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The Bull Terrier certainly is not the dog for everyone, but those who reluctantly accept the Bull Terrier’s drawbacks are paid back in spades for the breed’s positive traits. The Bull Terrier personality is undoubtedly the greatest trait of this unique dog. Undying devotion and loyalty to his family are coupled with clownish curiosity and playfulness to make the Bully a lifelong friend that is an absolute joy to own and watch. The Bull Terrier is entertaining as he investigates new surroundings with the unending enthusiasm of a child and the tenacious attention to detail of a crime-scene investigator. When introduced to an object of any kind—be it a stuffed animal, a tennis ball or you name it—the Bull Terrier will inspect it, play with it and eventually try to either eat it or destroy it. This makes for great entertainment on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Without objects to play with, the Bull Terrier is certainly creative enough to keep himself occupied. (Owners quickly learn that it is far more astute to provide appropriate toys than to lose valuable possessions.) In fact, the unending desire to keep busy is a typical trait—something quite common among all puppies but a lifetime characteristic for the Bull Terrier. Your Bull Terrier will find something to do; if you are present, his job is to make you laugh. He’s something of an exhibitionist, so don’t be surprised to see your Bull Terrier showing off his athleticism by sprinting back and forth across the room, jumping or attacking inanimate objects—all in the name of keeping your attention. Should you get involved in playtime with him, you will not be disappointed. Toss a ball and watch your Bull Terrier pursue it with persistent vigor—leaping over and running through everything in his way with a speed that will both impress and delight you.

The big bull couldn’t bully the Bull Terrier. It takes no small amount of courage to stand up to an animal 20 times your size!

During a rousing romp on the beach, this Bull Terrier has no problem keeping up with his giant Great Pyrenees chum. All dogs play with their mouths open, but they learn how to play-bite so that their playmates aren’t injured.

Have you ever heard the saying, “He’d run into a brick wall for you?” It was probably started by the owner of a Bull Terrier, as these dogs seem to enjoy ramming headfirst into solid objects. In fact, it is not unusual for a Bull Terrier to race about the house, bumping his head against the walls and furniture, as an expression of his desire to play with you. As alarming as you may find this performance, it will be hard for you to stay indifferent—you will soon find yourself laughing and eventually playing with your crazy Bull Terrier.

If his athletic prowess does not grab your attention, then you may want to close your ears. Believe it or not, your Bull Terrier may soon be asking for you. That’s right, many Bull Terriers can “talk!” They can’t recite Shakespearean verses, but they will grunt, groan and grumble. These amusing vocalizations are not to be confused with growling (which the Bull Terrier will do when necessary). The Bull Terrier makes great attempts at conversation and you will learn to interpret his various noises. Once provided with some kind of reaction, he will use his seemingly unlimited vocabulary on a regular basis. This endearing trait may be annoying or strange to some people, but Bull Terrier owners thoroughly enjoy and revel in it.

Though not regarded as a bird dog, the Bull Terrier is curious enough to inspect this feathery carcass.

As terriers, or “earth dogs,” Bull Terriers have been used to rid the landscape of vermin. The breed’s ratting instinct is frequently tested during special events like this one that took place in Colorado.

You’ve probably guessed by now that the Bull Terrier desperately craves and needs human attention. Bull Terriers are very family-oriented and are not happy when kept apart from the family. You will need to accept your Bull Terrier as a member of the family and include him in family activities and excursions. If you cannot take your Bull Terrier with you on an extended trip, by all means find someone to watch him. It does not take much time for the Bull Terrier to get lonely and depressed. Luckily, this breed is very sociable and will quickly accept someone introduced as a friend.

