Читать книгу The Retreat - By Sam Marie and Daniel B - Страница 16

Katie’s Journal Entry


School will be out in a month for the summer, and somehow Alex’s parents came to take him home, back to the U.S. That just hit me out of the blue! He had no idea either, he suspected when he turned 18 he would be going back, but he still had a few months left. I am so torn, missing my one dear friend, the one who knows me better than I know myself. He never judged me, he was kind and loving. I haven’t eaten a full meal for days. I have made up my mind, and I am going to go find Alex. It is so difficult, because that means I have to leave Rosie behind. I somehow just feel that I must go, I will be 18 also in a few months and I want to go back to San Diego anyway. I think my time has come to move on. Yes, change hurts, but sometimes it is necessary. I left without saying good bye, because it would be impossible to leave then. I left a note for Rosie and one for Sister Helena. I hated leaving without doing that at least. I left before anyone got up, walked out into the darkness and was on my way to a new chapter in my life.

The Retreat

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