Читать книгу 20 MINUTES TO MASTER … WICCA - Vivianne Crowley, Vivianne Crowley - Страница 24



1 A Wiccan altar usually has symbols of all four elements on it, but there may be times in your life when you need to encourage the energy of one particular element into your life.

2 One way of doing this is to make an altar for the element that is lacking in your life. If you lack energy and are timid and unconfident, make a Fire altar. Use a red altar cloth, red flowers, a red-leafed potted plant, berries, red candles. To represent Earth, find a piece of red sandstone or other red rock. Use a bowl of red glass for your Water. For Air, burn incense that seems hot and fiery. Place some tarot cards from the suite of wands on the altar if you have them.

3 Having set up your altar, light the candles and incense. Sit in front of the altar and meditate on how and where you can bring Fire into your life. Ask the powers of Fire to help you use them wisely and well in their appropriate place, but not in excess. Spend some time every day for a week meditating upon fire.

4 In the second week, take the Fire energy into your everyday life. Put something from your Fire altar such as your red rock or plant in your workplace. Wear something red when you need to display your Fire energy. Take to using a red pen! All these are simple things but they are working on the age-old magical principle of sympathetic magic.

5 Similarly, if you need to display more love and sympathy, make a Water altar. If you need to sharpen your thinking, use Air. To bring stability, inner strength and peace into your life, work with the element of Earth. For a Water altar, you could find a piece of cloth which seemed in colour and texture to be watery. You could add bowls of water in glass of watery shades and you could float a candle on one, a flower on another. You could add shells. For Air you could use light colours, the colours of the sky, and feathers. For Earth, you need the colours of the Earth and of green and growing things.


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