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CHAPTER 2 “IN PLAIN SIGHT” What is the thing that the Lord, has said unto thee? I pray thee hide it not from me, not even in plain sight. God do so to thee, and more also, if thou hide anything from me of all the things that he said unto thee.


You, here and now above all other people the world over, have the opportunity to embark on a personal journey extraordinaire. To know of the treasured secrets that await you from this moment on, will be to hurdle religious chasms awash with disillusion that labor to play havoc with the abraded soul. These are those spiritual rifts in the fabric of one’s life that can be daunting to approach, much less hurdle. But, working together, we will not only coax these secretive little rascals out from under their special hiding places in order to examine them for what they are, but rise above them into a place reserved for rarified air. The vehicle that will elevate us there is a noun called truth. And, it will be immutable.

Therefore, I would ask that you please extinguish via suspension any and all religious materials currently still smoking in your possession; place your tree of life in its upright and rooted position; and cinch down on your spiritual seatbelt. I guarantee that the pages of this chapter will see you experiencing an emotional journey of the epic kind, as if caught in the tumultuous winds of a controversy. However, worry not because, in the end, everything will sort itself out. It always does.

It’s here that we will be touching base with the “other” Jesus. Moreover is that, he is anything but what “they” have been telling you he is. I know. But it’s true. And there is no better time than right now to prove it.

Having said that…

The Jesus most everyone knows is meek, kind, and full of wisdom. The one most everyone knows was not only about teaching his disciples how to care for the poor, but setting the example. The one most everyone knows was not only about teaching his disciples the art of selflessness, but living the example. More importantly, is that everyone knows he was all about doing unto others, as you would have them do unto you. To take up his mantle and serve him, you had to renounce the world of material possession. See Matthew 6:24 where he unselfishly said of it: “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”

Now that you know this about him, I would like to introduce you to his alter ego. And yes. It has everything to do with buxom party girls, and disorderly living in a far off land called Vegas. See Matthew 26:6, albeit written for edification. “When Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, 7 there came to him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment, and poured it upon his head as he sat at the table. 8 But when the disciples saw it, they had indignation for it, saying, ‘To what purpose is this waste? 9 This ointment might have been sold for much money, and given to the poor.’ 10 When Jesus heard it, he said to them: ‘Why do you trouble this woman [deflecting blame,] for she has wrought a good thing upon me. 11 There will always be poor among you, but me you will not always have.’”! (You should know that; and in this particular situation; the word ‘indignation,’ means: “righteous anger aroused by something unjust.” Then there is where Jesus becomes so self-centered in his response that he thinks he’s the only one in this lifetime who has to worry about death. Go figure that one.)

And there you have it: one of those peculiar secrets that “they” would prefer you not know about. However, should you find yourself in need of a tourniquet in order to stop the spiritual bleeding, gwad help you because it only gets worse. In fact, things get much worse. But know ye this, about that: it’s always darkest just before the dawn.

What was it again Jesus said about this, and that Judas and the apostles saw in him, as well as did most everyone else of the time, even to the point of stringing him up? Oh! That’s right. It was his duplicitous ways. See St. John 15:25 where he said of it: “So it will come to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law: ‘they hated me without cause.’” (And you thought James Dean was original in Rebel Without a Cause…)

However; and of all things; hating you without cause? Oh contraire, dear Lord. The people of your time had their reasons. Words, after all, not only harbor an “unspoken power,” but bear consequence. And because they do, I give you Matthew 15:17. This being where the son of God said: “Do you not understand that whatsoever enters in at the mouth goes into the belly, and is cast out into the airy draft? 18 But those things that proceed out of the mouth, they come from the heart and corrupt the man. 19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: 20 these are the things which defile a man….”

So there it is for all the world to herald—that which you never suspected! Not only that, but in all its hypocritical glory, too. And, it doesn’t matter if you agree with Jesus so as to defend his actions or not. All because they are disingenuous in nature, and are what they are no matter how you feel about them. He even said as much. In the end, you have Christ violating everything he ever stood for by selfishly doing unto himself, and not as he preaches. That is why I now, give you Matthew 12:37. This being where he further said of it, or confessed, as is the case here: “By your words will you be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

So yes. The people had their reasons, if not a cause. This is even truer of those that were paying attention. It’s all akin to the public official who strives for the highroad his entire political career, as well as in his personal life, only to commit a felony related crime just before retiring because he feels owed more than a simple gold-plated pocket watch. Then, while heading out the door of his local bank with sacks full of money in each hand, the people heard him say, as he exited the building, “You ain’t gonna have my indigent ass to kick around anymore because I’m retiring and retiring in style. But all you poor sons-a-bitches are forever. And don’t give the teller no trouble for having wrought a good thing upon me neither.”

Yet, this is exactly what we find Jesus doing here. Furthermore, no deity, not even one calling himself Jesus Christ the son of God, is above his own laws. Otherwise—he cannot be who or what he says he is! And yes. This book is all about proving it. Not only that, but in collaborative spades. See Matthew 12:27 where he said of it: “All things are delivered unto me through my Father: and no man knows the Son, but the Father; neither does any man know the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.”

Yes. It would seem that everyone has their secrets, and that every closet, no matter how ornate the door, has its skeletons. After all, what does anyone really know about anybody, other than what they choose to show you? You know, just as declared by Jesus in Matthew 12:27. Not only that, but in collaborative spades.

Now that we fully understand one another as to the exact nature of this book, and the biblical truth for which it represents, please turn your KJV of the New Testament Bible to Matthew 20:15. Here, you will find that Jesus said: “Is it not lawful for me to do, what I will, with my own people?”

That is a rather curious choice of words from he who has other ideas about things. You saw them bunched up like unexpected speed bumps in the middle of the expressway. I am, of course, referring to where he said: “Is it not lawful for me to do, what I will, with my own people?”

Let me guess: he’s Jesus in the heat of exalting one of those one-verse-wonders for all the world to witness, and can therefore do and say whatever he wants. Right? Well, I ask you: would not the ride have been made patently smoother and more secure had the son of God actually said, “Is it not lawful for me to do, what is in the best interest, of my own people to do?”

Ahhh… Now we see how words have the power to influence perceived meanings. What you all your life believed to be religious black and white as carved into stone suddenly becomes a more transitory shade of Etch-askectch gray, forcing you to confront those things you always thought you knew to be true. As a result, questions of the mind begin to appear. Queries of the heart start to manifest themselves like unspoken whispers riding the tumultuous winds of a hot restless night. Finally, posers reach up and tug at your soul, as if an unruly child took hold of your sleeve. Yet, this is only the beginning of your journey towards spiritual introspection. And what you find when you arrivare a vostro destino, will change everything! I guarantee it.

So why did the son of God say what he did in Matthew 20:15 regarding “what he will,” the way that he did? To glean a peek at the answer, we need only read from the following assortment of scripture. And yes. It has everything to do with the son of God hording forgiveness. That’s right: hording forgiveness. This being where he stated, albeit for edification: “Go, and declare unto the gentiles, ‘In hearing you will hear, but not understand; and seeing you will see, but not perceive. [Why?] Because you are but Godless ignorant dogs that lap insufferably at the table of Christianity. Besides that, salvation is for the Jews.’”

As you will see; and in short order; these for now undeclared passages are right on the money, one hundred percent accurate. Otherwise, I would have never juxtaposed them over what I have, the way that I did. All I ask is that you stay the course, and give me time to prove it. After all, when it comes to changing that which defines our current world of religion, nothing is easy or you can bet that someone more ancient and wiser than I as seated in the Lotus position from atop his or her mountain would have done it a long time ago. To further secure my position, I give you not the birth of Jesus as Lord and Savior, but the whole reason for his inception. And yes. It has everything to do with salvation being for the Jews. See Matthew 1:18 thru 24 where the Angel Gabriel is telling Joseph about the impending Immaculate Conception. That’s because he then says in verse 21: “Mary will bear a son, and you will call his name Jesus, because he will [what?] save his people from their sins.”

Ah huh.

What we discover, then; and as per the “other” Jesus; is that he is intentionally concealing something. Ah, but he is spiritual grasshopper. Otherwise, there would be no reason for him to say what he did in those verses, the way that he did. Just what that something is, as you now know, concerns the act of hoarding forgiveness from the ill-mannered and ill-bred masses of the world (meaning, all non-Jew heathen as gentiles that have their rotting corpses heaped together in segregated plots) as declared in Mark 4:11, 12 and 13. Why? Because of St. John 4:22, is why. This being where; and just as written in Mark 4:11; he doubles down on one of those peculiar secrets as disseminated from on high, albeit for edification, saying: “You [addressing a Samarian woman at a water well as ignorant heathen] worship what you know not. But we [meaning the twelve apostles gathered with him representing the Hebrew nation] know what we worship, [why?] because salvation is for the Jews.”!

So yes. There it is in full living color for all the world to witness as wrought from the sins of the heart to the proudly defiant lips, as further cast from the belly into the airy draft. An act of which, defiles the man. After all, we know that he is violent, disorderly, unruly, uncontrolled, uncontained, lawless, mutinous, and rebellious. Also, lest we forget: manipulative and selfish. Otherwise, when it came to that oil and its intended use he would have never said to his apostles what he did, the way that he did, over what he did. Nor would he have deflected blame. It’s as simple as that. Yet, there is more. See Matthew 5:39 where he said, as if strangely out of the blue and right on queue: “I say to you that you resist not evil. But whosoever hits you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.”

However, it’s about resisting evil, along with the total cost of turning the other cheek that concerns us: especially when it comes to violence. Why? Because such a thing only works when it’s convenient for the “slapper” verses the “slappee,” is why. Ah, but it does. And it is. Not only that, but with biblical proof. See Matthew 21:12. “Jesus then went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves.”

Well, so much for turning the other cheek. After all, when it comes to the dictates of resisting evil, the “slapper” needs a bunch of passive “slappees” if he’s to do what he came to do. Right? Yes. Now you know why he said what he did in Matthew 5:39 above, as well as in Matthew 10:24, albeit for edification: “The disciple [Jesus] is not above his master [God,] nor the servant [the slappee] above his lord [the slapper.”]

But then, what happened to Matthew 5:9? This being where he also said of it: “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they will be called the children of God.”

Remember now; and for evil to triumph; it’s only necessary for good people to “turn the other cheek.” And if you only ever turn the other cheek as a result of your religious philosophy, then all you’ll ever get are those people who line up for the sole purpose of slapping you around. And yes. Jesus was fully aware of this. Now you know the rest of the story as to why he went ballistic in the marketplace. The correct answer is to tell you that it was because he tipped his hand. Ah, but he did. Raw emotions can sometimes expose us like that. You know. That turning the other check or operating on a philosophy of forgiveness only works when it’s convenient for the “slapper” verses the “slappee.”


Even so, talk about becoming violent, disorderly, unruly, uncontrolled, uncontained, lawless, mutinous and rebellious, not to mention manipulative and selfish—my gwad people! Yet, I understand that it can be difficult (if not impossible) for people of religion to recognize this event for what it really is. Revisionists did, after all, hide it in plain sight. Then they justify it in the name of religion, as wrought through the act of moral conviction. Moreover, what better way to veil a truth of this nature and magnitude, I ask you: than to use the hanky under our own noses?

Ah huh.

However, I will say this, about that: some hankies, more than others, harbor surprises. Some hankies, more than others, even bear “fruit.” And some hankies, more than others, are loaded to the gills with “Gotchas!” Ah, but they are. And they do. (Just you wait and see.)

And yes. You now know more about God’s cache of secrets, than 99% of the world’s population—to include those whose job it is to guard them! It’s also why Jesus says that, short of a parable, we will never understand the nature of his message(s). To a truth, it’s not because we are unable to wrap our fragile wad of gray matter around it. Rather, it’s because he is telling us something we don’t want to hear. Not only that, but that we will then proceed to read into it exactly what we want to believe, distorting the entire construct of the message. And, guess what? He was right. See Acts 28:27 where he said of it, albeit for edification: “The heart of my people has waxed gross [meaning, they only feel what they want to feel,] and their ears are dull of hearing [meaning, they only hear what they want to hear,] and their eyes have closed [meaning, they only see what they want to see;] lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, to be converted that I should heal them.”

