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By different methods different men excel; But where is he who can do all things well?



IF PEOPLE WERE MORE CHARITABLE to each other, the world would be a better place. Charity takes little effort and can give much pleasure. Remember, whatever you give out will come back to you when you are at your lowest ebb, so that it will have the maximum effect.

Visualisation: You are preparing for the first exhibition of your sculptures, and feeling very vulnerable. Will it be a success? Or will it be a great flop? An acquaintance asks for a preview of your work. After a while he walks toward the door. ‘I have to go,’ he says.

‘Well, that was quick,’ you reply. ‘Before you leave, will you tell me what you think of my art?’

He grimaces. ‘Not much, I’m afraid.’ As he leaves, you feel as though someone has hit you in the stomach.

Later, that same evening you remember a similar criticism that you had levelled at a friend when he had needed encouragement, and make a promise to yourself that, in future, you will try to be more charitable towards others.

Affirmation: Charity toward others will enhance my own life.

A Mind of Your Own

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