Читать книгу The Retreat - By Sam Marie and Daniel B - Страница 10

Katie’s Journal Entry


Since things are now more quiet, I go with Rosie to the showers late at night, and Alex has been jumping over the fence to see me. We found a way to get into the tool shed, it was easy, we just needed a screwdriver to unscrew the hinges where the lock was. We go in there, sit on the floor and talk.

Last night, I decided that talking time was long over; I needed to be held. He is so sweet, he holds me close and sometimes I can lay on his lap while he runs his fingers through my hair. We talked about our big dreams for the future. He keeps telling me how good I smell and how kind I am. He said my family had it all wrong, that he thought I was a wonderful person. I was feeling awkward and wondered if he was being truthful; people are not nice, unless they want something. Maybe he is just telling me what he thinks I want to hear, but either way, it’s nice and I will enjoy it while I have it.

I stopped thinking over all that, and then I got up so we could go back before we are missed. He helped me up and then grabbed me as I got on my feet. He pulled me close and kissed me. It was so fast that It caught me by total surprise. I know I have been wanting him to kiss me, but I was waiting for him to take the initiative. I felt like I was spinning, floating. It felt like there were butterflies in my stomach as he took my breath away for an instant; I had never felt such wonders. What have I been missing? I came out of the shed feeling a bit wobbly. Rosie grabbed my hand, and we rushed back towards the dormitory. She was giggling, and halfway back to the dorm room, she pulled me to the side, behind a pillar in one of the hallways. She said I looked funny, and tried to brush my hair back off my face. She said “spill! What did you guys do in there?” I told her it was all like some dream, and then he kissed me. I told her how good it felt, and must have described it so well, that she was blushing now. She said she had never been kissed before, and she wanted to try it.

She suddenly giggled and said “show me!” I am not sure if my head was still in the clouds, I started kissing her without hesitation. In my own twisted mind I felt that I wanted to share this new wonderful experience with her. Her lips were so soft and delicate, I didn’t feel the same as I did with Alex, but she was so delicate, sweet, and tasted like bubblegum. When I stopped I realized that I had possibly crossed some line of indecency or something. I stepped back and looked at her. Her eyes were as wide as an owl’s eyes, she didn’t move one bit. I hugged her and told her I was sorry, I got carried away. She said it was alright, and with a shy smile, she told me that she had liked it, and maybe we should try it again some time. Right now we had to get back fast; it was almost midnight and we have to get up early. What a night!

The Retreat

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