Читать книгу 20 MINUTES TO MASTER … WICCA - Vivianne Crowley, Vivianne Crowley - Страница 23



1 Wicca is an Earth-based religion, so it is important for you to tune in to the natural world and the seasonal cycle. Spend two days doing as much as you can to experience the physical presence of all four elements. Get outside as often as you can. Walk upon, touch, dig, smell, feel the earth. Feel the sun against your skin, the wind against your face. Paddle in a stream, walk in the rain, swim in the sea.

2 Note the quality of the Earth on which you walk, the Air you breathe, the Water you drink or which falls on you as rain, the Sun that warms you. Meditate on what these elements might be saying to you. Are there things that you can learn from the way they operate in the world? How do they feel about their relationship with humankind?

3 To feel the Earth and its energy, try placing your hand on the ground and feeling the ‘pulse’ or ‘heartbeat’ of the Earth. Inside the Earth is teeming with life – worms, insects, other small creatures, the growing of roots and upward thrusting of shoots. Although seemingly static, there is a constant movement within it. Also there is the movement of its geomagnetic fields. The Earth element is rich and abundant. Walking and hiking are good ways of making contact with it. Earth is also rocks and standing stones and cliffs: if you have access to any of these, visit them. Put the palms of your hands against them and feel their energy.

4 If you are stuck in an inner-city concrete jungle, go to a city park. If this is impossible, walk the streets and try to connect with the earth beneath the layers of concrete. Sense what the Earth is feeling. If you are not able to go out, use a bowl of earth or perhaps a stone. Hold it and feel its qualities while you meditate on it.

5 Similarly with the other elements: Water is seas and rivers and pools and rain. Again, if you cannot get out, meditate on a bowl of water.

6 Air is, of course, the wind. Feel it against you, both physically and through meditation, in all its forms; from gentle zephyr breezes to the majesty and power of a gale. The mountains or any high place (even a tower block) are a good place to experience the power of Air.

7 With Fire, you may be able to light a camp fire. Be careful here though. If you make a fire, keep it under proper control and put it out afterwards. If it is impractical for you to light a fire outside and you have no hearth at home, remember that Fire is also the Sun. You can also meditate on Fire by burning a candle.

8 Keep a symbol of each element in your home: a bowl of earth and one of water; a candle for Fire; for Air, something light like a bird’s feather or something which makes sounds such as wind chimes. Keep these together in a special place that can then become the basis for an altar.

9 Spend a day meditating on each of these elements. You may wish to ponder on the enormity, power and range of each. All are essential to support us, but their power is such that they can easily brush us aside and destroy us. Water is the tranquil stream, but also the raging sea. Fire can warm us but it can also be the inferno that destroys all in its path. Earth supports us but can quake, slide, slip or crumble away beneath our feet. Air can be the gentle breeze or the unstoppable hurricane.

10 Which elements do you feel you have in abundance in your personality? Which do you need to develop and why?

11 Record all your thoughts and insights on the elements. Remember to ‘earth’ yourself after each meditative exercise by eating and drinking something.


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