Читать книгу A Million Blessings - Angela Benson - Страница 11

Chapter 6


Still on an emotional high from the weekend spent with her family celebrating their newly found riches and looking at horse farms, Sandra had high expectations for her and Andrew’s meeting with Pastor McCorry and Vickie. The older couple were their role models in the faith, so their opinion meant a lot. She listened with a smile on her face as Andrew told them their good news and their plans. When he finished, she turned to the pastoral couple and awaited their congratulations.

“Have you checked out this relative, Andrew?” Pastor McCorry asked, rubbing his chin. “There are so many scams going around these days. You can never be too careful.”

Sandra’s smile faded a bit. That wasn’t the response she’d expected.

“You should consider hiring a private detective to verify everything, including the attorney who contacted you,” the pastor added.

Andrew cleared his throat. “We’ve done enough checking,” he told them. “The attorney is from a very reputable firm here in Atlanta.”

Sandra lowered her eyes at her husband’s half truth. She wished they could tell Pastor and Vickie the truth and be accepted, but she knew the older couple were too judgmental and set in their ways to accept their lottery win as a blessing from God. In fact, as she thought about it, she realized Pastor and Vickie were judgmental about everything related to being a Christian. They were always preaching about what you should do and where you shouldn’t go. And some of the stuff they talked about wasn’t even in the Bible. No, they had their own rules and tried to make everybody abide by them. Sandra raised her eyes, met Vickie’s, and smiled. She was glad she and Andrew were starting their own church. They’d be better shepherds than the judgmental McCorry’s.

“This is a blessing from God, an unexpected blessing, and we’re going to accept it, not question it. Isn’t that what you’ve taught us over the years?” she challenged the pastor.

Pastor McCorry peered at her from over his glasses. “I’ve also taught you to use wisdom. All I’m asking is that you move with caution.”

“We’re moving in faith,” Andrew said. “You know it’s always been on our hearts to start a church. We’re going to use this money to build God’s kingdom by doing exactly that.”

“Whoa,” Pastor McCorry said, lifting his right palm toward Andrew. “Money is not a calling to start a church. How do you know this is what God wants you to do at this point in time? I’m your shepherd and He hasn’t let me know any such thing. I don’t think you’re ready,” he said bluntly. “Either of you.”

Pastor McCorry was being judgmental again, Sandra thought. Who was he to tell them they weren’t ready? “Maybe you’re just jealous,” she muttered before she could stop herself.

“What did you say?” Vickie demanded.

Sandra met Vickie’s eyes again. “I said maybe you and Pastor are jealous of the good fortune that has come our way. Maybe you want to be the big Pastor and First Lady with all the little peons bowing at your feet.”

“Sandra!” Vickie shot up out of her seat. “I can’t believe you’re saying that. You know us better than that.”

Andrew patted her knee to calm her but she pushed his hand off. “What I know is that nobody in our congregation has as big a house as yours and nobody drives cars as expensive. Why is that?”

“You’re out of line, Sister Gooden,” Pastor warned.

Sandra turned her attention to him. “I’m not out of line,” she said. “I’m just telling the truth. Maybe you two don’t want us to have a church. Maybe you’re afraid it’ll be bigger and better than Praise City.”

“That’s enough, Sandra,” Andrew said. “Pastor and First Lady have a right to their opinions.” Then he said to Pastor McCorry, “I believe God is telling us it’s time to move on and do a new thing. We wish we could have your blessing as we go, but we’ll go without it. We have to follow the path God has for us.”

Pastor began shaking his head. “I can’t support you in this move or encourage you,” he said, “because I don’t think it’s the right time. It’s not right in the spiritual realm and it’s not right in the practical realm. Look, you don’t have a church building and you don’t have any members.”

“And your hearts are not right,” Vickie tossed in. “I had no idea you two held us in such low esteem. You need to work out the issues you have with us before you try to start your own church. You want to build it on a sound foundation. Right now, your foundation is pure sand.”

Sandra opened her mouth to tell First Lady Vickie about sand, but Andrew stopped her with a tight squeeze on her thigh.

“We have the money to buy a building,” he said, ignoring Vickie’s words. “And we’re trusting God to bring the members.”

Pastor McCorry shook his head. “I don’t know what else we can say.”

Andrew stood and Sandra stood with him. “I don’t think there’s anything left to say. We appreciate all you’ve done for us.” Andrew extended his hand. “I hope we can part friends and brothers. I could benefit from your counsel as we move forward with the new church.”

Pastor McCorry shook Andrew’s hand. “If you can’t take my counsel now, Andrew, I don’t see any point in seeking it later. We’ll always be here if you need us, but we can’t help you with this church of yours.”

“I’m sorry you feel that way, Pastor,” Sandra said. Though she wasn’t really feeling it, she leaned in and gave him a hug. “Thanks for everything. You’ve been a good pastor to us.” She glanced at Vickie, but couldn’t bring herself to hug her.

“Even though I know you won’t come,” Andrew said, “we’ll invite you to our opening service. You’re a doubter like Thomas in the Bible. You’re going to have to see to believe. Well, we’re going to make believers of both of you.”

Feeling proud of her husband, Sandra took his hand and followed him out of the McCorry home.

A Million Blessings

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