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CHAPTER 3 “STICKS AND STONES” His flesh hangs loose upon his body, and his bones that were not seen stick out. So after mocking him, we pummeled him with sticks and stones so as to tamp down those gwad awful protruding bones. Only then did he give up the ghost, allowing us to finally put him out of our misery.


In order to breathe new life into what is our incorrigible spirituality, I offer you the man of flesh and blood named Jesus, his loss of faith, and his rebellion towards his father concerning it. Therefore; and because I understand your religiously inspired cynicism regarding this; I give you Matthew 27:46. Here, a timorous figure stands lost between a chasm of fear and reason, crying out: “Eloi, eloi, lama sabachthani?” That is to say: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken [abandoned] me?”

Those desperate, pleading words reverberate across time only, no one answers. From first to last breath where the haunting libretto of scripture echoes that all humanity is but dust, and dust shall it return, no one ever answers. Not even when the abraded soul of Jesus Christ himself, begs the question. No. As with everyone else ever born into sin as manifested through the efficaciousness of life, he died alone.

Now you know why he demands that you turn against your loved ones, as told us in Luke 14:27 of the 1611 edition of the KJV. That’s because; and once again; not only is turn about fair play, but he feels owed. That’s right: owed. And pledging your life to him is but the tipping point when it comes to the total cost of the price you must pay for his allegiance in the great hereafter. I know. But it is. Remember now, he feels “owed.”

With that, let us examine the crucifixion further. Believe me when I tell you that there is more to this event than meets the eye: there is the immutable truth as obtained through scripture, and nothing but biblical scripture. This way, when the truth of the situation is made manifest, there can be no denying that it’s anything but what “they” have been telling you it is. And yes. It has everything to do with the trials and tribulations of flesh equating to sin, as weighed against the ethereality of your eternal soul. See Galatians 5:16. “This, I say then, ‘Walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that you cannot do the things that you would.’”

To begin, we see that the author of that particular verse capitalized the word ‘Spirit.’ Why? Because he is making reference to God and or Jesus in the form of the Holy Ghost as a unified Trinity and not the human soul, is why. Again, it’s easy to miss spiritual gems like this, if only because we’re all that and a bowl of angel hair pasta, too. (By this, I mean: extremely self-absorbed if not myopic creatures of vanity.) Therefore; and knowing this about our nature; what is true for flesh and blood here is true of flesh and blood everywhere: even when nailed to a cross. Ah, but it is. See again, albeit for edification, Romans 3:23. “For all [flesh] has sinned, and comes short of the glory of God.”

Another thing you should know is that, by taking our consciousness to a higher level, things like vanity become something we marvel at, instead of something that controls and dictates. It works like this: all your life you see the world through a predefined set of values according to not only your environment as based on your education, but also how you were raised. It therefore never occurs to you that everyone else is in the same boat to even want to know enough to lift your head above the water because, if you did, not only would you see that this thing called life never gets anywhere because it’s sinking, but that vanity has everyone rowing in a different direction. And—my oh my! The places we could go (Shambhala,) and the things we can accomplish (spiritual nirvana) once we see clear enough to remove the log masquerading as a biblical “specter” from within our own eyes…

By the way: you do recall where I suggested back in chapter two that; and when it came to the rewriting of the Bible and the distortion of its truth; revisionists would un-nail its riddled corpse and resurrect it, if that’s what it took? Welcome to the crucifixion. What you are about to learn next, will be to stride amongst the tumultuous winds of a hot restless night. Then it will come after you in the form of shadowy posers that seek you out in the dark, as if something unruly took hold of your sleeve and followed you home. I know. But it will: just like it did me. However, worry not because it’s a process.

With that; and knowing this; let us begin with Matthew 27:37. “Set up over his head his accusation written, ‘This Is Jesus The King Of The Jews.’ 38 Then there were two thieves crucified with him, one on the right hand, and another on the left. 39 And those that passed by reviled him, wagging their heads, saying, 40 ‘You that has destroyed the temple, and rebuilt it in three days, save yourself. If you be the Son of God, come down from the cross.’ 41 Likewise also the chief priests mocked him along with the scribes and the elders, saying, 42 ‘He saved others; but himself he cannot save. If he is the King of Israel as he says, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe. 43 He trusted in God; therefore let him deliver himself now, if he will have him. Remember that he said he is the Son of God.’”

Then there is Matthew 27:44 where the saga continues, albeit for edification, “The thieves also, that were crucified with him, cast the same in their teeth. [Meaning, they mocked and reviled him in the same manner that the priests, scribes, and elders did.] 45 Now from the sixth hour, darkness was over all the land, unto the ninth hour. 46 About the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying: ‘Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?’ 47 Some that stood there, when they heard it, said, ‘This man calls for Elias.’ 48. Straightway one of the men ran, took a sponge, filled it with vinegar, put it on a reed, and gave it to him to drink. 49 The rest said, ‘Let him be so that we can see whether or not Elias will come and save him.’ 50 Then Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.”

For other accountings of this story, we need only turn our Bibles to Luke 23:32, albeit for edification. “There were two other malefactors led with him to be put to death. 33 Then, when they had come to the place they call Calvary, they crucified Jesus and the malefactors with him: one on the right, and the other on the left. 34 Then Jesus said: ‘Father, forgive them. They know not what they do.’ [Something not mentioned in the book of Matthew.] There they parted his raiment, and cast lots.”

Now see Luke 23:35 where the story, and the edification, continues. “The crowd of people, they stood about, watching [as he hung from the cross.] The rulers also derided him, saying, ‘He saved others; let him save himself, if he be Christ, the chosen of God.’ 36 The soldiers then mocked him, offering him vinegar, saying, 37 ‘If you be the king of the Jews, save yourself.’ 38 And a superscription was placed over him written in Greek, Latin and Hebrew, saying, ‘This Is Jesus The King Of The Jews.’”

However, it’s about Luke 23:34 where Jesus says: “Father, forgive them. They know not what they do.” Why? Because it forces me to suggest that neither does he, is why. I ask you: would it have made any difference as to the outcome had God himself stood at his side, and said to the amassing crowd (all while pointing the finger directly ay Jesus:) “Kill him, and I will grant you eternal life in heaven.”?

Well, the reason he didn’t is because it would be a lot like the incumbent running his reelection bid as a reformer.

Now, about that…

Do you suppose you would feel the same way about Jesus had there been no offer of eternal life, in that idyllic place called heaven? Please hold that thought because, turns out, you yourself put your soul, along with all of its spiritual belongings, up for auction. Ah, but you did. Not only that, but you sold out to the highest bidder in an attempt to secure the grand prize. Alas, it’s true.

From here, everything went straight to the chopping block where men of religion gathered up to cast lots for your spiritual remains. This, they did, by fabricating excessive religious constructs that work to keep you buried in a sea of myopic delusion, as you spin counterclockwise in seven concentric circles while kissing the Sun/Son. Ah, but they have. And it’s true. This, ladies and gentleman, is why it even works. It’s because you’re so busy drowning in a sea of life that it never occurs to you to lift your head for the next breath to even know that everyone is rowing in a different direction. And yes. This is the ride we all take from cradle to grave as we bide our time from one eternity into the next: if only because it has always been this way.

And yes. Jesus was no different. As a man of flesh and blood he too, had to find a way to trump all of his father’s OT threats of fear and intimidation. That is, if he was to ever win you and your family over, as well as the masses, and usurp the family throne. Right? See Revelation 5:13. “Every creature which is in heaven, and on the Earth, and under the Earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, ‘Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto him that sits upon the throne, and unto the Lamb forever and ever.’”

As for the verse that binds the Lamb of Jesus to the throne of eternity, even forever and ever as the beginnings of another construct heaped upon yet another pile of religious debris, I give you Revelation 7:15. There, an angel of God stood, saying: “Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sits on the throne will dwell among them. 16 They will hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither will the sun light on them, nor any heat. 17 For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne will feed them, and lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God will wipe away all tears from their eyes.”

