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acrokeratosis verruciformis {noun} acroceratose verruciforme acrolect [/ˈæk.ɹə.lɛkt/] {noun} (acrolects) acrolecto | acroleto acrolectal {adjective} acrolectal | acroletal acrolein {noun} acroleína acromegalic [/ˌakɹə(ʊ)mɪˈɡalɪk/ | /ˌækɹoʊmɪˈɡælɪk/] {adjective, noun} (most acromegalic, more acromegalic, acromegalics) acromegálico acromegaly {noun} (acromegalies) acromegalia acromial {adjective} acromial acromicria {noun} acromicria acromioclavicular {adjective} acromioclavicular acromion {noun} (acromia, acromions) acrómio | acrômio acromioplasty {noun} (acromioplasties) acromioplastia acronym [/ˈæk.ɹə.nɪm/] {noun, verb} (acronyms, acronyming, acronymed) acrónimo | acrograma | acrônimo | sigla acronymania {noun} siglomania acronymization {noun} siglagem acropachy {noun} acropaquia acroparesthesia {noun} acroparestesia acropetal {adjective} acropetal acropetally {adverb} acropetalmente acrophase {noun} (acrophases) acrofase acrophobia {noun} acrofobia acrophobic {adjective, noun} (most acrophobic, more acrophobic, acrophobics) acrofóbico | acrófobo acrophonical {adjective} acrofónico | acrofônico acrophony [/əˈkɹɒfəni/] {noun} (acrophonies) acrofonia Acropolis [/əˈkɹɒpəlɪs/] {properNoun} Acrópole acropolis [/əˈkɹɒpəlɪs/] {noun} (acropolises, acropoleis) acrópole acropustulosis {noun} acropustulose acroscopic {adjective} acroscópico acrosin {noun} acrosina acrosomal {adjective} acrossomal acrosome {noun} (acrosomes) acrossomo across [/əˈkɹɑs/ | /əˈkɹɒs/ | /əˈkɹɔs/] {adverb, noun, preposition} (acrosses) através | do outro lado de | em horizontal | perpendicularmente across the board generalizado acrostic [/əˈkɹɑstɪk/ | /əˈkɹɒstɪk/ | /əˈkɹɔstɪk/] {noun} (acrostics) acróstico acrostical {adjective} (more acrostical, most acrostical) acróstico acrostically {adverb} acrosticamente acroterium {noun} (acroteria) acrotério acrotomophilia {noun} acrotomofilia acrylamide [/əˈkɹɪləmaɪd/] {noun} (acrylamides) acrilamida acrylate {noun} (acrylates) acrilato acrylic [/ə.ˈkɹɪ.lɪk/] {adjective, noun} (acrylics) acrílico acrylic acid {noun} ácido acrílico acrylic fiber {noun} (acrylic fibers) resina acrylic resin {noun} (acrylic resins) acrílico acrylonitrile {noun} acrilonitrila | acrilonitrilo act [/æk/ | /ækt/] {noun, verb} (acts, acted, acting) agir | ato | lei | ação | agir (sobre/em) | ata act of God {noun} (acts of God) caso fortuito | força maior act of war {noun} (acts of war) ato de guerra act one's age {verb} comporte-se act out [/ˌækt ˈaʊ̯t/] {verb} (acts out, acting out, acted out) aproveitar a vida actant {noun} (actants) actante acteme {noun} (actemes) actema actigraph {noun} (actigraphs) actígrafo actigraphy {noun} actigrafia actin {noun} actina acting [/ˈæk.tɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} atuação | encenação | interino | temporário actinia {noun} (actinias, actiniae) actínia actinic {adjective} actínico actinic keratosis {noun} (actinic keratoses) ceratose actínica actinically {adverb} actinicamente actinide [/ˈæktɪnaɪd/] {noun} (actinides) actinídeo actinidin {noun} actinidina actinin {noun} (actinins) actinina actinism {noun} (actinisms) actinismo actinium [/ækˈtɪniəm/] {noun} actínio actino- {prefix} actino- actinobacillosis {noun} actinobacilose actinobacterium {noun} (actinobacteria) actinobactéria actinobiology {noun} actinobiologia actinograph {noun} (actinographs) actinógrafo actinolite {noun} actinolita | actinolite | actinolito actinolitic {adjective} (most actinolitic, more actinolitic) actinolítico actinology {noun} actinologia actinometer {noun} (actinometers) actinómetro | actinômetro actinometric {adjective} (more actinometric, most actinometric) actinométrico actinometry {noun} actinometria actinomorphic {adjective} (more actinomorphic, most actinomorphic) actinomorfo actinomycete [/ˌæktɪnəˈmaɪsiːt/] {noun} (actinomycetes) actinomiceta actinomycin {noun} actinomicina actinomycosis {noun} (actinomycoses) actinomicose actinomycotic {adjective} actinomicótico actinopterygian {adjective, noun} (most actinopterygian, more actinopterygian, actinopterygians) actinopterígio actinorhiza {noun} (actinorhizas) actinorriza actinostele {noun} (actinosteles) actinostelo actinostelic {adjective} actinostélico actinotherapy {noun} actinoterapia action [/ˈæk.ʃən/] {interjection, noun, verb} (actions, actioned, actioning) ação | mecanismo action figure {noun} (action figures) boneco | figura de ação action movie {noun} (action movies) filme de ação action painting {noun} gestualismo | pintura gestual action plan {noun} (action plans) plano de acção action verb {noun} (action verbs) verbo ativo actional [/ˈækʃənəl/] {adjective} (most actional, more actional) acional actionism {noun} (actionisms) accionismo actions speak louder than words {proverb} ações falam mais alto que palavras Actium [/ˈæk.ti.əm/] {properNoun} Actium | Áccio activable [/ˈæktɪvəbl, -bəl/] {adjective} ativável activate [/ˈæktɪˌveɪt/] {verb} (activates, activated, activating) ativar activated carbon {noun} carvão ativado activation [/æktɪˈveɪʃən/] {noun} ativação activation analysis {noun} (activation analyses) análise de ativação activational {adjective} ativacional activator {noun} (activators) ativador activatory {adjective} ativante active [/ˈæk.tɪv/] {adjective, noun} (most active, more active, actives) ativo | ativado active vocabulary {noun} (active vocabularies) vocabulário ativo active voice {noun} voz ativa active volcano {noun} (active volcanoes, active volcanos) vulcão ativo actively {adverb} (most actively, more actively) ativamente activin {noun} activina | ativina activism [/ˈæk.tɪ.vɪz.m̩/] {noun} ativismo activist [/ˈæk.tɪ.vɪst/] {adjective, noun} (more activist, most activist, activists) ativista activistic [/æk.tɪˈvɪst.ɪk/] {adjective} (most activistic, more activistic) ativista activity [/ækˈtɪ.vɪ.ti/] {noun} (activities) atividade actogram {noun} (actograms) actograma actomyosin {noun} actomiosina actor [/ˈæk.tə/ | /ˈæk.tɚ/] {noun} ator | atriz | agente actress [/ˈak.tɹəs/ | /ˈæk.tɹəs/] {noun} atriz | actriz Acts of the Apostles {properNoun} Atos dos Apóstolos actual [/ˈak(t)ʃj(ʊ)əl/ | /ˈaktj(ʊ)əl/ | /ˈæk(t)ʃ(əw)əl/] {adjective, noun} (actuals) atual | real | efetivo actualism {noun} (actualisms) atualismo actualist {noun} (actualists) atualista actuality [/ˌæktjuˈælɪti/] {noun} (actualities) existência | realidade actually [/ˈak.(t)ʃ(ʊ).ə.li/ | /ˈak.(t)ʃʊ.ə.lɪ/ | /ˈæk.(t)ʃu.ə.li/] {adverb} na verdade | na realidade actuarial [/æk.tjuˈɛəɹ.i.əl/] {adjective} atuarial actuarial science {noun} ciência atuarial | ciências atuariais actuarially {adverb} (most actuarially, more actuarially) atuarialmente actuary {noun} (actuaries) atuário actuate [/ˈæktʃu.eɪt/] {verb} (actuates, actuating, actuated) estimular actuator [/ˈæk.tjuː.eɪt.