Читать книгу A Million Blessings - Angela Benson - Страница 18

Chapter 13


“Are you sure I look okay?” Sandra asked her husband when they stepped off the elevator on the fourth floor of the WTAL building that housed the studio for the local CBS affiliate. She wore a cap sleeve cornflower blue Maria Pinto dress identical to the one Michelle Obama had worn to the third presidential debate. In fact, the closet of their new house would be filled with Michelle originals. Clothes were top among the things she’d splurged on since they’d gotten their windfall.

Andrew brushed a kiss against her cheek. “When it comes to First Ladies, Michelle Obama’s got nothing on you.”

Sandra frowned. “Be serious, Andrew,” she said.

“I am serious,” he said. “You look wonderful. That color is going to show up well on television.”

Sandra wanted to believe her husband’s words but she began to second-guess herself and him. Had her arms been in better condition, she could have worn that sleeveless navy blue and white polka-dotted Lanvin Resort dress identical to the one Michelle had worn to that D. C. elementary school the other day. She’d start working out with a personal trainer as soon as they moved into the new house. She already had him lined up. She’d have her Michelle Obama arms in no time.

She and Andrew followed the long hallway to the receptionist’s desk. “We’re the Goodens,” he told the young woman sitting behind the desk.

“Good morning,” she said, standing. “We were expecting you. I’ll take you to the green room where the other guests are waiting.”

Sandra caught her husband’s eye, mouthed “green room,” and shook her head. He grinned at her.

They followed the receptionist through a set of glass double doors, down another hallway that opened to a lounge where a continental breakfast had been prepared. Sandra’s eyed roamed from the delicious-looking pastries to the other couple in the room. She swallowed hard. It was Pastor McCorry and Vickie. Before she could say anything, the young receptionist was making introductions.

“We already know each other,” Pastor McCorry said, cutting the young girl off. “In fact, we’re old friends.”

The young girl smiled. “Well, it shouldn’t be long before they call you in for makeup. Enjoy the breakfast and let me know if I can get you anything else.”

“Everything’s fine,” Pastor McCorry said, answering for them all.

Sandra resented the way Pastor McCorry had stepped up to speak for the group. He was no longer their leader and it was presumptuous of him to act as though he was. She glanced at Andrew to see if he shared her feelings, but he was smiling.

“It’s good to see you two,” Andrew said. He extended his hand to Pastor McCorry, who shook it, and then he placed a soft kiss on Vickie’s cheek. “It’s been a long time.”

“Not that long,” Pastor McCorry said.

Contrary man, Sandra thought, always had to have the last word. “It seems like it because of all the changes in our lives since we last talked,” she said. She hadn’t embraced either McCorry and wouldn’t. Their lack of support for Showers of Blessings still stung.

Vickie caught her eye. “We’ve heard a lot about your ministry,” the older woman said. “It seems you’re off to a good start. You have some strong folks on your leadership team.”

Sandra flinched at the dig. Their leadership team had come from Praise City, the McCorry’s church.

“They wanted to come with us, Pastor,” Andrew explained. “We needed help and they were the best folks we knew.”

Pastor McCorry nodded. “I’m not surprised. In fact, I expected some folks to follow you, and I was right. You’re a charismatic guy, Andrew. I never doubted your ability, just your timing.”

“They believe in the ministry God has given us and believe God wants them to be a part of it.”

“Believing doesn’t make it the right time,” Vickie said.

Pastor McCorry shook his head. “Now’s not the time for that, Vickie,” he told his wife. Then he looked at Andrew and Sandra. “We didn’t think your leaving Praise City was the right thing to do at the time, but now that you’ve done it, we only want the best for you and your members. I’ve been hearing nothing but good things.”

Sandra wondered who’d been reporting back to the McCorrys. She’d have to talk to their leadership team about where their loyalties lay.

“Everything that I’m putting in place at Showers of Blessings, I learned from you,” Andrew said. “My pulpit is open to you anytime you want to join us.”

“Thanks,” Pastor McCorry said. “I may take you up on that.”

Sandra knew that statement for the cop-out it was. Pastor McCorry was never going to step foot in Showers of Blessings.

“It’s a standing offer,” Andrew said. Then he turned to Sandra and asked, “Do you want some coffee or a pastry or something?” he asked. When she shook her head, he asked the same question of Vickie.

“Thanks, but I’m fine,” Vickie said.

“I’d like a cup of coffee,” Pastor McCorry said. “Why don’t you ladies take a seat while we get our coffee.”

Sandra reluctantly followed Vickie to a table. When they were seated, Vickie said, “Your new house looks like it’s going to be gorgeous.”

And it’s going to be twice as large as yours, Sandra said to herself. “Thank you,” she said. “We wanted to get a place that would grow with us and the ministry. You know how that is.”

Vickie nodded. “I do. How are you dealing with challenges of being First Lady?”

Sandra gave a false smile. “So far, it’s been nothing but rewarding. Andrew and I are closer than ever and that makes it easy.” Even if the job had been killing her, she would never admit it to Vickie for fear the woman would use the information against her somewhere down the line.

“Enjoy it while it lasts,” Vickie said. “The challenges will come. I can promise you that. If you need an ear, I’ve got one to give you.”

Sandra thought she heard sincerity in Vickie’s voice, but she couldn’t be sure. “Even though you don’t believe in what Andrew and I are doing?”

Vickie glanced toward the men chatting near the pastry table. “Pastor is right. It’s a done deal now, and we all want good things to come from it.”

Sandra still wasn’t sure she could trust Vickie, but the old saying “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer” came to mind. “We’re having a home blessing ceremony a couple of weeks after we move in. Why don’t you and Pastor join us? We’d love to have you.” As an added bonus, Sandra would get to rub Vickie’s nose in the grandness of the place.

“I don’t see why not,” Vickie said. “I’ll call you later in the week and we can coordinate our schedules.”

Sandra nodded. She couldn’t wait for Vickie to see how the Lord had elevated her and Andrew. They and Showers of Blessings were new news while Praise City was old school, old news. She welcomed the contrast in the two churches viewers were certain to see when the television show aired.

A Million Blessings

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