The tradeoff here is that you seek the ultimate in self-preservation, where you give Jesus your undivided attention through the efficacies of glory, and he gives you a little piece of heaven in return. However, what if I told you I had in my possession biblical proof that when you get to heaven, serving up glory while on bended knee 24/7 as claimed by the angel in Revelation 7:15 above, that it’s just the beginning of what Jesus has in store for you? After all, how does one, be they the incumbent [God] or reformer [Jesus,] turn off their yearning for praise and glory just because you feel you made the grade, and have arrived? Since when does “forever and ever,” as cited in Revelation 5:13, imply even a coffee break? I don’t even see where “they” are allowing you to fill up on “angel’s food.” You would better know it as manna. However, what you don’t yet know, is that manna is anything but what “they” have been telling you it is. I know. But it’s true. And it is. (Just you wait and see.)

Be that as it may, everyone knows that one eternity as it merges into the next is a long time, and that we need to be doing something useful as we wile away eon after eon after eon. Right? Yes. We do: if only because it’s in our natures to be productive. But then, what has meaning for one person does not for importance make to another. And so we row.

With that; and knowing this; allow me to suggest that I will rendezvous with you at the appointed place and time, where “what I will” will take on a new import. Moreover, you will know it when you get there so as to witness for yourself, the true nature of heaven and manna. Believe you me, they are anything but what “they” keep telling you it is. And you thought I tilted my book SOUL TRAP — The Revolutionary Truth About God And The Bible!, why?

Ah huh.

But let us continue.

See Luke 23:39, albeit for edification, “One of the malefactors that were hanged railed on him, saying, ‘If you are Christ save yourself, and us.’ 40 But the other answering, rebuked him, saying, ‘Do you not fear God, seeing you are in the same condemnation? 41 And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds. However, this man has done nothing wrong.’ 42 He then said to Jesus, ‘Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom.’ [Something else not mentioned in the book of Matthew.] 43 Jesus replied: ‘Verily I say to you, today will you be with me in paradise.’”

Now see Luke 23:44 where Jesus’ ordeal continues. However, I have included script from the original 1611 edition in the form of edification so as to better explain what modern revisionists are trying to hide. This, they did, to better pump up the drama associated with Jesus’ death—of course! “It was about the sixth hour that a darkness fell over the Earth [naturally occurring sunset as defined by the words “a darkness fell,”] lasting until the ninth hour [at which time twilight set in.] 45 The sun also went dark [meaning, it did its usual thing after twilight by setting below the horizon,] and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst.” (Meaning, someone tore the temple entrance material in two, which was common during their time as a way of expressing public grief. This is why today we see civil service officials like police and firemen wear a black band across their badges when mourning a fallen comrade. Visually, their badges have been rent in two. Once again, everything has for its inception, an origin.)

Then there is Luke 23:46 where the story, and the edification, continues. “When Jesus cried out with a loud voice, he said: ‘Father, into your hands I commend [commit] my spirit.’ After having said this, he gave up the ghost [meaning, he died.”] (As for what Jesus said about “commending” his spirit into his father’s hands, all before dying? You got it. I cannot find it in any other biblical accounting. In fact, Matthew 27:50 simply states that he cried out with a loud voice, and died. Some even thought they heard him call for Elias.)

History indicates (because the actual dates are lost to antiquity) that the apostles wrote the NT books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, anywhere from 60 A.D. to 100 A.D. Nonetheless, if multiple live witnesses to the same event could render varying accounts as starkly opposed as these are (enough so that they contradict one another,) then which one are we to believe?

Stop fidgeting.

Okay then. What about the one un-nailed from the cross and resurrected so as to better promote someone’s secret agenda of religion, some eighty or so years after the fact?

Now you’re squirming.

Even eyewitnesses to a crime have trouble recounting events in as little as twenty minutes after the fact. And yes. There is a ton of scientific data to back this up. Yet, the Bible would have us believe this had no effect on its authors, some sixty to one hundred years later. All because, and let me guess: they were “inspired” by God. Right? Yes. That is what “they” would have us believe. You know. Just like Joseph Smith when he invented the religion of Mormonism, sometime around 1830 by peering into a hat full of weirding stones. (That’s right. Mormonism as a religion is just slightly over one hundred and eighty years old, where [2012 – 1830] = 182 years of age.)

As for the title of Mormonism belonging to the Mormons, is because Joseph Smith based his idea of religion around a prophet of yore named Mormon who was living in North America around the year 312 A.D. Mormon was himself descended from Lehi, a God-fearing man living in, you guessed it: the kingdom of Judah in Israel during the reign of King Zedekiah (597 – 586 B.C.) as half brother to the infamous King Jehoiakim. (See II Kings 23:36.) Although Mormon was himself a virtuous man of peace who strove against everyday evil, a new wave of believers quickly hijacked his idea of religion, further perverting it in 1857. This, they did, in as little as twenty-seven years after its founder invented it.

And yes. It was here that the “Mountain Meadows Massacre” in Utah took place. This is where a group of Mormons ambushed and killed a wagon train of innocent families moving west to a new future. They did this because they had convinced themselves that these people were sent to spy on them, and were going to report back to a government bent on destroying their newfound idea of religion. And yes. That’s just how easy it is to kill over religious ideology. This being that what they believe is more important than what you believe. And on it goes.

Prior to this incident, Christians were the ones busy slaughtering Mormons because they saw them as a threat to their way of life, as further defined by their idea of religion. And again: on it goes. And yes. This is why the religion of Mormonism was on a westward move to begin with, finally calling Utah home. (Missed something about the nature of religious persecution, did you? Even so, all religions do it to some degree or another. But let us pray for the sorry misguided bastards, anyway. But just how weird is it that America, in its quest against religious persecution, allows for the formations of those religions that are themselves, exclusive to the point of being discriminatory?)

Ah huh.

Then there is the prophet Muhammad when he took the Hebrew Bible and threw it into his “washing machine of reinterpretation” some six hundred years after the fact, whereby rendering the Qur’an on the final rinse cycle. All of which, makes that particular religion something like a touch over fourteen hundred years of age. And just like Christianity, it too, has a past filled to the religious brim with discrimination, persecution, suffering, and murder. And, as you know, I could list something like thirty-four thousand other religions, with every last one of them claiming some kind of “divine inspiration.” And of all the religions I could start with, is Christianity itself. Why? Because it found its beginnings as an upstart religion breaking away from the practice of Judaism, is why. In fact, it had for its beginnings that which, in its day, defined a cult.


And when is a cult, no longer a cult? Why, when it recruits enough people who say its not, is when. And yes. This is exactly how a religion starting life off as cult becomes bona fide, if not certified as genuine. All that needs to happen is for the first generation to give birth to the second generation, and keep on the pressure to conform. Why? Because once you’re born into it, you will defend it to the death because now it’s a way of life, is why. However, Judaism still sees Christianity as a cult. Even so; and be that as it may; let us join hands and pray for the sorry misguided bastards, anyway. (As for which is which, and who is who, I leave up to you. But of this, you can be sure: it all depends on which side of the fence you happen to be staring, if only because that’s where it gave birth to you.)

But let us continue with the crucifixion.

See again, Luke 23:40. This being where the lowly thieves, educated philosophers that they were, all while suffering horribly on the cross with broken legs and nails the size of railroad spikes sticking out of every extremity, spoke so eloquently according to “memory.” Read again, no… Picture again where; and unlike Jesus who can only manage to cry out in pain and anguish so as to pump up the drama; one of them under the exact same horrific conditions, says, “Do you not fear God, seeing you are in the same condemnation? 41 And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds.”

If that isn’t a reinterpretation of words according memory some sixty to one hundred years after the fact by those with an agenda of religion, then I don’t know what is. To a truth, the whole thing reeks of a more modern revision. Even to where the condemned are sitting down with their executioners over tea and crumpets, as if to discuss their lot in life. Right? Read it again while keeping in mind the truth of their situation, and I think you’ll agree.

Moreover, what happened to the criminal code of conduct here? You know the one for which I speak. Or at least you know of it. It’s the one where every criminal ever captured throughout all of recorded history proclaims aloud; and over and over again, I might add; “I’m innocent I tells ya! I didn’t do it!” Yeah. That one.

To a truth; and just like the lowly thieves; this is exactly why Jesus never confessed himself before his Roman accusers: it’s because that would be a lot like asking the reformer to re-reform, whose platform is based on “what I will.”

Hey! Wait a minute…

Yet, parables such as this concerning the story of the crucifixion are but the beginning of what revisionists have bleached in order to purify of their inherent “colors.” All done to brighten the primrose path to salvation—of course! An ethereal corridor to the pearly gates of good and plenty that is anything but what you think is. And yes again. You would be right to suspect that I had further proof of this, too.