So why would Jesus actively seek to refuse the gentiles of this world the act of salvation, saving it only for the Jews? Why, to keep from being crucified—of course! Alas, it’s true. And, with every turn of the page, this truth will manifest itself. I guarantee it. Even if that means revisionists have to un-nail its riddled corpse from the proverbial cross, and resurrect it. (Again, just you wait and see.)

Therefore; and when the time is right; I will see you at the crucifixion where new evidence concerning this event will be presented in full living color where; and by then; it will blow what little wad of gray matter you have left. My only concern is that your hanky be free of “surprises” as manifested in the form of excess religious baggage. I say this because there isn’t a magician alive, or who has ever lived, for that matter, that ever pulled anything from his or her hat without first conjuring it up through their hanky. And so it is for religion, too. And yes. You can bet I can prove it, or I would have never said it.

Knowing this; and having said that; you should know that we have only just scratched the surface of this particular iceberg. Ah, but we have. And the only way to begin the process of spiritual maturation is to open up, and turn to St. John 14:6. Here, you will find that Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life….”

Now see St. John 5:31 where he said of that thing called truth, albeit for edification: “If I bear witness of myself [meaning, to brag on yourself,] my witness is not true.”

So be it then, in that, Jesus claims to be all about the truth because he is full of virtue par excellence. However; and as you well know; there is more. There is always more when it comes to the Bible and its “intended” message. Think: fleeting shades of Etch-asketch gray. With that, see St. John 18:23, as wrought for elucidation. This being where Jesus said: “If I have spoken evil by telling you an untruth about my virtues, or bragged on myself regarding them, then present that evidence.”

Here, one needs to question why the son of God would knowingly put forth a challenge that would work to disprove the sovereignty of his own words. Judging by the effort required to so adamantly explain himself (me thinks thou doth protest too much!) it’s almost like even he, doesn’t believe what he’s saying. Right? Truth is; and by way of an -ism; he is subconsciously expressing his own inner doubts if not failings. Ah, but he -ism. Why? Because there exists two Bibles, as in pluralism, is why—and he knows it! That’s right. There is the Bible every Christian knows and loves. Then there is the one found lurking below the conscious reading level, of the one every Christian knows and loves. We hold this truth to be self-evident by the words he spoke in Matthew 10:26, saying: “There is nothing covered, that will not be revealed. Nor hid, that will not be known.”

However, it’s about the Bible we find lurking below the conscious reading level that has the floor on this one. Why? Because it has everything to do with why revisionists knowingly distort its truth(s) when they set out to rewrite the “good book,” is why. Moreover is that, they are trying to control access to one of God’s most treasured and heavily guarded secrets. Ah, but they are. And yes. It has everything to do with that flame I spoke of. To a truth, its essence is more like a consuming fire.

Well, even that’s not entirely correct either because; and as you will learn with every turn of the page; it’s more like the conflagration of an inferno where those choosing an alternate lifestyle will be consumed and then swept aside as so much ash and ruble. See Ezekiel 20:46, as wrought for elucidation, “Son of man, set your face toward the south, and drop thy word toward the south, and prophesy against the forest [people] of the south. 47 Say to them that they should hear the word of the Lord thy God, who says: ‘Behold! I will kindle a fire within you. It will devour every green tree in thee, and every dry tree. The flaming flame you will not be able to quench. All faces from the south to the north will I burn with fire. 48 Yea, all flesh will see that I the Lord have kindled it: it will not be quenched.’”!

Even so, the fire that God says he intends to manifest within these people is anything but what you think it is. Ah, but it is. And time will allow us to see this revealing for what it is.

And, what’s this? You say you didn’t know that the Almighty has a whopper of a discovery, in store for you? Well, he does. And because he does, even despite “their” best efforts at trying to guard and manipulate it, I give you the verse that foretells it. See again, Revelation 10:7. That being where it’s written that God said, as wrought for elucidation: “In the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he begins to sound by way of the final and or seventh sign of the seventh seal, the mystery that is God will be finished….”

Did I forget to mention that Soul Trap would endeavor to answer the great mystery, behind this grand enigma? It will. All of which, is something that no person to date has been able to do, to include the secret behind the number 666. Why? Because even they don’t know, is why. Nonetheless, I must warn you: to disclose the ostentatious mystery behind Revelation 10:7, as well as that found lurking behind the number 666, will be to change the essence of everything we hold dear concerning God and the Bible; if not our idea of religion. Then there is what we choose to believe about our inner selves, as defined by that choice. It’s because of this, that the truth we seek will transcend expectation. Moreover, you will know it when you see it, even despite “their” best scholarly efforts at revision. I guarantee that, too. Not only that, but in spades of assurance.

In order to better understand the nature of what Jesus chose to keep from us by way of his words as expressed in the form of a verbal doubt, we need only reiterate. Doing so will allow the light of truth to burn that much brighter, as it smolders below the conscious reading level. And yes. It has everything to do with the spiritual grit required to “open up and turn the page.” With that, I would ask that you revisit St. John 14:6. This being where Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life….”

He goes on to say in St. John 5:31, albeit for edification, that to brag on yourself concerning this is to commit a treachery against the very truth you say you champion: “If I bear witness of myself [meaning, to brag on yourself,] my witness is not true.”

He then challenges us to uncover evidence that would impeach him of this particular transgression. See again, St. John 18:23. This being where he said of it, as wrought for elucidation: “If I have spoken evil by telling you an untruth about my virtues, or bragged on myself regarding them, then present that evidence.”

Therefore; and because we are to live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God as professed by Jesus in Matthew 4:4; even as cast from proudly defiant lips into the airy draft, I give you that which binds his words. It comes to us by way of a peculiar admission, as per the “other” Jesus. See St. John 8:18 where he then said of it, albeit for edification: “Behold! I am one that bears witness [brags] of myself….”

As incredulous as that statement is, the situation goes from bad to worse. How? By way of self-incrimination, is how. Hard to believe I know, given the supposed nature of whom we are dealing with, but true nonetheless. And yes again. It has everything to do with all those duplicitous things that Judas, as well as the people of that time, saw in Jesus. See St. John 8:14 where the son of God then; and on top of everything else; went and said of it: “Although I bear witness of myself, my witness is true….”!

I understand the scope of your spiritual astonishment. I really do. After all, who hasn’t been there and done that, at least once in their life? Your perceived truth of a deity that does “what he will” has been shattered. All for a God who would ask of his followers what he himself would never do. Otherwise, he would have never said what he did, the way that he did, over what he has, allowing for a smudge of this caliber to be exposed. Not even by mistake.

As for the ellipses following some of those verses, they cut short his cryptic excuses as to why he chose to contradict himself. I challenge you to read them yourself; and for as many times as it takes; to see that, yes: they do indeed, do just that. And yes again. They are not only a bunch of “Yeah but” excuses, but bad ones at that. Why? Because him they will not always have, is why. And it’s this, that he believes gives him an unwritten permission to operate outside even his own laws. And yes. This is why he said what he did in Matthew 20:15 regarding the words, “what I will.”

So how could all this be true you ask, in that, Jesus is secretly trying to get something over on us? To glimpse the Cerberus standing guard over the eternal fires of knowledge like so much red meat at a fresh kill, we need only gaze back at all those fleeting, off-colored intangibles concerning religion that have unknowingly infiltrated our lives since childhood. We all have them. They prove themselves out in those people that have died, and come back to life. We know this to be true by the stories they tell, concerning their trip to the “other side.” What surgeons have done is to put highly visible objects in the operating room near the ceiling that are easily viewed form above, but out of sight (and mind) from below. This way, if the person has a true out of body experience, they should be able to recount it with the artifact in mind. To date, not one person who has died and come back has been able to do that in order to validate their experience. Not even when hovering above their bodies near the ceiling, for prolonged periods of time.

Therefore, we need to investigate this mystery further. After all, no one is accusing these people of fabricating such grandiose stories, so something special must actually be happening to them. But then, what could it be? Moreover, why is it that every last one of these experiences is highly religious, if not spiritually inspired? Could the Bible actually be telling us the truth about God, heaven, and hell? I will let you be the judge. But of this, you can be sure: the mind is a powerful thing, made even stronger when embraced by what it chooses to believe. Ah, but it is. Not only that, but with biblical proof to come, I might add.

Let us, therefore, begin with a guy who died for several minutes while on the operating table. He tells of how he engaged in a conversation with, of all people, Moses. He then talks about feeling an undisclosed presence behind him. He asks Moses who it is, and Moses tells him that it’s I AM. The man then starts to turn around to look, but Moses stops him, telling him that no one can look upon the face of I AM and live. (Well, all except for Moses, it would seem. But even that’s not true, as you will discover next for yourself.)

Now, as for the verse that binds this story as an off-colored intangible that most likely, and unknowingly, infiltrated this guy’s life from cradle to grave; and in this case back again; I give you Exodus 3:13. “Moses spoke to God, saying, ‘Behold, when I come to the children of Israel, and say to them that the God of your fathers has sent me to you; and they ask me what his name is, what will I tell them?’ 14 Then God said to Moses: ‘I AM THAT I AM. Thus will you say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me unto you.’”

Next, we have Exodus 33:18 as wrought for elucidation where we learn that not even Moses, was allowed to look upon the face of I AM, putting a crimp of truth in this guy’s otherwise plausible experience. “Moses pleaded, saying, ‘I beseech thee, O Lord, to show me your glory.’ 19 God replied, saying: ‘I will make my presence to pass before you. As I do, I will proclaim my name before you. 20 However, you cannot see my face, for no one will see my face and live. 21 ‘Behold! There is a place near me where you will stand upon a rock. 22 It will come to be that, when I pass by you, that I will put you in a cleft of that rock, and will cover your face with my hand. 23 Then, when I remove my hand, you will see my backside only: but my face will not be seen.’”

All this, and not one person in all of recorded history ever reported the same experience.

There was another guy who died in a car wreck when his vehicle flipped and rolled over into a shallow bank of water, pinning him on the murky bottom. Medical records indicate that he ingested something like a liter of mud into each of his lungs. The surgeons later saved his life on the operating table. He talks about how, in death, the Earth opened its mouth up, and swallowed him whole. He goes on to say that he knew he was in that place called sheol, and begged God that if he were to give him a second chance, he would forever change his life around. (As you will learn, the vow doesn’t have to make sense it just has to progress. Why? Because if we live in anything in this life, it’s a universe of change, is why. To be more succinct: we live in a universe of entropy where all matter, to include life, exists in varying states of decay as guided by the arrow of time belonging to the second law of thermodynamics.)

For the correlation, albeit for edification, I give you Numbers 16:28. That being where Moses said to the congregation, “Hereby you will know that the Lord has sent me to do all these works, and that it has not been of my own accord. 29 If these unrepented men among you die an ordinary death, or are in any way visited by a fate common to all men, then the Lord has not sent me. 30 But if the Lord creates something new, and the ground opens up her mouth, and swallows them up…and they go down alive into sheol [earthen hell;] then you will know that these men have displeased the Lord.”

Now see Numbers 16:32 for the conclusion. “So the Earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up with their households. Along with these evil unrepented men, so went their wives and their children, and all that belonged to them. 33 They all went down alive into sheol, and the ground closed over them: and they perished from the midst of the assembly.”

All this, and not one person in all of recorded history ever reported the same experience.

Something interesting about this is that this guy never lived what any normal person would label as so sinful, that he should have to change anything about his life around. In fact, he lived a rather normal existence. What trapped him into believing all this, especially as it pertains to the self, is where the Bible says that, if the Earth opens her mouth to swallow anyone up, then that person perished because they displeased the Lord. The truth here is that he fell victim to nothing more sinister, than the power of suggestion. And who really knows what the subconscious chooses to latch on to in the end, and why?

