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2. As stated above (§23), this change of ending is called «declension», and each different ending produces what is called a «case». When we decline a noun, we give all its different cases, or changes of endings. In English we have three cases,—nominative, possessive, and objective; but, in nouns, the nominative and objective have the same form, and only the possessive case shows a change of ending, by adding ’s or the apostrophe. The interrogative pronoun, however, has the fuller declension, who? whose? whom?

«33.» The following table shows a comparison between English and Latin declension forms, and should be thoroughly memorized:

ENGLISH CASES LATIN CASES +—-+——————-+———————+—————————+————————+ | | Declension | Name of case | Declension of | Name of case | | | of who? | and use | «domina» | and use | | | | | and translation | | +—-+——————-+———————+—————————+————————+ | | Who? | Nominative— | «do´min-a» | Nominative— | | S | | case of the | the lady | case of the | | I | | subject | | subject | | N | | | | | | G | Whose? | Possessive— | «domin-ae» | Genitive— | | U | | case of the | the lady’s | case of the | | L | | possessor | of the lady | possessor | | A | | | | | | R | Whom? | Objective— | «domin-am» | Accusative— | | | | case of the | the lady | case of the | | | | object | | direct object | +—-+——————-+———————+—————————+————————+ | | Who? | Nominative— | «domin-ae» | Nominative— | | | | case of the | the ladies | case of the | | P | | subject | | subject | | L | | | | | | U | Whose? | Possessive— | «domin-ā´rum» | Genitive— | | R | | case of the | the ladies’ | case of the | | A | | possessor | of the ladies | possessor | | L | | | | | | | Whom? | Objective— | «domin-ās» | Accusative— | | | | case of the | the ladies | case of the | | | | object | | direct object | +—-+——————-+———————+—————————+————————+

When the nominative singular of a noun ends in «-a», observe that

a. The nominative plural ends in «-ae».

b. The genitive singular ends in «-ae» and the genitive plural in «-ārum».

c. The accusative singular ends in «-am» and the accusative plural in «-ās».

d. The genitive singular and the nominative plural have the same ending.

Latin for Beginners

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