Okay. I’ll buy that. It was, after all, a “deathbed” confession on the thief’s part. Right? But then, what becomes of the other accounts concerning the crucifixion? You have St. John 19:16 thru 34 where a Roman Centurion pierced Jesus’ side with a spear to see if he was dead, where blood and water gushed out. (Something not mentioned in any other accounting.)

Then there is Mark 15:15 where we read that the murderer Barabbas was freed in Jesus’ stead. (Something else, not mentioned in any other accounting.)

Which version then, we are to believe, and why? The answer reminds me of a discussion I was having with a female friend some time ago, relating to biblical circumcision. I was explaining to her how wrong it is to perform this Jewish custom on Christian babies too young to have any say in the matter, especially when it scars their body for life, that this was something they should be able to decide for themselves when adults. Her response to me was, “Yeah but, have you ever seen an uncircumcised penis!?” as she feigned a shiver of disgust. And now you know why the Amish do what they do to their children when it comes to educating them beyond the eighth grade. Or why religion is what it is. It’s because we are indeed—all that and a bowl of angel hair pasta too!

Then there is Mark 15:23 where the Bible says that they gave Jesus wine mixed with myrrh to drink, and not vinegar and gall (piss) as told us in the book of Luke. Maybe we will find the “truth” where he calls out to God in a final fit of anguish, but in a state of delusion, speaks with Elias instead. Yes. The apostles, as live witnesses, tell different stories. I understand, but they do. They all do. And where there exists a multitude of personal “misinterpretations” concerning the same story regarding a single event some eighty or so years after the fact, do we learn why the devil lives in the details. That’s because, while words and names will only hurt you spiritually, sticks and stones will break your over-inquisitive gwad awful protruding bones. Just ask any of the philosophers up on the cross. Then men of religion will gather themselves up to cast lots for your belongings, whilst grinding your withered remains into grist for that machine of theirs.

I want you to imagine that you are huddled in the amassing crowd, while Mary watches her son hang from the cross. I want to you to feel a hot desert wind, and the heat of the day, as a short-lived dust devil works its way through the crowd, blowing grit into your eyes. I want you to feel your parched lips, and the power that drives your thirst. I want you to hear the old black crow soaring high overhead as it caws out in disgust at the scene below. I want you to hear the murmurings of the crowd, and see the tears of those that whimper under their breath for fear of those Roman soldiers eyeballing them. As you stand there in the midst of it all, what do you see? A tattered and beaten man nailed to a wooden cross attired in a dingy, blood stained, off-white robe?

Please hold that thought because—yes! Revisionists have bleached more than one inherent truth of its “color” here. Ah, but they have. See St. John 19:1. “Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged him. 2 Then the soldiers platted a crown of thorns, and put it on his head, and they put on him a purple robe, 3 saying, ‘Hail, King of the Jews!’ Then they smote him with their hands. 4 Pilate went forth again, saying, ‘Behold! I bring him to you, that you may know that I find no fault in him.’ 5 They then brought Jesus forth wearing the crown of thorns, and the purple robe. Pilate shouted to them, ‘Behold the man!’”

This is where I would tell you that, if one part of the Bible is suspect, like that of putting a purple robe of royalty on someone and beating them senseless all-the-while proclaiming their innocence, then other parts are too. It is, after all, the nature of the beast that is biblical revision. Furthermore, a purple robe? The reason for this particular “adjustment” of truth is because the color purple was not humble enough, and, in fact, denoted wealth and royalty as fit for a king: the king of the Jews, to be exact. All of which, is why they attired him the way that they did to begin with. Otherwise, it would be like suggesting there was no sign over the cross saying that that he was king of the Jews. Rather: effigy of the misunderstood and abused, if only because there is no fault in him.

Ah huh.

With that, I ask you: these people did this to Jesus, why? The correct answer is to tell you it was because he had midnight riders of his own. Ah, but he did. Not only that, but in ethereal spades. And you can bet I can prove it, or I would have never said it.

Now, about that statement I made concerning parts of the Bible being suspect because, get set for a doozy. (By the way: the word ‘doozy’ is a play on the word ‘Duesy,’ as taken from its namesake the Duesenberg automobile. This was the first American made muscle car [Indianapolis, Indiana] to win the prestigious Grand Prix of Le Mans in France. It’s quality was so top-notch, that only another Duesenberg could match it. As a result, when one came ripping along at its top speed of 140 mph while proclaiming its 400 horsepower out its eight independent exhaust pipes as developed by a supercharged V-8 with overhead cam and four valves per cylinder, people would exclaim, “Get set! Here comes a Duesy!” This, they did this as a warning to other bystanders so that they weren’t startled when it blew by.

The vehicle pictured below is of a 1935 SJ LaGrande Dual-Cowl Phaeton, and is of the type I imagine the zoot-suited Judas to be heading off to Vegas in because now he’s a “gangsta.” And there, in the rumble seat rapping out to “Jesus Christ Superstar,” are his newfound bosomy playthings as they charge a glass of Champaign in celebration. And even though the blood red Duesy enhanced his appearance, and the thirty pieces of silver made him richer, poor ol’ Judas Priest still couldn’t get his picture on the cover of the Rolling Stone. Why? Because that form of “rock and roll” was already busy sealing the entrance to the sepulcher containing the now deceased Jesus H. Christ, is why. [Ain’t insurance premiums a bitch!?])

Speaking of which…

What I share with you now, has everything to do with where I told you that it wasn’t exactly correct that Judas went and hanged himself out of remorse. See Matthew 27:3 where it’s written, albeit for edification, “Then Judas, who had betrayed him [Jesus,] when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself [meaning, he had a change of heart,] and brought the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, saying, 4 ‘I have sinned, in that, I have betrayed innocent blood.’ They said to him, ‘What is that, to us? See thou to that.’ [Meaning, take a hike and go get lost while you’re at it.] 5 So he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple [at their feet,] and departed, then went and hanged himself.”

Yet, when it comes to the apostle Judas hanging himself, there is more. There is St. John 13:21 concerning his part as turncoat during the last supper, albeit for edification. This being where it’s written, “Jesus said: ‘Verily, verily, I say unto you that one of you will betray me.’ 22 The disciples looked at one another, wondering of whom he spoke. 23 Now there was leaning on Jesus’ bosom one of his disciples, whom he [Jesus] loved. 24 Simon Peter therefore beckoned to him [to tell them of whom he spoke.] 25 At that, the apostle lying on Jesus’ breast said to him, ‘Lord, who is it?’ 26 Jesus answered: ‘It is he to whom I [dip this bread in olive oil, and give it to.’] And when he had dipped it, he gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon [Zelotes.”] (You would better know this betraying imp as that egregious thing that he called, wait for it: the devil.)

You should also be aware that there are many other verses in the Bible that refer to Judas Iscariot, as the disciple whom Jesus loved. Knowing this, we can continue without letting the little things trip us up. You know, like that of the condemned speaking so eloquently while suffering so horribly up on their cross of burden, or Judas killing himself out of guilt. And yes. I can prove this doozy of a deception using only biblical scripture as hidden in the hanky right under your own nose, properly disguised as the rest of the story. Just try to avoid any inconvenient sneezing.

With that, let us begin with St. John 19:25. This being where Jesus hangs in crucifixion. “Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, Mary, and his mother’s sister, Mary, and Mary Magdalene. 26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing with them whom [what?] he loved, he said to his mother: ‘Woman, behold thy Son!’” (I know, but the three Mary’s? Worse yet, is that two of them are sisters? And, all before Mary and Joseph were even a religious pair to draw to? Now you know why Catholics are always doing three “Hail Mary’s” (and however many “Our Father’s”) during common repentance. It’s because everything has for its initial inception, an origin. In this case, it has everything to do with excessive constructs that work to keep your head underwater. And just because it’s something you always did, does not for a truth make.)

Okay. Now that we know Judas is the disciple whom Jesus loved, I give you St. John 20:1, albeit for edification. This being where they have gathered at the son of God’s final resting place. “The first day of the week came Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulcher [burial chamber.] 2 And seeing the [large round stone rolled back exposing the entrance to the sepulcher,] she ran to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, saying, ‘They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulcher, and we know not where they have laid him.’ 3 Peter therefore went forth, and that other disciple, and came to the sepulcher. 4 So they ran together: and the other disciple [whom Jesus loved] did outrun Peter, and came first to the sepulcher. 5 And he, stooping down and looking in, saw the linen clothes lying about; yet went not in.”

