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CHAPTER 1 “ONE OF TWELVE AIN’T GOT NOTHING ON SEVEN OF NINE” Not every one that cries unto me, Lord, Lord, will enter into the kingdom of heaven.


The great writer Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

With that, I would tell you that Soul Trap not only forges such trails—but blazes them in corridors of spades! Should you dare to read on and turn the page, even if only to satiate your mounting curiosity, then know also that these passageways of enlightenment will change your life inextricably, forever. I guarantee it. All because, once you embark on a journey of intellect designed to ring the bell of inner self-awareness as manifested through the efficacies of a deeper understanding, you cannot go back and un-ring it. That is the beauty of an epiphany.

These are not just hyper-inflated idealisms that I share with you, but what amounts to a promise. I only caution you because many people (and you may be one of them) cannot handle acerbic truths. When it comes to God, the Bible and religion, you might as well string truth up from the nearest tree. Whoever it was that knuckled down and declared, “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story!” must have overseen authorship of the Bible. And you can bet I can prove it, or I would have never said it. That particular tome of religion is, after all, famous for being the greatest story ever told. And you don’t earn that title without having thrown more than just a few knowledge inspired “inconvenient truths” under the bus.

Allow me to demonstrate that for which I champion, by sharing with you, the flipside to that coin in the form of the greatest story never told. It concerns Judas Iscariot, and his relationship with Jesus. What you are about to learn within the next few pages will be to freeze-flash within the synapses of your brain, a corridor of undiscovered truth that will forever challenge everything you ever thought you knew of God and the Bible. Again, it is that revolutionary. From there, it’s a “Hold on to the seat of your pants!” kind of ride.

Okay then. Everyone knows that Judas betrayed the son of God, and, for a paltry thirty pieces of silver. Right? Yes. That part of the story is common knowledge. What no one knows to any degree of certainty, however, is why he did it.

As for what motivated him: I will start by telling you that, it wasn’t for greed, or love of money that he did what he did. No. It was because he saw Jesus for who and what he really was. As for the rest of the disciples—yep! They saw it too. All of which, as it turns out, makes the son of God anything but what you think he is. However, that is about to change. But know ye this, about that: such a thing does not for divine ignorance make. Nor does it make you, in the grander scheme of things, a religious neophyte. Instead, it makes you a spiritual grasshopper on a quest for truth, be they acerbic or not.

Speaking of which…

You are on a mission for spiritual truth, right? Then know that your journey for illumination starts, and flourishes, not with those treacheries found lying in wait out in the desert, or on some remote godforsaken mountaintop somewhere, but with the opening of this book and the turning of its pages. What you take away from this noble experience will be nothing short of a life-altering transformation that will provide you with the informational tools necessary to change the world for the better. This, just as sure as the thirty pieces of silver was so the “powers that be” could exonerate themselves from the act of betrayal. It was, after all, blood money: and no church wants that albatross around their neck. So much so, they picked up every last piece of coinage rolling around at their feet as thrown in desperation by Judas, and told him to take a hike and to go get lost while he was at it. The church then took that money, and used it to buy a field in order to keep separate; and for all eternity; the much-dreaded non-Jew (gentile) as their last breath drew nigh. This, they did, in an act of contrition designed for a very public display of consumption.

But then, swapping out one albatross for another does not for redemption make, either. Why? Because they didn’t actually bury them, is why. All because, something that labor intensive cost money. Instead; and now for the darker side of the Bible; they heaped these non-Jew gentiles together in fleshy mounds of putrefying humanity for the wildlife to pick over. Ah, but they did. How else do you dispose of foul smelling corpses, such as those found in varying stages of decay, that have been left to rot? See Ezekiel 39:17 where God said of it, albeit for edification: “Speak to every feathered fowl, and to every beast of the field. Assemble yourselves and come; gather yourselves on every side to my sacrifice that I do sacrifice for you. Even a great sacrifice…that you may eat flesh and drink blood…19…you will eat [the fat of mankind] until you are made full, and drink blood until you have become drunk….”

As for Judas, the story goes on to say that he wept in agony regarding his involvement with the church, and hung himself out of remorse. Right again? Well… What you should know about this, here and now, is that this part of the story is not entirely correct. In fact, quite the opposite is true. That is because Judas celebrated his victory over Jesus by bagging himself a magnum of Champaign, a rental tux, some party girls, and pointing the chrome plated grill of his newfound ride in the form of a stretch limo towards Vegas.

What’s this? Did I just see your thought bubble say that you doubt it because the Bible states as much, as written in Matthew 27:3 thru 10? Oh ye of little faith. Not only is this true, but Jesus went with him so as to join the party. Not only that but did so just as soon as his father resurrected him. Ah, but he did. It’s just that you don’t know about it, is all. Why? Because of extensive revision as performed throughout the ages, is why.

