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We’d like to answer that question like most entrepreneurs who are asked to define their market: Everyone! However, in order to demonstrate that we drink our own Kool-Aid, we have spoken to and worked with many different individuals as we wrote this book. Here are our market segments:

● Scalable startup founders – If you are hoping to build “the next big thing.”

● Lifestyle business founders – We don’t think the term is derogatory in the least. If you’re trying to build a real business that provides value to customers, we’re talking to you.

● Intrapreneurs – If you are trying to change your business, whatever size, to move at the speed of the Internet, read on.

● Educators – You recognize that entrepreneurship needs to be taught differently.

● Government change agents – If, like entrepreneurs trying to drive change inside big businesses, you are trying to drive change in how governments operate, we’re here to help.

● Investors – You could use help finding and providing assistance to the right startups.

Although we’d like to think this book will benefit everyone to some degree, this book is likely less than optimal for these market segments:

● Small-business founders who are starting companies for which there is already a known model – Typically these are the types of businesses found in malls: dry cleaners, retailers, franchises, and so forth.

● Lifestyle business owners – If you’ve already built your business and are generally satisfied with what you’ve achieved, congratulations! You probably don’t need us.

● Solo practitioners – If you’re trying to generate a personal or family income stream via “projects” or small-scale products or services, we think that’s great! There are probably better books for that.

Generally speaking, if you’ve read Eric Ries’s The Lean Startup and are looking for more tactical application of the principles espoused there, this is the right book for you. If you haven’t read it and need convincing that a lean startup is the right thing for you and your organization, we will make the case – but you really should read Eric’s book.

If you’ve read The Four Steps to the Epiphany, our Entrepreneur’s Guide to Customer Development, or Blank’s The Startup Owner’s Manual, you will find new tools and methodologies for applying the principles you already believe in. There is not a lot of duplication here.

If you are well into the lean startup movement, a heavy reader of Ash Maurya, Cindy Alvarez, Sean Murphy, and others, we firmly believe we have exciting new material you can use to grow your business.

The Lean Entrepreneur

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