ə(ɹ)/] {noun} (actuators) atuador acuity [/əˈkjuːɪti/] {noun} (acuities) acuidade aculeate {adjective, noun} (most aculeate, more aculeate, aculeates) aculeado aculeiform {adjective} (more aculeiform, most aculeiform) aculeiforme aculeolate {adjective} aculeolado aculeus {noun} (aculei) acúleo acultural {adjective} (more acultural, most acultural) acultural aculturally {adverb} (most aculturally, more aculturally) aculturalmente acumen [/æˈkjumən/ | /əˈkjumən/ | /ˈækjʊmən/] {noun} (acumens) perspicácia | agudeza | sagacidade acuminate [/əˈkjuːmɪneɪt/ | /əˈkjuːmɪnət/] {adjective, verb} (most acuminate, more acuminate, acuminates, acuminated, acuminating) acuminado acupoint {noun} (acupoints) acuponto acupressure {noun} acupressão acupunctural {adjective} acupuntural acupuncture [/ˈæ.kju.ˌpʌŋk.t͡ʃɝ/] {noun, verb} (acupunctures, acupunctured, acupuncturing) acupuntura | acupunturar acupuncturist {noun} (acupuncturists) acupunturista acusia acusia acute [/əˈkjut/ | /əˈkjuːt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more acute, acutest, most acute, acuter, acutes, acuted, acuting) agudo | urgente acute accent {noun} (acute accents) acento agudo acute angle {noun} (acute angles) ângulo agudo acute lymphoblastic leukemia {noun} (acute lymphoblastic leukemias) leucemia linfoblástica aguda acute triangle {noun} (acute triangles) triângulo agudo acute-angled {adjective} acutângulo acutely {adverb} (most acutely, more acutely) agudamente acuteness {noun} (acutenesses) acuidade acyclic {adjective} (most acyclic, more acyclic) acíclico acycloguanosine {noun} acicloguanosina acyl [/ˈæ.sɪl/] {noun} (acyls) acila acylamide {noun} (acylamides) acilamida acylation {noun} (acylations) acilação acylglycerol {noun} (acylglycerols) acilglicerol acyltransferase [/ˌasɪlˈtɹansfəɹeɪz/] {noun} (acyltransferases) aciltransferase acyrologia [/əsɪɹəˈlɒdʒ(i)ə/] {noun} acirologia AD {adverb, noun, properNoun} (ADs) DC | d.C. ad [/æd/] {noun, preposition} (ads) anúncio ad banner {noun} (ad banners) banner ad hoc [/ˌæd ˈhɑk/ | /ˌæd ˈhɒk/] {adjective, adverb} (most ad hoc, more ad hoc) ad hoc ad hominem {adjective, adverb, noun} (ad hominems) ad hominem ad infinitum [/ˌæd ɪnfɪˈnaɪtəm/] {adverb} ad infinitum | infinitamente ad lib [/æd ˈlɪb/] {adjective, adverb, verb} (more ad lib, most ad lib, ad libs, ad libbing, ad libbed) improvisado | improvisar | à vontade ad nauseam [/ˌæd ˈnɑziəm/ | /ˌæd ˈnɒziəm/ | /ˌæd ˈnɔziəm/ | /ˌæd ˈnɔːziəm/] {adverb} ad nauseam ad- {prefix} a- | ad- adactylism {noun} adactilia Adad {properNoun} Adad adage [/ˈæ.dɪdʒ/] {noun} (adages) adágio | anexim | dito adagial {adjective} (most adagial, more adagial) adagial adagietto [/əˌdæ(d)ʒiːˈɛtəʊ/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (adagiettos) adagieto | adagietto adagio {adjective, adverb, noun} (adagios) adágio Adah {properNoun} Ada Adam [/ˈæ.dəm/ | [ˈæɾm̩]] {properNoun} (Adams) Adão Adam and Eve {properNoun, verb} Adão e Eva Adam's apple {noun} (Adam's apples) gogó | pomo de Adão adamant [/ˈæ.də.mənt/] {adjective, noun} (more adamant, most adamant, adamants) adamante | adamantino adamantane {noun} (adamantanes) adamantano adamantinely {adverb} (most adamantinely, more adamantinely) adamantinamente adamantinoma {noun} (adamantinomas, adamantinomata) adamantinoma adamantium {adjective, noun} adamantium adamantyl {noun} (adamantyls) adamantila adambulacral {adjective, noun} (adambulacrals) adambulacral Adamic [/əˈdæmɪk/] {adjective} adâmico Adamite {adjective, noun} (Adamites) adamita adamite {noun} (adamites) adamita Adamnan {properNoun} Adamnan | Adamnão | Adomnan adamsite {noun} adamsita Adana {properNoun} Adana adansonia {noun} (adansonias) adansónia | adansônia adapalene {noun} adapaleno adapt [/əˈdæpt/] {adjective, verb} (most adapt, more adapt, adapts, adapting, adapted) adaptar | adaptado | adaptar-se a adaptability [/ədæptəˈbɪlɪti/] {noun} (adaptabilities) adaptabilidade | flexibilidade adaptable [/əˈdæptəbəl/] {adjective} (most adaptable, more adaptable) adaptável adaptation [/ˌædæpˈteɪʃən/] {noun} adaptação adaptationism {noun} adaptacionismo adaptationist {noun} (adaptationists) adaptacionista adapted [/əˈdæptɪd/] {adjective, verb} (more adapted, most adapted) adaptado adapter [/əˈdaptə/] {noun} (adapters) adaptador adaptin {noun} (adaptins) adaptina adaptive [/əˈdæp.tɪv/] {adjective} (most adaptive, more adaptive) adaptativo adaptively {adverb} (more adaptively, most adaptively) adaptativamente adaptiveness {noun} (adaptivenesses) adaptatividade adaptogen {noun} (adaptogens) adaptógeno adaptogenic {adjective} (more adaptogenic, most adaptogenic) adaptogénico | adaptogênico adaptometer {noun} (adaptometers) adaptómetro | adaptômetro adaptometry {noun} adaptometria Adar {properNoun} adar adatom {noun} (adatoms) adátomo adaxial {adjective} adaxial adaxially {adverb} adaxialmente add [/æd/] {noun, verb} (adds, added, adding) adicionar | somar | acrescentar add fuel to the fire {verb} pôr lenha na fogueira | colocar lenha na fogueira add insult to injury {verb} (adds insult to injury, added insult to injury, adding insult to injury) esfregar sal na ferida add oil {verb} (adds oil, added oil, adding oil) insistir add up {verb} (adds up, adding up, added up) adicionar add-on {noun} (add-ons) add-on | adicional | complemento | extensão | extra | suplemento addax [/ˈa.daks/] {noun} (addaxes, addax) adax addedly {adverb} adicionalmente addend [/ˈæd.ɛnd/] {noun, verb} (addends, addended, addending) parcela addendum {noun} (addendums, addenda) adendo adder [/ˈædɚ/] {noun} (adders) cobra | serpente | somador | somadora | víbora addible {adjective} (most addible, more addible) adicionável addict [/əˈ.dɪkt/ | /ˈæ.dɪkt/] {noun, verb} (addicts, addicted, addicting) adicto | entusiasta | fanático | viciado | viciar | viciar-se addicted to drugs toxicomaníaco addiction [/əˈdɪkʃən/] {noun} adicção | viciado | vício addictive [/əˈdɪktɪv/] {adjective, noun} (more addictive, most addictive, addictives) que causa dependência | viciador | viciante Addis Ababa [/ˌædɪs ˈæbəbə/] {properNoun} Adis Abeba Addison's disease {noun} doença de Addison | mal de Addison Addisonian {adjective} (most Addisonian, more Addisonian) addisoniano | addissoniano additament {noun} (additaments) aditamento addition [/əˈdɪʃən/] {noun} adição | acréscimo additional [/əˈdɪʃənəl/] {adjective, noun} (additionals) adicional additionality {noun} (additionalities) adicionalidade additionally {adverb} adicionalmente additive [/ˈæ.də.tɪv/ | /ˈæ.dɪ.tɪv/] {adjective, noun} (most additive, more additive, additives) aditivo additive identity {noun} (additive identities) identidade aditiva | neutro aditivo additively {adverb} (most additively, more additively) aditivamente additivity {noun} (additivities) aditividade addled [/ˈæ.dəld/] {adjective, verb} (most addled, more addled) idiota address [/əˈdɹɛs/ | /ˈædɹɛs/] {noun, verb} (addresses, addressing, addressed, addrest) endereço | morada | discurso | endereçar | abordar address bar {noun} (address bars) barra de endereço address book {noun} (address books) livro de endereços addressee {noun} (addressees) destinatário | alocutário | destinatária addresser {noun} (addressers) endereçador | orador addressin {noun} adressina addressing [/əˈdɹɛsɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (addressings) endereçamento adduce [/əˈd(j)uːs/ | /əˈdjuːs/] {verb} (adduces, adducing, adduced) aduzir adducent {adjective} (most adducent, more adducent) adutor adducer {noun} (adducers) adutor adducible {adjective} (most adducible, more adducible) aduzível adducin {noun} (adducins) aducina adduction [/əˈdʌk.