Then there’s the out-and-out banning of certain biblical books that had the audacity to show up to the grand ball of religion, uninvited. However, these now defunct works are fodder for another book altogether. As it is, we will only be concerning ourselves with the most popular literary work of antiquity in the world today: the King James Version (KJV) of the Holy Bible and its revisions. Still; and shockingly; that is more than enough to work with.

Truth is, there’s a lot you don’t know about when it comes to the act of biblical revision, just as intended if not deliberately taught and enforced by the church. However, that too, is about to change. Not only that, but in transformational spades. The days of believing what “they” want you to believe when it comes to God, the Bible and religion, are over. All because the truth will set you free by liberating the radiance of your abraded soul. Furthermore is that, you can bet the church will take that statement to be an affront. That’s just how they roll. Why? Because they see themselves as the keepers to the keys of one the greatest frauds ever perpetrated against the human race since its inception as a big-brained species, is why. Moreover is that, not only do they know it, but that they further see themselves as some kind of guardian to the flame of spiritual truth along with its eternal secret if only because theirs is the fuel that supports its combustion.

To an immutable truth, ‘re-ligion’ has forever been holding humanity back by keeping it mired in its own sickness. Ah, but it has. When the truth of this matter finally manifests itself, you too, will recognize it for the rough and slouching beast that it is. I guarantee it. This, just as sure as the taking of hundreds of millions of innocent lives since its inception as a social illness, isn’t proof enough. You know. That commercial religion is indeed, some kind of spiritual disease: a pox of the soul, if you will.

Regarding this, did you know that religion is responsible for more killings than all the wars America has ever fought, since it was a ragtag collection of thirteen colonies? This is absolutely true. What follows are the U.S. War Departments numbers for its officially listed dead. For the American Revolution of 1775 - 1783 it was 4,435 dead. For the War of 1812 it was 2,260 dead. For the Mexican War of 1846 - 1848 it was 13,283 dead. For the Civil War of 1861 - 1865 it was 558,052 dead. For the Spanish-American war of 1898 it was 2,446 dead. For WWI of 1914 - 1918 it was 116,708 dead. For WWII of 1939 - 1945 it was 407,316 dead. For the Korean Conflict of 1950 - 1953 it was 33,651 dead. For the Viet Nam Conflict of 1957 - 1975 it was 58,168 dead. For the Gulf War of 1991 it was 293 dead. At the time of this writing, we are still involved in a military conflict in the Middle East. But know ye this, about that: what ever it’s tally it still won’t make a dent in the math.

The total number of dead then becomes (4,435 + 2,260 + 13,283 + 558,052 + 2,446 + 116,708 + 407,316 + 33,651 + 58,168 + 293) = 1,196,612 officially listed U.S. war dead. It’s here we find that (60,000,000 average killed by the Catholic church during the inquisitions with a typical date ranging from 1180 A.D. to 1650 A.D. for a total of 470 years,) where (60,000,000 ÷ 1,196,612 total U.S. war dead) = a ratio of 50.14:1.

To put this whole thing into proper perspective, you would have to take each of those wars listed that America has fought since its inception and fight them yet again—another fifty times each! This, mind you, just to equal the murders committed by the Catholic church during their reign of terror formerly known as the inquisitions. The Catholic church slaughtered all these people over a little something they called heresy. According to the Franklin Dictionary the word ‘heresy,’ means: “To have an opinion or doctrine contrary to church dogma.” The word ‘dogma,’ means: “Tenet or code of tenets.” In other words: the Catholic church took it upon itself to relieve the world of all these people if but for no other reason, than they disagreed with church policy. All of which, mind you, isn’t even getting into the Catholic crusades where countless millions of Muslims died. Then there is the Thirty Years War where the Catholic church squared off against the Protestants in Europe, as they once again vied for dominance during one of the longest continuous wars in modern history that saw another bout of countless millions dying in vain under the guise that is religion.

As for how many Gandhi’s, Einstein’s, Louis Pasteur’s, Galileo’s, Abraham Lincoln’s, Nikola Tesla’s, Martin Luther King’s, Thomas Jefferson’s, or Mozart’s (among many others) the church has robbed the world of, we will never know. All we can do is to speculate. Yet, this is but the tip of the iceberg.

Here is the math as it relates to the ratio of 50.14:1.

