Читать книгу Brains Confounded by the Ode of Abū Shādūf Expounded - Yūsuf al-Shirbīnī - Страница 10


Their Children


(وأمّا أولادهم) فإنّهم مثل أولاد الهنود * أو أولاد القرود * دائمًا في شلاتيت وشراميط * ترى الواحد منهم دائمًا مكشوف الرأس * غارق في الجلّة والساس * مهده المَدْوِد * وشربه من المَتْرِد * وأكله من الجله * ولعبه حول العجله * يشخّ ويخرى في ثيابه * دائمًا في سخامة وهبابه * عمره في دناسه * وأمّه في نجاسه * وإذا درج في الحاره * لا يعرف غير الطبلة والزُمّاره * والطرد وراء الثور والفحل * وسخامة في الجلّة والوحل * لا يلبس له قميص * وعيشته في تنغيص * خالي من التنظيف * قحف من قحوف الريف

Their children are like the children of Indians or of apes, always in rags and tatters. You will never find one that is not caked in dung and straw, sleeping in the feeding trough and drinking from the kneading bowl. His food is dung cakes and he plays among the calves. He pisses and shits in his clothes and is always covered in filth and grime. His life is spent in befoulment, and his mother’s in defilement. As he scuttles around his quarter, all he knows how to do is blow the pipes and beat the drums, chase around after the ox and the bull, and make a mess of himself in the dung and the mire. He never puts on a shift, and his life is spent in vexation. Of all cleanliness free, naught but a country clod is he.

Brains Confounded by the Ode of Abū Shādūf Expounded

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