My last story concerns my own father, now deceased. He was nine years old when his alcoholic father took him out back, hit him over the head with a shovel, and buried him in a waiting pit. Being drunk, however, he left part of his white t-shirt showing. It was maybe three or four minutes later that one of his older brothers stumbled onto the scene, and spotting the white t-shirt sticking up out of the ground, went to investigate. He ran back into the house screaming bloody murder at the top of his lungs, where the rest of the family gathered up and unearthed his lifeless body. Needless to say, in the end, he survived his encounter with death. However, he came back with a story to tell. It was one that; and for the rest of his life; made him a religious zealot. (By the way: the word, ‘zealot’ belongs to an ancient breakaway Hebrew religious group, forming about the same time as the Essenes during the era of Jesus, and means: “dagger.” All because, that’s how they dealt with those politicians who dared to disagree with their idea of religion.)

My father would tell me (and anyone else who would listen) of how he was hanging out with “The Man,” and that this man took him on a tour of the universe where all knowledge is stored. He says they spoke in tongues at a rate not humanly possible, and that, for a brief moment in non-time, he understood everything there was to ever know as it related to our universe. And there, while coddled within the fires of eternal knowledge, he came to be at peace with his death and the abusive father who delivered him over to it. He never did, hold a grudge. He said that, if “The Man” was going to grant him another chance at life, he would have to let his father go in order to move on. And so he did, as well as did the rest of the family. I, therefore, never knew my real grandfather from my father’s side. He later one day drank himself to death, whereby forging his own afterlife experience.

Many years thereafter, maybe in his early thirties, my dad drew a map of his life that he says Jesus showed him when they were together in the afterlife. Imagine the outline of an oval standing on one of its ends, and that is what he drew. On the right side were all these crazy zigs and zags that terminated at age sixty-six. The left side was considerably longer, and perfectly smooth. He went on to say that “The Man” told him the right side represented his life the way he lived it according to the dictates of mammon, and the left side the way it could have been. As for the rest of the maps regarding the knowledge of the universe that he drew, he said that Jesus gave him a clay tablet written in cuneiform, or “native spiritual symbols” as he put it, that would teach him how to understand the rest of it. He later confided in me telling me that these symbols were the language of the dead, and that only the dead could read or understand them.

Each time he progressed deeper into his knowledge of the universe, “The Man” would hand him a new clay tablet with even more language of the dead written on it, taking him ever further into the rabbit hole. As each layer shed its secrets, he would be exposed to more and more of what he called, “pure truth.” He then drew out four connected squares, while filling each one with more and more pencil specs. Each spec, he said, was another universe unto itself and that we lived in the first square with only a few pencil marks, or specs of universe representing pure truth as the case may be. But when he got to the fourth square, the one where Jesus said all knowledge of the universe is stored, as he more or less shaded it in while saying that the universes in that square were innumerable, he was told not to try and understand it because it would “explode his mind.” He then said something unusual. He said that every human being is born knowing this information, but forget as they age. He then added that, only in death, will the Almighty remind them. And that only when death is final with no chance of return, will he reveal the hidden fifth square.

I did my best to try and understand everything he was telling me (as did everybody else,) but alas, it only got more and more complicated. Even to the point where he would incessantly repeat himself, and start to speak gibberish. Or, if you prefer, that which he called “tongues.” Mt father did his best to explain everything as knew it, even to where he would stare at you with incredulity as if you were the one speaking a foreign language, but alas, words failed him along with the connection he was trying to forge. He finally admitted that it’s just that way when you’re in physical form, because the body is so limited. To date, no one in the family has been able to make sense out of what he was trying to convey. He finally admitted that it was a very intense, highly personal thing met for his eyes only. I couldn’t agree more. For those verses that bind this experience of his, I give you Proverbs 8:11. “Wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.”

Then there is Matthew 6:24, albeit for edification: “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon [meaning, material possessions.”]

All this, and not one person in all of recorded history ever reported the same experience.

Question: how can this be if heaven is a place of commons, as held in reserve for its masses from around the globe, as slated for everyone who ever believes since the year 1 A.D., to lord knows when in the future? The simple answer is to tell you that there is more to this place called heaven than you know. This is especially true when you realize that countless trillions of people, or those who lived and died before the “age of grace,” where never given the same chance to go to heaven.

Ah huh.

With that; and knowing this; statistics show that every day around 150,000 or so people from around the globe die. Of that number, fully a third are Christians. This means that (50,000 [or 1/3] x 365 days) = 18,250,000 Christians die annually, where (18,250,000 x the year 2012 [as based on the year 1 A.D. when heaven first opened its doors for business]) = 3.6719^10 or 445 562.315 Christian souls. Now that’s a helluva lot of “God-fearing” people. What’s more; and according to Christian doctrine; is that the other two thirds, or 66.333%, are taking up residence in you know where, meaning: you know who is winning this battle. Not only that, but at a very decisive rate. Again, that’s not only according to statistics, but Christian doctrine.

Now, as for how all these highly personal afterlife experiences are being carried over into the kingdom of death, and sometimes back again, I give you Matthew 16:19. This being where Jesus said of it: “I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven so that, whatsoever you bind on Earth will be bound in heaven….” (In other words; and in today’s vernacular; “Whatsoever resonates with you personally during your lifetime, whether you read it or heard it, so shall it resonate with you in the afterlife. Even if you don’t remember it.” And there you have it: the keys to the secret of not only this life but the one to come no matter its duration because time and space do not exist as we know it. By the way: my father passed on at exactly age sixty-six, so there is at least that: although I believe it to be nothing more than a self-fulfilling prophecy because he wound up doing it to himself as an abuser of prescription meds and alcohol. My mother, herself a heavy smoker, drinker, and abuser of prescription meds, followed him eight years later at age seventy-two.)

And yes. These are those chasms of religion awash with disillusion that labor to play havoc with the abraded soul. And yes again. We just hurdled another one into a quantity of rarified air, via the immutable truth. Feels good, don’t it?

Yeah, I thought so. Why? Because it’s a healing process, is why. And any healing process worth its salt first requires the right information. No one I know, or have ever heard of, for that matter, ever built anything worth having without first acquiring the proper knowledge. So shall it be for us, too. That’s just the way it is in a universe whose arrow of time progresses according to laws of entropy. As far as that goes, I am of the opinion that the death experience is a very common thing, highly personalized and tailored to the individual as based on their own life experience that all creatures, both great and small, go through in order to ease the dying process: a final trick of the mind before it dries up and withers away, if you will.

Moreover is that, death is the one place that operates outside the normal boundaries of time and space, where all of eternity in a place of bliss is just a thought away. That is, right up until the individual actually goes into the light and “crosses over,” whereby effectively rendering the act of returning impossible. The reason for this kind of two-stage event, I suspect, is because key areas of the body are fighting the good fight. It’s only when they have sent the death nail signal, does the individual cross over into their own personalized version of the afterlife where time is anything but we believe it to be. But even that, is not forever. Why? Because it only seems that way, is why.

The only reason we don’t know any of this beyond speculation is because no one has ever been able to come back from that far down the line, if only because there is nothing to come back to. So yes. There is a kind of clinical death allowing people to come back because there is still something viable cooking in the oven to come home to. Then there is the kind of death that is eternally permanent because the structure that houses life is broken asunder, leaving it nothing to work with. And yes. This fate awaits us all, where everyone alive on planet Earth today will be dead in the next hundred or so years, whereby forging their own afterlife experience. And this is a big part of why I wrote Soul Trap. See Romans 8:6. “To be carnally minded (worldly or earthy) is death. To be [what?] spiritually minded is life and peace.”

As for those who continue to doubt their own unbelieving eyes regarding what they read, I would ask that you follow along using your own personal edition of the KJV Bible. Use keynotes to highlight those verses under consideration, for a deeper self-examination. This way, there can be no denying the truth of the situation. You know the truth for which I speak, and the Bible refers to. It has everything to do with what we choose to believe whether it be in this life, or the one to come. Yeah. That one.

Above all else, it’s paramount that you trust in yourself, and not what someone else would have you believe. The difference is day and night, wrong and right. And, should they at all accuse you of not being qualified to think matters of this nature through for yourself…

By the way; and for the duration of your journey; I have arranged a window seat for you. I don’t want you missing the parallax view, as you put behind you, the power of misconception. Letting go of notion as if it were fact is empowering. In other words: what works for the goose is good to go with the gander. To better position it for the overstuffed goose, where does the Bible say that seeking the truth is off limits? I have searched, but cannot find it. As for the more slender gander, if such a request does exist, covertly hidden somewhere in its vast pages in the form of a discombobulated God-authorized matrix, then Proverbs 8:11, as well as all other verses like it, can only exist for one reason: misdirection. Otherwise, verses like Matthew 13:13 would never exist.

Let’s not forget about the church and the role it plays in aiding this ploy, either. Why? Because their fingerprints are all over this thing, is why. Ah, but they are: just like some inept burglar of words. Oh, sure. They would have you believe it’s revision at work as defined by a “living Bible,” but that’s about the last thing it is. Something for which, I will thoroughly demonstrate. Otherwise, attempting to understand the incomprehensible as manifested in the form of an ethereal parable and defined through subjective interpretation according to the whims of “what I will,” becomes nothing more than an exercise in futility (whew!) This is why, above all else; and unlike the church; I strive to let the Bible speak for itself.

Having said that…

See Ephesians 5:9. “The fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth.”

Then there is Luke 6:45, albeit for edification, where Jesus said of it: “A good man [or woman] out of the good treasure of [his or her] heart, brings forth that which is good. An evil man [or woman] out of the evil treasure of [his or her] heart brings forth that which is evil. For of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.”

Concerning the act of casting one’s malicious dribble into the airy draft, there is Matthew 12:33, as wrought for elucidation. This being where Jesus further said of it: “Either make the tree good, and his or her fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his or her fruit corrupt. For the tree is known by the fruit of his or her spirit.”

What these verses labor to suggest, as they reach up out of their chasm of disillusion so as to draw you deeper into their muddled lair of religiosity, is that Jesus is the light, the way, and the truth. Who, from among you, hasn’t heard these persuasive words at least a thousand times? And, you know what they say about repeating something often enough… (Funny how the act of repetition becomes its own form of twisted truth.)

He goes on to explain that, should the tree (meaning himself) bear the truth, its spirit will bloom with all that is good and righteous. But let the tree prove itself corrupt, and its spirit will wither on the vine of iniquity and die. Sound familiar? It should. But if not, fret not, because in time it will. All I ask is that you keep reading in order to observe how the spiritual matrix manifests itself, vis-à-vis the big picture.

Knowing that the son of God actually drew up this comparison regarding the virtues of one’s “fruit” (even as manifested from within its own hanky,) I give you Matthew 21:18 of the 1611 edition, albeit for edification. You know the comparison for which I refer, and Jesus speaks. Well, it’s more of an introspective analogy, actually, painting a kind of self-portrait of the “other” Jesus. “In the morning when Jesus was returning to the city of Bethany, [along with the twelve apostles,] he was hungry. 19 In seeing a fig tree by the wayside, he went to it, and found nothing on it but leaves only. He then said to it [in a fit of anger:] ‘May no fruit ever come from you again!’ Immediately, the tree withered away [and died.”]

There exists a sobering reality as to why Jesus would behave this way towards one of his father’s creations, tree or not. It’s a truth covered in a later chapter that will challenge everything you ever thought you knew of what constitutes a benevolent, all-knowing deity said to turn the other cheek twain, whilst giving you the highly coveted seamless overcoat as woven from the top down, off his back. (See St. John 19:23.) I will, therefore, see you at the appointed place and time: a crossroads of the mind and soul that will see you morphing from a spiritual grasshopper, to an enlightened butterfly of the cosmos most excellent. After all, to do what Jesus did to that fig tree out of anger would be like getting mad at the sky for being blue; if only because he didn’t understand the nature of fig trees.

Still, things only get worse.

Had Jesus really been that hungry; and because the tree withered and died on command; one would think a blessing for an equally rapid blossom of fruit to be just what the doctor ordered for his hunger. Right? Yes. You would think so. Then there is St. John 4:31 to deal with. This being where it’s written, as wrought for elucidation, “Meanwhile, an apostle said to him, ‘Master, eat, I pray thee.’ 32 Jesus replied: ‘I have meat to eat that you know not of.’ 33 Therefore said the disciples to one another, ‘Has anyone brought something for him to eat?’ 34 Jesus replied: ‘My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.’”