ʃn̩/ | /ˈeɪ.ˈdiː.dʌk.ʃn̩/] {noun} adução adductive {adjective} (most adductive, more adductive) adutivo adductor [/əˈdʌktə(ɹ)/] {noun} (adductors, adductores) adutor adecticous {adjective} adéctico Adelaide [/ˈæ.də.leɪd/ | [ˈæ.dɜ.læɪ̯d]] {properNoun} Adelaide adelantado {noun} (adelantados, adelantadoes) adelantado Adelie penguin {noun} (Adelie penguins) pinguim-adélia | pinguim-de-adélia adelomorphous {adjective} (most adelomorphous, more adelomorphous) adelomorfo adelphic {adjective} (most adelphic, more adelphic) adélfico adelphogamy {noun} adelfogamia adelphophagy {noun} adelfofagia adelphous {adjective} adelfo adelphy {noun} adelfia Aden {properNoun} Adem adenectomy {noun} (adenectomies) adenectomia adenine [/ˈæ.dəˌniːn/] {noun} adenina adenitis [/ædəˈnaɪtɪs/] {noun} (adenitises, adenitides) adenite adeno- {prefix} adeno- adenoacanthoma {noun} (adenoacanthomas, adenoacanthomata) adenoacantoma adenoameloblastoma {noun} (adenoameloblastomas) adenoameloblastoma adenocarcinoma {noun} (adenocarcinomata, adenocarcinomas) adenocarcinoma adenocarcinomatous {adjective} adenocarcinomatoso adenocystoma {noun} (adenocystomas) adenocistoma adenofibroma {noun} (adenofibromas, adenofibromata) adenofibroma adenohypophysis {noun} (adenohypophyses) adenoipófise adenoid {adjective, noun} (adenoids) adenoide adenoidal {adjective} (more adenoidal, most adenoidal) adenoidal adenoidectomy {noun} (adenoidectomies) adenoidectomia adenoiditis {noun} (adenoiditises) adenoidite adenolipoma {noun} (adenolipomas) adenolipoma adenolymphoma {noun} (adenolymphomas, adenolymphomata) adenolinfoma adenoma [/æd ˈənoʊ mʌ/] {noun} (adenomata, adenomas) adenoma adenomatoid {adjective} (most adenomatoid, more adenomatoid) adenomatoide | adenomatoso adenomatosis {noun} (adenomatoses) adenomatose adenomegaly {noun} (adenomegalies) adenomegalia adenomere {noun} (adenomeres) adenómero | adenômero adenomyoma {noun} (adenomyomata, adenomyomas) adenomioma adenomyomatosis {noun} (adenomyomatoses) adenomiomatose adenomyosis {noun} adenomiose adenopathy [/æ.dəˈnɑ.pə.θi/] {noun} (adenopathies) adenopatia adenosarcoma {noun} (adenosarcomata, adenosarcomas) adenossarcoma adenosine [/əˈdɛnə(ʊ)siːn/ | /əˈdɛnəˌsin/] {noun} (adenosines) adenosina adenosine triphosphate {noun} trifosfato de adenosina adenosis {noun} (adenoses) adenose adenosyltransferase {noun} (adenosyltransferases) adenosiltransferase adenotonsillectomy {noun} (adenotonsillectomies) adenoamigdalectomia | adenotonsilectomia adenoviral {adjective} (most adenoviral, more adenoviral) adenoviral adenovirus {noun} (adenoviruses) adenovírus adenylate cyclase {noun} adenilato ciclase adenylation {noun} (adenylations) adenilação adenylic acid {noun} ácido adenílico adeps {noun} ádipe | ádipo adept [/əˈdɛpt/ | /ˈæd.ɛpt/] {adjective, noun} (most adept, adepter, adeptest, more adept, adepts) adepto adequacy {noun} (adequacies) adequação adequate [/ˈæ.də.kwɪt/ | /ˈæ.dəˌkweɪt/] {adjective, verb} (more adequate, most adequate, adequates, adequating, adequated) adequado | adequar adequately {adverb} (most adequately, more adequately) adequadamente adequateness {noun} (adequatenesses) adequação adermatoglyphia [/eɪˌdɜː.mə.təʊˈɡlɪ.fɪ.ə/ | /eɪˌdɝ.mə.təˈɡlɪ.fi.ə/] {noun} adermatoglifia adespotic {adjective} adéspota adessive {adjective, noun} (adessives) adessivo adessive case {noun} (adessive cases) caso adessivo adhan [/ɑːˈðɑːn/] {noun} (adhans) adhan adhere [/ædˈhiɹ/] {verb} (adheres, adhering, adhered) aderir adherence {noun} aderência adherent [/ædˈ(h)ɪəɹənt/] {adjective, noun} (more adherent, most adherent, adherents) aderente | adesivo adherently {adverb} (more adherently, most adherently) aderentemente adhesin {noun} (adhesins) adesina adhesion {noun} (adhesions) adesão adhesive [/ædˈhi.sɪv/] {adjective, noun} (more adhesive, most adhesive, adhesives) adesivo | aderente adhesive capsulitis {noun} capsulite adesiva adhesive tape {noun} fita adesiva | fita gomada | durex | esparadrapo | fita-cola adhesively {adverb} (more adhesively, most adhesively) adesivamente adhesiveness {noun} (adhesivenesses) adesividade adhocracy [/adˈhɒkɹəsi/ | /ædˈhɑkɹəsi/] {noun} (adhocracies) ad-hocracia | adhocracia Adi Granth {properNoun} Adi Granth adiabatic [/ˌeɪdaɪəˈbætɪk/] {adjective} adiabático adiabatically {adverb} adiabaticamente adiabaticity {noun} (adiabaticities) adiabaticidade adiadochokinesia {noun} adiadococinesia adicity {noun} (adicities) aridade Adie syndrome {noun} síndrome de Adie adieu [/əˈdjuː/ | /əˈdu/] {interjection, noun} (adieus, adieux) adeus | despedida Adige [/ˈadɪdʒeɪ/] {properNoun} Adige | Etsch | Ádige adimensional {adjective} adimensional adinkra {noun} (adinkra, adinkras) adinkra adipate {noun} (adipates) adipato adiphenine {noun} adifenina adipic acid {noun} ácido adípico adipo- {prefix} adipo- adipocere [/ˈædɪpoˌsiə(ɹ)/] {noun} adipocera adipocyte {noun} (adipocytes) adipócito adipogenesis {noun} (adipogeneses) adipogénese | adipogênese adipokine {noun} (adipokines) adipocina adiponectin {noun} adiponectina adiponectinemia {noun} adiponectinemia adiponitrile {noun} adiponitrila adipose [/ˈæd.ɪ.poʊs/ | /ˈæd.ɪ.pəʊs/] {adjective, noun} (most adipose, more adipose) adiposo adipose tissue {noun} tecido adiposo adiposeness {noun} adiposidade adiposis {noun} (adiposes) adipose adiposity {noun} (adiposities) obesidade adipous {adjective} adiposo adipoyl {noun} (adipoyls) adipoíla adipsia {noun} adipsia Adirondacks {noun, properNoun} Adirondacks aditus [/ˈæ.dɪ.tuːs/ | /ˈæ.dɪ.təs/] {noun} (aditus) ádito Adivasi {noun} (Adivasis, Adivasi) adivasi adjacency {noun} (adjacencies) adjacência adjacent [/əˈdʒeɪ.sənt/] {adjective, noun, preposition} (adjacents) adjacente adjacently {adverb} adjacentemente Adjara [/əˈdʒɑːɹə/] {properNoun} Adjara adjectival [/ˌæ.dʒəkˈtaɪ.vəl/ | /ˌæ.dʒɛkˈtaɪ.vəl/] {adjective, noun} (more adjectival, most adjectival, adjectivals) adjetivo | adjectivo adjectivally [/ˌædʒɛkˈtaɪvəli/] {adverb} (most adjectivally, more adjectivally) adjetivamente adjective [/ˈæ.d͡ʒɪk.tɪv/] {adjective, noun, verb} (adjectives, adjectiving, adjectived) adjetivo | adjetivar | adjectivo adjective phrase {noun} (adjective phrases) locução adjetiva adjectively [/ˈadʒɛktɪvli/] {adverb} adjetivamente adjectivization {noun} adjetivação adjoin [/əˈdʒɔɪn/] {verb} (adjoins, adjoining, adjoined) acrescentar adjoining [/ʌˈd͡ʒɔɪn.ɪŋ/] {adjective, verb} (more adjoining, most adjoining) adjacente adjourn [/əˈdʒɜːn/ | /əˈdʒɝn/] {verb} (adjourns, adjourning, adjourned) adiar adjournment {noun} adiar adjudicate [/əˈdʒudɪˌkeɪt/] {verb} (adjudicates, adjudicated, adjudicating) adjudicar adjudication [/ə(d)ˌd͡ʒu.dɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/] {noun} juízo adjudicator [/æ.dʒu.dɪˈkeɪ.tɔɹ/] {noun} (adjudicators) juiz adjunct [/ˈædʒ.