Читать книгу Brains Confounded by the Ode of Abū Shādūf Expounded - Yūsuf al-Shirbīnī - Страница 6
بسم الله الرحمٰن الرحيم
وبه العون
(الحمد لله) الذي شرّف نوع الإنسان * بنطق اللسان * وخصّه بعموم مزيد الفضل والامتنان * وهيّأه لإدراك حقائق المعرفة والبيان * وتوّجه بتاج الكرامة والبراعة والإتقان * وجعل الطبائع مختلفة والأخلاق متباينة على ممرّ الأزمان * وميّز صاحب الذوق السليم بلطافة الذات وحلاوة اللسان * وخصّ أضداده بسوء الخُلُق وكثافةالطبع كعوام الريف أراذل الجُدْران * والصلاة والسلام على سيّدنا محمّد المبعوث من أفضل جرثوم١ العرب من عدنان * المخصوص بجوامع الكَلِم ولوامع التِبْيان * وعلى آله وأصحابه الذين جعلهم الله لاقتطاف جواهر العلم أفنان * صلاةً وسلامًا دائمَيْن متلازمَيْن في كلّ وقت وأوان
١ بي: جرتوم.
In the Name of God
The Merciful, the Compassionate
To Whom We Turn for Help
Praise be to God,1 Who has honored Man with the gift of speech and singled him out for bounty and blessings of every kind, Who has equipped him to grasp the verities of knowledge and persuasive argument, Who has crowned his brow with dignity, prowess, and virtuosity, Who has made his constitutions diverse and tempers disparate as long as time shall last, and Who has distinguished the man of sound taste with refinement of person and sweetness of tongue while bestowing on his opposites—the likes of the common people of the countryside, the base loafers by the walls—wickedness of disposition and coarseness of nature! And blessings and peace upon our Lord Muḥammad, sent forth from the noblest stock of the Arabs of ʿAdnān, endowed with pithiness in speech and brilliance in exposition, and upon his kin and Companions, whom God made adept at gathering wisdom’s pearls2—for ever and ever, in every age and time!