As promised: in full living color. Not only that, but in the very hanky I warned you of.

It’s all akin to that ancient proverb concerning the human condition. An old Indian Chieftain was telling a story to his grandson. He described a fierce battle between a scruffy ol’ motley looking black wolf, and a pristine white wolf. The old chief went on to tell his grandson what these two wolves represented. As for the black nasty looking wolf, he ascribed those failings belonging to greed, hate, distrust, pride, wrath, and jealousy. As for the spotless white wolf, he stated things like moderation, love, friendship, sacrifice, humility, and peace. The grandson considered these two wolves awhile, and all they represented as they battled one another for dominance. Then he thoughtfully asked his great Chieftain grandfather, which wolf won. The reply was, “The one I feed, grandson. The one I feed.”

I know. But there it is. And with every turn of the page, you too will come to realize this of our deities. You know, that even white pristine wolves full of love, humility and grace, even those that turn the other cheek twain, are game for a good fight. What was it again, that the mild-mannered Jesus said about this? Oh! That’s right. It was Matthew 7:15 where he said of those wolves we choose to feed: “Beware of false prophets that come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves.”

I share this verse with you here and now and upfront because; and just as witnessed; our deities are anything but what “they” have been telling us they are. As for who they really are, again, it depends on the one we feed. One day the big bad wolf cries out, “An eye for an eye!” as we force-feed it our ferocity, while cheering over rivers of spilt blood. (See Revelation 14:19 and 20.) The next day, when the tables have turned, the “lamb” is eschewing evil while quietly trying to exit the scene. (See Matthew 5:25.)

The problem you run into with this regarding an omnipotent deity (despite your religion) is this: either God is full of infinite wisdom as matured to perfection throughout all of eternity, or he is an unruly child throwing an emotional fit at your sleeve it cannot be both. Otherwise, big surprise—he cannot be who or what he says he is! And yes. You can bet I can prove it, or I would have never wasted all the years it took to research and write this book, which; and oh by the way; were considerable.

Be that as it may, when it comes to the fig tree, you want to know why Jesus didn’t pray to his heavenly father for a blossom of fruit so as to alleviate his hunger instead of throwing a fit on it, whereby further exasperating his situation. Right? Well, it’s because he learned his lesson regarding this early on in life, and is worried that someone is calling him out on it. Ah, but he is. See Matthew 4:3, albeit for edification, “The tempter [Satan, who saw that Jesus was starving] came to him, saying: ‘If you are the Son of God, command that these stones be made into bread.’ 7 Jesus answered him, saying: ‘It is written thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.’”

What we learn as a result, then; and according to Jesus by way of his actions; is that we can provoke God Almighty in a fit of anger and have fig trees wither and die on command, but asking for the opposite in the form of a fruited bloom; that is the thing said to be an act of temptation? And yes. This is why he had to conceal the “fruit” of that particular truth in that hanky of his the way he did. And now, at long last, do you finally understand how such things harbor their secrets: some may be thorny, and some may be sticky, with some even being troublesome because they’re both thorny and sticky whereby bearing their own “special” kind of fruit. However, that doesn’t mean they’re not there. All you have to do in order to see it for what it is, is be willing to give it more than just the compulsory once-over because its horrendous nature offends and upsets you.

Speaking of which…

What was it that the son of God said about this contradiction of wolf-like ideologies, where fig trees die on command out of anger, instead blooming with fruit so as to more effectively allocate their bounty? Oh! That’s right. It was Matthew 17:20 where he said, albeit for edification: “Because of your unbelief I say to you, that if you have as much faith as a grain of mustard seed, you can say to the mountain [or fig tree, as the case may be,] remove yourself to yonder place [or bear fruit because I’m starving;] and it will remove itself [or bear said fruit.] Nothing will be impossible to you.”

Ah huh.

You will notice that, to lay hold of the illusion that is wolf bane, we must first deal with an enigma. After all, who did Jesus say was not to tempt God. Was it himself as his only progeny, during a time of desperate need? Or was it us as creations of bewilderment who can; and on faith alone; up and relocate entire mountains full of withered fig trees, simply because they pissed us off? And what’s up with all that blue sky, anyway?

Therefore that the comprehension of this truth must transcend expectation, I give you Mark 10:17, albeit for edification. This being where it’s written, “When Jesus was gone forth into the way [more about “the way” as we progress because, it isn’t some nondescript place that the son of God just happened to be standing at the time,] a man came running to him, and kneeled before him, saying, ‘Good Master, what need I do, to inherit eternal life?’ 18 Jesus replied, saying: ‘Why do you call me good? None is good but God.’”!

This statement is not only an admission of biblical proportion, like that of an unexpected hanky-bound aberration—but Jesus is most definitely trying to tell you something! And yes. It portends that, which is both sticky and thorny making it unseemly. Can you hear it calling out to you, as if a tiny seed of knowledge were struggling for sunlight from within a dense overgrowth of religion?


It’s saying that God and or Jesus take your pick—are not who or what they say they are! And because they themselves are proving that they’re not, I give you the verse that binds, albeit for edification. See St. John 15:2 where Jesus said of it, or flatly confessed, as is the case here: “Every branch in me that does not bear [proper fruit,] my Father takes away.” (And you thought I was being suggestive when I said Jesus was referring to himself in that self-portrait concerning the tree of corruption and its “fruit” of iniquity. Live and learn, spiritual grasshopper. Live and learn.)

What was it again, that Jesus said in that verse? I say we break it down. You know, just to be sure. This way, there can be no denying that “what I will” is a loaded statement barreling headlong down the margins of a one-way proclamation, as if in freefall. And, I will do it by wholly inverting my technique so that there can be no question as to its effectiveness regarding the nature of the truth it bears. Okay then. See St. John 15:2 one more time, albeit for edification, where Jesus said: “Every thought or action in me [meaning, branches] that fail to pass scrutiny because they are questionable and or problematic [meaning, failure to bear proper fruit on said branches,] my Father truncates as necessary. [Meaning, to prune and or take away.”]

Then there are those who would argue that Jesus was himself, a man of flesh and blood. So much so, he found himself struggling with the same short end of the stick as the rest of us. Ergo, the whole reason for his father in heaven having to keep him on the straight and narrow, and all is good to go. Right? I thought so. But then, if Jesus has issues to the point where the Almighty has to keep him toeing the line by pruning him back because he is riotous, violent, disorderly, unruly, uncontrolled, uncontained, lawless, mutinous, rebellious, manipulative and selfish, what becomes of St. John 5:19? You know the dreaded verse. Or at least you should by now. It’s where Jesus said: “Verily I say to you, the Son can do nothing of himself, except what he sees the Father do. For whatsoever he does, the Son does likewise.”

Let me guess: “Odds Bodkins!” Right?

If per chance you felt a cognitive shudder of realization traverse your spine, then know that you’re not alone. Yet, the road on which we must journey for existential enlightenment is fraught, with speed bumps such as these. These are those emotional confrontations that will require of us, spiritual fortitude on a heretofore-unimaginable scale. However, the reward for having endured the journey will be a healing of the heart, and soothing of the soul. A wound for which the world bears through-and-through skewered like an enormous overripe shish kabob of religion set to burst at its seams. Truth is, Matthew 13:13 has deceived us into believing the spiritual injury has healed when, in fact, it has been festering. Even to the point of systemic infection, wherein thrives all manner of religious strife. (Just so you know, “Odds Bodkins” is an archaic phrase used to politely replace the more offensive “GD!” word.)

Knowing that the world in which we live is spiritually contentious, we need to examine more than ever, why that is. All because, if religion were the cure-all for what ails us as an indigenous species, verses the cause, I ask you: would not we be living in a completely different world, than we do? Because religion has been around for so long, you would think so. If you at all doubt the sincerity of that statement, then perhaps another look at what is the world’s ongoing spiritual misery will convince you otherwise. Why? Because it’s in more trouble than you know and getting worse with each and every passing day, is why. This, even despite two thousand years of the church ramming New Testament “gospel truth” down our throats as a feel-good, heal-all, panacea. And, if you tell me that all we have to do to fix the problem is adhere to the teachings of Jesus as written in the Bible…

The spiritual discord for which I make reference is the same as to what you will find within the Amish community (to include their offshoot the Mennonites,) in that, through the vehicle that is their religion they shun everything the modern world has to offer. Why? Because of 1 John 2:15, is why. “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any [person] loves the world, the love of [God] is not in him. 16 For all that [exists] in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, are not of the Father, but of the world. 17 But the world passes away, [along with] the lusts thereof: but he [or she] that does the will of God [will live] forever.”

However, you should know that the Amish don’t exactly shun everything the outside world has to offer. They have, and do use, electricity, hot and cold running water, power tools, farm equipment and implements, radios, and even take rides to Wal-mart aboard internally combusted vehicles every so often. Not to mention, the marvels of modern medicine and hospitals equipped with the latest and greatest. Although the Amish claim citizenship with the United States of America the same as all bona fide citizens do, they do little to honor it. As an example, they refuse to serve on a jury because of Matthew 7:1. This being where Jesus said: “Judge not, lest you be judged.” (Where local municipalities would hold you and I accountable for such a choice, even if we quoted from said verse, they receive a pass in the form of a “get out of jail free” card.)

The Amish also refuse to serve in the military yet enjoy all the liberties and benefits that millions of others have sacrificed for. They also refuse to educate their children beyond the eighth grade because they know that, if they do, they wise up to their antiquated ways. Yet, the Amish are but the tip of the iceberg when it comes to assassinating the goose of loyal citizenship, while pardoning the floundering gander that is a relic of a religious construct. But hey! That old-world handcrafted hutch that retails for $1295.99 at the major retailers is only $750.00. And oh look—matching wall units too! (I know. But talk about having your spiritual cake and eating too, if only because of that worldly, almighty dollar that their secluded society; and just like any other society; revolves around. And if there is any truth to 1 John 2:15, then even they should know that money is the root of all evil. Let’s call it a vehicle that turns all inroads, into floodgates.)

Please understand that it’s not my intention to single out the Amish or their kissing cousin the Mennonites—not even hand-grenade close! Instead, I hold them out as examples regarding idiosyncrasies found within ALL religions. Believe me when I tell you that every last religion on this planet harbors its own internal foibles. It’s just that some are more notable than others.

Perhaps I should be addressing those people who, through the culmination of their faith, put everything into the hands of God: even the sad and corrupt state of worldly affairs. I address you specifically because, what are we to do with the truism that God helps those, who help themselves? And never was a fig tree riper for the picking, than the one set before us here and now. Otherwise, we can always watch in religious indignation as humanity hurls itself towards the event horizon of the great abyss, believing it all to be part of some grander plan. Worse comes to worse, we could just pitch a fit over it. You know, like the son of God did regarding that fig tree incident of his.

Ah huh.

Now, concerning what Jesus said in Mark 10:17 and 18 about no one being good but God Almighty, to include him, and how it becomes necessary for his father to prune him of his “imperfections” from time to time (see again, the admission of St. John 15:2: especially as it relates to him being violent, disorderly, unruly, uncontrolled, uncontained, lawless, mutinous and even rebellious,) I give you Matthew 7:17. This being where he further said of it, albeit for edification: “Every good tree brings forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit. Neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 [Every tree that brings forth corruption…is cut down and set ablaze.] 20 Wherefore by their fruits you will know them.”

What was it again, that Jesus said of himself concerning trees of corruption that bear evil fruit? Oh! That’s right. It was Mark 10:18 where he publicly stated: “Why do you, call me good? None is good but God.”!

Ah yes, grasshopper. Suddenly, the light of enlightenment burning at the base of your brain begins to glow a bit more intensely. Watch out though because, next thing you know, an unruly child is tugging unmercifully at your sleeve. And its got questions: lots and lots of thorny, sticky, and yes troubling if not unseemly questions. Even if that means having to reach out and pry open our hankies for a more detailed examination. I know, and let me guess: “Ewe!” Right? But then, uncovering religious truths of this nature can be that way. This, after all, is the spiritual fortitude required of us on a heretofore-unimaginable scale.

