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I do not know how, but today I became the central person of the day. Opening a restaurant in just a couple of hours, and I still have so much to do.

– Ira, let me help you, – Alina took a vase with white peonies from my hands. – You spend all day today on your feet.

I walked past her, kissing the top of my head.

– What would I do without you, my flower?

She smiled shyly, and I went to the next table to check the availability of cutlery when my phone rang. I rushed to the bar to answer.

– Romka! Hello! – I felt boundless joy at the fact that he decided to call me.

– Hi, a splinter! Where are you lost? – His voice was cheerful as always.

– Please forgive me. So much has happened here. I will come tomorrow and tell you everything!

– Are you on vacation or are they always working for you there? – He asked mockingly.

– Almost, – I laughed nervously, – but I’m pleased. Everything is getting better, Romka! Till tomorrow. Love you!

We say goodbye, I put the phone on the counter, turn to the entrance and freeze in horror.

– Good evening! – Sheikh Ali stood in front of me in person. Yes, not just standing, but holding a huge basket with white roses.

– G… good evening, – I answered stuttering, which made him grin. He came up to me with a confident step and solemnly handed the basket.

– Congratulations on the opening of the restaurant. I hope he brings you happiness.

His voice was pleasant, but something in his words alarmed me. They sounded somehow ambiguous.

– Thank! I thanked, accepting the flowers. Something came from this prince, which made me nervous. – We are not open yet, but if you want, I will make you coffee. – For some reason, it seemed to me that my question sounds stupid. – Are the princes drinking coffee? – He raised his eyebrows in surprise and with a slight smile on his face nodded his head. – By the way, which one?

– Black without sugar. – He sat on the bar stool and watched me very carefully. – I do not think that I am different from other people.

I filled the coffee machine and looked at him point blank. It seems that he seriously does not understand how our position differs from each other.

– You know very well that you are different. – I put a cup in front of him and slowly poured coffee into it. – Do you want a cake?

– No thanks. Today I will take only coffee, but … – now he looked at me point blank – I want to use my right to cake in the future. – a smile appeared on his face, and an incomprehensible brilliance in his eyes.

– I think this should not be a problem. – We crossed eyes, and again I felt something close to irritation. An inner voice told me to stay away from him.

Ira, where are you? The guests will come any minute, but here we have… Ali – there was a real surprise on the face of my mother – that is, Hello, Your Highness. She reached out and smiled at him with the friendliest smile. I got to my feet to continue working, but my mother stopped me, grabbing my arm. – Stay with Mr. Ali, and I will do the business myself.

– You? Herself? – I looked at her suspiciously. Mom was one of those people who could only give orders and monitor their implementation.

– Yes. – Once again, honoring our guest with a smile, she retired from the hall. All this time, Ali looked at us with undisguised interest. I ran a hand over my face and returned to the bar.

– More coffee? – I asked him without looking up.

– Not. – He got to his feet. “I think you have enough worries without me,” he examined me from head to toe (as far as the bar between us allowed). He held his gaze before my eyes, and then turned and headed for the exit.

– Your Highness! – He raised an eyebrow in surprise, turning to face me. “I don’t know how appropriate my question is, but… when my parents and I were going to see you, my father said that he would be arranged in your honor, but… there was nobody else besides us.” Can I find out the reason you personally invited my family?

He pondered something for a while, and then looked at me point blank. He seemed somewhat excited, but tried his best to hide it.

– This technique was as yours as mine. See you later. – He turned sharply and went out, completely confusing me in everything that is happening here.


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