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Physical Characteristics of the Bull Terrier

(from the American Kennel Club breed standard)

Head: Long, strong and deep right to the end of the muzzle, but not coarse. Oval in outline and should be filled completely up…i.e., egg shaped.

Eyes: Small, triangular and obliquely placed; set near together and high up on the dog’s head.

Nose: Black, with well-developed nostrils bent downward at the tip.

Lips: Clean and tight.

Teeth: Either a level or a scissors bite.

Chest: Broad when viewed from in front, and there should be great depth from withers to brisket.

Legs: Forelegs should be of moderate length, perfectly straight. The elbows must turn neither in nor out, and the pasterns should be strong and upright. The thighs very muscular with hocks well let down. Hind pasterns short and upright. The stifle joint should be well bent with a well-developed second thigh.

Ears: Small, thin and placed close together.

Neck: Very muscular, long, arched and clean.

Body: Well rounded with marked spring of rib, the back should be short and strong. The back ribs deep. The shoulders should be strong and muscular but without heaviness.

Underline: From the brisket to the belly should form a graceful upward curve.

Tail: Short, set on low, fine, and ideally should be carried horizontally.

Coat: Short, flat, harsh to the touch and with a fine gloss.

Color: White: White though markings on the head are permissible. Colored: Any color other than white, or any color with white markings.

Feet: Round and compact with well-arched toes like a cat.

Bull Terrier

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