Be that as it may, it’s about Jesus saying no one is good but God, that garners our attention here. Why? Because of the verse that binds this dynamic duo at the hip, is why. See again, Isaiah 45:5, as wrought for elucidation. That being where the Almighty declared: “I am the Lord, there is none else. There is no other God besides me…7…I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, as well as disease, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.”

And, with that proof I promised you not too long ago: it all depends on the one we feed. However, I would be remiss if I did not advise you, in that, everything you are going to learn in this book is the revolutionary truth, so help me, and nothing but the immutable truth. Even insidious truths like those found in I John 1:5. “This then, is the message which we have heard…and declare unto you that God is light. That in him is no darkness at all.”

I agree. I John 1:5 seems harmless enough. But then; and this is the important part; this is how the deception empowers itself. All because I John 1:5 is a one-verse-wonder that no one bothers to demand any more of, only to label their apathy “faith.” And yes. There are many such verses like this in the Bible, all ascribed with the same lack of spiritual indifference. Nonetheless; and lest we fall victim to the same failings that entangle this world with slithering tentacles of spiritual unrest; we need to be more insisting of it: even if that insistence demands resolve. Otherwise, we become part of the problem.

Look, that’s a harsh truth to bear I know, but know that it goes even deeper than that. In fact, it goes much, much deeper. Let’s call this particular profundity an ill-defined rabbit hole from within the margins of life for which we cast our faith in the form of a proxy, and hope for the best as it gropes its way around in the dark searching for what we know not because even if it found it we would have no way of knowing what we were looking at. Not to mention, we didn’t even know we were looking for it in the first place. That’s just the way it is, when striving after the wind. But then, everyone knows there is no new thing under the sun. Right? (See Ecclesiastes 1:9.)

Truth is, by perpetuating the problem verses the solution concerning religion and its inherent failings, we commit our children, your children, the world’s children, to a tenuous future. After all, if it were not for spiritual maturation, we would still be sacrificing human life to appease the gods. And you know we would. What was it again, that Einstein said about this? Oh! That’s right. It was, “The further the spiritual evolution of mankind advances, the more certain it seems to me that the path to genuine religiosity does not lie through the fear of life, and the fear of death, and blind faith, but through striving after rational knowledge.”


But let us return to the hidden message of I John 1:5, in that, it says there is no darkness whatsoever in God. Why? Because of the discovery of St. John 3:19, is why. “This then, is the condemnation. That men love darkness…[why?] because their deeds are evil.”

So what, exactly, does the overall message inherent within these passages have to do with anything. Right? I thought the same thing myself at one time. This particular hiccup happens because the Bible is only letting you in on part of the story. And even then, it’s only that part “they” want you knowing. And now you know why you defend it to the core of the self the way that you do.

Welcome, grasshopper, to what beats at the heart of a secret religious agenda, as tucked away and hidden below the conscious reading level because its rigged to tell you what you want to hear, ergo its power. To better sort our way through this particular chasm of disillusion, as filled to the brim with the bleakness of muddled misinformation, we need only turn our KJV Bibles to Matthew 10:27. Here, you will find the rest of the story. This being where Jesus, as the son of a God who can only do what he sees his father in heaven do, said of it: “What I tell you in darkness, you speak in light….”

Perhaps what we need in this situation is to juxtapose these verses (maybe even write them down in order to avoid the pitfalls of confusion.) That is because their truths seem random and extraordinarily discombobulated when; and to an immutable truth; they are anything but. Even so, there is no way I can prepare you for the reality they harbor, other than to simply do it. Okay then. See Mark 10:17. “When he was gone forth into the way, a man came running to Jesus, and kneeled before him, saying, ‘Good Master, what need I do, to inherit eternal life?’ 18 Jesus replied to him, saying: ‘Why do you, call me good? None is good but God.’”

As if to confirm that statement; and as you now know; Jesus went on to say in Matthew 10:27: “What I tell you in darkness, you speak in light….”

To add spiritual fuel to a religious fire as disturbing as this one is, I again give you I John 1:5, albeit for edification. “This then, is the condemnation. That men love darkness, because their deeds are evil.”

What was it again, that Jesus said about this obligatory nuisance called evil? You know the failing for which I speak. It’s the same impiety he says he champions from out of the darkness, and that we are not to resist? Yeah. That one. See St. John 3:20: “Everyone who does evil hates the light…lest their deeds be exposed.”

Now see Matthew 7:19 where he then said of it, albeit for edification: “Every tree that brings forth corruption [meaning, evil] is cut down, and cast into the fire.”

For the verse that binds this truth, in that, there are reasons why the son of God would even say such incorrigible things, I give you, albeit for edification, Mark 1:34 of the original 1611 KJV edition. “He [meaning Jesus] healed those who were sick, and cast out many evil spirits. But he would not permit the demons to speak [why?] because they knew him.”!

Do you now see the totality of what these verses labor to show you, as they reach up out of their chasm of disillusion? To deny what exists in plain sight is to deny the truth of the Bible simply because it upsets you. After all, if the son of God had nothing to hide in that hanky of his, there would be no reason to censor the demons. Nor would Mark 1:34 have ever said what it did, the way that it did. You know it. I know it. And Jesus most certainly knew it. Why? Because he is not who or what he says he is, is why. And yes. This is why I don’t capitalize the title “son of God” as “Son of God” and so on. It’s because I know something about this that you don’t. Yet that is. But you will, and soon enough. I guarantee it.

(There will be more to come regarding this discovery where appropriate, as it has everything to do with who said what, and to whom, in the Garden of Eden: a truth that will challenge everything we ever thought we knew of it. This, just as sure as “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida” by Iron Butterfly = “In The Garden of Eden.” All because it’s a rock-n-roll stoner’s Lady Mondegreen, baby, it’s a Lady Mondegreen. And what is a Mondegreen but a misinterpreted, if not misunderstood, aural malapropism? [On the Internet, look up “Lady Mondegreen.” It will tell you everything you need to know.])

Now that you’ve been able to glimpse the darker side of what “they” don’t want you knowing, and why, I invite you to join me in changing the world for the better. I extend this invitation to you and yours because the deception that is the impetus behind commercial religion has progressed to a point of systemic social failure. At our current rate of moral decay as defined by a universe of entropy, it’s only a matter of time before what goes around sneaks back around, and bites us all in our sanctimonious cabooses. Therefore, we have much work to do if we are to ever hand our children, your children, the world’s children, community plowshares instead of freshly whetted swords. You know the double-edged steel rapiers for which I speak: they are the same ones we hold on high out of righteous indignation that, sooner or later, always manage to cut both ways. Yeah. Those ones. And yes: sanctimonious cabooses.

Truth is, the reason we are intolerant of other people and or cultures is because we are helping to foster, albeit unwittingly, misguided notions of religion. This not only applies to us as a Christian nation, but to any culture operating off religious-based foibles. These are those intangible qualities of a higher morality regarding judgment that we strive to abstain from by turning the other cheek, but cannot. Why? Because they have their basis in a book of subjectivity concerning the judgments of a God who operates on the principle of an eye for an eye as dictated by the emotions of “what I will,” is why. For proof that this is indeed the case, I give you Isaiah 61:8. That being where the Almighty said of it: “I the Lord do love judgment….”

What we discover as a result, then, is that God does not merely tolerate judgment as an implement of morality. Nor does it say that he approves of it as a tool of the divine legal system, either. No. We instead learn that he is overtly emotional about it because he, of all things, thrives on it. I, therefore, give to you not its logical conclusion (because there is none,) but its logical escalation (because of that there is plenty.) See Leviticus 21:17 where a brutally judgmental God, poised with an equally demented emotional bias as filtered through “what I will” said, albeit for edification: “Whosoever [of your people] that has a blemish, let them not approach to offer the sacrificial bread of his [or her] God.” (As for its logical progression, you will have to keep reading. Believe you me when I tell you that this rabbit hole goes to places where even angels fear to tread. But tread they must because, they too, have been deceived. I know. But they have. We all have.)

Allow me to be so bold as to suggest that I know how you’re feeling right now. That is because I too, have been there and done that. He is God, after all. The same one that we, as little children, grew up with and prayed to every night. “Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep, that if I should die before I wake, my soul is free for the Lord to take. Amen.”

Yes! This same God utterly broke my heart and made me cry at age seven while attending church when I finally I understood what the world had done to his son. As the preacher preached, it devastated me to know that humanity could do the terrible thing that it did. It was a beautiful Easter Sunday morning on 14 APRIL 1963 when it all dawned on me like the rising of a profoundly new sun. I cried in sobs to the point that no one could console me: not even with the promise of eternal life to come from this mess. That is because “they”—were the bastards who killed my God! (I was only seven, after all. And singing [whilst emotionally clinging to] “The Old Rugged Cross” at the time, did not help matters either.)

Worse yet is that a temperamental God while trussed up in the throes of judgment cursed all of humankind for all eternity concerning the actions of only two people who; and by all accounts; were still running around in their emotional diapers having just figured things out. This is to say that; and because of Adam and Eve’s personal choices; all are born into sin: even confused seven year-olds. (See again, the dictate of Romans 3:23.) The despair I felt that day wholly transcended the emotional library of a second-grader. It wasn’t until I grew up and matured, that I even questioned what possible deity could hold untold generations accountable for the actions of only two people acting on the gift of freewill. To my way of thinking (and hopefully soon to be yours too,) it didn’t make sense.

To me, the whole thing is akin to breaking the wings of a hapless bird and tossing it off a cliff whilst demanding that it keep the faith, and then bellowing “Next!” And yes. Even Jesus was aware of this peculiarity. See Matthew 10:29 where he said of it, albeit for edification: “Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing [half penny?] Yet, not one of them [meaning, the birds] will fall to the ground without your Father.”

If it’s your contention that Jesus is trying to say God will be there for the bird when it dies, just as he would for the human soul when it departs the body, me thinks not. Besides God having such animals relentlessly slaughtered for the sake of personal glory, I would have you see Ecclesiastes 3:21. That being where it’s written, albeit for edification, “Who knows the spirit of man that goes upward, and the spirit of the beast that goes downward to the Earth [meaning, place of sheol?”]

Then there is Malachi 1:8, of the 1611 edition. That being where God said: “When you offer blind animals in sacrifice, is that not evil? When you offer those that are lame and sick, is that not evil?”

What we learn, then, is that Matthew 10:29 should have read, “Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? Yet, not one of them will fall to the ground without your father having thrown it there in disgust.”

What was it again, that Jesus said about the discovery of this particular truth? Oh! That’s right. It was Matthew 10:26 where he said: “There is nothing covered, that will not be revealed. Nor hid, that will not be known.”

When you search for the truth with an open mind; and as suggested by Jesus himself in Acts 28:27; passages like Matthew 10:26 have a way of opening up, and speaking for themselves. This, as opposed to those verses that say God so loved the world… And don’t make me list every occasion that God Almighty got upset and killed people or sacrificed animals for personal glory because—I would pretty much have to include the whole of the OT here!

Now, regarding original sin as manifested through divine odium where God curses all of humanity for the actions of only two people acting autonomously; and declared as defacto in Romans 3:23; I give you Deuteronomy 24:16. I share this verse with you because I want you to fully understand; and without a shadow of reservation; that it’s from within the Bible, and not me, that a contradiction of this type and magnitude arises. Okay then. Deuteronomy 24:16 it is. That being where God said: “The fathers will not be put to death for the children, nor the children for the fathers; but every man according to his own sin.”

Question: how does one play the game when the rules are always changing according to the judgments of emotional whim, as defined by “what I will?” And why judge ye every man according to his or her own sin, dear Lord, when you have already condemned them wholesale through Adam and Eve for all eternity, as further defined by Romans 3:23?


Concerning the nature of this truth, I offer you a verse that spirals into the murky depths of oblivion, or that indefinable rabbit hole of darkness for which we all struggle take your pick, taking with it all logic and reason. Maybe even the premise that is faith itself. And all anyone can do is watch, as it circles the drain (CTD.) Moreover is that, it will help us to further define the conundrum in life for which we all struggle. See I Corinthians 1:25 where the Bible says of the Almighty, “The foolishness of God is wiser than men….”