ʌŋkt/] {adjective, noun} (more adjunct, most adjunct, adjuncts) adjunto adjunction {noun} adjunção adjunctive {adjective, noun} (adjunctives) adjuntivo adjunctly {adverb} (most adjunctly, more adjunctly) adjuntamente adjuration {noun} adjuração adjust [/əˈdʒʌst/] {verb} (adjusts, adjusted, adjusting) ajustar | enquadrar adjustability {noun} (adjustabilities) ajustabilidade adjustable {adjective, noun} (most adjustable, more adjustable, adjustables) ajustável adjustable spanner {noun} (adjustable spanners) chave inglesa adjustably {adverb} (most adjustably, more adjustably) ajustavelmente adjusted [/əˈdʒʌstɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most adjusted, more adjusted) ajustado adjuster {noun} (adjusters) ajustador adjustment [/əˈdʒʌst.mənt/] {noun} ajustamento | ajuste adjutant [/ˈæ.dʒə.tənt/] {adjective, noun} (adjutants) assistente adjuvant [/ˈædʒ.ə.vənt/] {adjective, noun} (adjuvants) adjuvante adjuvant therapy {noun} (adjuvant therapies) adjuvância | terapia adjuvante Adlai {properNoun} Adlai Adlerian {adjective} (most Adlerian, more Adlerian) adleriano adluminal [/ædˈlumɪnəl/] {adjective} adluminal admin [/ˈædˌmɪn/] {noun, verb} (admins, admined, admining, adminned, adminning) admin adminicle {noun} (adminicles) adminículo adminicular {adjective} (more adminicular, most adminicular) adminicular administer [/ədˈmɪnɪstɚ/] {verb} (administers, administering, administered) administrar | aplicar | ministrar administerial {adjective} (most administerial, more administerial) administrativo administrable {adjective} (more administrable, most administrable) administrável administration [/ədˌmɪnəˈstɹeɪʃən/] {noun} (administrations) administração | aplicação | ministração administrative [/ədˈmɪ.nəsˌtɹeɪ.ɾɪv/] {adjective} (more administrative, most administrative) administrativo administratively {adverb} administrativamente administrator [/ədˈmɪnɪstɹeɪtə/ | /ədˈmɪnɪstɹeɪtɚ/] {noun} (administrators) administrador | admin admirability [/ædmɪɹəˈbɪlɪti/] {noun} (admirabilities) admirabilidade admirable [/ˈæd.məɹ.ə.bəl/] {adjective} (more admirable, most admirable) admirável admirably [/ˈæd.mɪɹ.əˌbli/] {adverb} (more admirably, most admirably) admiravelmente admiral [/ˈæd.mə.ɹəl/] {noun} (admirals) almirante admiralcy {noun} (admiralcies) almirantado admiralship {noun} (admiralships) almirantado admiralty [/ˈæd.mɪ.ɹəl.ti/] {noun} (admiralties) almirantado Admiralty Islands {properNoun} Ilhas do Almirantado admiration [/ˌæd.mɚˈeɪʃ.ən/] {noun} admiração admirative [/ædˈmaɪ.ɹə.tɪv/ | /ˈæd.məˌɹeɪ.tɪv/ | /ˈæd.mɪ.ɹə.tɪv/] {adjective, noun} (admiratives, most admirative, more admirative) admirativo admiratively {adverb} (more admiratively, most admiratively) admirativamente admire [/ədˈmaɪə/ | /ədˈmaɪɹ/] {verb} (admires, admiring, admired) admirar admirer [/ædˈmaɪɚ.ɹɚ/ | /ədˈmaɪ.ɹɚ/] {noun} (admirers) admirador | admiradora admiring [/æd.ˈmaɪ.ɚ.ɪŋ/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most admiring, more admiring, admirings) admirador admiringly {adverb} (most admiringly, more admiringly) exclamação admissibility {noun} (admissibilities) admissibilidade admissible {adjective} (most admissible, more admissible) admissível admissibly {adverb} (more admissibly, most admissibly) admissivelmente admission [/ædˈmɪʃ.ən/] {noun} admissão admit [/ədˈmɪt/] {verb} (admits, admitting, admitted) aceitar | admitir | permitir | reconhecer admit to aceitar admittedly {adverb} (more admittedly, most admittedly) admitidamente admitter {noun} (admitters) admissor admixture {noun} adição admonish [/ædˈmɑn.ɪʃ/ | /ədˈmɒn.ɪʃ/] {verb} (admonishes, admonished, admonishing) admoestar | advertir | prevenir admonisher {noun} (admonishers) admoestador admonishingly {adverb} (more admonishingly, most admonishingly) admoestadoramente admonishment {noun} admoestação admonition {noun} (admonitions) admonição | advertência | aviso | repreensão admonitive {adjective} admonitor admonitory {adjective} (most admonitory, more admonitory) admonitório adnate {adjective} (most adnate, more adnate) adnado | adnato adnation {noun} (adnations) adnação adnexal {adjective} adnexal adnexectomy {noun} (adnexectomies) anexectomia adnominal {adjective, noun} (adnominals) adnominal ado [/əˈduː/] {noun} algazarra adobe [/əˈdoʊ.bi/ | /əˈdəʊ.bi/] {noun} (adobes) adobe adogmatic {adjective} adogmático adolesce {verb} (adolesces, adolesced, adolescing) adolescer adolescence [/ˌædəˈlɛsəns/] {noun} adolescência adolescent [/ˌædəˈlɛsənt/] {adjective, noun} (more adolescent, most adolescent, adolescents) adolescente | moça | moço | rapariga | rapaz adolescently {adverb} (more adolescently, most adolescently) adolescentemente Adolph [/ˈeɪ.dɔlf/ | /ˈæ.dɒlf/] {properNoun} (Adolphs) Adolfo Adonai [/əˈdəʊ.nʌɪ/ | /ˌæ.dəˈnaɪ/] {properNoun} Adonai Adonis [/əˈdoʊnɪs/] {noun, properNoun} (Adonises, Adonides) Adônis | Adónis adopt [/əˈdɑpt/ | /əˈdɒpt/] {verb} (adopts, adopting, adopted) adotar adoptability {noun} adotabilidade adoptable {adjective, noun} (more adoptable, most adoptable, adoptables) adotável adoptee {noun} (adoptees) adoptada | adoptado adopter {noun} (adopters) adotante adoption [/əˈdɑp.ʃən/ | /əˈdɒp.ʃən/] {noun} adoção | adopção adoptionism {noun} adocionismo adoptionist {adjective, noun} (adoptionists) adocionista adoptive {adjective} adotivo adoptive father {noun} (adoptive fathers) pai adotivo adoptive mother {noun} (adoptive mothers) mãe adotiva adoptively {adverb} adotivamente adorable [/əˈdɔːɹəbəl/] {adjective} (most adorable, more adorable) adorável adorableness {noun} (adorablenesses) adorabilidade adorably [/əˈdɔɹəbli/] {adverb} (most adorably, more adorably) adoravelmente adoration [/ˌæ.dəˈɹeɪ.ʃən/ | /ˌæ.dɚˈɹeɪ.ʃən/] {noun} adoração adoratory {adjective, noun} (more adoratory, most adoratory, adoratories) adorante | adorativo | adoratório adorcism {noun} adorcismo adore [/əˈdo(ː)ɹ/ | /əˈdoə̯/ | /əˈdɔɹ/ | /əˈdɔː/] {verb} (adores, adoring, adored) adorar | amar adorer {noun} (adorers) adorador adorn [/əˈdɔɹn/ | /əˈdɔː(ɹ)n/] {adjective, noun, verb} (adorns, adorning, adorned) adornar adorn oneself with borrowed plumes {verb} (adorns oneself with borrowed plumes, adorned oneself with borrowed plumes, adorning oneself with borrowed plumes) pavonear-se com plumas alheias adorned [/əˈdɔɹnd/ | /əˈdɔːnd/] {adjective, verb} (more adorned, most adorned) adornado adorner {noun} (adorners) adornador adornment {noun} adornamento | adorno Adornoian {adjective} (more Adornoian, most Adornoian) adorniano adposition [/ˈæd.pəˌzɪ.