(4,435 x 50.14) = 222,371

(2,260 x 50.14) = 113,316

(13,283 x 50.14) = 666,010

(558,052 x 50.14) = 27,980,727

(2,446 x 50.14) = 122,642

(116,708 x 50.14) = 5,851,739

(407,316 x 50.14) = 20,422,824

(33,651 x 50.14) = 1,687,261

(58,168 x 50.14) = 2,916,544

(293 x 50.14) = 14,691

All we need do now is add these numbers together to finalize the truth of what the Catholic institution of religion did through official church policy, where (222,371 + 113,316 + 666,010 + 27,980,727 + 122,642 + 5,851,739 + 20,442,824 + 1,687,261 + 2,916,544 + 14,691) = 59,998,125 or rounded up we get 60,000,000 dead. And because the inquisitions lasted four hundred and seventy years, means the church murdered people at the rate of (60,000,000 ÷ 470) = 127,660 a year—for 470 years! Or (127,660 ÷ 12) = 10,638 people a month—for 470 years! Or (10,638 ÷ 30) = 355 people a day 24/7—for 470 years! Or (355 ÷ 24 hours) = 15 people an hour around the clock nonstop—for 470 years! These numbers, especially if you are a Catholic who is now only beginning to comprehend the scope of your association with that particular religion, should just break your heart if not rip it out. Can you imagine the outrage today, if something like this were to happen again? Oh! That’s right. We have radicalized Muslims running around acting out on the emotionally charged negatives of religion.

Ah huh.

It is here that we are going to put the Catholic inquisitions into a different light altogether. Did you know that the average human body holds some, six quarts of blood? It does. And there are four quarts to a gallon. Knowing this, we learn that the Catholic church has a lot of innocent blood on it’s hands, where (60 million people average x 1.5 [to get to gallons]) = 90 million gallons of blood!

To bring such horrific bloodshed into proper perspective, it would take a reservoir a half mile by a half mile measured at knee deep, to hold that ninety million gallons of blood. Here is the math. A mile is the same as 5,280 feet, where (5,280 ÷ 2 [to get a half mile]) = 2,640. The formula for figuring the capacity of a rectangle is: length x width x average depth x the constant 7.5 for a formula rendering of (L x W x AD x C) = TC or Total Capacity, where (L = 2,640 x W = 2,640) which then gives us (6,969,600 x AD of 1.75 ft.,) where (12,196,800 x C of 7.5) = 91,476,000 actual gallons of human blood.

These numbers include countless men, women, children, and yes, even babies. So why would the Catholic church murder innocent children, and babies? You can chalk that one up to the sins of the parents, if only to justify it. Besides, what were they going to do with so many of them, having just turned them into sad little orphans? To baby-sit every child whose parents they killed would require resources they weren’t prepared to deal with. All of which, would defeat the purpose of their existence as they saw it. Besides, the more of “them” they killed, the more power and wealth they usurped through a process called: inheritance.

Even when Spanish Inquisitors pushed the sharp end of their swords through the skulls of children, they first blessed the blade, and baptized it in holy water. Why? Because although by our standards they were heartless bastards, by theirs, they were anything but. To a truth, all children under the age of reason, or seven years of age take your pick, received this blessing so as to ensure that their little souls would cross the great divide of the hereafter safely, and enter into the kingdom of heaven. All others, especially those eight years or older because by then they were old enough to know better, had no such luxuries afforded them. No. They simply had a sword thrust through their skulls. And yes. This is how religion justifies itself.

Damn third graders anyway.

Should the revelation of this finding fail to bring the truth of the situation into sharp focus, nothing ever will because you are just that kind of Catholic. All I can say about that for now is: the exposure of this discovery, when revealed, will lay waste to what has always been a spiritual battleground for hearts and minds, as wrought through bloodshed and misery. All of which, isn’t even touching on the Catholic church’s dealings with the nazis during WWII. Or how IBM helped to show the nazis a better way of keeping track of all the Jews they slaughtered via the use of computerized punch cards. And the reason both IBM and the Catholic church involved themselves with German nazis, knowing full well they were hell-bent on killing as many people as it took to ensure their bid for world dominance? The correct answer is to tell you that it was all about greed, with every last bit of it owing to the preservation of said establishments through an increase of control as wielded through power and money. (And yes. You would be right to suspect that there is yet more proof to come.)

However, we need to continue with our search for the truth regarding Judas Iscariot, and his relationship with the son of God. Let us begin Luke 15:11 where Jesus said of himself in a parable, albeit for edification: “A certain man [namely God] had two sons [one of which, the begotten, is Jesus. The other, as for now, will remain anonymous because he is not germane to this particular story. But know ye this: he’s as real as Jesus ever was. It’s just that the church decided you didn’t need to know about him, is all. (Imagine that.)] 12 And the younger son [again, referring to Jesus] said to his father, ‘Father, give me the portion of goods that are rightfully mine.’ So he [God] divided unto them [both Jesus and his elder brother] their inheritance. 13 Not many days thereafter, the younger son gathered his inheritance together and took his journey [in a fancy stretch limo] to a far country [Vegas] where he wasted it on riotous living [with Mr. Iscariot and his newfound friends.”]