Whoa Now!

Was that someone’s chalk I heard snap, while merrily screeching all la-la-like across the blackboard of life? Sometimes, words cannot complement a situation properly enough. But then, I did warn you that our journey was of a revolutionary nature. Did I not? Therefore, because I did; and because the Bible acknowledges that God is an angry God afflicted with an idiocy; I give you Ecclesiastes 7:9. “Be not hasty in your spirit to be angry. For anger resides [where?] within the bosom of fools.”!

Again, I did not write the Bible.

Yet, we are not through with this issue. Behold, grasshopper, the verse that binds. See Psalms 2:11 of the modern revised edition. That being where it says, “Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. 12 Kiss the Son, lest he be made angry, and you perish from the way; when his wrath is kindled but a little.”

Yes! These verses are indeed, trying to tell us something. They strike out as if to bear witness to our consciousness. Should you care to listen just past the roar of religious din, you will hear their truth vying for your attention from that place where angels fear to tread. Can you hear, what they are saying?


The Bible is warning that God, in his “infinite wisdom,” is not who or what he says he is. Not to mention, what we think we know of kissing the Son.

Missed something, did you? I thought you might. You see, Moses contributed to the book Psalms, as well as did King David. Both men lived more than a thousand years before the concept of Jesus Christ ever took root. Therefore Psalms, as well as many other books of the Bible, are not what you think them to be. Or, if you prefer: a divine work handed down from God himself to humankind bearing ethereal gifts as thee gospel truth. We know this to be true because “they” (those who edit and revise) not only used the word ‘Son’ in that verse instead of ‘sun,’ but capped it in order to pay homage to it.

Knowing this, I ask you: what is the book of Psalms, but a compilation completed somewhere around 10 B.C., as found belonging to the OT? This means that that verse, as well as many others like it, are but the deliberate manifestation of a deception as concocted by the church through its revisionists. Ah, but they are. And it’s true. You know the truth for which I speak. It’s the same one where I said earlier that the church is a burglar of words. To demonstrate this; and to prove beyond any and all doubt that they are; I give you the original 1611 edition of Psalms 2:11. “Serve the Lord with fear, with trembling 12 kiss his feet, lest he be made angry, and you perish from the way; for his wrath is quickly kindled.”

Therefore, yes. Revisionists are manipulating us for the sake of religious agenda. That’s because, real truth is? That’s right. They also got to the 1611 edition. We know this because of verse twelve. That being where it says, “…and you perish in the way….” Why? Because “the way” is the forerunner to Christianity that only existed at a time during the writing of the NT during the life of Christ, is why.

And yes. It has everything to do with a sun halo being the crowning glory of Jesus Christ as the “sun of God.” This is why you see the entire concept of this verse progressing from kissing God’s feet, to planting one on his hallowed son. It’s all about a more modern agenda of religion. Well, it’s either that, or Jesus will become upset because you didn’t kiss his feet. Then he will kill you for it. And this is where we find that white, pristine wolves full of love, humility and grace, are game for a good fight because they do indeed, have a darker side.

So why do we find NT thinking occupying space in the OT, besides being related to a more modern religious agenda? As much as I would like to tell you more about this, I can’t. To go any further would be to expose the chapter I have in reserve for it. I, therefore, will see you at the appointed place and time. Then there is that which you will learn of yourself during this grand journey of spiritual introspection: if only because epiphanies can sometimes do that. This is especially true when they strike at the core of long-held values that have made their bed and taken up residence within the neural network of our belief system, as if written into the more stony portions of our hearts.

Speaking of which…

Allow me now to introduce you to a man named Job. (Pronounced: ‘Jobe.’) He was at one time the center of our deity’s attentions: a place you really don’t want to be, not even for the fun of it. Anyway; and as the story goes; this man lost everything he ever owned over nothing more juvenile than a bet between rival deities. These were losses that included not only his herding animals as his livelihood (which were considerable,) but his servants and his ten children (which is unfathomable.) I, therefore, choose to call this man: Job Suffrage.

To a truth, God provoked Satan into the bet by tempting him with what he knew he couldn’t resist. What that something is, or was, was Job’s moral character as a raise in ante. I know. But it was. And he did. See Job 1:6, albeit for edification, “Now there was a day when the sons of God [known also as angels,] came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came with them…8…and the Lord said to the devil: ‘Have you at all, considered my servant Job? There is none like him in all the Earth. He is a perfect and upright man that fears God, and eschews evil’”

Before going any further, who of you knew that God’s angels, hung out with Satan? I hold this truth to be self-evident by that fact that they allowed this king of demons to come with them from where they were, which was strolling to and fro upon the Earth (see Job 2:2,) doing Lord knows what while walking up and down on it, to where God was (the house of judgment:) all just to ruin Job’s life as he knew it—forever!


Then try explaining why, as eternal enemies, they did not gang up on this king of evil and kick his charcoal-ridden, fork-tailed cloven-footed behind, back from whence it came? After all, God was right there to back them up if things went south. Hell, he could even referee the thing. Okay, then ask yourself why the first thing God does when Satan shows up is not to take the actions necessary to defeat his rival and then gloat over him in triumph, or question his angels about who they’re hanging out with (of all things,) but to throw his man Job under the bus of pride and arrogance? And yes. You would better know this action of his, as a raise in ante according to the dictates of “what I will.”

This whole incident is a lot like you and your wife getting into a fight, say, over money or something, and then you going and kicking the family dog clear across the street out of anger. If only because that little “bitch” in the kitchen had it coming. (I know. But; and believe it or not; there are people out there just that ignorant. Not only that, but the madder they get, the more “ignant” they become.)

Now see Job 1:9 where the story continues, and the plot thickens. “Satan answered the Lord, saying, albeit for edification: ‘Does Job fear you for naught? 10 Have you not made a hedge about him, and about his house, and all that he has? You have blessed the works of his hands, and increased his substance. 11 But remove your hand of [protection and prosperity,] and he will curse you to your face.’ 12 The Lord replied, saying: ‘Behold! All that he has is now in your control….’” [At that, Satan watched as God kicked his spiritual mutt across the street in anger, if only because that horned bitch from hell’s kitchen had it coming.]

However, there is more. There is the matter of those words as spoken by God to Lucifer regarding Job when first he challenged him. According to the Franklin Dictionary, the word ‘consider,’ means: “(2) To give thoughtful attention to.”

You must understand that; and for the Almighty to have even said this, particularly when put in the face of his nemesis as a challenge regarding someone’s life, means there exists a colossal discrepancy in believing that those who seek refuge in him as God, will find it. All of which, nullifies the entire point of the story of Job: with this point being that those who conform to God’s will are blessed individuals. That is because; and as proven to a terrible fault through the man Job, his servants and his family; we learn otherwise. Yes. There is what “they” want you knowing when it comes to “what I will:” then there is the truth. The beautiful thing about truth, whether it tells us what we want to hear or not, is that it can never lie to us. To argue otherwise is folly.

As for us, it’s all about overcoming the curse of Egor Norance. Have you ever had the misfortune, of running into him? Haven’t we all. Seems he’s never far away, and always showing up for dinner uninvited. Not only that, but at the worst possible moment when you least expect him. Worse yet, is that he’s always dragging around that prick Murphy. Ah, but he is. See Acts 28:26 where Jesus said of this problem child and the company he keeps: “In seeing, you will not see. In hearing, you will not hear. And being made foolish and ignorant (I Corinthians 1:20) after the likeness of your Father who art in heaven (Genesis 1:26,) you will be led astray (Matthew 13:19) because you know not what you worship (St. John 4:22,) neither will you understand why.”

Please tell me you get it now, in that, I am completing the overall picture one written puzzle piece at a time through the art of juxtaposition, as defined by accountability. Furthermore; and more importantly; is that I’m doing it by allowing the Bible to speak for itself. Otherwise, it’s a lot like saying that certain verses only pertain to certain situations. But only then, if that’s what you choose to believe. Even so, everyone knows that the Bible is, at best, a contentious source of inspiration. We know this to be true because it’s difficult, if not impossible, to get two people to agree on anything, much less scripture, no matter where, how, or under what pretense they gather. Again, you are either and eye for an eye kind of person, or one who opts for turning the other cheek it cannot be both unless hypocrisy is now a new form of religion.

Speaking of which…

At last count, there were something like twenty or so major religions “gracing” this planet of ours. Of those twenty or so groups, all of them have given birth to a myriad of spin-offs. These byproducts of religion are further subdivided into two-hundred and seventy larger groups, along with thirty-four thousand or so smaller separate Christian groups, acting as breakaways. All because they couldn’t agree on, you guessed it: scripture. And that, dear reader, is a helluva lot of religion all claiming inspiration from the same book. So yes: a contentious source of inspiration to say the least.

However, what no one is telling you is what these breakaway groups did that set them apart from all others. Why, they reinterpreted if not rewrote the Bible in order to get it to say what they want it to say—of course! Ah, but they did. And now you know why the KJV even exists. It is, after all, just another version of the Bible: albeit one whose truths are more closely adhered to than anything modern (which is why I refer to it so often.)

As far as that goes, here are some of the more notable versions of the Bible in existence, with all of them claiming some sort of exclusive right to the mind of God. To begin, we have the Torah as written by Moses. Then there is the Kethuvim (to mean, The Writings.) Then we have the Latin Translation. Next, we have the Nevi’im. Then there is the Septuagint, written around 250 A.D. Then there is the Vulgate, written around 400 A.D. Then there is Martin Luther’s version of it, written around 1534 A.D. Then there is, as you know, the King James Version of it, written in 1611 A.D. Next, we have Darby’s Translation of 1867, with revisions in 1872 and 1884. Then there is Young’s Literal Translation of 1898. Next, we have Weymouth’s New Testament of 1913. Then there is the Revised Standard Version of 1952. Next, we have the New International Version, or NIV, written in the 1960’s, and again revised in the 1970’s. Next, we have that book calling itself Good News for Modern Man. Then there is Webster’s Translation of 1983. And, lest we forget, there is the Qur’an. That’s right: the Qur’an. (More about this later.)

The odd thing here though, is that every last one of these breakaway groups all claim exclusive rights as far as being correct in their faith goes. But let us pray for the sorry bastards, anyway. Moreover is that, “theirs” is the only way to get to heaven so too bad so sad for all you schmucks out there thinking yours is the only road to redemption. All because, if you didn’t “kiss the Son/Sun” and do at least three Hail Mary’s while facing east five times a day in order to offer your heave offering as a thanksgiving unto God, along with unleavened cakes mingled with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with oil, and cakes mingled with oil, of fine flour, fried, while waving palm branches around on Palm Sunday, along with ash rubbed into your forehead as you spin counterclockwise in seven concentric circles while kissing his feet with each and every revo-lution… What was it again, that Einstein said about this? Oh! That’s right. It was, “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius—and a lot of courage—to move in the opposite direction.”

Ah huh.

But let us continue, even despite, the threat of developing OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.)

And yes. If you must know: I am of the opinion that religion, and not spirituality, is a form of mental illness. But that’s just me. However; and by books end; I think that you too, will agree. You may, at this very moment, however, find that particular thought repulsive swearing to yourself that your faith can withstand any onslaught, no matter the hanky entangling it. Right? All I can say about that for now is: just you wait and see. Why? Because when you know what I know, you will know everything that I know, is why. This is one of those situations where you can’t say how you will react until you get there.

Even so, once you know the truth of a thing, there can be no going back. Again, that is the beauty of an epiphany. And yes. Some epiphanies are just that way, acting as one-way reality portals. Should you still be of the opinion that your faith in God will remain not only intact but stronger for having endured, I would just bet that at one time in your life your conviction regarding Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, and yes even the tooth fairy, was just as strong. So, what changed? Answer: you stepped through a one-way reality portal as you matured and became more self-aware. And what is maturity, I ask you: but a higher level of consciousness as manifested by a series of epiphanies that opened your mind up, to a world of new possibilities?