ʃən/] {noun} (adpositions) adposição adpositional {adjective} adposicional Adrastus Adrasto adrenal [/æˈdɹiːnəl/] {adjective, noun} (most adrenal, more adrenal, adrenals) adrenal adrenal gland {noun} (adrenal glands) glândula adrenal | glândula suprarrenal | suprarrenal adrenalectomy {noun} (adrenalectomies) adrenalectomia adrenaline [/əˈdɹɛnəlɪn/] {noun} (adrenalines) adrenalina adrenaline junkie {noun} (adrenaline junkies) viciado em adrenalina adrenalise {verb} (adrenalises, adrenalised, adrenalising) adrenalizar adrenalitis {noun} adrenalite adrenarche {noun} adrenarca adrenergic {adjective, noun} (more adrenergic, most adrenergic, adrenergics) adrenérgico adreno- {prefix} adreno- adrenoceptor {noun} (adrenoceptors) adrenoceptor adrenochrome {noun} adrenocromo adrenocortical {adjective} adrenocortical adrenocorticotropic {adjective} (more adrenocorticotropic, most adrenocorticotropic) adrenocorticotrófico | adrenocorticotrópico adrenocorticotropin {noun} adrenocorticotropina adrenoleukodystrophy {noun} (adrenoleukodystrophies) adrenoleucodistrofia adrenomedullary {adjective} adrenomedular adrenomedullin {noun} adrenomedulina adrenomyeloneuropathy {noun} adrenomieloneuropatia adrenosterone {noun} adrenosterona Adrestus Adrasto Adria {properNoun} Adria adriamycin [/ˌeɪdɹɪəˈmaɪsɪn/] {noun} adriamicina Adrian [/ˈeɪ.dɹiː.ən/] {adjective, properNoun} (more Adrian, most Adrian) Adriano | Adrião Adrianople [/ˌeɪdɹɪəˈnəʊp(ə)l/] {properNoun} Adrianópolis Adriatic [/ˌeɪ.dɹiˈæt.ɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} adriático Adriatic Sea [/eɪ.dɹiˈæt.ɪk/] {properNoun} Mar Adriático | mar Adriático adrift [/əˈdɹɪft/] {adjective, adverb} (more adrift, most adrift) à deriva adroitness {noun} (adroitnesses) abilidade adscript {adjective, noun} (adscripts) adscrito adscription {noun} (adscriptions) adscrição adsorb [/ədˈzɔːb/] {verb} (adsorbs, adsorbed, adsorbing) adsorver adsorbable {adjective} (more adsorbable, most adsorbable) adsorvível adsorbate [/ədˈsɔːbeɪt/] {noun} (adsorbates) adsorbato | adsorvato adsorbent {adjective, noun} (most adsorbent, more adsorbent, adsorbents) adsorvente adsorber {noun} (adsorbers) adsorvedor adsorption {noun} adsorção adsorptive {adjective, noun} (most adsorptive, more adsorptive, adsorptives) adsortivo adsorptiveness {noun} adsortividade adstratum {noun} (adstrata) adstrato adularescence {noun} adularescência adularia {noun} (adularias) adulária adulate {verb} (adulates, adulating, adulated) adular adulation [/ˌædʒəˈleɪʃən/ | /ˌædʒʊˈleɪʃən/] {noun} adulação adulator {noun} (adulators) adulador | bajulador adulatory {adjective} (most adulatory, more adulatory) adulador | adulante | adulatório Adullamite {noun} (Adullamites) adulamita adult [/əˈdʌlt/ | /ˈæd.ʌlt/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more adult, most adult, adults, adulting, adulted) adulto | adulta adulterant {noun} (adulterants) adulterante adulterate {adjective, verb} (most adulterate, more adulterate, adulterates, adulterating, adulterated) adulterar adulteration {noun} (adulterations) adulteração adulterator {noun} (adulterators) adulterador adulterer [/əˈdʌltəɹə/ | /əˈdʌltəɹɚ/] {noun} adúltera | adúltero adulteress {noun} adúltera adulterous {adjective} (most adulterous, more adulterous) adúltero adulterously {adverb} (more adulterously, most adulterously) adulteramente adultery [/əˈdʌltəɹi/] {noun} (adulteries) adultério adultescent {noun} (adultescents) adultescente adulthood {noun} (adulthoods) adultez adulticidal {adjective} (most adulticidal, more adulticidal) adulticida adulticide {noun, verb} (adulticides, adulticided, adulticiding) adulticida adultism {noun} adultismo adultization {noun} adultização adultize {verb} (adultizes, adultized, adultizing) adultizar adultly {adverb} (most adultly, more adultly) adultamente adumbrate [/ˈædʌmˌbɹeɪt/] {verb} (adumbrates, adumbrated, adumbrating) adumbrar adumbration [/ˌædəmˈbɹeɪʃ(ə)n/ | /ˌædʌmˈbɹeɪʃ(ə)n/] {noun} contorno adunc [/ˈæ.dʌnk/] {adjective} (more adunc, most adunc) adunco adustion {noun} adustão Advaita [/əd.ˈvaɪ.tə/] {properNoun} advaita advance [/ədˈvaːns/ | /ədˈvæns/ | /ədˈvɑːns/] {adjective, noun, verb} (most advance, more advance, advances, advancing, advanced) avançar | adiantamento | adiantar | avanço | progresso advance directive {noun} (advance directives) declaração antecipada de vontade advance guard {noun} (advance guards) guarda avançada advance payment {noun} (advance payments) adiantamento advanced [/ədˈvænst/ | /ədˈvɑːnst/] {adjective, verb} (furthest advanced, further advanced, most advanced, more advanced) avançado advancement [/ædˈvæns.mɛnt/ | /ɛdˈvæns.mɛnt/] {noun} progresso advantage [/ədˈvæn.tɪdʒ/ | /ədˈvɑːn.tɪdʒ/] {noun, verb} (advantages, advantaged, advantaging) vantagem | benefício | vantajoso advantageous [/ˌædvənˈteɪd͡ʒəs/] {adjective} (more advantageous, most advantageous) vantajoso advantageously {adverb} (most advantageously, more advantageously) vantajosamente advantageousness {noun} vantajosidade advection [/ædˈvɛkʃən/] {noun} advecção advective {adjective} advectivo Advent {properNoun} Advento advent [/ˈæd.vɛnt/] {noun} (advents) chegada | advento | vinda Advent calendar {noun} (Advent calendars) calendário do Advento Adventist {adjective, noun} (more Adventist, most Adventist, Adventists) adventista adventitia {noun} adventícia adventitial {adjective} (most adventitial, more adventitial) adventicial adventitious [/ˌæd.vənˈtɪʃ.əs/] {adjective} (more adventitious, most adventitious) adventício adventitiously {adverb} (most adventitiously, more adventitiously) adventiciamente adventure [/ədˈvɛnt͡ʃə/ | /ədˈvɛnt͡ʃɚ/] {noun, verb} (adventures, adventured, adventuring) aventura | acaso | peripécia adventurer [/ædˈvɛn.tʃɚ.ɚ/] {noun} (adventurers) aventureiro adventuresome {adjective} (most adventuresome, more adventuresome) aventureiro adventuresomely {adverb} (most adventuresomely, more adventuresomely) aventureiramente adventuress [/ədˈvɛntʃəɹɪs/] {noun} (adventuresses) aventureira adventurism [/ədˈvɛn(t)ʃəɹɪz(ə)m/] {noun} aventurismo adventurist {noun} (adventurists) aventurista adventurous [/ædˈvɛn.tʃɚ.ʌs/] {adjective} (most adventurous, more adventurous) arriscado | aventureiro | aventuroso | perigoso adverb [/ˈæd.vɜːb/ | /ˈæd.vɝb/] {noun, verb} (adverbs, adverbed, adverbing) advérbio adverbial [/ædˈvɝbi.əl/ | /ədˈvɜːbi.əl/] {adjective, noun} (most adverbial, more adverbial, adverbials) adverbial adverbial clause {noun} (adverbial clauses) oração subordinada adverbial adverbial participle {noun} (adverbial participles) gerúndio adverbial phrase {noun} (adverbial phrases) locução adverbial adverbiality {noun} adverbialidade adverbialization {noun} adverbialização adverbialize {verb} (adverbializes, adverbializing, adverbialized) adverbializar adverbializer {noun} (adverbializers) adverbializador adverbially {adverb} adverbialmente adversarial {adjective} (most adversarial, more adversarial) hostil adversariness {noun} adversariedade adversary [/ædˈvɜː.sə.