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Chapter 5


Sandra’s head was still spinning when she and Andrew pulled into her parents’ driveway after leaving the attorney’s office on Peachtree Street in downtown Atlanta. When Andrew turned off the engine, she said, “Is this real, Andrew?”

He chuckled. “Very real,” he said. “We’re rich, Sandra. We’ll never have money problems again. Our kids are provided for and so are your parents. And we have the money to start our own church. God is good.”

“The lottery is good,” she said.

Andrew picked up her hand and kissed it. “Same thing.”

She met his eyes. “I don’t like lying to my parents.”

“Neither do I, but what choice do we have?”

She sighed deeply. “I know,” she said, “but I still don’t like it.”

“Well, I bet your parents will like hearing what we’ve done for them and their grandchildren. I can’t wait to see the look on your dad’s face when we tell him about the horse farm.”

Sandra smiled. “They’re going to be so excited. Let’s go in and tell them.”

Wanting to surprise her parents and the children, they rang the bell instead of using their key. Her mother opened the door. She looked between the two of them. “What are you two doing here?” she asked. “We weren’t expecting you.”

Sandra laughed. She kissed her mother’s cheek and said, “Nothing’s wrong, Momma. In fact, everything is right. Where are Daddy and the kids?”

Her mother accepted a kiss from Andrew and then closed the door after they were both inside. “Your father took the kids out to Harper Farms so they could go riding. They left early this morning.”

“And won’t be back until late,” Sandra finished. Her kids had inherited her dad’s love of horses and riding. She’d had that love, too, until her drunken father had put her on a horse too spirited for her and she’d taken a fall, breaking her arm. She pushed the thought aside, not wanting to dampen the joy of the day. Those days were long gone, anyway.

“Have you two eaten?” her mother asked as they settled themselves in the family room. Her mother took the plush club chair while she and Andrew took the couch.

“We had a fancy lunch down on Peachtree Street.”

“What were you doing down there?” her mother asked.

“We had lunch with an attorney,” Sandra said.

“An attorney?” her mother asked, her eyes wide. “You two aren’t getting a divorce, are you?”

Andrew touched his mother-in-law’s knee. “No way,” he told her. “I love your daughter and she loves me. We’ve been through a rough patch lately, but God has opened a door and cleared up all our financial problems.”

Her mother met her eyes. “What’s happened?” she asked.

“Well, Mom,” Sandra began. “We met with an attorney this morning who informed us that Andrew has inherited a substantial sum of money, very substantial.”

Her mother turned to Andrew. “Who left you some money? I thought you didn’t have any family.”

“I didn’t think I did, either, but apparently there was a distant cousin. Believe me, I’m as surprised as you are. Surprised and blessed. And we’re going to use our blessing to bless others.” He went on to tell her about their plans for a church.

“That’s wonderful, Andrew,” she said. “You have a good heart. I know you and Sandra will make good use of your money.”

“It’s our money, Mom,” Andrew corrected. “Mine, Sandra’s, the kids, and yours and Dad’s. It’s ours. We want you to share in it, too. The first thing we want to do is buy you and Dad that horse farm he’s always talking about. We want you two to start looking for it immediately.”

Ida dabbed at her eyes with her fingers. “You can’t be serious.”

Sandra sat on the arm of her mother’s chair and pulled her close. “Dead serious,” she said. “We want you and Dad to have everything you’ve always wanted. As soon as the paperwork is finalized, we’ll put a share of the money in an account for you so you can spend it as you see fit. For now, though, we want you and Dad to find that horse farm you want. And I want you to have the house you want. If you find property, we can even build from scratch. Whatever you want.”

Her mother began to cry. “Oh, Sandra, you don’t have to.”

Sandra glanced at her husband, tears in her own eyes. Then she said to her mother, “We want to, Mom. You’ve always been there for us. Let us be there for you and Dad. It’s time for you to have what you want.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“There’s nothing to say,” Andrew said. “Just thank God for the blessing. That’s what we’re doing.”

“Grady is going to be beside himself when he hears this. He’s dreamed of owning a horse farm forever, but it was never anything but a dream. I don’t think he ever imagined it would actually happen.”

“I know, Mom, but it is happening. Today is a new day for all of us.”

“I wish Dad were here now so we could tell him,” Andrew said. “I can’t wait to see the expression on his face.”

“Well, why don’t we drive up and spend the rest of the day with him and kids at Harper’s. We can reserve a room at one of those bed-and-breakfast places and hang out a couple of days.”

“That’s a great idea, babe,” Andrew said. He turned to Ida. “What do you think, Mom? Are you ready to tell Dad that Christmas came early this year?”

A Million Blessings

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