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Basic functions.


The work in the typical agency is broken into three basic functions: creative, media, and account management. These functions are supported in larger agencies by plans groups and by research, production, traffic, and accounting departments:

 The creative function is handled by art directors, copywriters, and creative directors who create advertising. Typically, the account executive will present a client’s advertising problem to the creative group, normally an art director and a copywriter, who will mull it over and then recommend an overall campaign or a single ad or commercial approach. Ideas are often the result of brainstorming among art directors, copywriters, account people, and media people in the agency. The account executive then will present the idea to the client. If the client accepts the approach, the creative people will proceed to create the advertising and arrange for its production.

  The media function is carried out by media planners, media buyers, and media directors who evaluate media and place advertising. Planners recommend what media and how much of each should be used. Media buyers evaluate and select which digital platforms, networks, stations, magazines, newspapers, or websites to buy; and they are the people on whom media salespeople typically call on. However, in recent years planners have become more important in the evaluation process and salespeople have been calling on planners more often in order to get ahead of the process.

 Media departments and media agencies are organized in various ways depending on the agency. Some are organized by product, and buyers buy all markets around the country and the digital platforms for a certain product or brand. Other agencies organize on a regional basis and have buyers specialize in buying one or more markets for all of the agency’s products. Furthermore, large media agencies usually have buyers who specialize in a particular medium: network television buyers, spot television buyers, radio buyers, print buyers, and digital buyers, for example.

 The account management function is carried out by account executives, account supervisors, and management supervisors who are the primary contact people between agency and client. The account management team usually solicits clients and services them once they are signed up.

Media Selling

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