We know this scenario to be correct because of the more prominent synonyms for the word ‘riotous.’ They are: “violent, disorderly, unruly, uncontrolled, uncontained, lawless, mutinous, rebellious.” To gain a finer insight into this whole affair, try replacing the word ‘riotous’ in that passage with those I have included to see what happens to your perception of Jesus in that verse. Believe me when I tell you that it will change. And it was this, ladies and gentlemen, that he did with his ethereal inheritance as bequeathed him by the Almighty, and did it sober? Gwad help us.

Now, regarding the million dollar question set to burst forth from your lungs while held at an all-time operatic high concerning how I know that Jesus is referring to himself in that parable, I give you that which binds. See Luke 15:22 where we find that the prodigal son has finally; and at long last; found his way home. This being where he continues with his parable, albeit for edification, saying of himself: “Therefore the [elated] father said to his servants [meaning, angels,] ‘Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet. 23 And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, drink, and be merry. 24 For this is my son who was dead, and is now alive. He was lost, and is now found.’”

Just so you know, there’s only one way anyone can return from the land of the dead without having become a zombie as found stumbling around within the crosshairs of the church, be they the son of God or no, and that’s if someone greater than you resurrected you. As for why Jesus chooses to wield parables the way that he does so as to conceal their true nature and or meaning, I give you Matthew 13:13. This being where he said of it, as wrought for elucidation: “I speak to you in parables because, in seeing I do not want you to see, and hearing I do not want you to hear, neither do I want you to understand.”

Many people “interpret” scripture, read into it, actually, not only what they want to believe, but what they want you believing, as well. This, they do, even if it means having to run counter to the intent of the message. Example: many folks, to include those in the clergy, take the above passage to mean that Jesus is saying he is more or less forced into speaking in parables because we are simply too unenlightened to discern the enigmatic nature of the message for ourselves. The accepted decree, therefore, becomes that he is protecting us from our own innate ignorance just as they must, also. This is what I call championing a one-verse-wonder. And yes. Religion is replete with these types of things so as to further the appearance of credibility. This being true, then, that the ruling sect has determined we are too ignorant to think for ourselves when it comes to religion and the inscrutable nature that is God and the Bible (especially when you’re guilty of thinking outside the box of accepted decree,) I ask you: what becomes, of Genesis 1:26? That being where the Almighty said of his ultimate creation: “Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness….”

By the way: the word ‘likeness’ is a noun. According to Webster’s Dictionary, it means: “Resemblance; a copy.” Or, as is the intended case here according to Genesis 1:26: to be “god-like.” As far as that goes, see I Corinthians 11:3. “I would have you know that, the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.”

Again, the Bible says that man himself is godlike. If you doubt this, see what happens when we read that passage without its inherit confusion. “I would have you know that, the head of every woman is man, and the head of every man is Christ, and the head of Christ is God.”

So yes. The Bible is telling us that mankind is a lot like God. I would ask that you keep this in mind for the foreseeable read. Why? Because it’s integral to the grand mystery as it unfolds, is why. For anyone born with a superfluous ‘X’ chromosome, you are more “god-like” than you know. Ah, but you are. (Just you wait and see.)

However, this is where I must take you on a little detour. The reason I do this is important, if only because I need to show you what I mean about the church saying that Jesus is forced into using parables for the sake of our own ignorance, as hard as that might be to comprehend (self-inflicted oxymoron.)

I once; and yes, a long time ago; had a discussion with a pastor during a “Wednesday Night Youth Bible Study Session” about this very subject. Even after all this time, I still remember it like it was yesterday. After he explained to me that Jesus had to do this in order to shield us from our own ignorance, it occurred to me to ask him the following: “If God isn’t hiding something; and because he’s omnipotent; then why can’t he rephrase his parables in way that we can all better understand them?”

He just stared at me. It was one of those incredulous looks regarding the nerve I had allowing me to even question such a thing. After a bit of awkward silence that made me more than uncomfortable (that’s because, at the time, I was too young and naive to even know that I was actually challenging the establishment of religion,) he told me to only come back when I was ready to exercise my faith in God wholeheartedly, and do it by accepting the Bible as the true and complete word of our Lord and Savior. This incident, ladies and gentlemen, marked the last time I ever attended. It also marked, at age sixteen, the start of my journey outside the accepted box of commercial religion. An act of which, absolutely maddened my God-fearing parents. And all it took to set this whole thing into motion was a phone call from you know who, to my you know what’s. For a time there, you would have thought someone in the family had an unblessed sword of religion rammed through their skull. The tension was that palpable. I mean, the shame of it all: especially that shame I brought upon me madre and me padre.