Now see St. John 20:6. “Then came Simon Peter following him into the sepulcher, where upon seeing the linen clothes, 7 and the napkin that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself. 8 Then went in also that other disciple [that Jesus loved] who came first to the sepulcher, and he saw, and believed. 9 For they yet knew not the scripture that he would rise again from the dead.”


Please allow me to lift your head for a breath of life sustaining air. See Matthew 27:57, as wrought for elucidation. This being where it’s written, “When evening set in, there came a rich man from Arimathaea, named Joseph, who was also one of Jesus’ disciples. 58 He found his way to Pilate, where he begged him for the body of Jesus. So Pilate released the body to him. 59 And when Joseph had taken it, he wrapped it in clean linen. 60 He then laid Jesus in his tomb, which he had hewn out of rock just for him, and then sealed it up with a great stone. 61 There was also with him Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary [meaning, his mother] sitting against the sepulcher, watching. 62 Now, after the day that followed the day of burial preparation, the chief priests and Pharisees came to Pilate, saying, 63 ‘Sir, we remember what that deceiver Jesus said while he was yet alive, saying: “After three days I will rise again.” 64 We therefore ask that you command the tomb to be made secure until the third day, lest his disciples come by night and steal him, saying to the people that he has risen from the dead.”

Again, there are many parts of the Bible that prove themselves not only suspect but downright deceptive: albeit deceptions with some truths thrown into the mix. Should you disagree with this, even with what proof I have shared with you thus far, I understand. However, know that I can further prove it. See Matthew 12:40 where Jesus said to his disciples, regarding his resurrection: “For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so will the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the Earth.”

Even so, it’s not true. Ah, but it’s not grasshopper. Not even hand-grenade close. Since we are verifying the word of God according to his own judgments and condemnations, even as cast from the belly and into the airy draft, then answer me this: if Jesus was crucified on a Friday (because he was), then resurrected on Sunday morning (because he was), how could his word regarding this event, even be true? You know, that he spent not only three days in the heart of the Earth, but three nights.

To a truth; and no matter how you arithmetic on it; it does not add up. Not even if you went all Ninja on the numbers. Why? Because no matter how you slice and dice on it the result will always be the same, is why. Okay, one more time then. You know. Just to be sure. This way, there can be no denying that the square root of a fabrication will always equal the girth of its demise.

To begin, there is Friday the day of crucifixion, where Luke 23:44 thru 46 tells us that Jesus didn’t die until sunset, so you can ixnay day one. Then Deuteronomy 21:22 tells us that when you crucify the condemned, their body is not be left on the cross all night, but is to be buried the same day. This means that, so far, our Lord and Savior has spent 0 days and 1 night in the “heart of the Earth.” Next, we have Saturday and Saturday night making for a total of 1 day and 2 nights. Then there is Sunday morning, the day of the resurrection, making for a grand total of 1.3 days and 2 nights where, where… Ops! And there you have it: The demise of a girth equaling the square root of its fabrication.

Look. I realize that there are a plethora of footnotes and other manmade references out there, all of which, work against the truth of this discovery: even those that outright contradict them that we could justify this whole affair so as to maintain the status quo of our faith. Worse comes to worse we could ignore the whole thing by turning the other cheek, if not a proper blind eye, and hope it all goes away. Right? Yes. We could. However, none of that changes the nature of its biblical truth. And that is what Soul Trap is all about.

But then, I have made my point. You know the point. Or at least you are beginning to appreciate it. It has everything to do with the discovery that the Bible is anything but what “they” keep telling us it is. Should you find yourself wondering how they keep getting away with it, the simple answer is to tell you it’s because you sit yourself down in a pew every Sunday morning, allowing them to dictate what you should and should not know about the Bible. And since when, does the word ‘preach’ imply interaction? After all, the church sees you as lost sheep in need of a flock, as lorded over by a herder as tendered to their institution. I know. But it’s as simple as that. Better yet, fodder for their machine of religion.

To show you what I mean about being preached to in accordance with what the church wants you knowing, verses what they’re telling you, let us have another look at Matthew 27:63. Why? Because it harbors an unspoken truth as written below the conscious reading level, is why. This being where Jesus said that after three days he would, wait for it: rise again from the dead.

I know. Astounding, right?

If so inclined, you could also go with St. John 20:9. This being where it says, albeit for edification, “As yet they knew not the scripture, that he [Jesus] must [do what?] rise again from the dead.”

Not only does this mean that the church is actively controlling the overall message of the Bible, but that Jesus has indeed, done this before. Just who he was prior to this, you won’t believe. But know ye this, about that: he’s into children, which is why he said of it in Matthew 18:3: “Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, you will not [what?] enter into the kingdom of heaven.”

Since everyone knows that Jesus was himself a man of flesh and blood, such a thing does not for an escape clause make. With that; and knowing this; I ask you: why would Jesus, as quoted above in Matthew 18:3, say something as ridiculous as this when he knows it applies to him as well? The simple answer is to tell you that it’s because he too, has sinister designs on our children. I know. But he does. And you can bet I can prove it using only biblical scripture as my source as plucked from below the conscious reading level, I would have never suggested such a provocative thing.

As for now, suffice it to say that it has everything to do with Catholic priests, and why they are so willing to help themselves to our kids after swearing an oath of celibacy before both man and God. To a truth, it’s because they know a secret about all this that you don’t. But you will. I guarantee it. And when revealed, it will challenge if not change everything. I guarantee it.

Yet, I fully understand that there are those out there who would assert that God and or Jesus take your pick, have nothing to do with something as nefarious this. Their understanding of the situation is that these priests are acting alone by perverting not only scripture, but their troubled hell bound souls. Am I right? Yes. And the reason they think this way is because the church is once again telling them what they want to hear, whereby allowing them an unspoken right to hide their much-vaunted idea of religion behind a self-aggrandized fortress of virtue, as if for some undefined form of added protection. However, there will come a time in this book where there will be nowhere left to hide. Then comes decision time.

Until then…

Let us now turn to St. John 21:4 where the saga of the resurrection continues, albeit for edification, where it’s written, “When morning came, [the resurrected] Jesus stood on the shore. But the disciples knew not that it was he. 5 Then Jesus said to them: ‘Children, have you any meat?’ They answered him, saying, ‘No.’ 6 He then said to them: ‘Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and you will catch them.’ They cast therefore, and now were not able to draw it in for the multitude of fishes. 7 Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved, said to Peter, ‘It is the Lord!’ Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he gave his fisher’s coat to him (for he [Jesus] was naked,) and cast himself into the sea [so as to help with the haul of the fish]…14…this was the third time that Jesus revealed himself to them, after he was raised from the dead…19…then said Jesus to them: ‘Follow me!’”

This is where everything fades to black with the expected Hollywood happy ending as the big musical score queues up, right? Well… It would seem that life does indeed, go on. And what it is, as mentioned earlier, is more of the same. See St. John 21:20, albeit for edification, where it’s written, [“As they followed,] Peter turned about, and seeing the disciple whom Jesus loved following; which also leaned on his breast at supper, said, ‘Lord, what about this man that betrayed you, who follows us?’ Jesus said to him: ‘If it is my will that he remains with us, what is that to you?’”

I ask you: what happened to their relationship while working together, and fishing from the same boat? Seems Peter was fine with Judas hanging around then. In fact, it was only after realizing that Jesus was once more walking among the living, did Peter try to play politics with it. And Jesus, recognizing this for what it was, put him in his place for it. This is that point in life where the apostle Simon Peter fell victim to the very first Easter egg hunt, if only because he had so much of it on his face. As for Peter doing what he did in this situation, I would have you see Matthew 18:21. “Then Peter [came to Jesus, asking,] ‘Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Until seven times?’ 22 Jesus replied, saying: “I say not unto thee until seven times, but until seventy times seven.”

I guess some spiritual lessons are just slower to take than others: even for the apostles.

Another long held truth here is that, either Judas Iscariot committed suicide by hanging because of his burden of guilt regarding the death of Jesus, or he did not. And just as it was for our discovery concerning night and day in heaven, or those discrepancies found with the crucifixion and or resurrection take your pick, it cannot be both. I mean, if there were nothing to hide, why use such laborious sentence structure, in order to obscure his identity? Again, I ask you: would not the ride have been made patently smoother and more secure, even over and above “what I will,” had the Bible simply logged it as ‘Judas Iscariot,’ instead of “the disciple whom Jesus loved that leaned on his breast at supper who was also that other disciple who did outrun Peter to the sepulcher?”