Look at your Bull Terrier and you will be returned a loving gaze from coal-black eyes. These same eyes will glint when he knows he’s being naughty, but will love you just as much and expect the same in return. In fact, he loves you so much it may drive you mad, as it is not uncommon for a Bull Terrier literally to sit on top of you—be it at your feet, on your lap or anywhere else you’ll allow him—every moment of the day! Bull Terriers do not sit near you; they sit on you. Hopefully you’ll find this intimacy endearing, for it is more than difficult to get him to move once he’s settled down on a warm, cozy part of your body. A true Bull Terrier is a most stubborn animal; you’d have more luck moving a mule than a Bull Terrier.

The Bull Terrier is not really an all-weather dog. Snow is a novelty, but after a short time outdoors in cold (or heat) he will prefer the comforts of the indoors.

This young lady has become an honorary part of a Bully puppy pack. Few breeds are as fun-loving and comical as the Bull Terrier.

The digging instinct is still strong in the Bull Terrier. This bitch is clamming for her supper!

Perhaps that’s where the breed’s name comes from: their rather bullish obstinacy. Your Bull Terrier is occupying your favorite chair? Make life easy on yourself and find a new favorite chair for the moment. Don’t be surprised, either, when he makes a move as if he wants to go out to do his business, then jumps in your warm chair the minute you get up to open the door! Overbearing? Yes. Obstinate? Yes. Neurotic? Well, for a dog, maybe…

Keep in mind that this stubbornness is teamed with a supreme confidence. Every day your Bull Terrier will check the rules and test his boundaries, just in case you’ve decided to change them or have a memory lapse. Thankfully, though, your consistent correction results in immediate acceptance and profuse tail wagging. “Just checking,” he might say.

If you don’t find it unusual for a dog to attempt talking, attack inanimate objects and trick you into giving up your chair, then maybe you’ll appreciate a Bull Terrier. But first keep reading as we examine some more unique and unusual habits of the Bull Terrier.

A Bull Terrier will eat just about anything he can get his teeth around, and in fact might use edibility as a criterion when judging everything in the world. At the same time, the Bull Terrier knows what he likes in his mouth, and will do cartwheels if he has to when there’s a possibility of his getting a favorite treat. However, don’t try to bore a Bull Terrier with the standard liver treats, as this dog appreciates exotic cuisine. For example, have you ever seen a dog go wild over a banana? Try offering one to a Bull Terrier. Chances are the Bull Terrier will be doing backward flips before you can finish peeling the banana.

Bull Terriers dive right into exercise and, surprisingly, they love water sports, too.

Keep your Bull Terrier active. Running and ball playing are two favorite breed pastimes. Surely your Bull Terrier can help keep you fit if you let him.

Then there is a phenomenon some owners refer to as “trancing,” “ghost walking” or “weed walking.” This is a strange exercise whereby your Bull Terrier is outdoors and finds a bush or patch of tall grass, and decides to “take cover.” The dog will walk ever so slowly underneath the bush, then stop completely still. An up-close look at the dog will reveal glazed-over eyes, as if he’s in a trance, as the wind gently blows the bushes and strokes his back. Then, for no apparent reason, the dog will snap out of it, jump out of cover and continue rambling about. Some owners have witnessed this not only outdoors but indoors when the Christmas tree is up. No one seems to have come up with a logical reason for this behavior.

Bull Terriers always have a secret to share. This Bull Terrier is bursting with kisses and sweet talk for his owner.

After discovering the Bull Terrier’s unique traits, perhaps you see all of these quirks as lovable and enjoyable. If so, you may be ready to be a Bull Terrier owner!

The fact that the Bull Terrier is a very special breed with inherent quirkiness, destructiveness and behavioral patterns that can drive some dog owners crazy cannot be overemphasized. The purpose of this book is not to scare you away from adopting a Bull Terrier, but rather to make sure that you are aware of what comes with the Bull Terrier besides a cute smile and a big head. Unfortunately, too many Bull Terriers fall to euthanasia at very young ages because their owners were not aware of, or prepared for, the breed’s unique personality. On the positive side, most Bull Terrier experts agree that if you can survive the first year with your Bull Terrier, you’ll be hooked for life.

Bull Terrier

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