Читать книгу The Consulting Bible - Alan Weiss - Страница 35

Time Demands and Loss of Attention


You have to offset those occasions when you miss dinner, or miss a dance recital, or even miss an anniversary with those when you can be at an afternoon soccer game, take a long weekend vacation on impulse, or provide an extraordinary anniversary gift.

When I first began traveling (without benefit of modern technology and remote flexibility), I was on the road 80 percent of the time. I had two personal goals in that regard: First, I wanted to keep reducing it,5 and second, I wanted to compensate for it. My kids, when I missed grammar school events, became accustomed to telling their friends I was in California or Florida or London, but also were quite proud to point me out on the sidelines during an afternoon soccer game or morning field trip. I wasn't there all the time when other parents were, but I was often there when other parents weren't.

It's never good to miss special days and special events. But these days on the calendar are meant to represent something far greater than a period of time passing, and it's that personal and loving experience that needs to be celebrated, no matter when that is.

And we've all now learned how effective remote work can be, especially in advisory roles. I'm writing this in September 2020, and I haven't been on an airplane since early March, which is my longest consecutive span of not flying since 1972, when I entered this profession!

The Consulting Bible

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