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Chapter 6


Where did the Kazakhs bourgeois come from

There are objective practices for the emergence of the bourgeoisie.

Conservative communities do not welcome the movement. The bourgeoisie appeared just from the movement of superfluous people because in every traditional family, ten children are born. Not necessarily every tenth of a litter of many children, – having many children as a condition, as a guarantee of escape of folk: many descendants of the bourgeois appeared in the cities from landlessness, that is, from poverty.

In order for people to understand the need for cooperation, they had to live in a peasant community themselves. Both in rural areas and in cities, cooperation was a guarantee of survival. So in Europe, workshops appeared in medieval cities. Why couldn't Kazakhs create workshops?

Who among the Kazakhs in general could be the first to turn into the bourgeoisie, given that the Kazakhs did not like money. Like all peoples of the tradition, the Kazakhs loved glory. That’s just out of love for status and contempt for the worthless, however, this feeling is familiar to the whole world, all peoples, Kazakhs appeared candidates for the bourgeoisie according to the Western type of maturation. If we take into account that the nomads did not like cities where strategic cooperation of the Kazakhs could take place. We need to find the reason the Kazakh cooperation without relation to the main Kazakh attribute – belonging to the Kazakh clan (ru). Poverty and rootlessness are the two main bourgeois assets. All the beggars and the rootless want to become famous, so that they are still respected it is fact.

If we remove the upper cooperation (in the revcon, this is called the upper dubbing, when the elite of the people is duplicated by another elite, necessary for the creation of a bourgeois class. Without the solidarity of former beggars who have turned into oligarchs, no modernization is possible. To create an industry, it is not at all a nomadic, not other primitive and feudal elite that is needed. All this traditional old elite should disappear. As practice shows, the primitive elite is destroyed by the new people themselves «in the name of progress». None of these people will change old habits. I’m talking about the personal egoism of the feudal elite, about reforms – changing the stereotype of the behavior of the whole people is out of the question. In order for new people to appear, a crowd of rootless people must appear when people do not remember their relatives. If people remember about pas kind, only external intervention is possible – this is an external double of self reflection, when representatives of other peoples act as teachers), or you can immediately get into the prosak. Yes, these reform teachers are destroying the selfish feudal elite in the name of progress. The versions that the primitive elites themselves will go to voluntary poverty in order to turn into the bourgeoisie seem to be seditious devilry, market demagogy. Japanese samurai would never agree to trade in order to retain power. Those who claim that the Kazakh primitive elite would have shown miracles of selflessness in the name of the people, would have led reforms, that is, ruined themselves and butchered themselves to the head in order to look like beggars, for this the people themselves had to take place, that is, a crowd of rootless scoundrels demanding for self a couple of hundred sheep from them. The bourgeoisie is formed from dirt and shit. From dirt, from conservative shit! This dirt and shit should be eaten by all future oligarchs, as the most unscrupulous people for tradition.

Zhataks (recumbent men) – poor Kazakhs, weeded out by Kazakh relatives for their inability to maintain movement – could be the first to render in a foreign environment and in foreign cities, fate itself gives a chance to such all the poor. If they did not feel alienated from exactly the same generic dregs, some despicable Sarts should have felt contempt for exactly the same Kazakhs from other clans instead of being ready to cooperate. (Kazakhs do not let strangers, that is, not relatives Kazakhs into the Nauryz pagan wise holiday yurt even now! And they stuttering about the Kazakh strategic cooperation. This is an absent Kazakh feeling) It is they who could establish cooperation. If not for one thing that It is precisely that the Kazakhs all remember their kinds. With this memory they build their modern power. And at the same time they walk with the illusion that it is possible to build democracy at the same time. What each Kazakh has under democracy is a separate topic. And this topic does not go far from the Kazakh self -reflection.

Kazakhs and Turks

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