Until then, or until such time, try explaining what other form of social medium allows its participants to run around worshipping something that no one has ever personally seen, heard from, or touched? Who then goes on to subsidize this particular belief system with federal tax dollars through “faith based loans,” but then revokes your loan privileges if they find out you think he’s been talking back to you? Worse yet is that everyone, to include you, not only allows for, but actually justifies the killing of other fellow human beings in his name. Truth is, we do most of our dirty work in the name of God. This is how we justify our actions as a fearful species that scampers about under a darker pretense, so as to avoid having to take any responsibility for them. Ah, but we do. We always have. And yes. The Bible is no different, and operates on this exact same principal.

And they say I’m crazy…

Oh! That’s right. We will leave crazy to fend for itself, as written in the Bible. Just like in Job 42:12 thru 15 where God further justifies the murder of this man’s servants, as well as his ten children, through a weird process of recompense. He does this by increasing his wealth through herding animals, and making his latest batch of children prettier than those he killed previously. I understand. I really do. But if something like this doesn’t qualify as thoughtless and superficial (a foolishness said to be wiser than mans,) I do not know what does. This being where the Bible says that the Almighty judges a person’s life-worth by not only material possession, but; and of all things; their blemishes.

What was it again, that Satan said about this little arrangement as made between him, God, and an unwitting Job? Oh! That’s right. It was that the Almighty had to buy his respect in order to win this contest of vanities, or Job would indeed curse him to his face for his troubles. (See again, the troubling admission of Job 1:9 thru 11.) You know this to be true because, in the end, God had to do exactly as Satan said he would, via the issuance of material reward. Not only that—but in great abundance!

Can you hear what the truth of this discovery is trying to tell you, as it beckons to you from below the conscious reading level?


It’s saying that the devil knows more about how God will react in any given situation, than even God does. We know this to be true, or the story of Job would have never allowed for a smudge of this magnitude to be exposed. Not even by mistake. And yes. It has everything to do with their encounter in the Garden of Eden over Lady Mondegreen where, one of them lied because he had something to hide, while the other simply forced his hand. (Again, just you wait and see.)

Moreover, you tell me if you would feel any better about the death of your family because your insurance plan (or God in this case) compensated you, for their loss? Or that some people thought your next batch of children prettier than those killed earlier, as another bizarre form of justification? Now that, spiritual grasshopper, is a reality check. It’s one that the Almighty would have you believe is not only poetic justice, but “divine wisdom.”

To further expose the impetus behind this curiously weird circumstance for the thing of contrivance it is; and with that biblical support I promised; I give you the material reward of Job as recorded in the book of the same name. See Job 42:12. “So the Lord blessed the latter end of Job’s life more than his beginning. For he had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she-asses. 13 He had also seven sons and three daughters…15…and in all the land were no women found so fair as the daughters of Job….”

In order for you to fully understand the immutable truth of the situation, in that, life is a crapshoot as far as God is concerned where even the devil fearlessly calls his bluffs, where does the Bible say that he meted out restoration to anyone, other than Job? Even so, we know what God did to this man’s servants. And yes. They most likely had families, too. Then there’s the matter of Job’s children, with this being those ten individuals that the Almighty allowed Satan to snuff out in order to prove a point.


All these individuals find themselves queuing up outside the pearly gates trying to figure out what the hell happened to them, when St. Peter approaches, saying to them, “Behold! Gaze now upon your father. See how happy he is with his newfound horde of herding animals, and his prettier than thou children. In fact, they are more of a blessing to him than the lot of you could ever be. See how he beams with pride at their exquisiteness—my how handsome they are! Just be happy you made it this far, you Godforsaken worthless putz. Now move along!”

I know, and let me guess: it’s all about Job. Right? Yes. That is not only what “they” teach, but want you to believe. Why? Because through inference we, as bound up in our own personal trials, are become Job, is why. To a bitter truth, it’s all about distracting you from the true meaning of life, as defined through the art of egocentricity. Ah, but it is: even to where our own children, after doing seven concentric counterclockwise circles while kissing the Son/Sun, are become Job’s children. All of which, down to the last individual; and according to God Almighty himself; amount to nothing more than tripe in the form of lesson fodder. After all, you and me? We’re worth it—if not all that and a bowl of angel hair pasta too!

And there you have it: the lynch pin that is the symbiosis between God, mankind, and his idea of religion. The reason this even works is simple: it’s because the church has no real answer as to why God would knowingly allow for the killing of anyone the way that he did, or does, so we cling to whatever best fills the gaps and smoothes them over. After all, everyone knows that God’s ways are mysterious. Right? Yes. We do. But then, who are we, who is man, who are you and who am I, to question the mind of God by exposing the Godhead of our own inner, Egor Norance? (See again, the admissions of I Corinthians 11:3 and I Corinthians 1:25.) Or, if you prefer it another way: that bit of demagoguery in each and every one of us that requires personal grooming 24/7. This, just as sure as there is a bit of Homer Simpson in each and every one of us, too. The problem you run into with this is not in identifying it, but admitting to it.

Let me see if you caught the secret behind the story of Job. It concerns the reality that God does not answer prayers. In Job 1:8 we learn that; and according to God; Job was a good man who shunned evil. Even to the point where the Almighty considered him as perfect and upright as any person who ever walked this Earth could ever be. Knowing this, I ask you: would not Job then, being the ultra virtuous man that God said he was, have prayed at some point in time during his trials of misfortune? Well, yes, he would have. And he did. After all, this is what people of this spiritual caliber do.

Hell, God himself could have shown up, took credit for his sorrows by driving the rusty spike of life through his heart, and still, Job would have lavished him with praise. Again, this is what people of this spiritual caliber do, even as proven by the apostle Paul when God failed to enlighten him. Or so the Bible would have you believe. Why? Because it harbors an agenda of religion in the form of a myopic construct, is why. It’s one that would see you and yours, regardless of your lot in life, holding fast to your faith. And the reason they would even care to instill a notion as crazy as this, in that, it was your abstruse bond with faith that brought you to your knees in life to begin with? Why, to keep your complaints to a minimum as they reach into your pockets for what they do best—of course! (When the time is right, I will prove it. Otherwise, as you know, I would have never said it.)

Truth is, God ignored Job’s pleas, just like he did with Paul, because he does not answer prayers. And yes. I have further proof of this particular fault, as well. See Job 1:20, albeit for edification, “Then Job arose after being told of the death of his family, rent his mantle, and shaved his head. [This is an ancient Jewish form of mourning for those who have rusty spikes of life driven through their hearts by God.] Then he fell upon the ground and worshiped.”

But then, we not only know what the apostle Paul took to in his religion, besides an increase of “ignance” when God failed to enlighten him, but why he took to it. Right?

For now, lets say I know of your argument, in that, it was not God but Satan who drove the rusty spike of life through Job’s heart. Right? Okay, I’ll buy that: if only for the moment because that’s what the church teaches us. But then, I ask you: what becomes of Job 42:11? You would better know it as the flip side to the coin in question. Or, if you prefer: the rest of the story. This being where; and however improbably absurd; the anecdote escalates, saying, “Then came to Job all of his brothers and sisters, and all of them that had been his acquaintance before his great misfortune, and ate bread with him in his house. And they bemoaned him, and comforted him over all the evil that the Lord had brought upon him….”!

Again, truth is as truth does because that is the part belonging to its unassailable nature.

Now see Job 2:3 where God said to Satan of it: “Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the Earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that fears God, and eschews evil? Yet, he still holds fast his integrity, although you moved me against him, to destroy him without cause.”

You read that right, too. Job 2:3 says that Satan overcame God’s all-powerful resolve, in order that he could destroy him and his family of tripe without cause. Maybe we as a spiritual species need to redefine what constitutes a loving, compassionate, omnipotent deity because; and just like Job; even the devil had his way with him. To a truth, you could say that the devil tricked him, and that the Almighty fell for it. Ops! And there goes any argument for being all-knowing, too. Hell, even Jesus was smart enough to know that Satan was up to no good when challenged to turn stones into bread.

Believe me when I tell you that I understand your mounting angst. Been there and done that myself. Not only that, but on many occasion. After all, obtaining spiritual enlightenment is a process. But then, let he who is perfect cast the first stone: something this book will prove to a terrible fault. This truth being that God and or Jesus take your pick, are not who or what they say they are. Otherwise, big surprise, they wouldn’t be pruning each other of their imperfections all the time. No. They would instead be chucking rocks all to and fro while shouting, “Let he who is without sin….” (St. John 8:7.)

It was intuition like this that fueled my search for the ultimate in spiritual truth: to not only seek and find, but knock and have it opened. To hold, to feel, to caress what current wisdom dictated could not be held, touched, or caressed—to reach out and acquire that which is this world’s source of unobtainium! More than this, however, was that I wanted to do it without tempting God Almighty because, well, he is God after all. And yes. That would be the same one who said that I, through no fault of my own, was born into a lifetime of sin and remorse. Welcome to what beats at the heart of life’s hardships, grasshopper.

Regarding this deity imposed prison sentence concerning the harshness of life, I am now going to turn your spiritual world upside-down, and on its ear. We will start this process of ethereal inversion with Luke 14:26 of the 1611 edition. This being where Jesus quantifies what it takes to be a disciple of his, saying: “If any man comes to me, and hate not his father, his mother, his wife, his children, his brethren, his sisters, yea, even his own life as well, then he cannot be my disciple.”

Know that if your Bible says something other than this, then know also that what you’re reading is a modern revision of that verse. A verse that would read more like: “If you do not love me more than your father, or you mother, or your wife and your children, or your brothers and sisters, yeah, even your own life as well, then you cannot be my disciple.”

At this point it should be apparent to even a lawn grub, why revisionists did the hacking to that verse they did. However; and because they did; I need to ask: just because a bunch of scholarly people with an agenda of religion got together to change God’s word around, does that mean it still qualifies as a divine work? Or; and as is most probable; does it make it just another revision by the hand of man altering disconcerting words around in order that you can only know of it what they want you knowing, if only because theirs is an agenda of religion? Yes. Now that has the ring of truth to it.

It’s important for you think about that, as it has the power to implicate everything you think you know about God and the Bible as thee gospel truth: even if it’s a truth said to be nailed with conviction. Why? Because it has everything to do with the symbol of the cross, is why. You know the iconic aggregate for which I speak, and I know you know of the burden it represents, too. It’s the same one that Jesus would have us bear over “what he will.” See Luke 14:27 of the 1611 edition where he said of it, albeit for edification: “Whosoever does not bear his [or her] own cross and come after me, cannot be my disciple.”

Maybe what those verses need is some elucidation: especially now that we know what we do. Therefore does the inherent truth become self-evident, in that: “Anyone choosing to follow me who does not bear his or her cross by hating their parents, their brethren, their spouses or their children, even their own life as well, then that person cannot be a disciple of mine!”

I would be willing to bet that you had no idea verses like this existed. Not to mention, the correlation they share regarding the fundamental nature of Christianity. Then there’s the reality that Jesus could even say such incorrigible things. Right? Yes. There is. But at least now you know why he said what he did, as recorded in Matthew 10:27. This being where he said of it: “What I tell you in darkness, you speak in light….”

Armed with this new information, along with what Jesus said in Luke 14:26 about hate, I give you that which will outright prove it. See I John 3:9 of the 1611 edition. “No one born of God commits sin; for God’s nature abides in him, and he cannot sin because he is born of God. 10 By this it may be seen who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil…whosoever does unrighteousness is not of God, nor he who does not love his brother.”

Missed something, did you? I understand because; and given the extent and nature of the deception; it’s easy to do. Then there’s that self-imposed barricade to deal with. This is that stanchion of inner self that can be a real brat to get the logical part of the brain around. You know the spiritual stronghold for which I speak, and that your emotions are trying desperately to hold in check. It’s the same one we construct around ourselves concerning what we choose to believe when it comes to God and the Bible, if not religion itself. Yeah. That one.

With that, I would have you see again, the admission of Luke 14:26 of the 1611 edition. This being where Jesus insists that; and to bear his cross; we must hate everyone around us—to include family! Then along comes I John 3:9 and 10 of the 1611 edition to clarify the truth of what he meant by saying that. This truth being that, whosoever does not love his brother, is a child of Satan.