You would think so.

Concerning this then, that the Bible is deceptive when it comes to prospering its agenda of religion, I give you I Corinthians 15:12. “Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection, of the dead? 13 And, if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not risen. 14 And if Christ has not risen, then your faith is in vain….”

Again, this is to say that if one part of the Bible is proven suspect, as with the manner of death concerning Judas Iscariot or the place of crucifixion not to mention the resurrection itself, then other parts will also prove themselves suspect. Otherwise, our only other option is to pick and choose scripture where rarely, if ever, do two people agree on anything. All of which, would only lead to confusion. Which; and in turn; would lead to many different breakaway religious philosophies secretly harboring detestation for one another, if only because those poor bastards are misguided.

Hey! Wait a minute…

By the way: this book harbors a message for anyone who has ever looked to the heavens out of desperation, and expected an answer. Believe me when I tell you that you will know it when you see it: a truth so palpable, as to be spiritual Braille.

As an example, I would redirect you to all those verses that say Judas Iscariot is the disciple whom Jesus loved. Why? Because of the verse that binds, is why. See again St. John 6:70, albeit for edification. “Jesus said: ‘Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?’ 71 He spoke of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon [Zelotes:] for it was he that would betray him as one of the twelve.”

I ask you: can you hear what the affronted Jesus, is telling you?


He is saying that, by way of his affections for Judas Iscariot as a betraying imp—someone is not who or what he says he is! And, it matters not, if it was only a “figure of speech” as delivered by Jesus during a fleeting moment of passion. Why? Because of those infamous words of his, is why. You would better know them as, “what I will.” Then there is the verse that binds. See Matthew 5:29 where Jesus went and said of it: “If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from you: for it is better to enter the kingdom of heaven blind in one eye, than to have the whole body cast into hell. 30 And, if thy right hand offends thee, then cut it off, and cast it from you: for it is better to enter the kingdom of heaven lame, than to have the whole body cast into hell.”

Um, excuse me. But did Jesus just say that when we cut and cast off those parts of our body that offend us, that we enter into the kingdom of heaven minus those parts and pieces, if not blind and lame too? However you care to sum it up; and or dice on it with your biblical Ginsu; the truth here is that he did. See Revelation 21:4 where it says of it, “God will wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there will be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither will there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”

Now, as for the former things said to have passed away, once we get to heaven? To a biblical truth; and just as confessed by Jesus in Matthew 5:29 and 30; you can add things like fingers and toes, hands and feet, arms and legs, and yes, even ears and eyes. Better yet, a pile of human waste that the Bible would label to its benefit, as: “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.” Then they would post a sign over our remains as a public warning, saying: “It is written that man should not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4.

Yet; and as ugly as it might be to suggest; this is the total cost of the tradeoff that the Bible says heaven has in store for us? Gwad help us. And I know you know the price of the transaction for which I speak. Well, at least you are beginning to appreciate it. It’s where we find that the human soul, according to God and or Jesus take your pick, has the same worth as those body parts we cast from ourselves in disgust. (See again, that truth found lying in wait below the conscious reading level as penned in Matthew 5:29, and juxtaposed in Matthew 5:30. Now that just got scary as hell didn’t it. In fact; and to an immutable truth; it’s beginning to sound more like something you would find in hell itself.)

Even so; and be that as it may; not one person I know of, or have ever heard of for that matter, ever took to dismembering themselves over something like this in protest as suggested by Jesus. In fact, not one person in all of recorded history ever came forth volunteering themselves in this manner. And because everyone is offended by something at some point in life, means that a lot of otherwise healthy people are going to burn in hell, to include Christians, if not apostles, rather than spend all of eternity in heaven minus those appendages that have been cleaved off as some form of entry fee. But then, only God knows why he would charge a fee over something as egregious as this. Right? (Wait until you learn about the apostle John and what, specifically, he failed to “cleave off” as his price for admission to the big show. Trust me, it’s a bulls-eye.)

And here I thought heaven was all that.

Yes. Too bad all those radicalized Muslims that are terrorists who blow themselves up in the name of Allah don’t realize that when they get to this place called heaven, and into the waiting arms of all those double-D debutants, their newfound afterlife will be all show and no go (what I call gilded around the edges,) if but for the blanks they shoot as a result of said missing appendages. But then, better to have at least fired a shot off in the dark, than to have never gone bang in the night. Right?

But then, talk about a self-imposed hell of your own making, and for all eternity—my gwad people!

To a truth, I show you this about our Lord and Savior because, besides being keen on kicking around weighty philosophies, he would have you do unto yourself something he would never do. We know this to be true because; and even despite all the anguish that Judas wrought upon his warm and tender sensibilities; he never once took to dismembering himself in protest. No. Despite it all, he still loved him even knowing that he was, wait for it: an egregious work of the devil bent on plotting his demise.

Matthew 19:28 further tells us that Judas the betrayer was appointed as one of the supreme judges over the twelve tribes of Israel. Not only that, but for all eternity. To excuse it any other way would be to suggest that the Bible is but an allegory with some truths thrown into the mix, and that we are not to take every word from God that finds its way into print through the art of interpretation, translation and revision, quite so literally. Why? Because next thing you know; and when it comes to religion; you find yourself buying everything they have to sell you, is why. You know. Just like in church on Sundays.

Hey! Wait a minute…

Offered as further proof of this, I give you divine contradiction. You would better know it as that confession regarding St. John 18:23 where Jesus said of it: “If I have spoken evil by telling you an untruth about my virtues, or bragged on myself regarding them, then present that evidence.”

With that, I give you more than just evidence: I give you proof extraordinaire. See I Corinthians 6:19 of the 1611 edition, albeit for edification, where Jesus said of cutting your hand off and or plucking your eye out: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you only have because of God? It is not yours to do with as you please, because God purchased it for a price. So glorify him in your body.”

I know. But there it is: the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the hypocritical truth that I warned you about. And again, thanks to the art of preaching, it’s anything but what you thought it was. By the way: that part in I Corinthians 15:12 thru 14 where it says that if Christ has not risen from the dead, then your faith in him is in vain? I will see you at the appointed place and time, because—you got it! It’s part and parcel to the greatest fraud ever perpetrated against the human race. And you can bet I can prove it using only biblical scripture as found lurking below the conscious reading level, or I would have never said it. This, just as sure as Judas never actually hung himself. Not even out of remorse. Who then; and oh by the way; saw Jesus ascend with all his parts and pieces intact because, you know, ‘tis better to enter the kingdom of heaven lame, than to have the whole body cast into hell for all eternity.

Ah huh.

But let us return to the rebellion of Jesus, as manifested against his father over control of the family throne. See St. John 19:10. “Then Pilate said to him, ‘Why don’t you speak to me, seeing that I have the power to crucify you, or to release you?’ 11 Jesus answered, saying: ‘You could have no power at all against me, except it be [prearranged] from above. Therefore, he that has delivered me to you has the greater sin.’”

I know it’s common knowledge to accept that Jesus is referring to Judas Iscariot as the betrayer who sold him out for thirty pieces of silver to a church in cahoots with the Roman government, and everything is on the double-crossing up-and-up. Well, that is to say, as much as something like this can be. Nonetheless; and as you well know; not everything is as it seems in the Bible. To prove this to your satisfaction, read again verse eleven. However, this time, I would ask that you take note of the words “from above.”

Missed something, did you? Funny how that keeps happening. Then again, we are dealing with a deception as wrought from below the conscious reading level with some truths thrown into the mix. The immutable truth here is that there exists only one power in all of creation that could possibly do this thing to Jesus—Judas adjudicated! It therefore goes without saying, who that someone from above is, that is guilty of this implied “greater sin.”

You read that right, too. Jesus claims in St. John 19:11 that it’s God, and no one else, who is guilty of this particular sin. Can you, blame him? After all, it was his father who turned him over for eradication as if some sort of spiritual infestation. Why? Because Jesus knew the truth of his situation, is why. Ah, but he did. And because he did, I give you Romans 9:18, albeit for edification. That being where God said of it: “I will have mercy upon whom I will, and will [manipulate] whom I have hardened.”

