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“Whoever smokes, takes drugs!”


Here is another remark that is not preached in the churches, like it should be:

“Whoever SMOKES, takes drugs - including ALCOHOL, abuses and corrupts his body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit [i.e. the temple of God], will be ruined by God himself.”

These people put themselves under the control of a different spirit coming from below, not from above.

I Corinthians 6:19 What? Know you not that your body is a temple of the holy Spirit which is in you, which you have from YAHWEH? And you are not your own;

I Corinthians 6:20 For you are bought with a price: therefore glorify YAHWEH in your body, and in your Spirit, which are God/Elohim (YAHWEH).

I Corinthians 3:17 If any man destroys the temple of YAHWEH, him shall YAHWEH destroy; for the temple of YAHWEH is holy, which temple you are.

Smoking tobacco.

Tobacco is a slow, treacherous, but a very vicious poison. In whatever form it is used, it has an effect on the entire body. The more it is dangerous because its effects are first slowly and barely perceivable. It excites and after that paralyzes the nerves. It weakens and befuddles the brain. Our nerves are usually attacked stronger than numbing beverages. Tobacco and its consequences are difficult to eradicate from the system. Its use awakens our thirst for strong drinks and in many cases it is the cause of drunkenness.

The use of tobacco is detrimental, costly, dirty, stains the one who uses it and harasses other people. One can come across its followers everywhere... It is unpleasant and unhealthy to stay in a railway car or a room where air is filled with alcohol and tobacco smells...

Tobacco use is doing unspeakable harm to children and young people. The unhealthy habits of past generations exert their effects on children and youth of today. Mental incapacity, physical weakness, disordered nerves, and unnatural desire are inherited from parents to their children. The same habits of the children multiply the evil and propagate it. Physical, mental and moral deterioration, which gives so much cause to concern, is in no small measure attributable to that.

Boys begin smoking tobacco at a very early age. If this becomes a habit at a time where body and mind are particularly susceptible to the consequences, the body power is undermined, the body becomes stunted, the mind is addled and the moral is poisoned...

No human needs tobacco, but countless numbers of people collapse due to the lack of means, which are rather than wasted if used.”

The Sacred Scriptures - Vol. I

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