Be that as it may, there is more. To a truth, there is always more when it comes to the Bible and what “they” want you knowing. Or, more importantly, and now for the more prominent part of the equation: would have you believe. See Mark 4:11 where when Jesus is alone with his twelve apostles he finishes his thought, saying, albeit for edification: “To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside [referring to those gentiles as Godless heathen that are left to rot in segregated fields via blood money] everything is in parables. [And what are parables but allegories of misdirection and confusion, as I will now once more demonstrate.] 12 So that they [the Godless heathen] may indeed see, but not perceive, and may indeed hear, but not understand. [Why?] Lest they should turn again and be forgiven.”!

If such a thing weren’t bewildering enough, he follows up with his disciples in Mark 4:13, saying: “Do not you understand, this parable? How then, will you understand all the parables?”

As for trying to decipher “all those parables” that are intentionally double wrapped in multiple layers of purple haze, I give you, wait for it: biblical contradiction. See Isaiah 45:19 where his father said of it: “I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the Earth: I said not unto the seed of Jacob to seek me out in vain. I the Lord speak righteousness, I declare things that are right.”

Allow me to ask, if you have figured it out? If so, then know that you’re well on your way to becoming spiritually enlightened. If not, that’s okay too, because that’s why we’re here. Let us, therefore, break it down so as to put everyone on a level playing field. And, we will accomplish this task by letting Soul Trap do what it does best. How? By allowing the Bible (and this is the beautiful part) to speak for itself.

Believe me when I tell you that what you are about to learn next will be to challenge, if not permanently change, everything about God and the Bible you ever thought you knew to be true. Again, this is what Soul Trap excels at. In Mark 4:11 Jesus leans in close, puts his index finger up to his lips, and with a low voice almost feigning a whisper, tells the disciples that he has a special secret for them. Not just any secret, mind you. No. But one engineered from on high specifically for them.

Jesus then goes on to say that this secret of his is so top-secret, that God wrought code upon it in various layers of confusion so as to keep the common riffraff at bay lest they too, come to know of its inherent power. As for the ruling authority who granted such a thing, see Matthew 10:19. This being where Jesus said of it, as wrought for elucidation: “When they deliver you up, take no thought of how or what you will speak: for it will be given you in that same hour what you should say. 20 For it's not you that speaks, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks through you.”

Are you still with me? That’s good because; and as hard as it might be to accept; now comes the really hard part. After saying all that he does, that is, according to his father’s will, Jesus then tells the apostles in Mark 4:13 that they are just as ignorant as everyone else when it comes to the nature of parables. So much so, he was able to hoodwink them without them realizing he did it—just to prove a point! In fact; and for effect; he taunted them by using their own ignorance against them. Ah, but he did. You can always reread those passages so as to double down on the nature of the truth they bear. (As well you should.)

Knowing that he did this, I ask you: can you hear the otherworldly secret calling out to you, that Jesus says he has for his disciples? If you were to listen carefully, and look more closely, you would see it lurking below the conscious reading level, as if reflected off the distorted mirrors of a carnival funhouse in the form of a visually muted noise.


Can you, hear it?

It’s saying that God and or Jesus take your pick, are not who or what they say they are, and that they have teamed up in order to further divide and muddy up what is already a very distorted and convoluted view of religion. Or, that spiritual credo I intend to amalgamate until rendered with a clarity the world has never seen before. See Matthew 13:19, albeit for edification, where Jesus further said of it: “When anyone hears the word of the kingdom [of heaven] through parables [metaphors as wrought from multiple layers of confusion as disseminated from on-high,] and understands them not, then comes the wicked one [devil] to take away the good that was sown in their heart.”

We know religion to be a convoluted beast by its very nature because; and despite there only being one KJV Bible in existence; everyone’s take on it is somewhat different: ergo it’s many variations and versions. While it may be true that we gather up on the same day and time in one church of the same name under the same roof while singing the same songs of praise in a voice of unison, we walk away from the day’s lesson, taking with us, highly personal if not opposing viewpoints. I know. But we do. You are either an “eye for an eye” kind of person, or one who opts for “turning the other cheek.” And yes. This represents but the tip of the iceberg as to why the world sees the diverse number of religions that it does. After all, the Bible is full of tens of thousands of passages, open to millions of interpretable meanings, and, all according to the individual. I would ask that you think about that, if only because these numbers include you.

