Читать книгу Brains Confounded by the Ode of Abū Shādūf Expounded - Yūsuf al-Shirbīnī - Страница 11


Their Women during Intercourse


(وأمّا نساؤهم عند الجماع) * فإنّهن في حكم الضباع * يدخلن الأفران * ويُضْرِموا فيها النيران * ويَعْبَقُ عليهم الدخان * وتظهر لهم روائح الدِمْس * حتّى يصيروا كأنّهم في قَلْس * ثمّ ينضجعوا إلى شيء من القَشّ * وما يتيسّر من القصالة والعَفْش * بعد أكلهم المدمَّس والبيسار * حتّى يصير الشخص منهم كأنّه حمار * ثمّ يضمّ زوجته إليه * وهي تتشقلب عليه * فيظهر من بين الاثنين * روائح الجلّة والطين * وتعطيه رجليها * وينظر إلى عَمْشة عينيها * ويطرحها على جنبها * فتستغيث بربّها * وتقول أحَّيْه جتك داهيه أحَّيْه جتك مصيبه أحَّيْه جتك غاره فغنجها بليّه * وجماعها رزيّه * وربما جامع الشخص منهم زوجته في مدود الحماره * أو في الغيط جنب العبّاره * وقد تمكث المرأة منهنّ الجمعه * لا تغسل من الجنابة لمعه * وكذلك الرجل بتحقيق * في أعظم الدناسة وعدم التوفيق *

Their women during intercourse are like hyenas. They go into the ovens and set the fires burning, so that the smoke clings to them and the odors of the ashes on them cannot be ignored, till they are as though steeped in vomit. Then the two of them lie down on a bit of straw and some shucks and sweepings, after eating stewed fava beans and bīsār, till both are indistinguishable from donkeys. The man now clasps his wife to his breast and she flips over onto his chest, and from between them emerge odors of dung and earth. She gives him her legs and he gazes into her rheumy eyes and throws her on her side, while she calls on her Lord for aid, saying, “Aḥḥēḥ!61 Disaster befall you! Aḥḥēḥ! Calamity strike you! Aḥḥēḥ! A raiding party take you!” Thus her cries when in heat are a pain, and coition with her is a bane. Sometimes a man will have intercourse with his wife in the donkey’s trough or in the field next the path and the woman may go for a week without washing off the traces of her impurity,62 while the man likewise assuredly persists in the worst possible state of filth and futility.

Brains Confounded by the Ode of Abū Shādūf Expounded

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