Those are some seriously powerful words, with rather egregious implications, manifesting a somewhat curious suggestion. And yes. It has everything to do with why Judas turned on Jesus. What’s that? Did your thought bubble just say that it was all part of some grander plan so as to set in motion, the salvation of humanity? I thought that was you out there in the dark of night, harboring unspoken whispers in the form of midnight riders. Even so, the lure of spiritual queries can be a real challenge. Then; and like an unruly child…

Allow me to share with you that there is more going on with the crucifixion, than “they” want you knowing. You witnessed this very thing via the two philosophers disguised as thieves, and a thief disguised as a philosopher. Even so, those are his words as son of God and not mine. Ah, but they are. See Revelation 16:15 where Jesus said, as wrought for elucidation: “Behold! I come as a thief in the night. Blessed are they that watch and keeps their garments, lest they be found walking naked, and everyone see their shame.”

Yes. Truth can sometimes mow you down like a runaway Mack truck that forgot to honk. This is especially true when you realize that you’re motoring down an expressway of religion on a dilapidated tricycle with wobbly, undersized wheels. Why? Because it was God who facilitated his son’s trial from on high, is why. Not only that, but as mandated by the same antediluvian laws governing humankind.

And yes. These were antiquated laws that the Almighty was struggling to integrate with a higher philosophy because they had not within them, divine wisdom or truth. Or so, the Bible would have you believe. To verify this; and as promised; we need only visit I Corinthians 1:20. This being where Jesus said of it: “Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this world? Has not God made foolish, the wisdom of this world?”

Understand that, for St. John 19:10 and 11 to read any other way (so as to implicate Judas of this implied “greater sin,”) would be to say, “Then said Pilate to him, ‘Why don’t you speak to me, seeing that I have the power to crucify you, or to release you?’ 11 Jesus answered him, saying, ‘You could have no power at all against me, except that my father in heaven gave it to you. Therefore, Judas has the greater sin.’”

You see? It doesn’t work—because it makes no sense! Which is why it means what it says, and says what it means. The word ‘therefore’ in that verse is the link that binds its truth. It’s either that, or Jesus is seriously confused about what he is trying to say. Again, Soul Trap uses the word of the Bible not as argument in support of some vanquished religious cause, but as proof of hidden biblical truths. These are those truths that you will find difficult, if not impossible to ignore. Why? Because to deny them is to deny the Bible as the word of God, is why.

See again, St. John 19:10 and 11. This being where when Jesus refers to his father in heaven, he does so with indifference. We know this to be the case because the authoring apostle, in quoting Jesus well after the fact, did not capitalize the word ‘father.’ Yes! The immutable truth has left telltale traces of its existence. We need only find them, is all. Remember now, what remains after careful scrutiny, however improbably twisted up; and whether we like it or not; must be the truth.

So what, exactly, did the son of God think of his father’s plan to crucify him, besides not showing him any respect as documented in the Bible? What you read now is important. See Matthew 26:36 where it’s written, albeit for edification, “Then came Jesus with them to a place called Gethsemane, 37 [where he said to those disciples gathered there with him:] 38 ‘My soul is exceedingly sorrowful because I am going to die.’ 39 So he went…and fell on his face, and prayed, saying: ‘O Father, if it is at all possible, let this cup pass from me….’ 42 [He then went to pray again, when God failed to answer him, saying:] ‘O Father, if this cup will not be taken from me, except I drink from it [and be forced to die,] your will be done.’ 43 When he returned from praying a second time [because God had yet to answer his prayers,] he found his disciples sleeping, for they were tired. 44 So he left again, praying a third time [proving thoroughly that God does not answer prayers,] saying the same words.”

Yes! There exists an immutable truth about dying that petrified even Jesus. Enough so that, Matthew 26:36 thru 44 expresses very well his anxieties over this issue. That’s because, even knowing that heaven awaited him in his father’s kingdom on the throne of eternity—he did not want to die! In other words: Jesus wanted nothing at all to do with being humankind’s savior. He did, after all, pray repeatedly for his release from said obligation. However, that little detail did not stop the church from twisting it into a factoid. All done to better glorify God through their religious agendas—of course! See St. John 19:28, albeit for edification, where they went and did just that. “After this [the crucifixion,] Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might [come to pass,] said: ‘I thirst.’” (Then dies.)

Allow me to explain.

In one verse, the Bible says Jesus wanted nothing at all to do with his father’s plan to have him crucified. Even to the point where he repeatedly begged to be free of it. Why? Because he didn’t deserve to die like this, is why. Then; and in another verse concerning the exact same issue; he practically jumps up and nails himself to the cross in order to further bolster his father’s glory. So what we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is yet another fine example of the bible’s idea of truth. You know the truth for which I speak. Can you hear it once again, calling to you?


It’s saying not to adjust the static of your mental picture, in that, the distortion you are experiencing is the manifestation of religious contamination from your earliest childhood. In other words: colors were painted at a time in your life when you could magically have them transform into anything you wanted, and as beautiful as you wanted it. You could even rearrange their spiritual constructs as necessary, and, according to the dictates of life. Then, one day, after you grew up and matured, there it was: this beautiful heaven-sent palette, full of unutterable colors, as painted onto the canvas of life in bold strokes of pure genius. But, wait a minute. What’s this! The paint is cracking and chipping?

Yes: cracking and chipping; if not fading altogether. That’s just the way a universe of entropy operates. To further prove that there is indeed something whacked with the picture that religion paints, we need only juxtapose a few select verses. That is, once you know what verses to target. See again, Matthew 26:38. This being where Jesus said to his disciples concerning the crucifixion, albeit for edification: “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful [why?] because I am going to die.”

Now see Matthew 26:39, albeit for edification, where the son of God wallowed all night in self-pity concerning his father’s plan for him, saying: “O Father, if it is at all possible, let this cup pass from me [because I didn’t do anything to deserve it.”]

Then there is Luke 23:43 where Jesus says to one of the philosophers disguised as a thief: “Verily I say to you, today will you be with me in paradise.”

It’s here we discover the proverbial tip to the iceberg of whacked. All because, either heaven is a place we are to openly desire as publicly declared by Jesus to the philosophers disguised as thieves, or it’s a place we are to sorely fear, as witnessed through private moments of prayer from a philosopher whose job it is to steal hearts and minds. It cannot be all things to all people. As you will learn, there are reasons why the thief withheld the truth from the philosophers: it’s because he’s hiding something about heaven that no person knows. Yet, that is. Exactly what that something is, will upend the world of religion, as we know it. Shall we, as they say, get with the program?

Very well, brave one. Ask and you will receive. However, there is an old Chinese proverb that says to be careful for what you ask for because you might just get it. And yes. It’s always more of the same. By that, I mean: a God who would ask of his followers what he himself, would never do. Please revisit Matthew 26:38 where the thought of dying has Jesus writhing in bitter agony, saying: “My soul is [what?] exceedingly sorrowful [why?] because I am going to die.”

Now, as for the verse that binds, I give you Matthew 5:10. This being where Jesus said of it, albeit for edification: “Blessed are they who are persecuted [and killed] for righteousness’ sake. For theirs is the kingdom of heaven…12…rejoice, and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven….”

Ahhh… Once again, we see how words have the power to influence perceived meanings beyond religious black and white as carved into stone, and into fleeting shades of Etch-asketch gray. By this, I mean: Jesus asks of his followers what he himself would never do. We know this beyond a shadow of a doubt because he not only fought his execution the whole way, tooth and nail, but begged his father to release him from said obligation as savior. Not once did he himself ever willingly do as he preaches by jumping up on the cross of crucifixion, whereby expressing a wealth of “exceeding joy” for the riches of his death to come that he told everyone else awaited them in paradise. Not once.

Let me guess: it’s about the bracketed subset words of “and killed” in Matthew 5:10, that have you concerned on this one. Right? I thought so. What I show you now I show to alleviate suspicion. Otherwise, I would soon run out of paper if I had to include every passage as reference every time I used a bracketed subset of verse related words: especially concerning the act of edification, elucidation, or erudition. See Matthew 10:19 where Jesus said: “When they deliver you up [to kill you,] take no thought how or what you will say. For it will be given you what you are to say. 20 For it’s not you who speaks, but the Spirit of the Father, which speaks through you.”


