Читать книгу A Million Blessings - Angela Benson - Страница 9

Chapter 4


“We won,” Sandra screamed, wrapping her arms around her husband’s neck. “We won.” She hopped up from the bed, pulling him with her. “We’re rich,” she said, dancing him around the room. “We’re rich.”

Andrew stopped dancing, forcing her to stop, and looked down into her eyes. “I told you I wouldn’t let you down,” he said. “I told you.”

She pressed a hand against his cheek. She loved her six-foot chocolate drop, warts and all. “I know you did, baby, and you came through for me and this family. I never should have doubted you.”

He turned her hand over and kissed her palm. “You never should have doubted God,” he said. “When a door closes, He opens a window. We just have to look for it.”

“It really is a gift from God, isn’t it?” she asked.

“You bet it is,” Andrew confirmed. “Man couldn’t do this. I couldn’t do this. God had to do it.”

Sandra lifted her arms heavenward. “I’m so happy I could shout it to the world.” She reached for the phone on the nightstand. “I have to call Momma and Daddy. They won’t believe it. Then we have to call Pastor McCorry and Vickie.” She glanced back at her husband. “You know we’re going to have to tithe this money, don’t you?”

Andrew grabbed her hand before she could dial and forced the phone back on the cradle. She looked up at him. “What are you doing?”

He sat on the side of the bed and pulled her down with him. “Think about it, Sandra. What are you going to tell your parents? What are you going to tell Pastor and Vickie?”

“I’m going to tell them God blessed us to win the lottery.”

He didn’t say anything, just looked at her.

“What?” she asked.

“You’re going to tell Pastor ‘Lottery means Hell’ McCorry that God blessed us to win the lottery? I don’t think so.”

Sandra slumped back against her husband. “I see your point,” she said, a dark cloud trying to push away her happiness. “They wouldn’t understand.”

“No, they wouldn’t,” Andrew said. “That’s why we have to keep this to ourselves.”

“That’s going to be impossible, Andrew. We’re going to have to claim the lottery winnings.” She covered her face with her hands. “And they’re going to put our pictures in the paper. Everybody’s going to know and we’ll be kicked out of the church. What are we going to do?”

“We’re not getting kicked out of the church,” he said. “The first thing we need to do is talk to an attorney about our options. I’m sure there’s a way we can collect our winnings and keep our identities hidden.”

“I hope so,” Sandra said, some of her glee fading. “God really wants us to have this money, doesn’t he, Andrew?”

Andrew pulled her close. “Of course he does. We needed it and he opened a window to give it to us. All we have to do is use it the right way.”

“We’re going to tithe it,” Sandra said. “The church could use the money and there are some other ministries I’d like to bless.”

Andrew kissed her forehead. “You have a good heart, babe. That’s why God knew He could trust us with the winnings. We’ll use it to build His kingdom. I think it’s time for us to start thinking about starting our own church.”

She looked up at him, her joy returning. “Are you serious, Andrew?”

He nodded. “Dead serious. It’s always been our prayer to have our own church. Well, there’s nothing stopping us now. We can use this money to serve our congregation. That’s what God wants.”

Sandra hugged her husband’s side. “Oh, Andrew, I can’t believe this is happening. A few hours ago, we were on the verge of bankruptcy or worse, and now we’re millionaires getting ready to start a church. I can’t believe it.”

“Believe it,” he said. “God works in mysterious ways.”

Sandra pushed away the uneasiness she felt at her husband’s words. While she was on board with using the money for good, something about God providing it did not set well with her. “What are we going to tell folks when we start doing all these things? They’re going to wonder about the money.”

Andrew hugged her close. “I’ve been thinking about that,” he said. “We’ll tell them that a long lost relative of mine left it to me.”

She peered up at him. “Everybody knows you’re an orphan, Andrew, and that you don’t have any family.”

He shrugged. “That’s all the better. We’ll be as surprised as anybody. Folks will be happy for us and will praise God for providing a way out of no way. They’ll believe us. Why shouldn’t they?”

Sandra knew there was something hypocritical in lying about a blessing, but she didn’t see any other way for them. “I guess we’ve got everything covered then,” she said. “All we need now is a lawyer who’ll help us claim the winnings without anyone knowing who we are.”

Andrew pressed her down on the bed. “We’ll talk to the lawyers tomorrow. Tonight I want to celebrate. Since the kids are at the grandparents’, Mommy and Daddy have play time.”

Sandra giggled. “You’re so crazy.”

His face sober, he said, “Crazy about you.” He wiped a finger down her cheek. “I love you, Sandra, and I love our family. I’m sorry for the pain I put you through. I promise you and I promise God that I won’t ever do that to us again. I know He’s giving me yet another chance, and I’m not going to blow it. This is a new start for us. We’ve been blessed and we’re going to be a blessing to others. We’re going to walk in faith and believe the promise of God for our ministry. Today is the beginning of a new journey for us. We’re not looking back.”

Sandra felt the tears roll down her cheeks. This was the man she married. Not only had God blessed them with money, He’d given her back her husband. She pulled Andrew down to her. Kissing him, she said, “Let the celebration begin.”

A Million Blessings

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