Be that as it may—Jesus is not who or what he says he is! And yes. I can prove it. How? That one is easy. It’s because he tells us in Matthew 13:13 that he consciously wields parables as a way of sowing the very seeds of confusion that he says work to invite Satan into our lives, as highly defined in Matthew 13:19, and reinforced in Mark 4:11. Yes. I would encourage you to read those passages again, if only because they harbor a very special kind of truth. You know the extraordinary truth for which I speak. It has everything to do with my questioning our deities, in that, what good is a God, any god for that matter, without a need? Yeah. That one.

Perhaps we should juxtapose these particular verses, even highlighting those aspects of them that are relevant in order that there can be no mistaking the nature that is their special truth. See again, Matthew 13:13. This being where Jesus said: “I speak to you in parables because, in seeing, I do not want you to see, and hearing, I do not want you to hear, neither do I want you to understand.”

Then there is Matthew 13:19, albeit for edification, where he says of it: “When anyone hears the word of the kingdom through parables and [what?] understands them not, then comes the wicked one to take away the good that was sown in their heart.”

Now see Mark 4:11, albeit for edification. This being where he reinforces everything, saying: “To you [the apostles] has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside [meaning, you and me] everything is in parables. 12 So that they [meaning, the gentiles] may indeed see, but not perceive, and may indeed hear, but not understand. Lest they should turn again and be forgiven.”!

If it were not for the fact that those verses are part of the grand deception, they could be merged to read as follows: “I speak to you in parables of confusion because I don’t want you understanding that I do this in order to allow Satan into your life because, what good is a God, any god for that matter, without a need?”

I know. Astounding, right?

Yet, this is only the beginning of those things Jesus says and does that labor to keep us forever groping around in the dark, searching for what we know not. And our Gods do this to us, why? Because they are hiding something fearsome regarding the flame of knowledge and it’s eternal secret that I have been alluding to, is why. As far as that goes, see Ecclesiastes 2:26 of the 1611 edition of the KJV. That being where it says, albeit for edification, “To the man or woman who pleases him, God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy. [So far so good, right?] But to the sinner he gives the work of gathering and heaping, only to give to those who please him. This also is vanity and vexation of spirit, as if striving after the wind.”

But then, what becomes of Romans 3:23? You know the dreaded verse. Or at least you know of it. It has everything to do with that folly found in striving after the wind, so as to better please a God who cannot be satisfied because we are indeed, but puppets on a string that the Almighty is holding to a higher double standard. And yes. I will prove it. How? By offering you those verses that bind in the form of a visually muted noise as if reflected off the distorted mirrors of a carnival funhouse, where it says, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”

Now see Genesis 17:1 where God said of it: “I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.”

I will give you a moment to collect yourself. After all, we are still only in chapter one.

As for revealing the highly guarded secret behind the greatest story never told, I give you the man Judas Iscariot, and his plight as it relates to chasing after the wind. Or, if you prefer your truth over easy: the flipside to that coin I spoke of. See Matthew 19:28 where Jesus said, albeit for edification: “Verily [truly] I say unto you, that those who have followed me [referring to the twelve apostles verses the masses] in the regeneration when the Son of man sits in the throne of his glory, you also will sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” (This is how I know that Jesus is addressing the apostles, verses the masses. I point this out because it’s imperative that you understand my writing style, and the way in which I choose to deliver those secrets found hiding within the Bible. This means that it’s incumbent upon you to understand the meanings of those words I use, to include the way in which I use them, along with their intended implications if not significance. By this, I mean: you may have to read something more than once before fully coming to grips with it. Why? Because everything’s connected, is why. To a truth, Soul Trap is like a long string of pearls, albeit pearls of spiritual wisdom where each and every gem is an epiphany unto itself.)

Having said that, here is where we run headlong into our first acerbic biblical truth. It happens within the confines of a deeper personal understanding when you realize that, yes. Jesus was indeed, referencing the twelve apostles and not the spiritually mottled masses. Moreover is that he is, in fact, excluding the masses. The next acerbic truth; and unquestionably the more astringent of the two; manifests itself where Jesus says that the twelve thrones of heaven are being held in reserve for the twelve apostles so as to sit in judgment over the twelve tribes of Israel.

I know, and let me guess: so what. Right? Well, I highlight this particular biblical ideologue because, didn’t one of the twelve have Jesus killed in an act of betrayal, and then commit the cardinal sin of suicide, as a result?

Ah huh.