ɹi/ | /ˈæd.və.s(ə)ɹi/ | /ˈæd.və.sɛɹi/ | /ˈæd.vəɹ.sɛɹi/] {noun} (adversaries) adversário | adversária adversative {adjective, noun} (adversatives) adversativo adversatively {adverb} (most adversatively, more adversatively) adversativamente adversativeness {noun} adversatividade adverse [/ˈæd.və(ɹ)s/] {adjective} (adverser, adversest) adverso | contrário | desfavorável | oposto adversely {adverb} (most adversely, more adversely) adversamente adversity [/ædˈvɜː.sɪ.ti/ | /ædˈvɝ.sɪ.ti/] {noun} (adversities) adversidade | infortúnio advert [/ədˈvɜː(ɹ)t/ | /ˈædvɜː(ɹ)t/] {noun, verb} (adverts, adverted, adverting) anúncio advertise [/ˈadvə(ɹ)taɪz/ | /ˈædvɚtaɪz/] {verb} (advertises, advertised, advertising) anunciar | divulgar | promulgar | publicar | publicitar advertisement [/ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt/ | /ədˈvɝtɪzmənt/ | /ˈædvəˌtʌɪzmənt/ | /ˌædvəˈtɪzmənt/] {noun} anúncio | edital | propaganda | publicidade | reclame advertiser {noun} (advertisers) anunciante advertising [/ˈædvə(ɹ)ˌtaɪzɪŋ/] {noun, verb} (advertisings) publicidade | propaganda advice [/ædˈvaɪs/ | /ədˈvaɪs/] {noun, verb} conselho adviceful {adjective} (most adviceful, more adviceful) aconselhador advisability [/ædˌvaɪz.əˈbɪl.ə.ti/] {noun} (advisabilities) aconselhabilidade | recomendabilidade advisable {adjective} (most advisable, more advisable) aconselhável | recomendável advisably {adverb} (most advisably, more advisably) aconselhavelmente advise [/ədˈvaɪz/] {verb} (advises, advising, advised) aconselhar | informar | avisar | notificar | opiniar advisedly {adverb} (most advisedly, more advisedly) intencionalmente advisor [/ædˈvaɪz.ɚ/] {noun} (advisors) conselheiro advisory [/ədˈvaɪzəɹi/] {adjective, noun} (most advisory, more advisory, advisories) consultivo advocaat [/ˈadvəkɑː/] {noun} advogado advocacy [/ˈæd.və.kə.si/] {noun} (advocacies) advocacia advocacy group {noun} (advocacy groups) grupo de interesse advocate [/ˈæd.və.keɪt/ | /ˈæd.və.kət/] {noun, verb} (advocates, advocated, advocating) advogado | advogada | advocar | advogar | argumentar a favor | defender adware {noun} adware Adygea [/ɑːdɪˈɡeɪ.ə/] {properNoun} Adigueia | Adiguésia Adygei {properNoun} circassiano Adyghe [/ˈɑː.dɪ.ɡeɪ/] {properNoun} circassiano adynamia {noun} adinamia adynamic {adjective} adinâmico adytum [/ˈadətəm/ | /ˈadɪtəm/] {noun} (adyta, adytums) ádito adze [/ædz/] {noun, verb} (adzes, adzing, adzed) enxó Adélie Land {properNoun} Terra Adélie | Terra de Adélie Aeaea [/iːˈiːə/] {properNoun} Aiaie | Ea | Eea | Eeia aecidium [/iːˈsɪdɪəm/] {noun} (aecidiums, aecidia) ecídio aeciospore {noun} (aeciospores) eciosporo aedeagal [/i.diˈeɪ.ɡəl/ | /iˈdi.ə.ɡəl/] {adjective} edeagal aedeagus [/i.diˈeɪ.ɡəs/ | /iˈdi.ə.ɡəs/] {noun} (aedeagi) edeago aedicula {noun} (aediculae) edícula aedile [/ˈiːdaɪl/] {noun} (aediles) edil aedileship {noun} (aedileships) edilato Aegean [/iˈdʒi.ən/] {adjective, properNoun} egeu Aegean Sea [/əˈdʒi.ən ˈsi/] {properNoun} Mar Egeu Aegidius {properNoun} Egídio Aegina [/iˈdʒaɪnə/] {properNoun} Egina Aeginetan {adjective, noun} (Aeginetans) egineta aegipan [/ˈiːdʒɪpan/] {noun} (aegipans, aegipanes) egipã aegirine {noun} aegirina | egirina aegis [/ˈiːdʒɪs/] {noun} (aegises, aegides) égide Aegle {properNoun} Egle aegrotat [/ˈʌɪ.ɡɹəʊˌtæt/] {noun} (aegrotats) atestado | atestado médico aelurophobia {noun} ailurofobia Aeneas [/ɪˈniː.əs/] {properNoun} Eneias Aeneid [/ˈiː.ni.ɪd/] {properNoun} (Aeneids) Eneida aeneous {adjective} (most aeneous, more aeneous) éneo | êneo aenigmatite {noun} enigmatita aeolian {adjective, noun} (more aeolian, most aeolian) eólico Aeolian mode {noun} modo eólio Aeolic [/iˈɑːlɪk/ | /iˈɒlɪk/] {adjective, properNoun} eólio aeolipile [/ˈiː.əʊ.lɪ.pʌɪl/] {noun} (aeolipiles) eolípila Aeolis {properNoun} Eólia Aeolus [/iˈoʊləs/] {properNoun} Éolo aeon {noun} (aeons) éon aequorin {noun} aequorina aerate {verb} (aerates, aerating, aerated) aerar aerated {adjective, verb} (more aerated, most aerated) aerado aeration {noun} aeragem | aeração aerator {noun} (aerators) aerador aerenchyma {noun} (aerenchymae, aerenchymas) aerênquima aerial [/eɪˈɪə.ɹɪ.əl/ | /ˈɛɹ.i.əl/ | /ˈɛː.ɹɪ.əl/] {adjective, noun} (more aerial, most aerial, aerials) antena | aéreo | etéreo aerial photography {noun} aerofotografia | fotografia aérea aerial tramway teleférico aerialist {noun} (aerialists) acrobata aerially {adverb} (most aerially, more aerially) aereamente aeriferous {adjective} (most aeriferous, more aeriferous) aerífero aeriform {adjective} aeriforme aero- {prefix} aero- aeroallergen {noun} (aeroallergens) aeroalérgeno aerobactin {noun} aerobactina aerobic [/ɛˈɹoʊbɪk/] {adjective} aeróbico aerobically {adverb} (most aerobically, more aerobically) aerobicamente aerobics [/əˈɹoʊbɪks/] {noun} aeróbica aerobiologic {adjective} (most aerobiologic, more aerobiologic) aerobiológico aerobiology {noun} aerobiologia aerobiosis {noun} (aerobioses) aerobiose aerochemical {adjective} aeroquímico aerocyst {noun} (aerocysts) aerocisto aerodigestive {adjective} aerodigestivo aerodrome {noun} (aerodromes) aeródromo aerodynamic {adjective} (more aerodynamic, most aerodynamic) aerodinâmico aerodynamical {adjective} (most aerodynamical, more aerodynamical) aerodinâmico aerodynamically {adverb} (more aerodynamically, most aerodynamically) aerodinamicamente aerodynamicist {noun} (aerodynamicists) aerodinamicista aerodynamics {noun} aerodinâmica aerodyne {noun} (aerodynes) aeródino aeroelastic {adjective} (most aeroelastic, more aeroelastic) aeroelástico aeroelasticity {noun} (aeroelasticities) aeroelasticidade Aeroflot {properNoun} Aeroflot aerogel {noun} aerogel aerogenerator {noun} (aerogenerators) aerogerador aerogenous {adjective} aerógeno aerogram {noun} (aerograms) aerograma aerography {noun} aerografia aerolite [/ˈɛə.ɹə.laɪt/] {noun} (aerolites) aerólito aerolitic {adjective} (more aerolitic, most aerolitic) aerolítico aerologic {adjective} (more aerologic, most aerologic) aerológico aerology {noun} (aerologies) aerologia aeromagnetic {adjective} aeromagnético aeromancer {noun} (aeromancers) aeromante aeromancy [/ˈeə.ɹə.mæn.si/] {noun} aeromancia aerometer {noun} (aerometers) aerómetro | aerômetro aerometric {adjective} (most aerometric, more aerometric) aerométrico aerometry {noun} aerometria aeromodeller {noun} (aeromodellers) aeromodelista aeromodelling {noun} aeromodelismo aeronaut [/ˈɛəɹəˌnɔːt/ | /ˈɛɹəˌnɑt/ | /ˈɛɹəˌnɔt/] {noun} (aeronauts) aeronauta aeronautic [/ˌæɹoˈnɔtɪk/] {adjective} (more aeronautic, most aeronautic) aeronáutico aeronautical {adjective} (most aeronautical, more aeronautical) aeronáutico aeronautically {adverb} aeronauticamente aeronautics {noun} aeronáutica aeronaval {adjective} aeronaval aeronavigation {noun} aeronavegação Aeronian {properNoun} Aeroniano aeronomy {noun} aeronomia aeropalynology {noun} aeropalinologia aerophagy {noun} aerofagia aerophilic {adjective} aerófilo aerophobia {noun} aerofobia aerophobic {adjective} (more aerophobic, most aerophobic) aerofóbico aerophysics {noun} aerofísica aeroponic {adjective} aeropônico aeroponics {noun} aeroponia aeroscope {noun} (aeroscopes) aeroscópio aerosol [/ˈɛəɹəsɒl/ | /ˈɛɹəsɔl/] {noun} (aerosols) aerossol aerosol can {noun} (aerosol cans) borrifador aerosolisation {noun} aerossolização aerosolise {verb} (aerosolises, aerosolised, aerosolising) aerossolizar aerospace {adjective, noun} (most aerospace, more aerospace, aerospaces) aeroespacial | aeroespaço aerospatial {adjective} aeroespacial aerostat {noun} (aerostats) aeróstato aerostatics {noun} aerostática aerothermal {adjective} aerotérmico aerothermodynamic {adjective} aerotermodinâmico aerothermodynamics {noun} aerotermodinâmica aerotolerance {noun} aerotolerância aerotolerant {adjective} aerotolerante aerotrain {noun} (aerotrains) aerotrem Aeschylean {adjective} (most Aeschylean, more Aeschylean) esquiliano Aeschylus [/ˈɛs.kə.ləs/] {properNoun} Ésquilo Aesculapian {adjective} (more Aesculapian, most Aesculapian) esculapiano Aesculapian staff {noun} (Aesculapian staffs) bastão de Esculápio Aesculapius [/ˌiːskjʊˈleɪpɪəs/] {properNoun} Esculápio Aesop [/ˈiːsɒp/] {properNoun} Esopo Aesopian [/iːˈsoʊpi.