feet and cast a lifeless glance at Ali, who was deeply thinking about something, and then turned my attention to the lawyer. – All the best.

He bowed to me, rising to his feet.

– Always at your service, Madame Mironova.

And this one there! I tried not to react at all to his appeal to me and hastened to leave the office.

More than a week has passed since our conversation with the press, but the passions around us never subside. They write about me in newspapers, make programs, there are various rumors at all levels, but I don’t react to anything. I just go with the flow. I surrendered to circumstances and occasions and admitted that my fate is in the hands of the prince of this country, who, apart from indifference, does not cause me any emotions.

Ten days later, our wedding will take place, and I am going to spend these remaining days of my freedom alone with myself, but it seemed that the groom (it’s strange to even think of him like that) had other plans. That evening I sat in the gazebo and read a book from the library of this house. There was one of those rare days when the heat gives way to heavy rain, bringing purity and freshness of nature. Samira fled to the house to help prepare for tomorrow’s dinner, which Ali is arranging for his father. Another test for me.

– And I think, where did you go? – I put the bookmark into the book and looked defiantly at Mr. Ali.

– Do not worry, I will not run beyond the borders of your country. – He smiled sadly, sinking down on the bench next to me. “Why were you looking for me?”

For the first time, I allowed myself to examine him with my eyes, being so close to him. At dusk, his appearance produced an impressive effect. Big hazel, I would say, black eyes framed by long black eyelashes were now examining my face, and the bangs, lying as if he had met a strong wind a minute ago, gave the impression that there was a carefree young man in front of me. A person who is about to do something childishly harmless, but… the same person threatens my family and keeps me captive.

– Honestly, I thought you had lost your capacity for audacity, – he began, looking at me.

– You can take my family, country, life, but not that. -I was ready to defend myself.

– I was not going to do this. I told you to remain yourself. – For a moment there was silence. – It seems you liked this place, – He looked around from the inside.

– I like that she stands a little away from home. Almost no one passes here, and I can safely enjoy the weather. Only here… too dark, and this disposes to gloomy thoughts. – He looked at me in surprise, passing his hair through his fingers.

– I never thought of it that way.

I smiled faintly, exposing my face to a stream of soft, refreshing wind, so necessary for my skin.

– Did you want to talk to me about something, Mr. Ali? – I asked, looking defiantly at him.

– I think we can safely contact each other simply by name, – I looked at him in surprise, – in the end, we will get married in ten days.

“As you wish,” I shrugged indifferently.

– What do you want? – with pressure he asked.

– Does my opinion matter?

– It has. And very big. More than you think – our eyes crossed again, and it seemed to me that he was talking seriously.

– Good… only, is it possible to somehow make sure that “Madame” does not contact me? I am not their mistress, and they are not my subjects. – From my words he grinned, continuing to look at me.

– I’m afraid to disappoint you, but it’s impossible. Traditions. – He answered my unspoken question. – Despite the fact that you are not from this country, your position is high since you are the bride of the crown prince. For the citizens of our country, you are a commoner. – I rounded my eyes in surprise. I didn’t think it sounds so insulting. – But you are respected simply, because the prince considered you worthy to make you his lawful wife.”

– In short, they like me because you “loved me”? – I portrayed air quotes.

– Yeah. “Loved.” – He repeated my gesture.

– And I just can’t get rid of these formalities?

– Never. He shook his head, trying to suppress a smile.

– But I do not want this to be so! All the inhabitants of this house are the same as you, I, your father. Everyone has rights and obligations from birth, of course, also has them, but they are not slaves! – I jumped to my feet. – And I refuse to behave with them as if they belong to me. No one deserves such an attitude! —

I finished my fiery speech and fell silent.

– You are right, – he began cautiously, – but historically everything turned out this way and not otherwise. – He hesitated, choosing words. – You can go and tell them: “You are not slaves. You are free citizens, you can go wherever you want and do what you want, but they will not go anywhere.

– Right! – I crossed my arms over my chest to feel confident. – Because they are afraid to be punished.

– No, – he smiled sadly, – all because they themselves want it. – This is not slavery, it is such a form of life, a little strange for you or any other foreigner, but… people get good money for their work, they are sincerely happy to help, and not serve. This is what they do. – I got up and looked at him embarrassedly, not understanding what he was trying to convey to me. – I want to say that the laws of our society are different from the European ones, but only because they are based on the Quran. I hope you know what it is? – I nodded, fingering a simple pendant of ordinary inexpensive metal around my neck – Lerka’s gift for a housewarming party with her. Ali looked at my neck, got to his feet, went to the railing and leaned on his hands. Now he stood with his back to me. – Something got us wrong. – He said thoughtfully. – I was looking for you to discuss the wedding.

I was a little puzzled by such a statement.

– In my opinion there is nothing to discuss here? I will fulfill my promise, in return for this you will not allow yourself anything bad or dangerous in the direction of my family.

– I didn’t mean it – over his shoulder he shot me an annoyed look, as if I didn’t understand obvious things, and then turned away again. – It is necessary to discuss the holiday itself. Even if it does not matter for you, then for my country, I would say this is a historical event.

– Then you better know how to behave. I guarantee my presence at the wedding, so don’t worry.

– I’m not worried about that! You just need to say what you want! – Wow! The prince got angry and right now burned me with a fierce look. – I don’t know… what do you women want on such days? A fabulous dress from a fashion designer, expensive shoes, a bunch of guests, a huge cake, decorations? What would you like?

– I don’t need all this, – I said indifferently, noting that the street had become completely dark. – I just want no one to pay attention to me, and that all this will be over soon. – Choose a dress of your choice. In the end, all this is done for you and for your sake. I do not need anything. – I swallowed a lump in my throat. – Just let the wedding be in a narrow circle. No big cakes, luxurious dresses and other tinsel.

At this moment, Samira came to us. She stopped at a safe distance with a tray in her hands and stood there until Ali noticed her.

– Samira, you can get through.

She bowed slightly and looked at me worriedly.

– I brought herbal tea and berry pies. With wild berry. – She added with satisfaction.

– Where are the wild berries from? She cast a short glance at Ali, and then looked at me again.

– I’ll bring them here. Especially for you. – I raised an eyebrow in surprise and looked at Ali. He seemed a little embarrassed. Blimey! The prince decided to feed the captive himself.

– Well then, thanks.” – I smiled faintly, taking from her hands a cup of fragrant tea.

Samira bowed once more and left. I looked at the cake, evaluating the degree of my desire to eat it.

– There is one more question. – Ali sat opposite me and tried to catch my eye, which I stubbornly hid in a cup of tea. – What to do with your family? After talking with your father… do you want to see him among other guests? – I stopped the cake halfway to my mouth and returned it to the plate and shook off my hands, pondering his question.

– Not. I do not want to see him or my mother. But Alina… I think she deserves to know that I still love her. – I felt a lump growing in my throat, and hastened to take a sip of tea, burning my tongue, because of which tears appeared in my eyes.

– Are you okay? – I closed my eyes, nodding my head and not understanding what saddens me more: the fact that I got burned or that my family continues a carefree life while I spend time locked up in this huge house. – I’m sure there shouldn’t be a problem with your sister. Tomorrow I will send someone to her to be warned and prepared. If you need anything, just tell Samira.

He got to his feet and left without a word.


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