You, my cerebral beloved, just experienced an intellectual awakening designed to stimulate the dormant and or “sleeping” part of the brain as manifested through the efficacies of a deeper understanding. You would better know it as one of those spiritual gems in the form of an epiphany that I promised you, as wrought from those individuals who knuckled down declaring to never let the truth get in the way of a good story. Believe me when I tell you that they’re not only out there, but are patrolling the highways and byways of life in droves. They have even done their best to try and stymie the production of this book. Why? Because “they” have an agenda of religion to uphold in the form of a vested interest, is why. Even so, you would be right to suspect that this agenda of theirs includes you and yours as a family of Christians. And yes. We will be getting to that.

Yet, there is more. It has everything to do with Mark 14:21, albeit for edification, where Jesus said of Judas: “The Son of man indeed goes, as it is written of him. But woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! Better were it for [him] had he had never been born!”

What was it again, that the Bible said about this as it relates to Judas Iscariot and his part as turncoat? Oh! That’s right. It was Ecclesiastes 7:9, where it says, “Be not hasty in your spirit to be angry: for anger resides in the bosom of fools.”

What we discover, then, is that one of twelve ain’t got nothing on seven of nine.

With that, I ask you: what kind of God says something like this out of anger, concerning the life of one of his father’s creations? I will tell you who: a deity that is not who or what he says he is, is who. Otherwise, his father would have never granted him that kind of emotional authority when it comes to this. But that doesn’t mean he can’t, or won’t try. Why? Because something unseen compels him, is why. You know, just like it did with Judas, when first he turned the son of God over to the authorities. See Matthew 5:39, albeit for edification, where Jesus said pertaining to acts of treachery: “I say unto you that ye [what?] resist not evil: but whosoever smites thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.”

Question: how does a marionette jump up and play the game of life when it’s forcibly cast into that role, and never told that a power greater than itself is controlling its every action? This is especially true when that higher power has led it to believe that it’s acting according to freewill. Worse yet, is that it will be held accountable according to that illusion. And yes. We know this to be true because of where Matthew 27:5 tells us that Judas committed suicide because of it. Then there is Mark 4:21 where Jesus said that, he too, can only do and go “…as it is written of him.” And yes. You really need to think about that, if only because he’s admitting that life is scripted.

Yet, these discoveries are but the tip of the proverbial iceberg—and they are legion! These are those pearls of spiritual wisdom that I promised would challenge if not permanently change everything about God and the Bible you ever thought you knew to be true. Offered as further proof that Jesus is not who or what he says is, I give you St. John 6:70. This being where he said of it, albeit for edification: “Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?” 71 He spoke of Judas Iscariot the son of [Simon Zelotes:] for it was he that would betray him as one of the twelve.”

Moreover is that, it’s this tortured soul as a dissenting imp, that Jesus says will lord for all eternity in heaven while seated on a throne of judgment? Gwad help us if he’s talking about putting him in charge of anything more magnificent than that porcelain throne found in the men’s room: even the men’s room of eternity. Otherwise, we’ve got problems. Big problems. Why? Because of where St. John 6:70 tells us that Jesus says he chose a devil to help him carry out his work.

Ah huh.

By the way: so glad you could join us because, your world is about to forever change.

At that, I once again ask you: why would the son of God reserve a throne in heaven (even if only porcelain) for he who was bent on having him killed, also said to be a devil, who then committed suicide? The simple answer is to tell you that “they” have been less than honest with you. Ah, but they have. And they are. That is because St. John 21:7 tells us how Jesus truly felt about Judas. You know. That he loved him knowing full well that he was an egregious work of the devil. With that, I give you Mark 1:34 of the original 1611 KJV edition, albeit for edification. “Jesus healed those who were sick, and cast out many evil spirits. But he would not permit the demons to speak [why?] because they knew him.”!

Do you see the totality, of what these biblical passages labor to show you? Again, stay tuned. We are, after all, only in chapter one.

Concerning just why “they” are plotting deception against you and yours while exercising the convoluted waters of religion as their weapon of mass distraction, I give you the admission of Deuteronomy 30:15. That being where Moses told his people (through inference, that is to mean all Christians beholding to their idea of religion,) saying, “I have set before you this day life and good, and death and evil. 16 I, therefore, in the name of God, command you this day to love the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments. 17 But if you refuse, 18 then I tell you here and now that you will perish. 19 I call upon heaven and Earth to record this day against you, to witness that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing.”

Commands? Did that say, he commands? Yes. Moreover is that, he not only orders us to love the Almighty, but adds the caveat “or else.” I ask you: what kind of God needs to break the will of its servants, in order to stay in power? Now there is a damn good question. And as an omnipotent being lording over all creation he has to do this, why? The correct answer is to tell you that it’s because he is yet trying to stuff something up his sleeve for a future slight of hand, is why. Ah, but he is. And you can bet that this book is all about proving it, or I would have never said it. Also, you should know that; and according to Webster’s dictionary; the word ‘command,’ as in “I command that you love me or else!” means: “To rule; to give orders; to dominate.”

