Читать книгу The Post Pandemic Economy - William E. Scholz - Страница 7

Health And Insurance Industries


The call to make public the American healthcare system will be louder than ever. However, we must recognize the saving Grace that insurance companies provided during the crisis. While many sectors of the American economy faltered, American insurers stepped up to the plate. Years of adequate savings, and diligent accounting, left American insurers in a sound place to cover ill Americans. However, reforms are still needed, though not as drastically as the extreme Left would have you believe.

In addition to existing private health insurance providers, American should have the opportunity to form insurance guilds. Rudimentary forms of this exist under private health insurance pooling. A more robust effort must be made to create a REAL marketplace for supplemental insurance in a way that allows small groups, entrepreneurs, and small businesses to use template underwriting to establish their own customized insurance packages.

For example, a group of local digital contractors could download a Government approved underwriting and contract package to establish themselves as a "guild," and effectively become a self-contained insurance carrier. This solves both the problems of insuring the temporary or contract workforce and eliminates the need for an obtrusive Federal apparatus to operate a marketplace exchange publicly.

The Post Pandemic Economy

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