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Chapter 11


Free riders are still riding

It is very difficult to rise, to break into leaders or into the elite in a society of people with a thin cortex, and that’s why. It is in cortex, and that’s why that all the connections and the memory of actions are formed – in the human brain, in the cerebral cortex, there is a socialization of the entire experience.

A tribal society is a community of equal envious «communists» watching each other. No wonder (the Communists of Stalin system followed it and created arbitrariness – these are genes, not an idea). Because of the primitive of such communism, each of the «equals» was on his mind, this affected the fate of official communism, which officially disappeared in 1991 (they are still on their mind: someone in memory of Soviet communism performs well – these are artists, such as the Communist Party In Russia, and the so-called The Kazakh People’s Party. Who else? Who thinks of themselves as leaders-activists in social networks, although they should shut up and look for the best, and not offer themselves weak. Idiots, calm down!) if you are seen as an equal, no one will allow you to be at the top. If you were an equal among your peers, you just won’t be forgiven for it. You don’t even need a contract of equals to do this. There are still such «equals», there are many of them. This equality is absolutely immaterial. This equality of the soul is an echo of primitive equality and rivalry at the same time. Now it is still the greedy equality of the savages of democracy, but no one knows about it. Everyone knows that tradition loves the humble, that’s all. All conservative peoples have atavisms of primitive communism and modesty is its own daughter. This daughter is now being used in a brothel with the sign «Democracy». But all, almost all conservative nations in the person of the representative persons of the elite do not seem to notice this. And where the official elite goes, the whole herd goes. In fact, this egoism of savages is actively used by the so-called democracy, when the habits of savages, savage hacks are taken under control. But savages – absolutely literate today, absolutely consciously – voluntarily go into bondage, like the same Indians who did not know what kind of beads the Columbus sailors gave them… Obeying their instincts, the elite hid a lot of money – part of the common spoils of the whole people: no one will forgive them for this betrayal. Although, perhaps, at this moment people are fawning over this government, which means they want to get something else. The fact that it is easy to take savages through the bribery of elites, it has long become clear. But before that, these elites achieved their elevation. The very height where envy, jealousy and stones no longer fall. Stones will fly to corrupt officials later. This guaranteed curse has been retroactively recorded more than once by events. Civilization and democracy have made savages weak.

If these elites have achieved their indisputability, this is another stage.

These same conservative peoples have strict rules of hierarchy. Hierarchy restrains the natural egoism, anarchy, freedom and pseudo-communism of every savage. Savages could not forgive each other’s talents, civilization had taught them that. But before that, jealousy and envy were controlled only by the Asian dictatorship. Dictators or feudal elite have taken all instincts under control. And democracy accuses savages today that they have not fully revealed themselves, that they are ashamed of their inner forces in order not to be shy and throw off their rulers. The financiers of the world bank tell them: Personalities (savages)! Free yourself from your elite, from autocracy – so they are being told from across the ocean, and Soros’ people, who receives money from Soros funds agree like parrots and monkeys. But this means that primitive communism is coming again, jealousy and envy of all against all, that is, civil war. Conservative people do not need to be taught, they are so «personalities by nature», free personalities, each by himself, free riders – not knowing that people of money will come up with this for themselves. But people of money are people of deep strategy among a similar rabble. These tradesmen have learned to create workshops, unions, unions of entrepreneurs, etc. You don’t have to do anything, and you are a person! Just trade. Before appearing as a modern world mafia, an international force, the Refags went a long way of community, that is, friendship of the rootless and hungry in the slums of vagrants and in the garbage streets, who learned to be friends with a distant goal, which they did not know about then. These vagabonds today control genetic warriors who continue their feud. These people, in the form of financiers, control the whole world. There are still islands of conservative resistance.

Then we can say that all nomads are individuals without money. Just were wild people without money. They don’t like it when an equal simply outranks them on an invisible horse. They know who is who among themselves. This is the primal pride of jerks, which does not allow the cortex to thicken, does not allow the creation of alliances, except for dynasties, except for the contract of the elite. It does not give a reason for strategic cooperation, except for a war-fight. It is necessary to jump to top so that the envy and the running boards of the brothers – friends of the «savages» could no longer reach. It’s pointless to shit if you can’t get result. This is a human expectation, and an eternal one, that «Akela will old», the materialist theory explains the appearance of classes, in our case, the landed aristocracy, the growth of technology and technology, the appearance of surpluses. This violates the primal harmony of equality, the attraction of blood, egoism-the anarchy of horsemen. If I’m not the first, you won’t be either! So unconsciously all the savages of the world still think, but they do not know about these secrets of their soul, they just do it. Every conservative nation has its own way. How they got gagged, how their hands were tied, each such people has its own scores with civilization.

The aristocracy itself is separated from relatives, so it is separated from the guardianship and egoism of equal zerefs. The aristocracy has been teaching conditionally related «hyenas» for a long time that there can be no former equality. It takes on the function of noble control, if necessary, provides, makes allowances, frees poor relatives, takes on the function of patrons. (It is still possible to observe the release of the law of the «lord’s shoulder» and other benefits on behalf of some local leader, this lyne is repeated by smaller government officials, which, they say, they decided, they grant the benefits for the poor). Thank you, my dears, I’ve had enough of equality, so I’ve had enough of the accompanying jealousy. From now on, I’m not unequal to you, get used to it. I’m an aristocrat, I’m taller than you, freaks. The word freaks does not sound at this moment, but every dictator works as if he curses everyone and takes revenge. That’s what it is, not the surplus obtained by an iron plow. Although formally, it is the iron plow that is guilty – it has strengthened, strengthened the sense of superiority. There is no turning back.

Kazakhs and Turks

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