Читать книгу Angielski. Repetytorium leksykalne. Wersja mobilna - Anna Treger - Страница 13
Оглавление1. Rozwiąż krzyżówkę.
2. Animals with four pairs of legs such as spiders.
5. Animals that eat plants only.
8. Animals that have no spines.
9. Animals that have two legs.
10.. Animals that eat both plants and meat.
11. Animals that have four legs.
1. Animals with sharp teeth, such as rats.
3. Animals that eat meat only.
4. Animals that have spines.
6. Animals that carry their young in a pouch on their stomach.
7. Animals that use flippers for movement on land and in the water.
2. O jakim zwierzęciu jest mowa?
1. These animals are raised especially for their milk. In India they are subject to religious ceremonies.
2. These animals are known for their characteristic black and white stripes.
3. They are the tallest of all animals. They have long necks, which they use to reach food.
4. They are the largest of all animals. They have big ears and trunks.
5. They are invertebrate animals with eight legs. They possess venom.
6. They are aquatic birds, but they cannot fly. They are black and white.
7. They are the fastest of all animals. They are members of the cat family.
8. They are predatory invertebrate animals. They produce silk to form webs to catch their prey.
9. They are the closest living relatives to humans. They are capable of creating and using tools, and of reasoned thought.
10.. They are large aquatic reptiles. They wait for their prey to come closer, then rush out to attack. They are hunted for their skins, which are made into handbags or shoes.
3. Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami z ramki.
hippopotamus natural habitat gorillas zoological gardens pony species animals elephant endangered wildlife wildlife reserve
________(1) are survival centres for ________(2). Well-managed zoos can educate – they provide people with close contact encounters with ________(3) in a way that they would not otherwise experience. It is very different seeing animals alive than seeing them in books or TV nature shows – I rode a _________(4) in a zoo once when I was a child, and it was in a zoo that I first saw a rhinoceros. Moreover, zoos raise public awareness about biodiversity and they promote scientific research. However, some of them seem to me to be exploitative. They pay lip service to protecting endangered ________(5) but they disregard the needs of the animals in their care. I have seen too many animals living in very cramped enclosures where they suffer from more than neglect. It is depressing to see an ________(6) walking on concrete, the ________(7) (apes) kept in small cages, or a ________(8) swimming in a tiny little pool. Animals that are supposed to roam over hundreds of kilometres just cannot be satisfied in a pen. Although I loved zoos when I was a child, I love seeking animals out in nature now. I've just returned from a ________(9) where I saw a variety of species in their ________(10) displaying their natural behaviours. Zoos would be ideal places to care for animals if they could afford to care for them properly. If they provided more humane conditions for animals, instead of wasting money on the visitor centers, more species would be saved.
4. Jakie odgłosy wyddają zwierzęta? Przyporządkuj pozycje z kolumny A do wyrażeń z pozycji B.
1. lion a) barks 7. cat g) chirps
2. wolf b) cackles 8. bee h) hoots
3. horse c) quacks 9. hyena i) squeaks
4. duck d) neighs 10. mouse j) laughs
5. dog e) roars 11. bird k) mews
6. hen f) howls 12. owl l) buzzes