ən/ | /iːˈsəʊpɪən/] {adjective} (more Aesopian, most Aesopian) esopiano aesthesia {noun} estesia aesthete [/ˈɛs.θiːt/] {noun} (aesthetes) esteta aesthetic [/es.ˈθe.tɪk/ | /ɛs.ˈθɛ.tɪk/ | /ɪs.ˈθe.tɪk/] {adjective, noun} (more aesthetic, most aesthetic, aesthetics) estético | estética aesthetical {adjective} (more aesthetical, most aesthetical) estético aesthetically {adverb} (most aesthetically, more aesthetically) esteticamente aesthetician {noun} (aestheticians) esteticista aestheticisation {noun} estetização aestheticise {verb} (aestheticises, aestheticised, aestheticising) estetizar aestheticism {noun} estetismo | esteticismo aesthetics [/ɛsˈθɛt.ɪks/] {noun} estética aestival [/iːˈstʌɪv(ə)l/] {adjective} (more aestival, most aestival) estival | estivo aestivation [/ˌiːstɪˈveɪʃən/] {noun} estivação aestivoautumnal {adjective} estivo-outonal aetiogenesis {noun} etiogénese | etiogênese aetiologic {adjective} etiológico aetiology [/itiˈɑlədʒi/ | /iːtɪˈɒlədʒi/] {noun} (aetiologies) etiologia aetiopathogenesis {noun} (aetiopathogeneses) etiopatogenia Aetius {properNoun} Aécio Aetna [/ˈɛtnə/] {properNoun} Etna Aetolia [/iːˈtəʊ.liː.ə/] {properNoun} Etólia Aetolian {adjective, noun} (most Aetolian, more Aetolian, Aetolians) etólio aetosaur {noun} (aetosaurs) aetossauro aeviternity {noun} (aeviternities) eviternidade Afar {noun, properNoun} (Afar, Afars) afar afar [/əˈfɑː/ | /ʌˈfaɹ/] {adverb} longe afebrile {adjective} afebril affability {noun} (affabilities) afabilidade affable [/ˈæf.ə.bəl/] {adjective} (more affable, most affable) afável affably {adverb} (more affably, most affably) afavelmente affair [/əˈfɛə(ɹ)/ | /əˈfɛə/ | /əˈfɛɹ/] {noun} (affairs) afazer | assunto | caso | coisa | negócio affect [/ə.ˈfɛkt/] {noun, verb} (affects, affecting, affected) fingir | comover | afetar | afeto affectability [/əfɛktəˈbɪlɪti/] {noun} (affectabilities) afetabilidade affectable {adjective} (most affectable, more affectable) afetável affectation [/ˌæf.ɛkˈteɪ.ʃən/] {noun} afetação affected [/əˈfɛktɪd/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more affected, most affected, affecteds) afetado affectedly {adverb} (most affectedly, more affectedly) afetadamente affecter {noun} (affecters) afetador affecting [/əˈfɛktɪŋ/] {adjective, verb} (more affecting, most affecting) comovente affection [/əˈfɛkʃən/] {noun, verb} (affections, affectioning, affectioned) afecção | afeição | afetação | afeto affectionate [/əˈfɛkʃəneɪt/ | /əˈfɛkʃənət/] {adjective, verb} (more affectionate, most affectionate, affectionates, affectionated, affectionating) afetuoso | carinhoso affectionately [/əˈfɛkʃənətli/] {adverb} (most affectionately, more affectionately) afetuosamente | carinhosamente affectionless {adjective} (more affectionless, most affectionless) inafetivo affectionlessness {noun} inafetividade affective [/əˈfɛktɪv/] {adjective} (more affective, most affective) afetivo affective disorder {noun} (affective disorders) transtorno afetivo affectively {adverb} (more affectively, most affectively) afetivamente Affenpinscher {noun} (Affenpinschers) Affenpinscher afference [/ˈæfəɹəns/] {noun} aferência afferent [/ˈæ.fə.rənt/ | /ˈæ.fɜː.ənt/] {adjective, noun} (afferents) aferente affidavit [/ˌæfɪˈdeɪvɪt/] {noun} (affidavits) affidavit affiliable {adjective} (most affiliable, more affiliable) filiável affiliate [/əˈfɪl.i.et/ | /əˈfɪl.i.eɪt/] {noun, verb} (affiliates, affiliated, affiliating) afiliar | filiar affiliate marketing {noun} marketing de afiliados affiliated {adjective, verb} afiliado affiliation [/əˌfɪliˈeɪʃən/] {noun} afiliação | filiação affiliative {adjective} afiliativo affination {noun} refinação affine [/əˈfaɪn/] {adjective, noun, verb} (more affine, most affine, affines, affined, affining) afim affinity [/əˈfɪnɪti/] {noun} (affinities) afinidade | afim affirm [/əˈfɜːm/ | /əˈfɝm/] {verb} (affirms, affirming, affirmed) afirmar affirmability {noun} afirmabilidade affirmable {adjective} (most affirmable, more affirmable) afirmável affirmant {noun} (affirmants) afirmante affirmation [/æfɝˈmeɪʃn/] {noun} afirmação affirmative [/əˈfɜːmətɪv/ | /əˈfɝmətɪv/] {adjective, interjection, noun} (more affirmative, most affirmative, affirmatives) afirmativa | afirmativo | positivo affirmatively {adverb} (more affirmatively, most affirmatively) afirmativamente affirmativeness {noun} afirmatividade affirmer {noun} (affirmers) afirmador affirmingly {adverb} (most affirmingly, more affirmingly) afirmadoramente affix [/ə.ˈfɪks/ | /ˈæ.fɪks/] {noun, verb} (affixes, affixed, affixing) afixo | afixar affixal {adjective} afixal affixation {noun} (affixations) afixação affixoid {noun} (affixoids) afixoide afflatus [/əˈfleɪtəs/] {noun} (afflatuses) inspiração afflict [/əˈflɪkt/] {verb} (afflicts, afflicted, afflicting) afligir afflicted [/əˈflɪktɪd/] {adjective, verb} (most afflicted, more afflicted) aflito afflictedly {adverb} (more afflictedly, most afflictedly) aflitamente affliction [/əˈflɪkʃən/] {noun} aflição afflictive {adjective} (more afflictive, most afflictive) aflitivo afflictively {adverb} (more afflictively, most afflictively) aflitivamente affluence [/ˈæf.lu.əns/] {noun} afluência affluent [/æˈfluːənt/ | /ˈæf.lu.ənt/ | /ˈæfluːənt/] {adjective, noun} (most affluent, more affluent, affluents) afluente affluently {adverb} (more affluently, most affluently) afluentemente afflux {noun} (affluxes) afluxo afford [/əˈfo(ː)ɹd/ | /əˈfoəd/ | /əˈfoɹd/ | /əˈfɔːd/] {verb} (affords, affording, afforded) agraciar | conseguir pagar | fornecer | lidar | prover affordability {noun} acessibilidade affordable [/əˈfɔː(ɹ).də.bəl/ | /ʌˈfɔɹdʌbəl/] {adjective} (more affordable, most affordable) acessível afforest [/əˈfɒɹɪst/ | /əˈfɔɹɪst/] {verb} (afforests, afforesting, afforested) florestar afforestation {noun} aflorestamento | florestamento affray [/əˈfɹeɪ/] {noun, verb} (affrays, affrayed, affraying) briga | desordem | motim | rixa | tumulto affreight {verb} (affreights, affreighted, affreighting) fretar affreightment {noun} (affreightments) afretamento affricate [/ˈæfɹɪkeɪt/ | /ˈæfɹɪkət/] {noun, verb} (affricates, affricated, affricating) africada affrication [/æfɹɪˈkeɪʃən/] {noun} africação affront [/əˈfɹʌnt/] {noun, verb} (affronts, affronting, affronted) afrontar | afronta | encarar affronter {noun} (affronters) afrontador affusion {noun} afusão Afghan [/ˈæfˌɡæn/] {adjective, noun, properNoun} (Afghans) afegão Afghan Hound [/ˌæfɡæn ˈhau̯nd/] {noun} (Afghan Hounds) galgo afegão Afghanistan [/æfˈɡæn.