Good! That means we can drop any and all concerns relating to interjected words and or thoughts, and the time and effort it takes to qualify them. Why? Besides making for tedious reading, they are relevant to the subject matter in one way or another, is why. Otherwise, know ye this, about that: I would have never included them. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t, or shouldn’t, do your own due diligence. In fact, I expect nothing less from you. This way you will keep my feet to the fires of accountability, and the work of Soul Trap relevant.

Having said that…

I now give you that other truth, lost and forgotten amongst the ruble of deceit that is revision. To uproot it, we must of necessity reiterate. Even so, it will blow your spiritual mind. See Matthew 26:36 where the Bible says, “Then came Jesus with them to a place called Gethsemane, 37 [where he said to his disciples that were gathered there with him:] 38 ‘My soul is exceedingly sorrowful because I am going to die.’ 39 So he went…and fell on his face and prayed, saying: ‘O Father, if it is at all possible, let this cup pass from me….’ 42 [He then went to pray again, when God failed to answer him, saying:] ‘O Father, if this cup will not be taken from me, except I drink from it [and be forced to die,] your will be done.’ 43 When he returned from praying a second time [because God had yet to answer his prayers,] he found his disciples sleeping, for they were tired. 44 So he left them again, praying a third time [thoroughly proving that God does not answer prayers,] saying the same words.”

What was it again, that Jesus said about this? Oh! That’s right. It was: “All things, whatsoever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” Matthew 21:22.

Ah huh.

But then, I did tell you that it would blow your mind of religiosity.

Yes, grasshopper. Someone purposefully misled the condemned up on the cross, meaning: someone is misleading us, too. And as witnessed through the immutable truth—God does not answer prayers! In fact, quite the opposite is true, in that, his involvement with humanity is of a more trivial nature. Just like it will be in heaven “day and night” while on bended knee, in order to keep the bonfires of vanity stoked for all eternity. After all, why do you think we have prayer vigils involving hundreds, if not thousands, of people?

The undiscovered truth here is that God does not care about the individual in the least. Not even when it comes to the dire concerns of his own son. What was it again, that the Almighty said about this? Oh! That’s right. It was Romans 9:19: “I will have mercy upon whom I will, and will [manipulate] whom I have hardened.”


As further proof that God cares more about wallowing in personal glory than he does the individual and their struggles, I give you Jeremiah 13:15. “Hear ye, and give ear, be not proud: for the Lord has spoken. 16 Give glory to the Lord your God before he causes you trouble, and your feet to stumble upon dark places, and, while you struggle to look for a light, he turns the darkness into the shadow of death….”

There is as well, Acts 12:23. And yes. It has everything to do with God’s insatiable desire for fame and glory. “Immediately the angel of the Lord smote him [why?], because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost.”

Well, so much for that nuisance thing called freewill, if only because glory fodder trumps it every time. Why? Because God is not who or what he says he is, is why. This, even despite, what we choose to believe about him. And yes. You are right to want more proof of this. However, I cannot at this time throw everything out there in one lump mass of in-your-face truth and hope you don’t choke on it. It doesn’t work that way. No. We must first anneal the mind, in order that it doesn’t warp when confronted with the cold-water shock of reality. I, therefore, will see you at the appointed place and time where the finality of what you seek will blossom right before your eyes: just like it did with prayer, regardless of who (you, me, Jesus, children of agony,) or how many (the individual verses the masses,) send it up.

Speaking of which…

You want to know why God ignored his only begotten son, right? Not only that, but time after time. Right again? I thought so. For now, I will tell you that it has everything to do with that “cup” Jesus keeps referring to. You know the chalice of misery for which I speak; and that he tried so hard to avoid; because it’s the same one the church says is perpetually running over. The million-dollar question then, becomes: running over with what? To answer that, we need only read from Revelation 14:9. “The third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice: 10 ‘The same will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation….’”

Even so, we know Revelation 14:10 above to include Jesus. How? Because of Matthew 26:39. This being where; and while mired deeply in sorrow concerning his father’s plan for him; he said: “Father, if it be at all possible, let this cup [of misery and indignation] pass from me….”

We know the bracketed subset words of ‘misery’ and ‘indignation’ to be appropriate according to the definitions of edification, elucidation, and erudition because, it wasn’t the cup of joy and serenity his father was passing him. Otherwise, Jesus being the self-absorbed egocentrist that he is (see again, that truth discovered while in Vegas,) would have asked for seconds. We further know this to be correct because of that confession found hidden below the conscious reading level, as written in Revelation 2:27. This being where he said of it: “I will rule over them [meaning, those subjects who choose to follow him. Otherwise, he’s got no one to dominate] with a rod of iron. And like the vessels of a potter, they will be broken into slivers: even as I received from my Father.”!

What was it again, that Jesus said about his lot in life regarding his father’s cup of indignation, concerning his rebellious ways? Oh! That’s right. It was St. John 18:11 where he said of it to Peter: “Put away your sword: the cup which my Father has given me, shall I not drink from it?”

In other words: the rebellious Jesus failed to toe the line, and his father “hardened” the heart of Judas so as to prune him back some. You know, just as warned in St. John 15:2. And by hardened, I mean enlightened. Why? Because you first have to be astute enough to catch these kinds of things, is why. Then, and only then, can you set about applying your resolve. Otherwise, it’s more of the same old tired thing ad-nausim, if only because it has always been that way. And there you have it: the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the unassailable immutable truth as wrought over time immemorial.

Still, I recognize that there are those who would contend that God did not kill his son, in that, the scourge known as humankind did. Right? It’s here I would share with you that, only in the exact sense of this ill-conceived notion are you correct. Remember now, not everything in the Bible is as it seems, but always more than it appears. You cannot carry out a deception of this magnitude otherwise. Of all the things you have learned so far, it’s important you remember that.

To gain a finer understanding concerning this enigma, ask yourself why we call the Friday of crucifixion, “Good Friday?” And no. The resurrection of Jesus did not happen for yet another 1.3 days on “Son-day” morning, so you can forget about that thought. You know the roiling contemplation tugging at your sleeve for which we all struggle: it’s the same one that finds itself steeped in misconception so as to justify, if not further glorify, the crucifixion. How? By suggesting it’s all “good” because God, through the resurrection, brought his sacrificial lamb back to life whereby giving humanity a route to eternity via redemption. Am I right?

Truth is, they call it “Good Friday” because there exists an unspoken truth as to the death of Jesus Christ. It’s one the people of that era found liberation in, and not salvation. You know this to be true because they not only crucified him, but freed the murderer Barabbas in his stead. And no Jew worth his or her Orthodox salt believes in, or worships, that deity calling himself Jesus. Hell, even Socrates, some four hundred years before Jesus ever walked the Earth, took note that society would never tolerate a so-called “righteous” person. Even if that meant they had to rise up, and put that person out of societies misery by tamping down on their obnoxiously gwad-awful protruding bones. (His words as philosopher, not mine.)

What was it again that a prophetic Jesus said about history not always repeating itself, but that it rhymes throughout historical times? Oh! That’s right. It was St. John 7:6 where he said: “My time is not yet come, but yours has. 7 The world cannot hate you; but me it hates because I testify against it that its works are evil.”

Chalk one up for Socrates because, that was liberation and not salvation. However, there is more. See St. John 3:17 where; and however improbable; the Bible says of it, “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn it; but that the world through him might be saved.”

As if a contradiction of this magnitude were not enough, there is St. John 5:22. This being where Jesus further said of it: “The Father judges no one, but has given all judgment to the Son….”

Then there is, as you know, Isaiah 61:8. That being where the Almighty said of it: “I the Lord, do love [my] judgment….”

The ideology behind Jesus Christ as a judgmental savior who plans on ruling over his subjects with a rod of iron so as to break them into little pieces, even as he received of his father, was to ensure that humankind would have everlasting life for having toed some ethereal line that morphs according to emotional whim. And yes. This was something that he himself was incapable of: especially during a time of personal crisis. Not to mention, what God did to Job and his family for their effort in that regard. Therefore; and like the matching pieces of a puzzle where it’s written in St. John 3:16 that Jesus said: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son….” do we see the immutable truth finally emerge, in that, it was God and not the scourge known as humankind, who gave Jesus over to death. This is why he so fervently, and repeatedly, begged his father to remove his cup of misery and indignation. It’s also why he pointed out in St. John 19:10 and 11 that God bore the greater sin in this mess.

