Читать книгу 20 MINUTES TO MASTER … WICCA - Vivianne Crowley, Vivianne Crowley - Страница 22



This is the element of the physical body, our flesh and bones. Earth is the basis of material existence. Earth has the qualities of steadfastness, dependability, endurance, protection. It is the tortoise as opposed to the hare. It is realistic and all manner of practical ‘down to earth’ things. However, it also has a more pleasurable side. It is sex and sensuality, too much so sometimes. Earth can also be greedy about food and money.

Earth is an important element in Pagan initiatory rites. The cave paintings of our Stone Age ancestors had magical purposes and probably initiatory purposes as well. They were reached only by difficult and dark journeys through caverns lit by flickering torch light that made the pictures themselves seem alive. Here young people were told the myths of their tribe; stories that linked the tribe to its Gods and explained the mysteries of life and death, the origin of the universe and of the tribe itself. In the more sophisticated Paganism of ancient Greece, initiatory rites continued in the caves of Eleusis. Here in the rites dedicated to the Goddess, the Earth Mother, initiates were taught the mystery of life after death.

Gardening is a very earthy activity, as are sculpting and some of the other crafts. It is good to get in touch with our sensation function by manipulating matter. Earth is associated with stored wisdom. This is literally true because much of our knowledge of the past comes from archaeological artefacts stored under the Earth. There can be a great sense of peace in Earth meditations, but it is important to remember the destructive potential of Earth. However, Earth is patient. She can endure and rectify our mistakes – though it will take time. Earth zodiac signs are Taurus the Bull, Virgo the Virgin and Capricorn the Goat.

In order to understand and practise Wicca, we need to get in touch with the energies of the elements around us. In other words, to get in touch with the universe itself. Below are some simple exercises to help us tune into the Wiccan universe – a world of life and energy.


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