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Start with a fresh piece of paper and list the topics you’ll be covering in your video, leaving a large gap in between each entry. To go back to the beauty example, this would be eyeliner, eyeshadow and mascara.

Now re-read your original research notes and underline the most important facts and figures. List these in order of priority underneath the relevant topic. For example, under the mascara heading you might write notes about application tactics, price and stockists.

Will you talk about the topics in the order you’ve listed on the sheet? If not, write a number next to each topic to remind you of the sequence. For beauty videos, this will be determined by the order in which you apply the make-up. For gaming videos, if you want to list your top five tips, the order should start with the most useful tip, followed by the next most useful and so on.

Think about your intro and outro. Jot down some prompts for your intro that sum up what your video is about. For the outro, write down some calls to action so you don’t forget to ask people to subscribe and comment.

Finally, you should consider where you will position the camera for each topic. Note that down next to the relevant topic, using a different-coloured pen so it stands out from your facts and figures. Use the same-coloured pen to note down any props you’re going to use. Viewers will get bored of you talking to the camera after a short time, even if you’ve practised sounding energetic and enthusiastic, so you need to mix up your footage. One way to mix it up is by using props such as make-up products, and filming close-ups of the products as you explain what they are. You could also use pie-charts or graphics to demonstrate a specific trend. Or you could add variety by demonstrating what you’re talking about and mixing shots of talking to camera with the demos in your edit.

Many vloggers choose to stop here, to make their videos a mix of drafted scripting and some natural presentation. As you’re not writing down full sentences next to the topics, you have some flexibility with what you say, which makes it sound like you’re naturally knowledgeable.

Get Rich Blogging

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