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Chapter 3


What is the reason for the war

When two zerefs look at each other, everyone knows who is the first, who is the second. Even the relatives of the brothers with a difference of a few minutes should replenish the formation of conservative soldiers. The society of tradition spends the least time on peeping and looking, even in a crowd, when hundreds of eyes are looking at you, they already know a lot. This gazing is delayed for a longer period. If some mentors, teachers, curators come to the people of the tradition and inform them, you are not any brothers, you are not a people, you are market individuals. Then even the twins begin to argue who personality is more important who have ten minutes more, after a while the whole nation starts a fight, which teachers, mentors, curators call democratic reforms.

In fact, democracy cancels not only seniority and zerefs are getting younger, they don’t want to give in, they don’t want to die. The whole crowd is getting younger, even the elderly are ready to give way to the young to the next world – they wear fashionable clothes so that they are not recognized now, drink filtered water so that there are no kidney stones. Teenagers brats approach the young men, address them like this: «Bro, let me smoke!» Disguised and trimmed «for democracy» old bros are a little embarrassed, but they give (and who is greedy, says that there is no cigar). Suddenly, everyone’s age disappears. That’s what democracy is when the devils come to the twins. It is impossible to prevent the Zerefs from considering each other. At any age, when Zeref looks at you, he knows where to stand: behind you or in front of you. And old age is not the only conservative marker. Although democratic zerefs from now on are always trying to deceive others, themselves, and time. People tell each other: «You’re still young, you’re still so young.» But it’s not because of democracy. These are still remnants of the conservative tact that remains with traditional people despite the devil’s propaganda.

"Good times give birth to weak people. Weak people breed difficult times."

These words of the ancient Greek Plato explain well why devils -neighbors come to the Zerefs. Why a conservative society is suddenly engaged in reformation. It seems that everyone walked in a general formation, obeyed informal laws. Now everyone’s gaze began to money. No one moves without a kick. They need a mate, obscenity, then a kick. Are the traditional people are lazy creatures? The first reaction to reforms is always a reaction. In any country, under any conservative regime, there is a part of the ruling elite, the so-called old men, clerics, who cannot be considered because of conscious blindness, because of laziness. The rabble and the common people cannot simultaneously replace the cream of society. The day comes, the hour comes when respected people are escorted to the next world with appropriate honors. And none of the high ranks intends to cancel this tradition.

But the fact is that the long absence of war delays all procedures.

There is always a whole queue of honorary veterans at the central churchyard. People were used to burying their traditional elite. Funerals change funerals. There are monuments on the main square of the country. Thieves and crooks have already settled comfortably among the crowd to gawk now.

The season of the «long world» also greatly influences the local evolution. A long peace softens morals of Zerefs. Cunning people, cowards, crooks, people from the Diaspora enjoy silence and funeral almost daily marches. The season of peace gives such an opportunity to penetrate into all spheres, because zerefs lose their vigilance, stop watching, do not look too closely. Requirements are reduced. The season of the long peace, it’s certainly very good for the cunning and weak people. When those most difficult times come after the good ones, people just like to remember them: when they had the kindest ruler (for example, Soviet people remember General Secretary Brezhnev – the kindest and incompetent puppet), after him came frankly vague. A conservative world must end in war. No one asks themselves questions, but how did these difficult times come? At this time, too many «twins» are born to go to war (because boys are born warriors here, they have to go to war. But now there is no such war).

Now I explain: all the cunning, crooks, hypocrites, thieves – the elite of liberal reformers just got into all spheres because of the lazy gaze of dying old men and the grave mood inside the funeral procession. «Good times breed weak people.» Good times have many traits. But the most important feature of officials of good times is their beauty – kindness. The leaders may be nondescript, but the ruling nomenclature is selected by outwardly pleasant, sympathetic Komsomol members, singers, cosmonauts, central television announcers. The ancient Greeks, Plato’s contemporaries, were just betting on physical perfection, the beauty of the body before ancient Greece lost. With decaying socialism, they relied only on the face, on the artists. In good times, all the artists are beautiful (in bad times, all the characters, on the contrary, are ugly, resemble freaks) No one looked closely at these artists, because there were good times – these are the times of artists and hypocrites – weak people, future traitors, philistines, defectors but the population was fine. There was no one to envy. Conservative people begin to envy and interfere with each other when order is violated, including the traditional funeral procession. The reformers who come to the twins to wean them off keeping the queue don’t come just like that. In order for worms to appear, the soil must be dewatered.

In the Ottoman Empire in 1809, Mahmud 2 – the Turkish Peter 1 ascended to the throne. In this pair, Russia was the first to carry out reforms. Turkish soldiers lost to the Russia in 1806 – 1829. Precisely because Mahmoud 2 was surrounded by elite old reactionaries, clerics. But the vizier Alemdar Mustafa Pasha Bayraktar helped him to ascend to the throne. Without Bayraktar, Mahmoud would not have succeeded at all.

But the liberal reforms of Mahmud 2 – Tanzimat – were just a copy of Peter's reforms. Mahmud 2 dressed the whole yard in European clothes. The main reforms concerned the rearmament of the army. Mahmud abolished the janissaries, abolished the sipahia – the Turkish oprichnina – the old land system for military service – replaced it with private property (ciftlik).

Yes, conservatives are going for reforms, primarily military ones. Civil reforms are secondary for them. This applies to everyone without exception. It is before the turmoil that the "beautiful" civilian population begins to listen to the military, because by this time all civilians are hypocrites, crooks, thieves or potential crooks, thieves are the very products of a long peace.

The reforms that the most energetic people are trying to carry out are designed to replace the real war, while it has not yet taken place, with military mobilization. Therefore, all the Young Turks reformers, Egyptian "free officers", Iraqi, Libyan, South American black colonels are all products of liberal military reformism. All monarchs are reformers, including Turkish Selim 3, Mahmoud 2, Libyan Idris 1 or even the father of the last Iranian Shah Reza Pahlavi were reformers. They trained only the military for capture or for the protection of their satrapies. But in order for the people to have Mustafa Kemal, Lenin or Hitler, it was the war that had to take place.

Yes, war has an ugly face. But it is the war that the crowds are preparing, hundreds of pretty handsome men who are admired by millions of inhabitants of the «good season». In a peaceful period of time, zealots, strong figures like Mustafa Kemal cannot break through to the top in any way. Because mass ignorance, jealousy, therefore fear and envy allow people to enjoy good rulers. In turn, good rulers think not about honor, but about memory, about huge mazars and pyramids that will remind of that good time when it was they who ruled.

Kazakhs and Turks

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