What we have here, in the end, is the same type and kind of confession found lurking about in I Corinthians 1:25. This being where the Bible states that the foolishness of an angry God is wiser than that of man at his best. Then there is Ecclesiastes 7:9, warning not to be hasty in our anger because anger resides within, wait for it: the bosom of fools. What this is, is a long string of connect the dots. Better yet, a string of pearls in the form of a wisdom gained. I therefore ask that you take all the time you need to come to terms with these discoveries. Truth can sometimes be like eating too many dry-roasted peanuts too fast and all at once: they get stuck in the esophagus where they bind up, taking their ever-lovin’ sweet time in finding the belly whereby finally allowing you the courtesy of your next breath thank you very much. If you have never experienced this, trust me: it’s a real big scary bitch.

It is, therefore, of the utmost importance that you afford yourself the time necessary to allow these hidden truths to sort themselves out, so as to repeal the denial you’re going through. Go back and reread any and all verses that you deem necessary, in order to better understand their construct. Why? Because it’s going to get worse, is why. In fact, things will get a lot worse. And, as if having your spiritual world turned on its head like a peanut jam caught in the throat wasn’t disconcerting enough, I am now going to take you on a mind-bending trip of spirituality, where we will now stand it on its ear. (I do my best to keep my promises.)

Okay then. We know from Matthew 10:27 that Jesus speaks from out of the darkness. He then says in Luke 14:26 that, in order to bear his cross and follow him, we must hate everyone around us, to include family. I John 3:10 then lets us in on a terrifying secret. It says that, “whosoever detests his brother is a child of Satan.”

And this is where Mark 1:34 of the original 1611 KJV edition hits home. “Jesus healed those who were sick, and cast out many evil spirits. But he would not permit the demons to speak because they knew him.”

Believe me when I tell you that there is more to the Jesus you think you know, than you actually know. However, that is about to change. I guarantee it. Not only that, but forever. See I John 3:15 where the Bible says of a hatred belonging to a child of the devil, “Whosoever hates his brother is a murderer. And you all know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.”

Now see I John 2:11 where it’s written of this, “He that hates his brother is in darkness, and walks in darkness, and knows not whither he goes, because that darkness has blinded his eyes.”

And, who could forget about that confession found in Matthew 10:27? This being where Jesus said of it: “What I tell you in darkness, you speak in light….”

There is a saying in the American legal system. It goes something like, “Let them talk long enough, and eventually, they hang themselves.”

Seems some truths are immutable, regardless of who wields them. Again, that’s the beauty of truth. It only knows one thing, regardless of who wields it: accountability.

Yet, we continue to wonder why the hate mongers of the world cause what unrest they do, or why they are so ardent concerning racism in God’s name. Hell, even religious authorities of yore, wrestled with this issue. See Psalms 2:1. “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?”

The simple, yet difficult to accept truth is that the heathen of this world understand something a prudent, dyed in the wool Christian never could. And yes. That would be the hate mongering required to follow the iconic aggregate of Christ as professed by Jesus in Luke 14:26 as further defined by the negatively charged ills of emotion—love thy neighbor be damned! I mean, how does someone go about caring for those around them when the hidden message is one of hate, intolerance and selfishness, as based on an eye for an eye if only because the other one became more accessible after having turned the other cheek?

Ah huh.

And yes. These would be the same myriad of failings that Judas, as well as many other people of that era, saw in Jesus.

Be that as it may, there exists an untold truth here. It concerns Christianity mocking the Muslim faith regarding heaven having in wait, seventy-two (meaning countless) virgins. Why? Because the KJV Bible says nearly the same thing, is why. I understand, but; and unbelievably; it does. Or so, Jesus would have you believe. And yes. You can bet your religious mock, stock, and barrel that I have everything needed to prove it. See Matthew 25:1 where Jesus was quoted as saying: “The kingdom of heaven will be likened unto ten virgins…2…five of them wise, and five of them foolish.” (Yes. Let them talk long enough…)

Should you be of the persuasion that the difference here, therefore the justification of it all, resides in the total number of heavenly virgins awaiting you in paradise, to that I would add—at least none of theirs are said to be foolish! A harsh truth to get naked with and “bare” I know, but know that all religions harbor their own idiosyncrasies. Why? Because foibles are the nature of the beast that is religion, is why. You witnessed this very thing with the Amish. And don’t even get me started with Joseph Smith and the Mormons, and how he “divined” that particular religion by peering into a hat full of weirding stones. Then there’s that new startup group calling themselves Christ-ians that worship the “Sun of God” because, how weird is that?

Yet, this is only the start of what is wrong with this place high up in the sky, known biblically as heaven. You know the ethereal palace floating high overhead for which I speak, and that all dearly departed use to gaze down at us with in order to keep us reminded of the straight and narrow: it coddles Jesus’ idea of salvation. That is, according to the ethos of “what I will.” I know. But it does. See Matthew 19:29 where he said of it, albeit for edification: “Everyone who has forsaken houses, or [hated] brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children…for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold, and inherit everlasting life.”

According to the American Heritage Collegiate Dictionary the word ‘forsaken,’ means: “To renounce, to abandon.” Therefore should Matthew 19:29 have more correctly read: “Everyone that has disowned and abandoned their brethren, their sisters and their brothers, their fathers and their mothers, or wives, or children…for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold, and inherit everlasting life.”

That is some tradeoff that the “Sun of God” has in mind for us, eh? I mean, that is to say, if everyone in heaven harbors an emotional failing rising to the extent that they all turned their backs on family and loved ones over self-interest and ego, or that virgins as people have no value in life other than their eternal chasteness as it relates to breast size, then you have no idea. But you will. I guarantee it. This, just as sure as the “Sun of God” put himself before those whose lot in life it is to suffer. All because; and according to Jesus; him they will not always have. But those damnable poor…

Knowing this, I ask you: these are the kinds of people that you would choose to spend, all of eternity with? What is it they say again, about birds of a feather? Oh! That’s right. It was Proverbs 8:17 where an eternal God who the church would have us believe treats all his creations equally said, as wrought for elucidation: “I only love them that love me….”

Then there are those who would make snide comments regarding the Muslim five-a-day prayer structure, when even the Bible says every Christian will be doing the same thing. Not to mention, for all eternity. Please understand that this book is not about exalting the Muslim faith, because it’s not. Nor is it about rending Christianity asunder either, if only because some think I have it in for it. No. Not even hand-grenade close. It is instead, about getting to the immutable truth so that the world can heal its spiritual infection because—it’s spreading faster than a free lube job!

Speaking of which…

See Revelation 7:13. “One of the elders answered, saying: ‘Who are these that are arrayed in white robes, and from where did they come?’ 14 I said to him, ‘Sir, only you know.’ He then said: ‘These are they that came out of the great tribulation, and have washed their robes making them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15 Therefore are they before the throne of God, serving him day and night….’”

Yet, there is more. In particular is where it says that those who come from the great tribulation will be serving God day and night. Why? Because of Revelation 22:5, is why. You would better know it as the verse that binds. “There will be no night in heaven…for the Lord God gives them light where they will reign forever and ever.”

As far as that free “lube job” goes: either we serve God day and night as told us by an elder who is an angel of the Lord who supposedly knows all the ins and outs of heaven, or there is no night there. To an immutable truth, it cannot be both. Figure of speech, perhaps? Well, if so, it means that we cannot trust everything we read in the Bible because we have no way of determining fact from fiction because of revision. That is, other than what we choose to believe and accept (even if revised,) and then exalt. You know. Just like the Amish did. Or the Mormons. Or the Christ-ians, if only because their beloved Sun/Son said of it: “It is written that man should not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4.

It’s here that I would like to personally extend to you and yours, through a knowledge contained within this book, what amounts to a second chance. It’s one that will offer us an opportunity to set right the world’s wrongs. This is to say that, it’s here you will unearth a revolutionary truth in the making. It will also demonstrate that God, Jesus and Satan, are not who or what they say they are. To a truth, they are more like the wolf we choose to feed at any given time. My mission now; and with every turn of the page; is to prove it. And yes. It has everything to do with why mainstream religion finds itself wallowing in the bitter waters of spiritual malcontent and unrest that it does.

Nonetheless, I am getting ahead of myself, and would like to say I know that any argument worth its salt starts by first forming a basis of shared commonalities between writer and reader, whereby subtly expounding on those differences. Know that I too, as of this point, will attempt this. Know also that I did not write this book to dissuade you from your spiritual beliefs, whatever those happen to be. No. I wrote this book to share with you, a multitude of immutable if not revolutionary truths acting as one-way reality portals leading to a higher consciousness. These are those spiritual gems that the church would prefer you not know about. The power of what you do with them is up to you. It always was.

More to the point is that commercial religion will continue to subjugate these truths so long as we feign indifference hoping that it all somehow goes away because, it will not. No. What it will do is get worse, just as proven by the sexual defilement of our children by the Catholic church, as well as 11 SEPT 2001. All of which, is the continuation of sorrow (Mark 13:7.) The thing is, though—it doesn’t have to be this way! No. We have the power to forever change it. (By the way: the word ‘Catholic’ is Greek from ‘Katholikos,’ to mean: “universal,” and is a play on the word ‘universe.’ Why? Besides this religion trying to be all things to all people, it’s because everything within commercial spiritualism has for its initial inception an origin, is why. And you can bet I can prove that too, or I would have never said it. Therefore; and when the “cosmic time” is right; you too, will know what I know. My promise to you is that, it will change everything as you know it.)

I therefore propose that, if you do not want WWIII to be a violent religious war where the children’s blood of this world will be nothing more than so much lubrication for God’s glory, and their flesh grist for the machine that is someone’s idea of religion in the form of lesson fodder, that you at least allow elbow room in your heart for the truth to manifest itself. Understand that, if we persist with our present course—there will be a reckoning! While it’s one thing to have to fight in order to preserve our way of life, it’s another altogether, when that fighting becomes a way of life. Just ask anyone in the Middle East.

Knowing that future generations of children (including yours) will be silage for the next war of religious insanity, I offer you a personal taste of it as wrought from the past for the here and now. I do this because the past has a way of sneaking back up on us, and biting us all on our sanctimonious cabooses. Ah, but it does. Moreover is that, it bites down in pounds per square inch where the girth of it is proportional to the amount of teeth it bears at any given time.

Now, as for those people who do not know their past? They are forever doomed to repeat it because those with no past have no future. See Deuteronomy 2:32. “When Sihon and all his army came out to meet us in battle at Jahaz, 33 the Lord our God delivered him over to us. There we struck him down in the name of God, together with his sons and his whole army. 34 At that time, we took all his towns and destroyed them: men, women, and children. We left no survivors.”

It’s not always how otherwise “normal” people can take it upon themselves to end the lives of innocent children as enforced through religious dogma in the name of a God who could care less about his creations that concerns us, even those having sanctimonious weapons of righteous indignation rammed through their precious little skulls via the business end of a sharp two-edged sword, but why. See Deuteronomy 7:1: “When the Lord your God brings you into the land he promised you, and has cast out many nations before you, the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than you. 2 And when the Lord your God delivers these nations up before you; you will kill them, and utterly destroy them; you will make no covenant or allegiances with them, nor show mercy to them.”

What was it again that a God who so loved the world, said about partaking in a ruthless slaughter such as this? See Deuteronomy 28:58: “If you will not observe to do all the words…written in this book, that you may fear this glorious and fearful name, the Lord thy God; 59 then the Lord will make your plagues astonishing, and the plagues of your children even greater, and of long continuance, and a sore suffering of long continuance.”

Now you know why “they” do what they do: it’s because God compels them.

What is it they say again, about defining insanity as wrought in the form of a foolishness said to be wiser than mans? Oh! That’s right. It was to keep issuing the same ol’ threats, but to expect different results. But then, what better way to characterize a belief system that has for its foundation, an ever-teetering oh-so-delicate, manmade house of cards? See Matthew 7:26 where Jesus said of it: “Everyone who hears these sayings of mine, and does not do them, then will that person be likened unto a foolish man who has built his house on the sand. 27 So when the rains fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon his house; it fell. And great was the fall of it.”

Soul Trap

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