Ahhh… Now we know why the Catholic institution of religion did what it did to all those people who dared to harbor other ideas about things, even speaking their mind: it’s because they are imposing a very strict sense of God’s will on them. But then, no one knows the mind of the Almighty quite like a Catholic priest does. That is because; and as part of their religious ethos; they usurp it here on Earth. I know. But they do. And we will be getting into that as the book progresses.

Even so; and as a humble Christian to the Lord your God and Savior while serving him hand and foot in all manner of contriteness; you don’t need to be dictated to and forced into loving the Almighty with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind as told us by Jesus in Matthew 22:37 and 38 regarding the first great commandment. Therefore; and if that’s the case with God being all-powerful and all-knowing; I ask you: why bother with threats of intimidation that lead nowhere, but to forced resentment: especially when you’re an omnipotent being who not only knows the hearts and minds of his subjects because life is scripted, but also the answer, whatever that answer happens to be. Right? Let me guess: freewill. Right again? Yes. That is what “they” teach us. But then, how does freewill mitigate the fact that you are still an all-knowing, all-powerful and all-everything deity who already knows the path of choice, even as exercised by the resolve of individual freewill? Otherwise, you can drop the pretense of being all-anything.


Yet; and as a devout Christian; I have to ask: how does it make you feel knowing that God has to demand of his creations with threats of violence, what you freely choose to give away? If the Almighty were truly everything that he says he is, just as championed by the church, would any of this even be necessary? Wouldn’t we all be clamoring to serve him in a manner that brought him nothing but that, which he desired most? You would think so: if only because it’s in our natures as fearful little creatures that scamper about under the cover of a darker pretense to do so. Otherwise, religion as we know it wouldn’t exist at all. I would ask that you think about that.

Be that as it may, the reason we don’t is because God and or Jesus take your pick, are not who or what they say they are. Moreover is that they do indeed, have a little something nefarious up their sleeve that they are trying to keep secret. Ah, but they do. And they are. Stay tuned because not only will this book prove it using nothing but the KJV Bible as its source, but know that it will blow your spiritual mind. More importantly, is that it has the power to forever change the world of religion as we have come to know and understand it. In fact; and get ready because; it has everything to do with 21 DEC 2012, and what it is that our Gods are keeping from us.

Now, do I have your attention?

In closing; and in a concerted effort to further touch upon the subject of the Mayan calendar and its message of doom and gloom as it relates to us in the very near future; I give you the verse that binds. And yes. It has everything to do with those two hundred and fifty thousand souls that died during the great Asian tsunami, or those like them because, what good is a God, any god for that matter, without creating a need for itself. See Isaiah 45:5 where the Almighty declared of it, as wrought for elucidation: “I am the Lord, there is none else. There is no other God besides me…7…I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, as well as disease, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.”!

And you thought the devil’s job, if not to confuse and mislead us as fatted calves to the altar of slaughter in 2012 by using our own vanity against us as we wile away our lives against the wind with the drudgery of heaping and gathering, was to do what, again?

Ah huh.

Then his son piqued up in St. John 5:19, saying of it: “Verily I say to you, the Son can do nothing of himself, except what he sees the Father do. For whatsoever he does, the Son does likewise.”

SPECIAL NOTE: this is a picture of God in action, as painted by the artist Michelangelo. Its title is: “The Creation of the Sun and the Moon and the Planets.” However, this depiction of the Almighty has secrets. In fact, it’s loaded to the gills with code. This painting, along with its overarching message, is part of the end-time schema belonging to 21 DEC 2012 as prophesied by the Mayans. Just what that message is, has everything to do with the fact that our deities are not who or what they say they are. Why? Because they are indeed hiding something nefarious, is why. Ah, but they are.

However, know ye this, about that: the answers you seek to life are in this book. Everything you ever wanted to know about God and the Bible but had no way of knowing because no else did either, is here for the taking. With that; and knowing this; I implore you to read Soul Trap through from start to finish without jumping ahead. I ask this of you Mano-o-mano because answers of this nature, when presented in this fashion, would only serve to mislead you because you failed to develop a history with them. And what this history is that you will be courting with every turn of the page, has everything to do with not only the end times of 21 DEC 2012, but the secret behind Revelation 10:7 itself. Why? Because they are indeed related, is why. In fact, they are integral to each other. That being where the Almighty declared: “In the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he begins to sound, the mystery that is God will be finished.”

Soul Trap

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