More to the point, in that, it was the Almighty who gave Jesus over to death through the hardening of hearts according to what he will, is Proverbs 6:16. And it will blow your wad of religious gray matter concerning everything you ever thought you knew to be true of God, the Bible, and Jesus. Not to mention, what you think you know of your inner religious self. “These things does the Lord hate: 17 hands that shed innocent blood….”

To fully appreciate the finer subtleties existing within that verse, besides learning that God has the capacity to hate, one must first recognize that he “gave” his son, and man followed through by “taking” his life. An act of which, gives Proverbs 6:16 and 17 above new meaning. But then, can you really blame humanity for taking God up on his sin offer? It was, after all, the mother of all gifts—the proverbial fountain of youth! How could he have expected even the morally upright of this world, to refuse such an enviable temptation? “Hmmm… Let’s see now. My choices are to rot in the grave for the rest of time, or to have and to hold double-D debutants for all eternity? I’m too moral to fall for that old game, so gimme the grave!”

Ah huh.

And you thought Adam and Eve fell victim to a supreme dupe… (Just you wait and see.)

Nonetheless, many questions remain. These are those ethereal gossamers of the heart that require we think outside the box of one-verse-wonders, like: why God gave his only begotten son over to death, when it’s written he hates hands that shed innocent blood. Is this his cup of misery and indignation filled to the brim for his rebellious ways, vis-à-vis the Holy Grail? Perhaps we need to redefine the word ‘innocent’ then, knowing that everyone born of flesh and blood sins. (See again, Romans 3:23.) What was it again, that God says he does to those who act out in defiance that are unruly, uncontained, and yes, even lawless? Oh! That’s right. It was Isaiah 1:15 where he said: “When you fold your hands in prayer, I will hide my eyes from you. Yeah, even when you make many prayers, these I will not hear either because your hands are full of blood.”

And yes. This is why God does not answer prayers. It’s because we choose to cover our hands in the blood of Christ, via the crucifixion. What was it again, that the Almighty said about this? Oh! That’s right. It was Deuteronomy 13:3 where he said: “You will not listen to the words of these prophets, or those who dream dreams: for the Lord your God is [what?] testing you to see whether you love him more than all others.”

Then there is Isaiah 1:14 where he further said of it: “Everything you people do [meaning, us as a species] troubles me. So much so, my soul [what?] hates you because of it. You are too burdensome for me, and I am too weary to bear your evil ways anymore.”

So yes. We failed, and failed miserably. As a result, God does not answer prayers anymore. But then, whoda thunk it. Right? All because the truth of the matter is anything but what “they” have been telling you it is. And now you know why preaching the gospels lacks interaction. Well, maybe all but for a few “Hallelujahs!” and “Amens!” and whatnot. But you get my point.

Moreover, I ask you: why put the tree of knowledge in the heart of the Garden, anyway? I only point this out because such a thing is tantamount to the juking of a lure. After all, God had an entire universe at his disposal in which to hide this particular entrapment of wooded entanglement. Therefore, why not root it somewhere out of sight where, to behold not, is out of mind? I will tell you why: it’s because he is deliberately tempting them, is why. I know. But he is. He even did the same thing to Abraham when it came to plotting the sacrifice of his only son, Isaac. And yes. There is biblical proof of this. See Genesis 22:1 where it’s written, “It came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham….”

As far as that goes, see I Corinthians 10:13. “There has no temptation taken you, but such as is common to all men: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are able endure; but along with the temptation also give you a way out that you may be able to bear it.”

As for the verse that binds, or contradicts, as the case may be, I give you James 1:13. “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempts he any man.”

I know. But there it is. This truth being that temptation is as temptation does.

Even so, how could God have expected Mr. and Mrs. Doltfire (Adam and Eve) to outwit the master of lies and cunning, when even he failed to do this, and war broke out in heaven? Then there is that supreme dupe to contend with.

Speaking of which…

If Lucifer was God’s most perfectly created angel, how could he even have the wherewithal to turn so ugly and vile? Through that paradigm, known as freewill? Um, no. Otherwise, God cannot be who or what he says he is, where his creational skills fall suspect. (More about this discovery later—a truth that will pale even the red horse of the apocalypse! Then it will disrobe this scarlet equine for the fraud it is.)

Moreover, if Adam and Eve were the only two people on the face of the planet, how did their firstborn son take a wife, and raise a family? Now there’s a scary thought. And why did God fail to follow through with his promise of punishment against Cain, for the murder of his brother Able?

Speaking of which…

One must thoughtfully consider why the mark of Cain failed so completely: especially after an all-powerful and all-knowing deity calling himself God, went to all the trouble of creating it. Right? And if living in sin is the moral crime that the church would have us believe it is, how is it that Adam and Eve were never married? Even Jesus, says there is no such thing as marriage in heaven. (For the rest of the story, see Mark 12:18 thru 25.) With that; and knowing this; I ask you: why is marriage then, the divine blessing it is here on Earth?

Speaking of which…

I have always wondered what happened up there on Mount Sinai that it took God Almighty, being all-powerful and all-knowing, forty days and nights, to write ten simple commandments? I question this if but for one reason: it only took him six days to create the entire universe. Moreover, why am I me, at the time of my birth? With so many “individuals” that have come and gone on this planet, to include those yet to be, it makes you wonder.

Yes, grasshopper. For me, this grand journey was an everyday quest: a trip fantastic for knowledge that saw me delving ever deeper into the realm of the indefinite where life exists in freefall through an insidious rabbit hole having no true clarity of focus, explanation, or purpose. This journey also took me to places I did not care to venture, but was given no choice because I was compelled. This was especially true of places like the Bible: a literary masterpiece held in great esteem the Christian world over. A book where, simply because it existed, was thee gospel truth. Or so, through a lifetime of religious conditioning, I believed.

What I discovered hiding within in its vast pages was nothing short of a labyrinth of literary deception. This was a network of words whose core truths existed below the conscious reading level, in the form of a muted noise as if reflected off the mirrors of a carnival funhouse. And yes. These are those anecdotes in the form of parables that only begin to tell their particular “truths,” when properly mated with congruent verses. All of which, will see the emergence of a completed picture coming together like that of a fractured soul having finally found its way. Offered as further proof that we are indeed being played like a cheap pair of dollar store bongos, I give you St. John 6:53. This being where Jesus said: “Verily, verily, I say to you, except you eat the flesh of the Son of man…you have no life in you.”

Now see Ecclesiastes 4:5. “[Only a fool] folds his hands together, and eats his own flesh.”

Then there is Matthew 6:7 where Jesus said to his gathered faithful: “When you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do….”

As far as that goes, see Matthew 6:9. This being where Jesus said of it: “After this manner therefore will you pray: ‘Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. 10 Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in Earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 13 Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever. Amen!’”

You see? Jesus said in Matthew 6:7 not to use vain repetitions when praying as the Godless heathen do, only to turn around in Matthew 6:9 and give them a rehearsed compilation of words that does exactly that. He even did the same thing in Matthew 26:44 where he “repeatedly” prayed to his father in heaven, even saying, and I quote, “…the same words.”

I understand, but talk about a deception hidden in plain sight—my gwad people! This, just as sure as the word ‘Amen’ when used to close out prayer, is also a fraud. Ah, but it is. (Just you wait and see.)

In closing, I invite you to join me in what will be a richly rewarding, spiritual experience. Yes grasshopper. The time has come for the world to herald a new understanding from a very old, and supposed sacred book. It’s my sincere hope that through this process of discovery you will find in the rush of epiphany after electrifying epiphany, an indelible truth that will forever write itself upon your consciousness. I say this because: it’s only through you, will a new understanding emerge. I say this also because: it’s only through you, will new leaders arise with that understanding. I say this because: it’s only through you, will the world ever know a brighter tomorrow as a result of your leadership as dictated by that understanding.

After all, if there is no god lording over us with no heaven above us, and no devil tempting us from beneath with no hell below us, then we are all there is. Moreover, this one shot is all we get throughout all of eternity—and should therefore take better care of each other! And yes. You can bet I can prove it using only that scripture found lurking below the conscious reading level, or I would have never said it. You know. That we are all there is. What was it again, that the Almighty said about this? Oh! That’s right. It was Genesis 3:22 where he stated that mankind, on that particular day, at that exact time, and for every day thereafter: became as gods.

Soul Trap

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