ɪˌstæn/] {properNoun} Afeganistão Afghanistani {adjective, noun} (more Afghanistani, most Afghanistani, Afghanistanis) afegão Afghanize {verb} (Afghanizes, Afghanizing, Afghanized) afeganizar afibrinogenemia {noun} afibrinogenemia afire [/əˈfaɪə(ɹ)/] {adjective, adverb} (more afire, most afire) ardente Aflao {properNoun} Aflao aflatoxicosis {noun} aflatoxicose aflatoxin {noun} (aflatoxins) aflatoxina afloat [/əˈfloʊt/] {adverb} flutuante aflutter [/əˈflʌt.ə/ | /əˈflʌt.ɚ/] {adjective} (most aflutter, more aflutter) tremulante afocal {adjective} afocal afoot [/əˈfʊt/] {adjective, adverb} a pé | de pé aforementioned [/əˈfɔɹˌmɛn.ʃənd/ | /əˈfɔːˌmɛn.ʃənd/] {adjective, noun} acima mencionado | já mencionado | sobredito | supracitado aforetime {adjective, adverb} anteriormente afoul [/əˈfaʊl/] {adverb} (most afoul, more afoul) contra | de encontro a | em conflito com afoxe {noun} afoxé afraid [/əˈfɹeɪd/] {adjective} (more afraid, most afraid) com medo | temer Africa [/ˈæf.ɹɪ.kə/] {properNoun} África African [/ˈæf.ɹɪ.kən/] {adjective, noun} (most African, more African, Africans) africano | africana African anteater {noun} (African anteaters) aardvark African buffalo {noun} (African buffalos) búfalo africano | búfalo cafre | búfalo do Cabo african civet algália African crake {noun} (African crakes) codornizão-africano African elephant {noun} (African elephants) elefante africano African forest elephant {noun} (African forest elephants) elefante da floresta African hunting dog {noun} (African hunting dogs) cão selvagem africano | mabeco African mahogany {noun} (African mahoganies) mogno africano African penguin {noun} (African penguins) pinguim africano African puff adder riúta African savannah elephant {noun} (African savannah elephants) elefante da savana African Union {properNoun} União Africana African violet {noun} (African violets) violeta africana African wildcat {noun} (African wildcats) gato selvagem africano African-American {adjective, noun} (most African-American, more African-American, African-Americans) afro-americana | afro-americano African-American Vernacular English {properNoun} vernáculo afro-americano Africanism {noun} africanismo Africanist {noun} (Africanists) africanista Africanization {noun} africanização Africanize {verb} (Africanizes, Africanizing, Africanized) africanizar Africanness {noun} (Africannesses) africanidade Afrikaans [/ˌɑːfɹɪˈkɑːnz/] {adjective, properNoun} africâner | africânder Afrikaner {noun} (Afrikaners) africâner | africânder afro [/ˈæf.ɹoʊ/] {noun} (afros) afro | black power Afro- [/ˈæfɹoʊ-/] {prefix} afro- Afro-Brazilian {adjective} afro-brasileiro Afro-Eurasia [/ˈæf.ɹoʊ.jʊɹˈeɪ.ʒə/] {properNoun} Eurafrásia afrobeat {noun} afrobeat Afrocentric {adjective} (more Afrocentric, most Afrocentric) afrocentrista | afrocêntrico Afrocentrism {noun} afrocentrismo Afrophobia {noun} afrofobia Afropop {noun} afropop Afrotropical {adjective} afrotropical aft [/æft/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (furthest aft, more aft, most aft, further aft, afts) popa after [/ˈæf.tə(ɹ)/ | /ˈæf.tɚ/] {adjective, adverb, conjunction, preposition} atrás de | depois de | depois | apesar de | devido a | por after all afinal after dark {noun} (after darks) após o anoitecer after-effect {noun} (after-effects) pós-efeito afterbirth [/ˈæf.tɚ.bɚθ/] {noun} (afterbirths) secundinas afterburner {noun} (afterburners) pós-combustor afterburning {noun} pós-combustão aftereffect [/ˈæftəɹ.əˌfɛkt/ | /ˈɑːftəɹ.ɪˌfɛkt/] {noun} (aftereffects) efeito posterior | pós-efeito | sequela afterlife [/ˈæftɚˌlaɪf/] {noun} (afterlives) além | além-túmulo | outro mundo | submundo | ultravida | vida após a morte aftermarket {noun, verb} (aftermarkets, aftermarketing, aftermarketed) aftermarket aftermath [/ˈæf.təˌmæθ/ | /ˈæf.tɚˌmæθ/ | /ˈɑːf.təˌmɑːθ/] {noun} (aftermaths) rescaldo | resultado afternoon [/af.təɾˈnʉːn/ | /ˌæf.tɚ.ˈnun/ | /ˌɑːf.tə.ˈnuːn/] {adverb, interjection, noun} (afternoons) tarde afternoon tea {noun} chá da tarde | chá das cinco aftershave {noun} pós-barba aftershock {noun} réplica aftertaste {noun} (aftertastes) retrogosto afterwards [/ˈæf.tɚ.wɚdz/ | /ˈɑːftə.wədz/] {adverb} depois | em seguida | mais tarde afterwardsness {noun} posterioridade afterword {noun} (afterwords) posfácio Afula {properNoun} Afula Aga Khan {noun} (Aga Khans) Aga Khan again [/əˈɡɛn/ | /əˈɡɪn/] {adverb, preposition} de novo | novamente | mesmo | de volta | outra vez again and again {adverb} o tempo inteiro against [/əˈɡeɪnst/ | /əˈɡɛnst/] {conjunction, preposition} contra | defronte | diante de | em relação a | perto de | por against all odds contra todas as expectativas against the clock contra o relógio against the grain [/əˈɡɛnst ðə ɡɹeɪn/] a contragosto | contra a corrente | contra a maré agalactia {noun} agalactia | agalaxia agalmatolite {noun} agalmatolita agama {noun} (agamas) agama Agamemnon [/æɡæˈmɛmnɒn/] {properNoun} Agamemnon | Agamenon | Agamenão | Agamêmnon agami [/ˈæɡəmi/] {noun} (agamis) agami | jacamim agamic {adjective} agâmico agamically {adverb} agamicamente agammaglobulinemia {noun} (agammaglobulinemias) agamaglobulinemia agamospermy {noun} agamospermia aganglionic {adjective} agangliónico | agangliônico aganglionosis {noun} aganglionose agapanthus {noun} (agapanthuses) agapanto agape [/əˈɡeɪp/] {adjective, adverb, noun} (agapae, most agape, more agape) boquiaberto | escancarado | ágape agapism {noun} agapismo agar [/ˈeɪ.ɡə/ | /ˈɑˌ.ɡɑɹ/] {noun} agar-agar agaric [/ˈæɡəɹɪk/] {noun} (agarics) agárico agaropectin {noun} (agaropectins) agaropectina agarophyte {noun} (agarophytes) agarófita agarose {noun} (agaroses) agarose Agartala [/əˈɡəɹtələ/] {properNoun} Agartala Agartha {properNoun} Agarta | Agartha agarwood {noun} calambac | calambuco | madeira de aloes Agastya {properNoun} Agastia agate [/ˈæ.ɡət/] {adverb, noun} ágata Agatha [/ˈæɡəθə/] {properNoun} Ágata agathological {adjective} agatológico agathology {noun} agatologia agave [/əˈɡeɪviː/ | /əˈɡɑːveɪ/] {noun} (agaves) agave agbada [/æɡˈbɑːdə/] {noun} (agbada, agbadas) abadá Agdistis [/æɡ.dɪs.tɪs/] {properNoun} Agdistis age [/eɪd͡ʒ/] {noun, verb} (ages, aging, ageing, aged) idade | envelhecer | velhice | época | era | geração age group {noun} (age groups) faixa etária age of consent {noun} (ages of consent) idade de consentimento Age of Enlightenment {properNoun} Iluminismo age of majority {noun} (ages of majority) maioridade agedly {adverb} (more agedly, most agedly) envelhecidamente ageism [/ˈeɪdʒ.ɪzm̩/] {noun} idadismo agelast [/ˈeɪd͡ʒə.læst/] {noun} (agelasts) agelasta agelastic {adjective} (more agelastic, most agelastic) agelasta ageless {adjective} (most ageless, more ageless) eterno

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