Читать книгу Cooking Without Made Easy: All recipes free from added gluten, sugar, yeast and dairy produce - Barbara Cousins - Страница 10

Kirsty tells her story


‘When I first began seeing Barbara, I was feeling tired, bloated and constipated, and I had been putting weight on steadily for five years. I had gradually become anaemic and was at a loss as to why this was happening, as I had not altered my diet or lifestyle. After overcoming the shock of such a drastic change in diet—I had to eat six times a day and a minimum amount—I started to feel better and found I had more energy and was calmer and more relaxed.

But the biggest change came when I cut out all dairy produce (an allergy test had proved that I was intolerant to dairy from any animal). I stopped having digestive rumblings, wind and constipation, and my sinuses cleared up. I also started losing weight—30kg in a year, which translates to 11b per week, a healthy rate. I have not needed to see Barbara for some time now, but I still keep pretty much to her diet.

Cooking Without Made Easy: All recipes free from added gluten, sugar, yeast and dairy produce

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