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Chapter 8


Top dubbing

My books are not voluminous. Maximum of 200 pages. The main idea can be said in one chapter. But this will not give understanding, so, the "understanding" stretches to 120 pages.    The remaining 80 pages remain in reserve – for new discoveries on the topic.

Three books have been selected for the manual so far:  "Kazakhs and Arabs", "Kazakhs and Japanese", Kazakhs and Turks", because  Arabs, Japanese, Turks are successful nations today. (Which cannot be said about the Kazakhs yet). Arabs, Japanese, Turks have their own history, their own way, their own choice, these three nations are chosen to show where we are. Ordinary people don't like difficult situations. Therefore, instead of a complex " self- reflection", that is, a mirror that no one likes to look into, another tactic was chosen – to look at yourself against the background of successful Arabs, Japanese and Turks. Why do they succeed in the end, but the Kazakhs do not. If Confucius said "If it seems to you that the goal is unattainable, do not change the goal – change your plan of action" – this is just right. Tactics have changed, but the strategy remains.

The main argument of the Kazakh nationalists: "if it were not for the Russians, if it were not for the Bolsheviks, we, the Kazakhs would be at a high level." A lot of biased material has appeared.  It is populism.  Betting on arguments that clearly contradict the facts is always the way to nowhere. "Fanatics can seize power. But they will never hold the victory. From fanaticism get tired" From fanaticism, first of all, the audience gets tired, to whom the fate of sacrificial sheep is prepared by fanatics. It is enough to look at the speech of patriots in the parliament of one belligerent republic of the former USSR. No one listens to anyone there. But everyone comes to the podium and spews patriotic mantras and curses. Patriotic mantras and curses have already led this people to war, but spewing mantras and curses in 404 is a very profitable occupation. These parliamentarians themselves live happily ever after.  At this very time, the people wash themselves, as they say, with blood. Why is there so much cynicism in 404? Why did we, the Kazakhs, lag behind them? Is it good or is it bad? Our "backwardness", more precisely, our conservatism and "shukur" save us.

In order not to repeat the path the state  of 404 under the leadership of top scammers, you need a little honesty and logic. You need to look a little in the mirror of facts.

Revcon has the concept of upper and lower dubbing.

Lower dubbing is when people with low status and reflection perform the tasks of noble people. For example, the communist ideology proclaimed the dictatorship of the proletariat. The proletarians began to play the role of the aristocracy. Kazakhs are not interested in what came out of it. The supposed Kazakh reaction will be this: we had our own elite. If the Alash elite it had been preserved, we would have lived at the level of the Japanese. The Russian Bolsheviks prevented us. But is it so?

As we can see, the whole fate of the people rests on the concept of the elite.

Arabs, Japanese, Turks have preserved Arab, Japanese, Turkish – in general, their own elite. Kazakhs were not ruled by Kazakhs. Although for 30 years Kazakhs have been ruled by Kazakhs, and the results are medieval against the background of modern technologies. There is no gap beyond the words «kazaksha soyle» (you must speaking by kazakh). In addition to mineral resources, Kazakhs have put singers and boxers on the world market (now even a chess player lady has appeared).

Although the current regime continues the tactics of a low double – it is recruiting managers "from the people", who, as they say, is "still there". There can be no other way. A low double was always at hand for conservative dictatorships. It was the Communists who brought the conservative double to the level of holy dirt (although this has nothing to do with the Communists, Marxism itself, the Marxists themselves treated the tradition arrogantly, but the ideology of Marxism itself is a pure lower double).

All regimes before communism and before the 20th century, all traditional elites used a high double to create assistants for themselves without violating the current hierarchy. That is, the feudal lords could choose from the people and protect the most talented children of commoners, and commoners understood that they were commoners and did not encroach on conservative orders.

What is the difference between a high dubbing and a low one with the general similarity of the procedure.

With a high dubbing, the initiative comes from above, the feudal lords select oprichniks, officials, with a low double, conditional fish sweep away the system. A low double will always be weak and flawed, because it has nothing but desires. These are the same fanatics zerefs. (Look around. Who shouts "kazaksha soyle"  (speak by kazakh) the most? These people want a low take. To replace professionals in all spheres, to amuse their self-esteem, to enrich themselves, but this is not beneficial to the Kazakh people themselves) The conservative people after the revolution, that is, after the bifurcation, will still return to the upper dubbing.  So Russian communism ended by  Stalin and his people.  Very mediocre people – all the older children of Russian peasants turned into the red elite, but they never got rid of the inferiority complex: they carried their dirt in genetics until they abolished all red hypocrisy in 1991.  A low dubbing is always a failure of people's memory and practice. It's just timelessness and the absence of a real natural elite. Who feeds the modern fanatics and scammers so that they scream the loudest? Yes, we should never forget: if you don't see the elite at home, your own elite, then someone else's, external elite is working. She will support the lower double of the aul revolutionaries in order to destroy the people, in any case, for a long time to take all the resources and admire the Kazakh singers and boxers to the cheers of the narrow-minded philistines. Because non-professionals will always carry inferiority complexes, but at the same time they will always shout the loudest)


The upper double is the most basic in human practice, because the rabble never has the knowledge of priests, and in general, the egg does not teach the chicken.

Of the Japanese, Arabs and Turks, it is the Turks who have kept their double the most, so they have the best prospects.

The upper double is divided under external indirect control. This is when the elite seems to be national, but it is controlled from outside at least by economic, financial laws. Outwardly successful Saudis fall into this canvas.  The Saudis are thriving because no one has shot Arab princes. This prosperity of the Emirates drives the Kazakh longing for their own pre-revolutionary bais (feodal rich men).  I repeat. With a low red double, the feudal elite is not able to survive, because this is a revolution, a popular uprising (and no rich Kazakh is willing to voluntarily give a place of honor to another Kazakh even now. Kazakhs do not have strategic cooperation because of this. Every Kazakh sells and buys everything now.  Yes, modern Kazakhs are now repeating Western practice. But any new rich "Kazakh" from the mud will behave exactly the same as his predecessor – Kazakh feodal buy. This indicates a persistent low, tribal reflection. Any modern Kazakh can be thrown into the past and he will not be lost there, and vice versa: any Kazakh from the past can be thrown into our time and changed – no one will notice the substitution. Kazakhs with a lag of 500 years are identical cultural twins. And this despite the fact that three generations of Kazakhs were educated by the Bolsheviks).

Despite the Japanese miracle, the Japanese are also in a state of groggy. Kazakhs would dream of the level of the Japanese, but the Kazakhs did not even pass the Japanese stage of Kamakura and Muromachi: this is when the Japanese samurai got tired of their own slaughter and recognized the power of the shogun. Kazakh philistines are so fucked up that they want democracy right away… And this is despite the fact that every Kazakh is the same Kazakh from the 500-year-old past, overflowing with ambitions and not wanting strategic cooperation, that is, not having high reflection.

Kazakhs and Turks

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