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If you complete this step, you can be sure that your videos are densely populated with useful information. This is a huge confidence boost for anyone starting out, because nerves have a terrible habit of making your mind go blank. With a full script on the side, just out of shot, you have something to refer to in between takes.

The most recent list you made should contain all the facts and figures along with relevant camera angles and positions, so all you have to do is flesh it out and add some sentences to link everything. Think about how you would say something and write it down exactly as you’d speak it, so you sound natural and not as if you’re reciting an essay. Try and think of jokes or interesting ways of saying things, so that you can show viewers you are fun, witty and entertaining.

Once you have a full script, you can run through it a few times before turning on the camera. This will help you work out where pauses need to be for dramatic effect, and which words you need to emphasise. Use a pencil to underline these words, then you can refer to your script during filming to remind yourself of your lines and the modulation needed. If you plan on using several camera angles and positions, there will be plenty of time to reread your script after each time you move the camera.

Get Rich Blogging

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