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Inordinate Fear of Risk


Not everyone has the same risk tolerance. Moreover, if you don't have all the information you tend to overestimate risk.

In the chart shown in Figure 2.1, which I use with corporate clients, you can introduce to others the idea of your current position (status quo) and the relative risk and reward of your venture, idea, or initiative. The problem of risk is that there is usually no counterbalance. Certainly a risk of −5 accompanied by a possible reward of 12 is not worth taking, unless the risk can be mitigated. But a 14 benefit with a −2 risk is well worth it.

This kind of visualization will help you with family and conservative others (attorneys, bankers, accountants) to understand the difference between prudent risk and gambling. It also provides the ability to exploit the benefit (move from 13 to 14) and mitigate risk (move from −3 to −2) with some intelligent planning. Investing in a $50,000 conference center may make no sense emotionally, until you realize that last year you made $300,000 in conference revenues but had to spend $150,000 on retail conference space.

FIGURE 2.1 Risk/Reward Ratio

The Consulting Bible

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