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Katie’s Journal Entry


No now here I am, writing in the evenings while the day winds down and I have a little time.

The weeks seem to be going by fast. We have been getting up early to do chores. The laundry has to be washed by hand, it has to be done and hung to dry by 7 am. After we are done with all that, we have prayer and breakfast. Us older girls have to take most of the chores, because the younger ones are too little to do that much. The little ones have a few toys to play with, nothing like all the toys I had when I was at home with my mom. I know, I was spoiled and had so much. The girls had a jump rope made of yellow plastic rope, a set of jacks, and Elena had one doll. And of course, there is plenty of paper and crayons to draw with. I especially love going to see the farm animals at the animal pens, sometimes I am allowed to feed them. The rose garden is beautiful to walk through in the evenings, I keep thinking I am walking the same gardens that my mom used to walk through when she was young. I went back and walked past the cells imagining what it was like for the nuns to seclude themselves. The cells were quite eerie and somehow they held an irresistible attraction.

The Retreat

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